Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => How To Protect Your Bald Head => Topic started by: SCjay on February 27, 2012, 07:48:20 AM

Title: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: SCjay on February 27, 2012, 07:48:20 AM
Ok so Im going to Panama City next week for spring break and Im gonna be in the sun ALL week long. Ive only been bald since maybe October so I havent been able to be in the sun with a shaved head yet. So my question is, what kind of sunscreen should I be getting for my head?

Im not usually a big fan of sunscreen because I tan a lot better without it, but since my head hasnt been exposed to the sun yet I know Ill need it. I cant be having a scorched head where I cant shave when Im down there. At the same time I dont want something thats gonna leave my head as white as it is right now, Im looking forward to having a really dark tan to make me look like a new person.

Ive actually been looking forward to this week for a while now(I mean who DOESNT look forward to spring break lol), but more so because Im not used to the bald look yet. I have been working out for a while now and Ive heard that a tan makes bald look a LOT better so Im hoping to increase my confidence by about 1000 by the end of the week.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: valldo on February 27, 2012, 07:56:03 AM
Wether you like or dislike sunscreen, you will need to apply it, and going to Panama I would say your dome will be the most important thing to watch out for during your week there. If you have been sly since October, if you only stayed outside a little bit every day, you must have some tan already.
Your health is much more important than a little bit of tanning. I would suggest you take a SPF30, if not SPF50 with you, and apply often
If you are in a rush and don't have time to choose a sunscreen, take the first you get which absorbs well.
And don't forget to cover your head anyway, at least part time.
Have fun in the sun
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: Paul the Headblader on February 27, 2012, 08:12:03 AM
the question I wanted to ask:D
In Romania the nature has its course, so the worm days are comming. I'll go to a drug store to learn more about the sunscreen and which shall I use.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: BaldHDbiker on February 27, 2012, 08:19:25 AM
Headlube has a sunscreen/lotion combination.

You can use any quality sunscreen on your head that you would use for other parts of your body.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: SCjay on February 27, 2012, 08:55:00 AM
What does the spf30 and 50s mean? Is that the strength of it or something? I feel slow asking these questions but I seriously have not used sunscreen since I was a kid.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on February 27, 2012, 09:38:08 AM
Whatever the strength, be sure the sunscreen protects against UVA & UVB rays--and always remember the reason is to prevent skin cancers--no scars on our nice domes please! :)
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: BaldHDbiker on February 27, 2012, 10:05:37 AM
And don't just apply it in the morning and expect it to last all day. You'll need to read the instructions but if you're going to be out for some time you'll need to reapply often for the best protection.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: Sir Harry on February 27, 2012, 04:12:17 PM
Usually at work, hard hats are required when outdoors...but when I'm not working I wear fitted caps that protect everywhere except the nape of the neck...will start using some sunscreen this summer, though.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: Dr-photo on March 09, 2012, 02:36:35 AM
The factor strength is calculated on how much longer you can stay in the sun without burning. Eg, if it normally takes half an hour to burn then factor twenty will give you 20 times that, ten hours. But as you head isn't toughened up go for at least a thirty, your head will still tan. The skin on your head feels like a babies bum, and will burn like one too!!! With a spring break hangover you don't want burns on top. Cheap the UVA and UVB blocking. Panama is going to be hot. Use more sunscreen than you think you should, and a higher factor, your head isn't used to the sun
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: b.driscoll on March 09, 2012, 06:49:24 AM
 Use at least a 45 as it would provide ample protection if done correctly....................use a good amount all over including ears. Best advice is wear a ball cap plus sunscreen when out doors. Tans look great but are a sign of damage so be careful.have fun.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: Snakehandler on March 09, 2012, 11:15:59 AM
Use a good sunscreen !! Like SPF 50 !! DO NOT EXPOSE YOUR NOGGIN TO THE SUN FOR MORE THAN 15 MINUTES THE FIRST DAY !! The sun is very powerful down there. Where a ball cap or hat the rest of the day whenever you are outside. You can add about 5 minutes per day of exposure to your head if it's not burnt. The same goes for the rest of your body if you dont have a base tan. Heed the warning or you'll be miserable on your Spring Break if you dont !!! p0@^ :)
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: SCjay on March 11, 2012, 09:51:01 AM
I guess Im a freak of nature. I got a spf30 and only put it on my head and spent about 3 days in the sun(about 3 hours/day). My head got a little pink but nothing serious at all. I never used any sunscreen on my body because every time I have before I never got a tan, and I didnt feel a single bit of sunburn. This was pretty surprising to me because even though we never made it to the beach during the time when the sun is the hottest(11-2), a few of my friends got pretty burnt even though they were wearing sunscreen. Pretty disappointing for me because I wanted to get really dark but didnt.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: DCdome on March 11, 2012, 09:59:43 AM
Trying to get tanned in a relatively short time is not a good idea.  Using sunscreen is always best.  Limited exposure to the sun each day even without sunscreen is healthy but that limited time should not exceed 30 minutes.  The reality is that a deep tan is a whole summer project, not a whole week project.  And, yes, there are genetic factors involved.  Some people have an easier and safer time of it than others.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: Baldstu on March 11, 2012, 01:15:04 PM
Go easy guys on the sun , gently gently with exposure and factor30 and a hat
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: SCjay on March 11, 2012, 02:49:19 PM
Only thing about wearing a hat is that it will keep my head from getting tan, which is what I want.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: ycartt on March 12, 2012, 06:51:49 AM
The head blade lotion/sunscreen is awful. I use one of two things...either Neutrogena's ultra-sheer dry touch 45spf or Banana Boat Sport Quick Dry 40spf for Body/Scalp. I use the Neutrogena (recommended by my dermatologist) on regular days when I do use it and the Banana Boat when I'm out working in the yard or swimming if I know I'm going to be doing a lot of sweating or going to get wet. Typically I wear a hat if going to be outdoors for a long time. There is no such thing as a "healthy tan."
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: AgeTwentyTwoBaldy on March 12, 2012, 09:29:15 AM
I'd suggest Caribbean Blue SPF 50. Don't forget to reapply sunscreen every 2-3 hours, but probably better with every 2 hours.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: Baldstu on March 12, 2012, 11:49:07 AM
Fascinating 22hearing all theseexotic sounding preparations
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: Mr Jules on March 15, 2012, 02:30:50 PM
So far, not been applying and sunscreen on my head at all. Probably expose my bald head to the skies for about an hour day. And here in London, we have some sunshine. I'd like to get some colour.

But....need to start thinking about applying some screen.

Which means my head will soon go through six daily procedures:
Headshed exfoliate
Headblade slick
The actual shaving
Witch hazel
Moisturiser matte or gloss
Sun screen.

The things we do to maintain the bald look.  ;)

Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: Baldstu on March 15, 2012, 05:53:19 PM
I am not i want  to put all these fancy preparations keep it simple a boots high factor creme , that will create a good shine
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: AgeTwentyTwoBaldy on March 16, 2012, 10:15:00 AM
SPF 50. Can't go wrong with it.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: -Doug- on March 16, 2012, 11:04:15 AM
I've had good luck with this....


I spent a week in Florida last year and never wore a hat. I just made sure that I applied this regularly and I was good. I don't recall it being too greasy either.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: xnewyawka on March 16, 2012, 11:23:22 AM
Thanks Doug, I will have to give this a shot.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: Mr Jules on April 01, 2012, 04:31:07 PM
So what tips to others here have for getting a good colour to the dome, without dangerously ruining your head with sun burn ?

At the moment, getting a bit sun now and again. Colour is coming along.

I'm lucky in that I have mediterranean type brown eyes/skin tone. So I tan well. But this will be the first summer of bald. Don't want to ruin my head and health for the sake of a sunny look.

Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: b.driscoll on April 01, 2012, 06:26:52 PM
How about a sunless tanner????  That way the potential damage can be avoided.
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: skram on April 20, 2012, 10:57:14 AM
I'm looking for recommendations on which ones are least likely to run. Even before I started shaving, I've always had issue with sunscreen running from my forehead into my eyes. I wear contacts and this is a real problem when it happens.

I've tried sport and waterproof ones with little luck. It's usually on the golf course (with a ball cap on as well) about an hour to 2 hours into the round - and if it doesn't happen then, it seems to creep in on the drive home.

Thus any feedback on the ones that are most sweatproof would be appreciated (or that are non-irritating to the eyes, hmm they make baby shampoo that is easy on the eyes, maybe suncreen??)
Title: Re: Need help on sunscreen for the bald head
Post by: Baldstu on April 20, 2012, 10:59:03 AM
I've had good luck with this....


I spent a week in Florida last year and never wore a hat. I just made sure that I applied this regularly and I was good. I don't recall it being too greasy either.

Many thanks  might give it a  whirl  , with a  bit of retail  therapy as I am not going to Berlin on holiday  very disappointed