Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => General Discussion => Topic started by: **sticks** on May 17, 2007, 09:07:32 AM

Title: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: **sticks** on May 17, 2007, 09:07:32 AM
Thought everyone might enjoy this article.

Hope its not a double post.


What does everyone think??

If such a remedy is possible, how many people here would try it as opposed to still embracing the sly way???
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: BALDANDRE on May 17, 2007, 09:21:58 AM
Bald by Choice here... I WANT to be bald... so it's hard to answer like dudes that are only kidding themselves that SLY is cool...I think it WAY cool and will probably never have hair on my head again...btw,anything out there to make it easily permanent?

Funny though that you ask that question Sticks...I totally think YOU are a dude that looks WAY better bald than with hair, most guys here I think fall into that catagory...not having hair on your head can actually make a dude a lot better looking then when he had a full head of it!

That's just this bald dude's opinion...I'll go back to my corner now....
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: PigPen on May 17, 2007, 09:38:23 AM
Well said BA. Me too
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: Robmeister on May 17, 2007, 10:09:24 AM
Well said BA. Me too

Me Three!!!
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: Paul on May 17, 2007, 10:21:25 AM
Sly the only way for me 8)
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: schro on May 17, 2007, 10:22:43 AM
Given the fact that my seborrheic dermatitis has basically disappeared since I went SLY on 1/1/07, I am committed to maintaining the SLY look.

Not interested in taking a chance that crap will return to the Schrodome.
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: Stu on May 17, 2007, 11:00:02 AM
Once again, Andre is the man.  Some dudes look good with or without hair.  For Sticks, the nod definitely goes to sly.
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: **sticks** on May 17, 2007, 12:09:55 PM

Oh i plan on staying sly for quite a while...

im defintly digging the look and gained so much confidence since going for me its not an option...

I guess what I meant with my question above, is that if this "remedy" actually worked, and everyone could grow back hair (so no one else would have the horseshoe or come-over going on) how many people do you think will continue to be sly...i dont necessarily mean people on here but you think people will jump onto this oppurtunity or try to continue to be different.

I vote to embrace the sly way but I have a feeling a lot of people who are not sly by choice will def. jump on the opportunity....the sly population would fall... :(

Dont know why they would do that though :/O
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: **sticks** on May 17, 2007, 12:13:20 PM

Funny though that you ask that question Sticks...I totally think YOU are a dude that looks WAY better bald than with hair, most guys here I think fall into that catagory...not having hair on your head can actually make a dude a lot better looking then when he had a full head of it!

Thanks man!

or as my russian side would say...  Спасибо брат!
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: PBurke on May 17, 2007, 12:43:06 PM
let em jump on some stupid band wagon. that just means truly sly guys can stand out again. as you can tell, sly is here to stay on my gourd.
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: BALDANDRE on May 17, 2007, 01:15:13 PM
let em jump on some stupid band wagon. that just means truly sly guys can stand out again. as you can tell, sly is here to stay on my gourd.

Totally agree...really is a guy that shaves his head smooth, just because there is no other option, really livin' the SLY way..!?.

You gotta wear it with confidence and say THIS is the way I want to look! 8)
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: marshd1000 on May 17, 2007, 01:32:46 PM

While I am in the thinning and receeding category, I have a friend who had a wispy horseshoe who finally went sly after I encouraged him.  I think that he is sly to stay and is a dedicated Headblade user.  I think that he is really living the sly way.  I know that he won't grow the horseshoe back.  Plus he is not into combovers, rugs or Rogaine.  But I have never asked the question if he would take the plunge and get the "cure" for baldness.  But I think you can be really MPB and comitted to being sly!
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: BALDANDRE on May 17, 2007, 01:40:54 PM
But I think you can be really MPB and comitted to being sly!

I totally AGREE! I think my thing is when you love it, you LOVE it...when you are just doing it because it's 'kinda" SHOWS!

Having a totally bald is is a cool look, I've always thought that...even way back as a kid. When i had hair , I would see someone rockin' the shaved head, I would always say to, that looks cool, real good in fact, wish i could do that...

thats' the type of enthusiasm I was referring to...

I'm glad your friend is diggin' the SLY! 8)
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: YOSP on May 17, 2007, 01:47:07 PM
I do it because I love it!!! Unfortunatley it startedbecause of MPB, if I didn't like the look, I probably wouldn't be into shaving everyday, and getting all the products...

It may sound like a broken record, but I didn't realize how much rockin the "SLY" was going to have a positive affect on me and my confidence! O0 O0

I haven't been in the ocean or a pool in 7yrs, I can't wait to jump in, FREEDOMMMMMM!!!!!!! (I feel like William Wallace.) @c3 
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: BALDANDRE on May 17, 2007, 01:51:22 PM
I do it because I love it!!! Unfortunatley it startedbecause of MPB, if I didn't like the look, I probably wouldn't be into shaving everyday, and getting all the products...

It may sound like a broken record, but I didn't realize how much rockin the "SLY" was going to have a positive affect on me and my confidence! O0 O0

I haven't been in the ocean or a pool in 7yrs, I can't wait to jump in, FREEDOMMMMMM!!!!!!! (I feel like William Wallace.) @c3 

Now, see THAT'S what I'm talkin' about O0
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: BaldRob on May 17, 2007, 01:56:15 PM
Wouldn't even be an option for me to try that... love the sly lifestyle too freakin' much!!

Wonder if the whiners guys over at HLT have seen this yet??  If they have, then they are probably all volunteering to be human testers!!  :*))
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: mikesj on May 17, 2007, 02:51:50 PM
Great question
Even if it became available now, don't think I would go back as I love the look and feel of being sly.   If it was available before I went sly, not knowing what I know now, I guess I would be giving it a chance.
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: BALDANDRE on May 17, 2007, 02:59:57 PM
Great question
Even if it became available now, don't think I would go back as I love the look and feel of being sly.   If it was available before I went sly, not knowing what I know now, I guess I would be giving it a chance.

Thats a great response...I can see if a dude has NEVER tried going sly for any period of time and would want to give it a try...but one that has been sly...then decides to want hair.....

 :x! :x! :x! :x!
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: champ007 on May 17, 2007, 08:56:25 PM
Sly till I die!
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: blondeguy on May 18, 2007, 12:20:12 AM
I'll be sly forever.  8)

I'll repeat what I said in another thread that there are two many unknowns to claim this as a baldness cure.  I wonder about the risk for cancerous growth since they're amplifying a regenerative signal in the cells.  It does illustrate the regenerative abilities of the skin when it's given a large wound--in mice skin anyway.  Whoever wants to volunteer getting deep, open gashes in their scalp to test a future treatment, raise your hands! :)
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: Kajun on May 18, 2007, 02:20:04 PM
if it was truely a CURE for baldness and was cost effective as in under $1000...and i wasnt over 50 by the time it was available for the common man....of course i'd try it out....plain and simple... i look better with a full head of hair than sly........i look better sly than with a half of head of hair....nothing wrong with wanting what god gave you to start with....from there if you want to be BBC then you have that option.......i'd like to have an option which i dont have now.

Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: BALDANDRE on May 18, 2007, 02:25:54 PM
if it was truely a CURE for baldness and was cost effective as in under $1000...and i wasnt over 50 by the time it was available for the common man....of course i'd try it out....plain and simple... i look better with a full head of hair than sly........i look better sly than with a half of head of hair....nothing wrong with wanting what god gave you to start with....from there if you want to be BBC then you have that option.......i'd like to have an option which i dont have now.

I hear ya! O0

Nice though...that the SLY look suits you so well! You're a natual for the slicked dome!

Even with what you just said in the post... I'm glad you're diggin' the sly look! 8)
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: YOSP on May 18, 2007, 02:32:14 PM rock the look well, I understand where you are coming from, and I honestly feel some men look more natural with the "SLY" look than others, its the confidence that sets individuals apart, but it fits you well bro...
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: blondeguy on May 18, 2007, 02:35:51 PM
I'm the kind of guy who looks better sly.  I never knew how unhappy my hair made me until I cut it off.

Kajun:  Though you think you look better with a full head of hair, I can't even picture you with it. :)
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: PBurke on May 18, 2007, 11:13:13 PM
i am sexy with or without hair. but sly is soooooooo much more fun. ;)
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: Baldan on May 22, 2007, 07:16:16 PM
I LOVE being SLY...  :D

However why are they wasting time on finding a "solution" to baldness as if its a problem!?

Why don't they do something really helpful and find a lotion that will keep the hair OFF for longer than a few hours (thats how long it takes for my hair to start "stubbling")

I LOVE it smooth... I don't like it when it starts to roughen up! >:(

The longer hair stays away from my bonce, the better!
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: Baldan on May 22, 2007, 07:35:36 PM
Mind you... re-reading what Kajun said, I think that too is a fair point.

Regardless of how much I am loving my look right now, I would rather have had the CHOICE to be sly than for mother nature to push me that direction (only for me to beat her to it)

I LOVE my look... but if I admit it, there are times when I miss having the choice to change my look by restyling my barnet (hair)...

Dont get me wrong... what I said in my previous post I meant - If they found a cure to slow down the growth of the 5 o clock shadow, then that would be great.  O0

However if they DID have a lotion that gave me the choice to now and then have FULLY BLOWN, NON THINNING, THICK hair, I might consider it (now and again!)
Title: Re: Scientists Found Remedy for Baldness
Post by: froze on May 24, 2007, 12:49:46 PM
I agree Baldan..would rather have a lotion that would take the hair off!

Plus I was Sly by choice! I could have a big fro if I wanted!!!

PS Poor little bald lab rats!