Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => To be or not be...Bald => Topic started by: loganthegreat on June 18, 2012, 10:51:35 PM

Title: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: loganthegreat on June 18, 2012, 10:51:35 PM
I have always wanted to try the 'bald by choice' look but can never seem to work up enough courage to do it myself or to have it done. Has anyone else felt this way before? I don't own a pair of hair clippers so I would have to buy a pair and then take a leap of faith in attempting to do it myself, or I can test my strength and visit the barber and hope I don't back out or panic half way thru. Im not balding so it would be a huge change to go from hair to nothing. I don't know what to do, it's summer so shaving my head wouldn't stand out all that much right now. What do you guys think I should do? Who has been or seen this situation before? I think it would make it easier if someone did it with me but how do I ask that of someone LOL like, 'hey, lets shave our heads together. Anyway, Im looking for advice ....
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: Frontier Guy on June 19, 2012, 02:29:03 AM
I have always wanted to try the 'bald by choice' look ...
Welcome Logan. Your statement above says it all. Try it now - it's an extraordinary experience and very freeing. My advice would be to go to the barber and have it all cut off. Then go home and slowly shave to get rid of the stubble. It's a radical move which will be surprising, but after a few days it will seem like no big deal. Stick with it for 30 days before you decide whether to stick with the sly look or let it grow back - to whatever degree. Most bets around here is that you won't go back!

Again, welcome. Keep us posted on what you decide.
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: mrzed on June 19, 2012, 04:27:40 AM
I have always wanted to try the 'bald by choice' look but can never seem to work up enough courage to do it myself or to have it done. Has anyone else felt this way before? I don't own a pair of hair clippers so I would have to buy a pair and then take a leap of faith in attempting to do it myself, or I can test my strength and visit the barber and hope I don't back out or panic half way thru. Im not balding so it would be a huge change to go from hair to nothing. I don't know what to do, it's summer so shaving my head wouldn't stand out all that much right now. What do you guys think I should do? Who has been or seen this situation before? I think it would make it easier if someone did it with me but how do I ask that of someone LOL like, 'hey, lets shave our heads together. Anyway, Im looking for advice ....

Hey, that's almost what happened to me. A buddy at work said, "Let's cut our hair real short".  So I went to the barber who has a very short buzz himself, and said, I want my hair like your's. He buzzed my head.  (buddy buzzed his own).  I liked and and kept it up for awhile. But did not like the price so bought clippers. They are the cost of about 2 haircuts.

BTW, I'm BBC. Have a FULL head of hair. No need to shave.  

Then at a later time, another buddy said, "You're hair is so short already, it's not much difference to shaving bald.  I gave that some thought.  Wife was not crazy about the idea, so decided to do it while she was out of town for an extended vacation with her sisters.  Figured I could grow it back if I did not like it. But I DID like it and I've been bald since.  The hard part was making the initial decision. The easy part is keeping it bald. I love it.

Two strokes into the shave, I had a twinge of questioning, but knew there was no turning back. So I shaved it all off. Now I don't think of it. I just shave my head.  First head shave at 58.  You can teach an old guy new tricks.  Everyone seems to love my bald head!

Go for it.

If you are planning to go straight to bald, have the barber use his clippers. Save you the cost. If you have a beard, then get your own clippers. You'll need them to trim the beard, and you'll use them once to shave the top. You'll like and and wonder why you waited so long.

PS, Be sure to follow the 30 day rule. No exceptions.
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: Laser Man on June 19, 2012, 06:23:39 AM
It's a big change to go from a full head of hair to completely bald, so your apprehension is normal.  That being said, from my personal experience, wanting to experience being bald will gnaw at you until you do it.  No amount of photoshopping or holding your hands over your hair will substitute for the real look and feel of being bald.  And once you experience it, it's hard to imagine ever having hair again.

So, here's a way to do it: make you headshave a charity event.  The St. Baldrick's Foundation raises money for research into pediatric cancer.  They have events around the country and if there isn't one near you, you can be a "virtual shavee" - just go to a barber and let him do the rest.  This allows you to try being bald while supporting a good cause and give you an excuse (not that you really need it) for going from a head full of hair to a bald pate.

One last point: once you try being sly, you'll become addicted to shaving your head and getting that awesome feeling when you look at your sly reflection and think "oh yeah - this is me!"  Good luck
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: BaldLuke on June 19, 2012, 06:42:42 AM
Already very good advise for you. It is so true that once you get the idea to become bald, it truly won't go away until you do the deed and shave it completely bald. I was in the same boat as you a couple weeks ago, I shaved off my complete head of hair on Memorial Day. I had a flattop most of my adolescent and adult life, 31 now. I got the idea, more of an urge, to just shave it all and be totally smooth.  In my case I just kept getting shorter and shorter flat tops till the point I was shaving the sides and back of the haircut almost daily. Even with that cut, I still had the wanting for a completely shaved smooth bald head. Finally decided that obviously a big part of me REALLY wanted to become bald and that I better just put my self at ease and just do it, and stick with it. This site has been a huge help in finding shaving techniques to be custom to me, to get a perfectly smooth shave, and the confidence to go along with the awesome look and feel. I would definitely look around here and begin to figure out a process for you to be able to do what you want. Since deciding to shave and stick with it, I am REALLY loving being and keeping smooth bald. I have shaved almost every single day since (missed a couple days the first week) and really look forward to getting to shave each morning. My best advise would be just do it, sounds so simple, but I think it's the fastest way to get to have what you really want. Just make a plan to become shaved bald and stick to it! Looking forward to hearing how it goes for you;) have fun & enjoy it!
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: Cris on June 19, 2012, 11:18:41 AM
I have always wanted to try the 'bald by choice' look but can never seem to work up enough courage to do it myself or to have it done. Has anyone else felt this way before? I don't own a pair of hair clippers so I would have to buy a pair and then take a leap of faith in attempting to do it myself, or I can test my strength and visit the barber and hope I don't back out or panic half way thru. Im not balding so it would be a huge change to go from hair to nothing. I don't know what to do, it's summer so shaving my head wouldn't stand out all that much right now. What do you guys think I should do? Who has been or seen this situation before? I think it would make it easier if someone did it with me but how do I ask that of someone LOL like, 'hey, lets shave our heads together. Anyway, Im looking for advice ....
Well: when you have to do something go always for the good sides.
There are always good sides.
In Everything.
Your good side is like :"Slyness does not fit me? Ok, I'll grow my hair back" :)
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: Sir Harry on June 19, 2012, 11:39:49 AM
I don't have anything to add to what the others have said...but welcome and Good Luck! As always many people have shaved their heads to try it and grew it back after...It's just another haircut, no worse than shaving (a) crazy design(s) in your head, think about it.
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: mrzed on June 19, 2012, 12:24:36 PM
Wanting to experience being bald will gnaw at you until you do it.  No amount of photoshopping or holding your hands over your hair will substitute for the real look and feel of being bald.  And once you experience it, it's hard to imagine ever having hair again.

One last point: once you try being sly, you'll become addicted to shaving your head and getting that awesome feeling when you look at your sly reflection and think "oh yeah - this is me!"  Good luck

Well said, NPSBG.  Nothing like being BBC.  It's a bold step. No substitute for shaving bald, and then staying that way for life.
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: Mr Jules on June 19, 2012, 02:43:24 PM
I have always wanted to try the 'bald by choice'

Then shave your head. Otherwise, curiosity will eat you. What's the worse that can happen ? You grow your hair back.

If it's any help, my 'curiosity' was spurred on by my receeding grey hair. That was 5 months ago, and never looked back.

Shave your head. It will be thrilling.

Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: kalbo on June 19, 2012, 09:14:05 PM
Summer is the perfect time to scratch the itch. I share the same insights with the guys above. Welcome to the bald brotherhood.
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: loganthegreat on June 20, 2012, 01:58:05 AM
Thanks for all of the advice guys. Im so tempted just to do it and get it over with. Because I know eventually I will do it, it's just getting over the first bit.
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: Frontier Guy on June 20, 2012, 03:44:11 AM
I'm so tempted just to do it and get it over with. Because I know eventually I will do it.
The guys have posted lots of suggestions above.

What's the worst that could happen? If it's just a hairstyle that you don't like it will grow back. But I'm willing to bet you'll be amazed with the experience, the look, and the responses from others.

So, what's holding you back from something you've said you want to do?
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: Arty Chris on June 20, 2012, 05:29:54 AM
Wise advice from all above!

Now, take a look at all the photos. Is there anyone that doesn't look cool being sly?

Didn't think so...

And you'll be exactly the same!

Time for the new, even cooler than ever you!!!! :)
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: mrzed on June 20, 2012, 05:41:39 AM
Im so tempted just to do it and get it over with.

There you go. Just do it.  We were all there one day.  It's only a 'big deal' until you do it.  The rest is easy.

Agree with the comment above ... look at all the profile pictures on here.  They all look great.  Just saw two policemen at breaakfast. Shaved absolutely bald. They looked sharp.  But you don't have to be a policeman.  Lot's of guys shave bald, and not just because they are balding.

Time to do it now.
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: DaveM61 on June 20, 2012, 06:36:26 AM
All good advice above my post ... Just Do It. 
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: Oto on June 20, 2012, 07:46:57 AM
I have a full head and had the same worries and hesitated years to go fully sly. My concern was what other people would think, but the problem was inside me!
My first full headshave was 10 yrs ago. Before that I was already cropping very short and cropped shorter each time, until I asked the barber to try  a #0. Then I shaved what was left at home. I must admit I was initially shocked seeing my bald head at the mirror, but got accostumed quicky and LOVED it! Not too many negative reactions from other people... in fact many people, especially women, said the bald look was great on me!   
I regretted not having done it before.

My advise to you is trying short crops to get accostumed.

Anyway, the difference between a #0 and a sly head is only a week. So if you don't like it simply let it grow back. But I bet you'll get addicted like most of us! 
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: loganthegreat on July 03, 2012, 12:08:43 AM
So I did it guys. I worked up enough courage to go to the barber and just have him shave it bald. Sitting down in his chair I was really nervous but I just kept to the plan. When I heard his clippers turn on I could feel my heart in my throat and then like that, a bald strip was shaved right down the center of my head. About 20mins later I was looking, quite shocked, in the mirror at my bald head. I quickly got over it and have learned to love this look, at least for the summer. Thanks for the support guys this has been an experience.
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: palmerproject on July 03, 2012, 12:21:38 AM
nice pic bro, it looks really good. i am BBC too and i love it!
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: Beardman on July 03, 2012, 12:52:26 AM
You look like you really love it and you look great!
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: waine on July 03, 2012, 01:06:25 AM
Well done Loganthegreat

It looks super!  Now just shave the rest of the stubble off and you will look GREAT!
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: loganthegreat on July 03, 2012, 02:40:31 AM
Well done Loganthegreat

It looks super!  Now just shave the rest of the stubble off and you will look GREAT!
oh trust me, the barber shaved off everything its just been about a day.
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: Frontier Guy on July 03, 2012, 04:04:46 AM
Terrific. In the cosmic scheme of things, this is rather insignificant. But personally it's HUGE! You should be feeling quite proud of having made and kept the commitment to getting your head shaved. Enjoy the experience.
Title: Re: want to try bald by choice but apprehensive
Post by: Sir Harry on July 03, 2012, 06:04:02 AM
Congrats! Even if you don't razor the stubble, it still looks good!