Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Safety Razor Head Shaving => Topic started by: waine on June 26, 2012, 04:22:39 AM

Title: A special section for Double Edge and straight users
Post by: waine on June 26, 2012, 04:22:39 AM
OK, so now the administrator of this site has introduced a special section for DE users.  Thanks Mike! That is a good thing as the  previous posts are all sacttered around the "Head" shaving and the "Face" shaving section.  The only problem is  some poor new novice, knowledge hungry DE user will find no information here.  Should we start again? Do we copy and past all the "knowledge" from the other posts here?  Can that be done Mike?
Title: Re: A special section for Double Edge and straight users
Post by: Mikekoz13 on June 26, 2012, 05:16:57 AM
I can't take the credit for that one Waine. That would be the Grand Poobah of SBG.... Tyler!!!

I'm excited to see that new section and I'm looking forward to new threads in it!! I'll be purchasing my new DE in the next few days!!
Title: Re: A special section for Double Edge and straight users
Post by: Sir Harry on June 26, 2012, 07:06:47 AM
Wow! A special page for the "non-traditional" me....Thanks, Tyler!
Title: Re: A special section for Double Edge and straight users
Post by: warhawk on June 26, 2012, 07:45:08 AM
THanks so MUCH Tyler 4 creating the SAFETY RAZOR section of the forum.  I know it will be a gr8 addition to the forum.  I have been shaving both dome and face with safety razors since April 4, 2012.  BTW.... Sirhappy, safety razor shaving is the TRADITIONAL WAY to wet shave.  O0

Title: Re: A special section for Double Edge and straight users
Post by: waine on June 26, 2012, 07:49:19 AM
Good stuff Mike!

Thanks Tyler.  I like it when life is organised into nice little categories.  So guys, lets fuel  a renewed DE rage here.  The price of those Gillette Fusion blades and Schick 6 blades is a rip off and I will never put that horrible shaving gel goo on my skin again.

It’s Headblade on the dome and DE on the face for me!

DE lovers, lets unite!
Title: Re: A special section for Double Edge and straight users
Post by: buddha on June 26, 2012, 08:12:12 AM
I have a couple of really nice Merkurs, one old and one new, that I use for the face. I really want to develop the courage and the wisdom to use them on the dome. Maybe now?
Title: Re: A special section for Double Edge and straight users
Post by: Sir Harry on June 26, 2012, 09:56:11 AM
THanks so MUCH Tyler 4 creating the SAFETY RAZOR section of the forum.  I know it will be a gr8 addition to the forum.  I have been shaving both dome and face with safety razors since April 4, 2012.  BTW.... Sirhappy, safety razor shaving is the TRADITIONAL WAY to wet shave.  O0

I stand corrected....In the age of the Headblade and multiblade razors, I thought that those had taken over the shaving world....Thanks, Warhawk!
Title: Re: A special section for Double Edge and straight users
Post by: Mikekoz13 on June 26, 2012, 10:04:06 AM
Sirhappy, safety razor shaving is the TRADITIONAL WAY to wet shave.  O0


I'm guessing that Harry really is happy.... seems like a nice guy!!!  :*))
Title: Re: A special section for Double Edge and straight users
Post by: warhawk on June 26, 2012, 11:50:35 AM
 ;D ;D No prob Harry.  Btw... did U ever ordered the Osage Rub on Amazon?

Title: Re: A special section for Double Edge and straight users
Post by: buddha on June 26, 2012, 01:41:26 PM
did U ever ordered the Osage Rub on Amazon?


I did! I ordered one bottle and I liked it so much that I went back and ordered 2 more. The stuff is great!
Title: Re: A special section for Double Edge and straight users
Post by: warhawk on June 26, 2012, 08:15:22 PM
WTG....Buddha, that Osage Rub is great stuff. O0

Title: Re: A special section for Double Edge and straight users
Post by: Tyler on June 27, 2012, 04:05:08 AM
If you find a topic that should be in this board, just post a link to it in this thread and I can move it into this board.