Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => To be or not be...Bald => Topic started by: Venom on January 27, 2012, 10:58:16 PM

Title: Tried it
Post by: Venom on January 27, 2012, 10:58:16 PM
Not as bald as I thought I'd look.
The shadow still visible.
Meh. Not a big deal actually.
I'll keep it.

Can I go cleaner???




And how does it look. :XX
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: LAGLE on January 27, 2012, 11:46:57 PM
Looks fine bro. keep it sly for atleast 30 days, i have a good bit of shadow from my head not being tanned, dont worry too much about it, they say only us sly guys can see it. we're our own worst critics
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: Venom on January 28, 2012, 12:09:53 AM
Looks fine bro. keep it sly for atleast 30 days, i have a good bit of shadow from my head not being tanned, dont worry too much about it, they say only us sly guys can see it. we're our own worst critics

How often would I need to shave it for it be considered a 30 day ordeal?
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: mrzed on January 28, 2012, 05:26:15 AM
Looks good. I don't see that much of the shadow in the pictures.

LOL. My first self made, back of the head shot was as blurry as your's.  I did not share it with others.  It's a challenge to get a clear shot of the back of your head with a self portrait and no tripod.

As I understand the 30 day rule: You shave your head EVERY DAY for 30 days. No exceptions.  I take that to mean a minimum of 30 head shaves in 30 days.  Once every day and then if you want you can do more. i.e. if you want to shave before taking your wife or girlfriend out in the evening ... shave again before you go.

No, don't take Saturday and Sunday off.  Now I'm a pretty literal guy.  But we are talking about making a habit here.  So 30 days is a good minimum. If you can do that much, you can do more.  Did this with a diet a year or so ago. Stick hard core to the plan for 30 days.  Then you know you can keep it up.

To be OCD about it, you get to day 28 and miss .... well, you've got 30 more days to go, buddy!  LOL. 

I like the shine. Looks good.
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: Mikekoz13 on January 28, 2012, 06:41:17 AM
The 30 day rule is stricly enforced by the Bald Police. You MUST shave at least every other day during the 30 day trial period. If you do not do this, the Bald Police will show up on your doorstep, at the pub, wherever and immediately shave you right in front of anyone present. This could be very embarassing.

Actually, that's just a bunch of crap. You've got to shave on the intervals that are best for you and your head.
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: Slynito on January 28, 2012, 06:47:04 AM
It's lookin' good, Venom. Your head will tan if you get a "little" sun and as time goes by. ¡Ese! ¡No te preocuparse!

Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: kalbo on January 28, 2012, 09:09:01 AM
Venom, nice set of pictures. You look great shaved. I don't know what you mean by going cleaner since it is clean enough for me. Keep the beard, once again, you look great.
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: mrzed on January 28, 2012, 09:38:03 AM
The 30 day rule is strictly enforced by the Bald Police. You MUST shave at least every other day during the 30 day trial period. If you do not do this, the Bald Police will show up on your doorstep, at the pub, wherever and immediately shave you right in front of anyone present. This could be very embarrassing.

Actually, that's just a bunch of crap. You've got to shave on the intervals that are best for you and your head.

I don't know, Mike. The other day when I was thinking of not shaving (just for one day) ... The guys in uniform were knocking at the door with their weapons drawn!  Their 'bald police' badges were pretty impressive. I scrambled into the shower and took care of things before they hauled me 'downtown', or did it not the spot for me.
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: Acme on January 28, 2012, 09:48:10 AM
Hey Venom.  Looks good.  Not much you can do about the shadow unless you have the hair removed.  Feel free to modify the 30 day rule to suit your needs.  I never went by the rule.  I shaved it off and decided that's the way it's going to stay so day one was the same as day 30 for me.
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: Paul the Headblader on January 28, 2012, 10:02:32 AM
looks perfectly normal to me.
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: Venom on January 28, 2012, 11:18:52 AM
Venom, nice set of pictures. You look great shaved. I don't know what you mean by going cleaner since it is clean enough for me. Keep the beard, once again, you look great.

The beard is what makes the look so wonderful. :@`

and thanks everyone. ;)
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: Mikekoz13 on January 28, 2012, 02:05:15 PM
The 30 day rule is strictly enforced by the Bald Police. You MUST shave at least every other day during the 30 day trial period. If you do not do this, the Bald Police will show up on your doorstep, at the pub, wherever and immediately shave you right in front of anyone present. This could be very embarrassing.

Actually, that's just a bunch of crap. You've got to shave on the intervals that are best for you and your head.

I don't know, Mike. The other day when I was thinking of not shaving (just for one day) ... The guys in uniform were knocking at the door with their weapons drawn!  Their 'bald police' badges were pretty impressive. I scrambled into the shower and took care of things before they hauled me 'downtown', or did it not the spot for me.

I was trying to make everyone think that was a lot of crap.... but now you've let it all out of the bag!!!! Are you wearing that bow-tie too tight!?!??  :*))
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on January 28, 2012, 03:12:18 PM
Are you wearing that bow-tie too tight!?!??  :*))

 :*)) :*)) :*))
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: BaldHDbiker on January 28, 2012, 03:17:28 PM
Looks great!! Welcome aboard. 8)
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: mrzed on January 28, 2012, 03:43:38 PM
This is Saturday. No bow tie today. Jeans and a flannel shirt to work in the garden.  Got some last minute daffodils in.  Some of last year's daffodils started blooming this week, so I'll have some early and some late due to the planting times.

But tomorrow is Sunday. Bow tie day.  Youth pastor and I both wear bow ties and both shave our heads! 
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: baldjoeg on January 28, 2012, 09:01:29 PM
Venom, Your bald dome looks great. Keep the beard. Congradulations. DOn't forget the 30 day rule.

mrzed. That is awesome!
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: Venom on February 11, 2012, 11:00:27 PM
So I re-shaved with a different razor and this time I kept it against the grain evenly.

It is WAY smoother. I think the shadow is even less.
With a tan in the summer it should cover up pretty well.

Here it is in the same lighting.
Probably can't tell any difference on picture but it's there.
Smooth both backwards and forwards

Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: LAGLE on February 12, 2012, 12:00:59 AM
looks good, keep it up bruh  O0
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: Itall on February 12, 2012, 12:24:11 AM
Looks great. Keep it up.
Title: Re: Tried it
Post by: good to be bald on February 12, 2012, 05:53:20 AM