Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Bald Weasel on September 01, 2012, 05:32:51 PM

Title: times flies!
Post by: Bald Weasel on September 01, 2012, 05:32:51 PM
21 days since the end of my 30 Day Challenge!
How in the world did that happen?? :o
I've settled into a every other day shaving and the scallop seems pretty happy.
Just as you guys said, I took time to let it get used to the new NON-do.
Gotten used to the routine and can basically shave it all with only one or two reruns over a couple places.
I gave the HeadBlade a honest go, but finally tried (and have stayed with) the Schick Hydro 5.
Sam's Club had a deal for 2 razors and 12 blades for $24. Maybe I'll give the HB another shot when I run out of Hydro blades.
To the Gents on the "Bump Patrol" post (whose ever it was) that answered all my Q's THANK YOU!!
That stuff is absolutely magical.
I rub some on after every shave and the back of my neck is barely even red at the end of the shave now.
Also, Bump Patrol is $10.99 around here for the regular strength. I looked on AMAZON and found it for $4.99 for the extra strength!!
$5something for Del, but still I got 3 bottles with shipping for $20 and change. Essentially, buy 2 get one free.
Just passing that along in case it will help anyone who is a fellow user.
Only other thing I got is it sure seems to be taking awhile to get to the same tone as my face.
Although, I may just be being overly careful. The post by the other forum member about getting a bad enough burn it got blistered and possibly sun poisoning, if remembering correctly, stuck in my mind.
"I'll stay a lil pale for a lil while longer." I recall thinking.
That's that. Still very happy with my unflaky head and can't see backsliding to the furry side. LoL!
Once again, THANK YOU to all the members that made my Sly journey's beginning SOOOOOoooooooo much smoother (pun very much intended! :*))).
Now....time to get to the Sly Store and get me a Sly Guys T-shirt. I now feel worthy of wearing one and not feeling like a wannabee! O:O
OH! and a knit cap for Florida's 6 days of winter.

Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: Frontier Guy on September 01, 2012, 05:42:03 PM
Congratulations Keith on your Sly Graduation.

Sounds like you did everything right, which will be good reinforcement for new guys reading this in the future.

Carry the Sly Torch proudly.
Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: leighmundo40 on September 01, 2012, 05:43:48 PM
Good for you! It suits you!
Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: Beardman on September 01, 2012, 06:40:32 PM
The colour will come, glad to hear you are still enjoying the look!
Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: -Doug- on September 01, 2012, 07:06:07 PM
Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: Hingatao on September 01, 2012, 08:42:24 PM
It shouldn't be too much longer before your scalp gets some color. I'm just shy of 3 months of slyness and the tone on my dome almost matches my face.
Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: Paul the Headblader on September 01, 2012, 09:43:15 PM
congratulations. keep it up
Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: Bald Weasel on September 01, 2012, 09:54:06 PM
Thank you Gents, one and all.
I don't see me going back.
As goofy as it sounds, I think of the time I am shaving as "thought time". I find myself going through
things to do for the day, what I want to get finished and What I did/what I could have done better.
Who wouldn't want more time to ponder this?? It is a centering moment if I shave before a workout and a
reflecting time if done at the end of the day. I have a good bit of family issues going on now (hence the
loss of time since I started being Sly) and this is a few minutes during the day that I feel I can concentrate
on myself and my thoughts.
Sorry. Goofy but true.
Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: Andrei on September 01, 2012, 10:53:18 PM
Nice done, congratulation!
Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: Beardman on September 02, 2012, 03:38:46 AM
Thank you Gents, one and all.
I don't see me going back.
As goofy as it sounds, I think of the time I am shaving as "thought time". I find myself going through
things to do for the day, what I want to get finished and What I did/what I could have done better.
Who wouldn't want more time to ponder this?? It is a centering moment if I shave before a workout and a
reflecting time if done at the end of the day. I have a good bit of family issues going on now (hence the
loss of time since I started being Sly) and this is a few minutes during the day that I feel I can concentrate
on myself and my thoughts.
Sorry. Goofy but true.

No need to be sorry :D

It is a good time to just relax and have a think!
Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: Slyfive on September 02, 2012, 04:45:03 AM
Congrats, I knew you'd stick with it from the start, it's a great look for you. And you're so right, the thought time is awesome.
Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: Sir Harry on September 02, 2012, 05:56:48 AM
Congratulations, you said, the shaving time is YOUR time....and no one can take that away.
Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: Bald Kahuna on September 02, 2012, 11:01:41 PM
Hello Keith,
So glad to hear you have stuck to the SLY routine and again, I always say on the are looking good as like a SLY guy should!

Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: kalbo on September 04, 2012, 06:02:04 AM
Kudos on the milestone Keith.
Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: mrzed on September 04, 2012, 06:23:09 AM
Thank you Gents, one and all.
I don't see me going back.
As goofy as it sounds, I think of the time I am shaving as "thought time". I find myself going through
things to do for the day, what I want to get finished and What I did/what I could have done better.
Who wouldn't want more time to ponder this?? It is a centering moment if I shave before a workout and a
reflecting time if done at the end of the day. I have a good bit of family issues going on now (hence the
loss of time since I started being Sly) and this is a few minutes during the day that I feel I can concentrate
on myself and my thoughts.
Sorry. Goofy but true.

I like this.

I too, really enjoy the time shaving my head each morning, looking for that super smooth feel.  Bald suits you well. Sounds like you too feel it is a keeper.

Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: Bald Weasel on September 06, 2012, 01:05:52 PM
Thanks for all the new comments.
And compliments.  O0
I have found that I like my hair, or lack of it, better than any other way I've had it.
When I got a moment to think about it, that's a bunch of different ways.
After all, I'm 42 this month meaning I was a teenager in the '80s.
So yep that stack of haircut's include THE MULLET!! :*))
Have a great day ya'll,
Title: Re: times flies!
Post by: Slyfive on September 11, 2012, 06:20:37 PM
The noble mullet, forever it shall remain on the heads of the enlightened