Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => Reactions to being Bald => Topic started by: Clean79 on June 25, 2012, 06:58:51 AM

Title: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Clean79 on June 25, 2012, 06:58:51 AM
Ok, went Sly on Fri & today is day 1 @ work. Interestingly enough, I've only had one comment & a couple stares but the day is very young lol. My job allows me the privilege of interacting Withh a 100 people or so throughout my day so this should get interesting.

First comment was from a store manager who just smiled the first couple times that we passed each other & then finally stops to stay "Man that head is shining!" Lol, I just smiled back & considered it a compliment. Thought I'd share my first day with the new Fam.
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: DaveM61 on June 25, 2012, 08:45:22 AM
Way to go.  Welcome
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Laser Man on June 25, 2012, 09:06:23 AM
Good luck.  You'll probably find that if no one says anything in the first day or two, they probably won't at all.  Within a week, your new sly look will seem normal to them.
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Clean79 on June 25, 2012, 09:32:12 AM
Two more stops lady stops in her tracks, takes her glasses off, puts them back on & says "I didn't even recognize you" lol. Another says "What made you do that?" I love the last comment from a buddy of mine "Dangit boy! Gettin ready for summer huh?! Shaved that head slick!" That's hilarious to me. So far, not really getting too many bad vibes. But nevertheless I'm happy with it so far.  O:O
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Mikekoz13 on June 25, 2012, 10:00:00 AM
Awesome!.... again proving that our perception about what will happen is much different than what happens in reality (when it come to going SLY).
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Mr Jules on June 25, 2012, 12:13:06 PM
"Man that head is shining!"

When you go sly, this is what people tend to notice first: your shiny head.

Enjoy the new feeling.
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Hingatao on June 25, 2012, 03:51:34 PM
One of my nicknames at work since going sly is "Shiny"
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Natedawg on June 25, 2012, 03:55:27 PM
Glad to hear you're enjoying everyone's reactions to your new look, Clean. Isn't it fun?
 I hope this serves as inspiration to others who are considering going sly, and are worried about their friends'/coworkers' reactions. All of my coworkers and friends loved it when I took the initial plunge.
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: mrzed on June 25, 2012, 04:11:46 PM
I'd take the shiny comments as complements.

Trust the rest of your day went well.

Shave again, put on a big smile and enjoy the bald head.   Won't the rest be surprised when they find that this is not just a summer haircut, but something for the whole year.

Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Clean79 on June 25, 2012, 07:58:19 PM
Whew! First day of work came to an end & then off to one of my favorite hobbies...coaching my kids in baseball & fast pitch softball. The rest of the day was a blast seeing people do double takes as I walked by lol. Three different guys at the office came up to me at different times & said "what's up Stone Cold!" Pretty popular wrestler back a few years ago for this who might not know.

I can't tell you how many asked "What do you do to make it shine so bright?" I have naturally oily skin so I guess that's what's doing the trick? Anyways, pretty cool first official day being out in public Sly!

Fast pitch practice was we ended practice under the lights, a couple of bugs landed on my dome & one of the girls said "They're attracted to the light!" Rofl, I just laughed with her & rolled with it.
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: kalbo on June 25, 2012, 08:00:44 PM
Well done clean Thanks for adding more positivity in this forum. Hope this convinces more lurkers to take the plunge.
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Hingatao on June 25, 2012, 08:03:18 PM
I remember my first sly day at work. Some of the surprised looks I got were priceless. I'm anxious to see what happens when I get home on vacation.
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Frontier Guy on June 25, 2012, 08:10:16 PM
Terrific reinforcement that it's really not much of an issue.

Like you, Clean, I interact with hoards of people daily - ranging from dozens to thousands. After five weeks, today was the first time someone inquired (well-meaning) whether I had a health issue (though I did have one naive girl express worry because "all your hair fell out overnight!").

And I've yet to have a negative comment.

It's so easy being Sly.
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Beardman on June 26, 2012, 01:55:42 AM
Welcome mate, glad you are loving it!

After reading about nicknames at work since going sly, I thought of something the old boy at work calls me whenever I have my beanie off, he calls me Kojak. I wonder what other nicknames people have earned?
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Clean79 on June 26, 2012, 05:31:37 AM
Beardman that's a good question. I wonder if there's a thread that's already been started with "Nicknames?"

"Stone Cold" seems to be the most common for me so far seeing as how another vendor yells that at me as I was walking into my first account this morning, "What's up Stone Cold?!"

Stone Cold must be one good looking man lol....
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Beardman on June 26, 2012, 06:02:36 AM
I do remember him being pretty bad ass back in the day!
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Sir Harry on June 26, 2012, 06:07:05 AM
Congrats! Glad that people are learning that it's just another haircut...are you gonna post a pic so we can see?
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Clean79 on June 26, 2012, 06:27:30 AM
Sir Harry, yes, as soon as I can figure out how to do so. I'm usually browsing here on my iphone & can't figure out how to do so...guess I'm going to have to try the of?
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Clean79 on June 26, 2012, 06:29:35 AM
Try the pc rather lol
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Beardman on June 26, 2012, 06:35:57 AM
Yeah I think you'll have to do it on the pc. if you need a site to upload it too try ( or ( or maybe ( I haven't had any experience with photobucket but with the likes of imageshack or imgur you want to use the link for forum/message boards
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Sir Harry on June 26, 2012, 07:02:42 AM
It's all good Clean...we're pretty patient....I have a PC and still have trouble uploading pics ;D ;D
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Beardman on June 26, 2012, 07:13:45 AM
I still struggle myself sometimes, and I have been frequenting forums and posting pictures on them for years. lol!
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Clean79 on June 26, 2012, 07:27:18 AM
Lol, thanks for the info...we'll give it a shot my next available opportunity.

As far as comments are going...been really positive for the most part until my last account. An older black man called me...a Nazi & a white supremist, REALLY?! Can you believe that? Oh well, I'm saddened that people still find the need to say things along those lines in the society that we live in. I feel for people like this :-(

Truth be known, I've been a pastor going on 10 years & have done many community out reaches in poverty stricken all black neighborhoods. I would be willing to bet that I've put forth more time, energy, & thought into this community then he ever has or will! Just sayin...  :-\
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Sir Harry on June 26, 2012, 07:30:57 AM
I think you handled it well....Even ignorance has no color.....two things to remember: Ignore the ignorant, and don't entertain stupidity, let stupidity entertain you!
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Clean79 on June 26, 2012, 08:10:39 AM
You're right Sir Harry...I like the way you think. It's water under the bridge, just thought I would somewhat "vent" about it.

On a positive note, at the same account, a lady that works at that account kept smiling at me so I asked her what was up & she says, "I just love your new look...I absolutely love a man with a bald head!" I'm a happily married man but appreciated the comment & figured I would share with our fellow Sly bros!
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Hingatao on June 26, 2012, 12:22:30 PM
I think you handled it well....Even ignorance has no color.....two things to remember: Ignore the ignorant, and don't entertain stupidity, let stupidity entertain you!

I get some of my biggest laughs from listening to stupid people.
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Beardman on June 27, 2012, 12:11:11 AM
Me too, but I can only tolerate so much stupidity...
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: mrzed on June 27, 2012, 04:57:23 AM
I enjoy the comments from the folks at work about my bald head.  I'm still waiting for one of them to join me and shave his head bald too.

There are a few that need to. There are a few that seem to want to. There are a few that are quite close, buzzing regularly to #1 or so.

... Confession time. I did not shave my head yesterday. I noticed.  This morning, there was all this sandy looking dirt in the sink from all the hair that I was shaving off. Feels good to be smooth sly again today. (was rushed yesterday). Don't think that anyone noticed but me. I could feel the difference.

Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Clean79 on June 27, 2012, 12:15:04 PM
I enjoy the comments from the folks at work about my bald head.  I'm still waiting for one of them to join me and shave his head bald too.

There are a few that need to. There are a few that seem to want to. There are a few that are quite close, buzzing regularly to #1 or so.

... Confession time. I did not shave my head yesterday. I noticed.  This morning, there was all this sandy looking dirt in the sink from all the hair that I was shaving off. Feels good to be smooth sly again today. (was rushed yesterday). Don't think that anyone noticed but me. I could feel the difference.

I did the very same thing yesterday, didn't shave...couldn't really see a difference until 5 pm or so but I could sure feel the difference! So this it went...Ahh, much better. And to think, ive only been sly for 5 days & couldn't stand the Velcro feeling...go figure.
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: mrzed on June 27, 2012, 01:48:00 PM
Clean 57 ... it gets addicting.  Happy to be shaved bald again today. feels much better. There is a big difference between shaved bald and 1 or 2 days growth. I much prefer the clean shaved head.
Title: Re: 1st Day at work after going Sly!
Post by: Paul the Headblader on June 27, 2012, 01:52:56 PM
well done. keep it positive and you'll see a great diffrence.