Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => To be or not be...Bald => Topic started by: Ming the Merciless on April 16, 2012, 05:30:44 PM

Title: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: Ming the Merciless on April 16, 2012, 05:30:44 PM
I see obviously Sly guys around a lot these days... BUT, I see a lot of them (in public only, of course) with--most often--a baseball cap of some sort on the dome.  Maybe they are avoiding UV, but I often suspect they are not comfortable with being Sly, and so they compromise: "Yes, I've shaved my head (you can see no hair below the edges of my cap) but maybe I've got a lot that you can't see."  Come on!  Who are you fooling?  There's a guy, a butcher, in the local market I favor, who wears a Marine fatigue cap, smooth to view below, nearly all the time he's hacking at cow corpses.  I've seen him un-hatted a few times--slick with a horseshoe shadow.  What a surprise!

Me, I'm cautious about too much sun, but also ready to let the world see the gleam on the dome on as many occasions as I can.

OK, a new "Sly," might be hesitant to let it all shine out (courtesy of "Headlube 'Glossy'"), but... that cap fools no one.

And why should you care?  Well, why should you?
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: IllinoisBaldy on April 16, 2012, 05:57:46 PM
Sounds like me Ming.  I wear a baseball hat alot, not to hide the dome but to hide a ht scar.  Still working on that though.
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on April 16, 2012, 06:45:17 PM
I see guys that are sly with hats.  Never really understood why a guy would shave it down then cover it up, it's just different strokes for different folks, I guess.  IllinoisBaldy, I hope you get to the point that you can accept the scar--I can say your presence on this forum and the help you've offered other guys in the same situation is really admirable O0. 
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: mrzed on April 16, 2012, 07:25:07 PM
Well, if he works in the meat department, then it's the law that his head is covered. Sorry, even if you don't have hair you still need to wear a head covering, because most people have hard. (now isn't that just dumb).  Gotta wear a hat to keep the hair you don't have falling into the food. 

Oh, well. If I worked in food prep, I'd need a beard hat to keep my beard hair out of the food! 

Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: Razor X on April 16, 2012, 07:33:44 PM
I've never liked wearing hats, but I do make it a point to wear a baseball cap if I think I'm going to be outdoors for more than a few minutes at a time, once we get to this time of year.  I don't trust sunscreen for extended periods of time and I'm reluctant to keep reapplying it because it tends to make my skin break out.  So a cap is a necessary evil.
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: TheSlyBear on April 16, 2012, 07:44:03 PM
Hats are for protection and fashion, not for hiding under.
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: Laser Man on April 16, 2012, 08:16:35 PM
I see no reason to hide a sly dome under a hat other than to protect it from excess sun and cold.  Otherwise, the hat comes off.
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: good to be bald on April 16, 2012, 08:58:33 PM
hats are the cold other than that show the dome O0 :@` ::)
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: kalbo on April 17, 2012, 01:29:58 AM
I absolutely hate wearing hats. I always take pride in showing off my baldness especially if I am freshly shaven. But the summer heat can be unforgiving so I have to wear a hat when I know I would be out in the sun for long periods of time.
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: smoothshaver on April 17, 2012, 02:01:31 AM
I totally agree with you. Beeing proud of my smooth shaved head I love to show off my smooth look in public and hate when iI should wear a hat. BE BALD...BE PROUD!! O0 :P
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: Mikekoz13 on April 17, 2012, 05:48:46 AM
I wear a skull cap in the winter when outdoors. I wear do-rags when riding or if I'm going to be out in the sun. Other than that I NEVER wear a hat.
I have a couple SLY friend who NEVER, EVER wear any head covering.... even in the winter.
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: IllinoisBaldy on April 17, 2012, 06:08:29 AM
IllinoisBaldy, I hope you get to the point that you can accept the scar--I can say your presence on this forum and the help you've offered other guys in the same situation is really admirable O0. 

Thanks saintc.  I'll get there!
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: Baldstu on April 17, 2012, 07:02:59 AM
When I have been  lazy  then I will wear a baseball cap it goes with being a chav , But   prefer  a shining  dome and  a hoody  and yes  agree flaunt it 
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: DCdome on April 17, 2012, 08:51:35 AM
I greatly prefer going without a hat because I love to show off the dome and also just like the feel of the breeze on the bald head.  But that being said, I do take precautions and always wear a hat if I am out in the sun for more than 30 minutes.  Also, when it gets cold I wear a hat (often a beanie) to keep warm.

For a butcher, as has been said, he has to wear a head covering for sanitary reasons, but also he is in and out of the cold storage unit all day long and so a head covering of some sort just makes sense.
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: Paul the Headblader on April 17, 2012, 02:53:46 PM
hehe. I'm the oppisite of those you're talking about. It's not me if I wear a hat or so. I always enjoy showing-off with my bald head.
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: Mr Jules on April 17, 2012, 03:06:21 PM
I greatly prefer going without a hat because I love to show off the dome and also just like the feel of the breeze on the bald head. 

You speak my language.  :)
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: nuts on April 17, 2012, 04:06:44 PM
Why hide your bald head under a cap - unless to protect from the sun.  Greatly prefer to show it off.
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: Sir Harry on April 18, 2012, 12:40:35 AM
I sometimes wear a cap if it goes with certain shirts...but I make sure to remove it when indoors. Also, as a former food service employee, while hair is not an issue for a sly guy, sweat (which can be WORSE than hair when handling food) is an issue, hence the butcher wearing his cap. Slightly off topic, but I tend to get amused when at a sporting event and the national anthem is played forcing guys to remove their caps so we can see what(if anything) they're hiding... ;D ;D I hope that all the guys remove their caps for the national anthem, if not it's disrespectful and I take great offense to it....
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: Baldstu on April 18, 2012, 04:25:26 AM
Hats are for protection and fashion, not for hiding under.

well  said  and totally agree ,  A baseball  cap has got me out of trouble  and it can easily get you in trouble as well . Wearing  a hoody and a baseball cap  in a supermarket  can  be  good fun with the security  guys . A shining  dome is more obvious  and they can  track you down easily  . SOme  supermarkets  ask you not  to have your hoody  up and remove baseaball  caps . I have never  nicked anything .
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: marshd1000 on April 18, 2012, 05:20:47 AM
There is a fellow customer in the Starbucks I go to that I clearly sly.  I have seen him lift his cap ONCE.  He is in good shape, in his 40's with a cool looking grey soul patch.  He would totally rock the sly look.  But he keeps his dome covered by the cap almost always!  He has no reason to hide it!  But it just goes to show that you can still be insecure even if you have good looks and are in shape!
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: usmcpelon on April 18, 2012, 07:18:22 AM
I'm with you guys, I will never cover my bald head for what ever reason.  Not even the sun.  It may get a little red but it's not going to kill me. In fact we need sun to produce vitamin D. 

And I hate to see shaved bald guy wearing a hat.  I hate it so much, I'm not one to keep silent.  I always approach the guy and ask him why shave bald if your going to cover it.  Their response always comes with a smile and "I'm not used to it".  So I tell them the only way to get used to it is to just get rid of the cap and show it off.  I have been successful with a few guys who have taken the cap off, but I always tell them I'll take the cap to make sure you don't wear it again.  I you want to go bald, then go bald and show if. 
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: TheSlyBear on April 18, 2012, 08:57:48 AM
Skin cancer can kill you.
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on April 18, 2012, 09:14:47 AM
Skin cancer can kill you.
X2--and is one of the easiest to avoid by the sensible use of sun protection whether that be sunscreen or a hat--even though a bald head can be an asset to a guy's looks, it doesn't do anything for a dead guy.  If you've got enough sense to know when to shave your head, you ought to have enough sense to protect it. 
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: xnewyawka on April 18, 2012, 01:14:22 PM
Hats are for protection and fashion, not for hiding under.

Very true, and I feel the same way. I just don't get why some guys choose to shave their head and then proceed to hide it under a cap. Ball cap's are worn by ballplayer's for a reason!
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: xnewyawka on April 18, 2012, 01:19:52 PM
IllinoisBaldy, I hope you get to the point that you can accept the scar--I can say your presence on this forum and the help you've offered other guys in the same situation is really admirable O0. 

Thanks saintc.  I'll get there!

I agree with saint on this Illinois. I say toss the cap and get your dome out there; stand tall and proud and show everyone you've chosen to take the smarter route!   O0
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: balddaniel on April 18, 2012, 03:31:04 PM
The only time that I wear a baseball hat is when I go to a baseball game.  I would not want to deny the people around me to not see my beautiful bald and shiny head.  :)
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: Mr Jules on April 18, 2012, 03:48:28 PM
I would not want to deny the people around me to not see my beautiful bald and shiny head.  :)

Agreed. People need to see it. You put effort into maintaining that splendid bald head. Now show it off to the world.
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: calbito on April 20, 2012, 08:25:17 AM
A somewhat different story.  I wear a hat almost all the time, but not to hide my head.  Rather, the brim of the hat shades my eyes from the light.  Although I wear wrap-around sunglasses  (actually dark safety glasses) over my regular glasses, the light still comes in through the gap between the top of the glasses and my forehead.  My eyes are so sensitive that I even wear the sunglasses and the hat indoors.  I have been to opthalmologists and complained about the light sensitivity, but they just dismiss it as a combination of genetics and age.  I am not looking for sympathy, but I am writing this to show that sometimes bald people wear hats for other reasons besides vanity.
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: Baldstu on April 20, 2012, 10:46:22 AM
I would not want to deny the people around me to not see my beautiful bald and shiny head.  :)

Agreed. People need to see it. You put effort into maintaining that splendid bald head. Now show it off to the world.

Too right   JUles  , but   I will wear  one  if the sun is very strong  or apply factor 5o to make me head shine even more 
Title: Re: Flaunt It If You Got It
Post by: IllinoisBaldy on April 20, 2012, 06:24:01 PM
IllinoisBaldy, I hope you get to the point that you can accept the scar--I can say your presence on this forum and the help you've offered other guys in the same situation is really admirable O0. 

Thanks saintc.  I'll get there!

I agree with saint on this Illinois. I say toss the cap and get your dome out there; stand tall and proud and show everyone you've chosen to take the smarter route!   O0

I hear you loud and clear xnewyawka.  Thanks for the encouragement.  O0