Sly Bald Guys Forum

Confidence and Success => Fitness/Diet => Topic started by: Viking on September 11, 2012, 03:14:06 AM

Title: Turning around.......
Post by: Viking on September 11, 2012, 03:14:06 AM
Hi there baldies, just seeking out some advice here! Basically i've receantly decided it's time to sort myself out. I have allways been on the larger side and now at the age of 29 I found myself sitting at 21 stone (294lbs) which obviously isn't that great. I found it was starting to restrict what i could do in life and obviously it just isn't healthy, it is all my own doing, a decade of lazyness combined with a poor diet.  :/O

I've made changes to my diet and in a few weeks dropped a stone (14lbs), the wheels have come off the wagon a bit this last week or so as I'm off work and boredom seems to lead me to bad food, at least when I'm at work I'm distracted!

I'm not looking to be super skinny or anything, that just isn't me, but I'd like to loose weight and maybe replace some bad weight with good weight by bulking up a bit, I quite like being a "big" person but I'd like to be a healthy "big" person!

Anyone done simillar and give any advice on diet plans etc.... to help me out.

I'm not really into going to gyms, I just don't like the places as they seem to be full of people who laugh at fat people then laugh at them even more when they try to not be fat.  :/O I do have a deceant exercise bike and a small spare room that I'm going to turn into a "mini" home gym, was thinking maybe some weights (I used to enjoy weights when rugby training as a teen).

Any advice would be great!!

P.S. i'm not shaving off the beard to save weight!!  ;D
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Slynito on September 11, 2012, 03:35:53 AM
Noooo, don't shave the beard! I believe that more fuel has to be burned that is coming into the body, to lose weight. It's all math and physics... Have you tried a vegetarian diet for a few weeks, just to see if it makes you feel better? There's a wagon load of diets out there. I remember the Pritikin Diet years ago, it sure worked for me. There are a couple SGBs that I'm sure will be along to give their advice...Goog luck!

Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Viking on September 11, 2012, 04:35:52 AM
I've allways been a strong believer in the simplistic way of dieting of eating less/doing more, faddy diets just don't seem longterm, which is what I'm after. Having said that I did consider going veggie for a month but that was mainly to 1) Help cleanse my body almost as I was feeling rough most of the time, 2) To help me stop slipping and getting a burger etc.... In the end I decided against as good meat is healthy.

Like I said I'm going for longterm not just drop a few stone and put it back on, I'm not even aiming for a target weight as for me it's just about getting to a point where I feel more comfortable with myself, be that being 18 stone or 14 stone, I just want to feel better.

My problem so far is that my days tended to go something along the lines or fruit in the morning, fruit at lunch and a healthy dinner in the evening, although sounding healthy in theory (and I rarely felt hungry) it doesn't seem right longterm.
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Beardman on September 11, 2012, 07:21:54 AM
Gearhead, your story is alot like mine. I am sorry to hear you feel that way about gyms though, When I started at the gym I was probably a bit over 300 pounds and I never once felt that people were looking down on me... Maybe you are just going to the wrong gym if you are getting this kind of reaction! One thing I noticed, (even I tend to do it now) is that people tend to check out the new people a bit more... but after the first few visits most people will stop paying such close attention to you.

To lose weight it is really about balancing what you eat, to make sure that you are putting in a little less food in that you are burning off. Stay away from the carbs (pasta, rice, sugar drinks, white bread, that kind of thing) and try and eat some more protein and vegies (make sure you eat your greens, they are full of all the good stuff and best of all they help you poop! haha).

You also want to be trying to do an hour or so of exercise a day if you can, be it weights or cardio, I personally alternate daily between the 2 over a 6 day workout week, so that's 3 weights, 3 cardio a week with 1 rest day (you want at least 1 rest day a week for your body to recover). With this method if I rein my diet in and push hard I can lose 3-4 pounds a week, but seeing you are starting out I'd be easing into it.

I don't know how much you are willing to put into this home gym idea, but if you were to get yourself a decent set of dumbells and a barbell with some plates that will be enough to get your set started. Then just google something like "beginner strength training" or something like that. Please though, and I am speaking from experience here, make sure you know exactly how to do an lift before you do it, especially if you are doing something like squats or deadlifts, your technique needs to be really good to go heavy with them and one slip in concentration and you could injure yourself (been there done that, it isn't fun), if you know someone that can help you with your technique initially then use their knowledge, or else watch lots of how to videos on youtube, or ( (this site is full of useful information).

Until you get some equipment behind you though, if you google no weight workouts you will find some cool information to get you started, at a quick look I found this, ( she even has some videos on how to do to do some of the exercises, so that is handy.

Oh that is another thing, if you can get someone else to make the journey with you then that will be the best thing you can do! It will stop you from getting bored in between sets, and also you have someone there to help you if you get yourself into trouble!

I hope you have found this helpful, I'm sure that some better qualified people could jump in and provide some more advice, I can only say what has worked for me. Since I started going to the gym about 15 months ago now I think it is, I am sitting on just over 200 pounds and most of that I have lost in the past 9 months since I started hitting the gym 6 nights a week and setting myself goals and sticking to them. I now only want to lose another 5 pounds or so and then I am going to start focusing even more on just building muscle (my gym partner and I are talking about going to a 5 night weight program), because like you, I've got used to being a big boy and want to kind of stay that way, but by swapping out what is left of my fat with muscle.

Best of luck with your journey though mate, when you start to get the ball rolling join TY, myself and a few of the other boys over in the sly fitness challenge threads and post your monthly goals up with us and join in the fun of reaching them together! I have no doubt that if you put your mind to it you will be able to achieve anything you set your mind too.  O0

If you have any more questions I will do my best to answer them.
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Viking on September 11, 2012, 01:26:44 PM
Thanks for taking the time to write all that mate! I've never noticed the fitness challenge part of the forum before, I'll definatly get something up there, it's a great motivator to find other people have done what I'd like to do, so thanks.

I've spied a half deceant set of weights on ebay going cheap local to me that I'm tempted to bid on. My dad used to be into his squash so I might challenge him to a game, he's also got an open canoe I'm tempted to steal off him!! I'm trying to make this thing fun rather than a chore!!

I've got some really cool healthy recipes aswell which I'll put up also!
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Beardman on September 12, 2012, 02:12:08 AM
You are welcome mate, I hopefully you found it useful. Making it fun is definitely the way to go, you will get so much more reward out of it if you make losing weight fun, up until it started getting to cold and wet through winter every Sunday a mate and I were out bushwalking, canoeing, rock climbing, and exploring new locations as well as our 6 night a weeks in the gym. It made it fun and now that spring is here I am hoping to pick it back up again.

I look forward to reading your updates and those recipes, I quite enjoy cooking myself and am always looking out for fun new foods!
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Viking on September 12, 2012, 03:01:38 AM
Spring?? I'm guessing your an Aussie then?? I just kinda assumed for some reason everyone was from America on here, dunno why as I'm from England!
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Frontier Guy on September 12, 2012, 04:19:27 AM
SBG is an incredibly diverse international community. And often the non-English use the language better than the native speakers! So that's no tip off.
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Beardman on September 12, 2012, 06:26:19 AM
Spring?? I'm guessing your an Aussie then?? I just kinda assumed for some reason everyone was from America on here, dunno why as I'm from England!

You got it in one :D

SBG is an incredibly diverse international community. And often the non-English use the language better than the native speakers! So that's no tip off.

Very true, we have people from almost every continent here. Not everyone is American, but a large number seem to be either English or American.
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: TyMoore122 on September 13, 2012, 11:50:25 PM
Hi Gearhead,
Saw you joined us in the challenge, you will do fine!! I let myself fall out a few years back and woke up weighing almost 270 pounds (no idea how many rocks that is, Beardman is in charge of conversions)...but anyway, now I am at my target weight of 210, lift 3-4 days a week and bike about 100 miles a week. I didn't get there in one day!!! its starting and staying committed, get a great scale, use a program like and set a schedule. Focus managing your calories consumed and burned via the web site, and enjoy the workouts. I am 47 years old and did it, so a young lad like you can do it.

As they say we didn't gain it all in one day, so don't worry about losing it all at once. Like being sly its a life style, not a hobby or gimmick!

As Beardman said we look forward to working with you.
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Beardman on September 14, 2012, 02:54:39 AM
Hi Gearhead,
almost 270 pounds [...] Beardman is in charge of conversions)...

That is about 19 stones

Wow, I used to be 22 stones before I started...

Between all of us we could build be a pretty decent rock wall...
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: TyMoore122 on September 14, 2012, 07:41:49 PM
The great wall of Sly  O0
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on September 14, 2012, 07:46:45 PM
Try the toughest exercise in the world--I'm serious--push away from the table.  If it doesn't fit on a plate not larger than 9" in diameter or it's piled higher than 1/2"--don't eat it.  If it does, not more than one serving, not less than 3 1/2 hours before bedtime.  Never, but never miss breakfast.  And not liking the gym, get over it--get to it or learn to love an early date with a coffin.   
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Beardman on September 14, 2012, 07:54:27 PM
The great wall of Sly  O0


Try the toughest exercise in the world--I'm serious--push away from the table.  If it doesn't fit on a plate not larger than 9" in diameter or it's piled higher than 1/2"--don't eat it.  If it does, not more than one serving, not less than 3 1/2 hours before bedtime.  Never, but never miss breakfast.  And not liking the gym, get over it--get to it or learn to love an early date with a coffin.   

Not sure how to take that... There is other ways to lose weight without going to the gym, the gym is just an easier way to do it because everything you need is all in the one place. I personally love the gym, but I can also understand why some people would seek alternative ways to do the same thing. Other then that I agree with the rest of your advice, even sometime I still slip and go back for seconds, and I try my best to never eat after 8pm, other then my protein shake when I get home from the gym, sometimes it is unavoidable though... so I just eat light.
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Sir Harry on September 15, 2012, 04:12:52 AM
Another key is that you only should eat until you're full.....there is no shame in NOT finishing everything on your plate....Too many people make the mistake of trying to stuff their face because they don't want to waste food....all well and good, but that's why doggie bags and Ziploc containers were invented...Another thing that has helped me is to drink plenty of low-sugar liquids(water) and eat peanut butter (alone or mixed in with chocolate, etc.) to help curb my appetite.
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Viking on September 15, 2012, 04:43:49 AM
Thanks guys, it's a good point about finishing a plate, growing up as a kid we're allways told to finish your plate. I've really paid attention to portion sizing as before we'd make a meal that'd feed 4 and eat it just the 2 of us, usually with a good load going in the bin. I've bought a load of takeaway style containers so I'm still cooking for 4 but it's making us two meals instead.

How often do you recommend eating, I've read reading more small meals more often is adviseable, at the moment i've been eating very little until the evening meal.

I bought myself a weight bench to go with the exercise bike so I've got my own little "mini" gym going on with a nice big amp and speakers!!
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Sir Harry on September 15, 2012, 05:12:55 AM
If you go the small meal route, I would say probably about every 2-3 hours......Believe it or not, breakfast, IMO should be your heaviest meal of the day, but as was said earlier, you should not eat at least three hours prior to going to bed (some people may be able to get away with only two). The average adult male consumes about 2000-2300 calories per day, but my doctor says that non-gym rats should try to cap off their calorie intake at 1800....I cheat a little on this by drinking diet sodas when I drink them, and also don't add salt to your food...just a couple of small steps...Most importantly, don't look for overnight success...that's where many people go wrong.
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Beardman on September 15, 2012, 07:36:11 AM
eat peanut butter (alone or mixed in with chocolate, etc.) to help curb my appetite.

That is an interesting tip! I might put that one in the bank.

I bought myself a weight bench to go with the exercise bike so I've got my own little "mini" gym going on with a nice big amp and speakers!!

Nice, sounds like your mini gym is coming along nicely!
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Laser Man on September 15, 2012, 07:19:41 PM
SlySirHarry, breakfast doesn't have to be the biggest meal, but it should be protein-rich since proteins pack a lot of energy and burn more slowly.  Most American breakfasts are carb-rich, actually very fast burning carbs like processed cereals, white bread, bagels.  Slower burning carbs like fruit and whole grains are better. 
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Viking on September 16, 2012, 02:59:37 AM
Fortunatly I've discovered porridge with water, allways sounded horrible so previously I've only ever eaten it with milk but it's actually real nice so a nice bowl of that and some fruit it is!!
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: mahaw90 on September 16, 2012, 05:02:53 AM
I weigh 17 stone but I'm not exactly fat, I want to get to 14 stone. I know how to but I have zero motivation. I also like food to much :(
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Beardman on September 16, 2012, 06:29:34 AM
You can still enjoy food and lose weight. I eat whatever I want, I just don't want junk food anymore I guess haha. Healthy food just tastes so much better!
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Viking on September 16, 2012, 08:19:50 AM
I started eating healthy in August and dropped about a stone and more importantly just felt more energised when I woke up in the morning and less sluggish. Since I've been on holiday from work the last 2 weeks I've slipped back into some bad habbits and it has really woken me up again to getting back on the healthy train as my body feels like it's gone crap again.

I guess you are what you eat, you eat nice fresh, low fat healthy meals then you will feel better than if you eat greasy heavy no good meals. It is a great feeling when your body is actually craving for something fresh.

Motivation is the killer, I lost count how many times I told myself "right, I'll start being good tomorrow / after I have this take away / the beginning of next month / new years day / after my birthday.....etc......" in reality you just have to stop right there and then or else you never will. Go get a big food shop in also, it's all to easy to get in from a bad day at work a bit late and go "sod it, i'll just call up a pizza", if you have food that can be made up quick then i found I'll do it.

Try and see it as a better way of life, not just a diet or fad, essentially eat less and burn more and you will loose weight and feel better in general. Don't deny yourself anything, just really really cut back, I was probably eating good maybe 10-20% of the time, if I can change that to 80-90% of the time it'll make one hell of a difference. Yeah there will be nights i'll go and sink a load of beers or go out to a restaurant and blow out but there is no harm in that as long as it's once in a while rather than once every few days. Banning yourself from everything bad for you will just lead to failure, the more you say "no beer" or "no pizza" the more you'll hate yourself for denying yourself of it. I also found that after a month of living healthy it makes bad stuff taste real nice and you'll appreciate the flavours more, that take away curry will taste amazing rather than the same as it did when your orderd it 2 days earlier and last week. Most importantly, if you fall off the wagon, don't beat yourself up and throw in the towel, jump straight back on it and use it as motivator.

Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Bluebriz on September 16, 2012, 09:31:05 AM
There's a book I have that I can't recommend highly enough. "you are your own gym: the bible of body weight exercises.". I suggest taking a look at that, or even cheaper, get the app for Android or the Apple thing.  The app is a couple of quid and has program's you can follow, record what you've done, with videos showing the correct way for each exercise.  Could be the best app you ever buy!
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Viking on September 16, 2012, 10:11:41 AM
I'll take a look at that, thanks!
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: mahaw90 on September 16, 2012, 12:14:04 PM
I'm thinking of going on a raw Food diet just to shred abit of weight. It will consist of eating vegetables, abit of fruit and some protein. Staying off the carbs and only drinking water.
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Viking on September 16, 2012, 01:09:49 PM
Water is a good idea, or no added sugar squash is good if you get bored of the council pop!

Fortunatly for me I'm not really into carbs, never been a big fan of potatos, rice, pasta even bread really so cutting them hasn't been too bad for me. Biggest problem I've had is staying full, with portion sizes dropping a fair bit and keeping away from rice, pasta etc.... it's finding something to replace that bulk. Been eating a load of veg, but again you have to be careful as they all add up.

Dry fried (just straight in a hot non stick pan, no fat) courgette, peppers and aubergines have become a favourate in our household!!
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Beardman on September 17, 2012, 02:26:05 AM
We eat a lot of stir fries in my house or salads. and a lot of Kangaroo, (fun fact: Australia is the only country to eat the animals on it's coat of arms/national emblem), Kangaroo is probably my favourite meat, it is like a really lean, gamey version of beef, I guess, but tastes awesome, as long as you cook it right (rare-medium rare). Although we still also eat at least 1 rice and 1 pasta dish a week, but I am not too fussed about that, I have finally taught mum to buy wholegrain pastas :D
Title: Re: Turning around.......
Post by: Laser Man on September 17, 2012, 07:32:33 AM
We eat a lot of stir fries in my house or salads. and a lot of Kangaroo, (fun fact: Australia is the only country to eat the animals on it's coat of arms/national emblem), Kangaroo is probably my favourite meat, it is like a really lean, gamey version of beef, I guess, but tastes awesome, as long as you cook it right (rare-medium rare).

Benjamin Franklin suggested that the united States adopt the turkey instead of the bald eagle as its national symbol.  Had that happened, every November when Americans sit down to Thanksgiving dinner, we would be eating our national symbol!  Just some food for thought!