Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Beards => Topic started by: -Doug- on January 22, 2012, 12:05:48 PM

Title: Interview appearance question...
Post by: -Doug- on January 22, 2012, 12:05:48 PM
What everyone's take on being bald and bearded (or goateed) for an interview?
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: Mikekoz13 on January 22, 2012, 12:23:06 PM
You need to be what you are my Friend...... EVERYDAY.
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: sailor61 on January 22, 2012, 12:31:13 PM
Depends on the audience....if it's with Hair Club probably not a great idea..

Seriously though, I asked the question of a headhunter and was basically told that it is not viewed as out of the ordinary and is fine so long as overall appearance is good.   Currently I'm playing with the handlebar 'stache...when an interview comes up I'll opt to not wax it and comb it into the rest of the beard.

Yes, be yourself but remember you're trying to sell yourself so aim for a midpoint.
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: TheSlyBear on January 22, 2012, 12:52:39 PM
It really depends on the industry and company.

I'm in software development -- showing up in clothes is usually all that is required. Interviewing with a law firm, would be very different.

My rule of thumb: dress one notch higher than what people at a company wear every day.
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: LAGLE on January 22, 2012, 02:19:37 PM
I personally think bald and a circle beard is more professional than bald and a full beard, for a interview anyways, nothing wrong wtih the full beard, alot of you guys pull it off well!, just my 2C
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on January 22, 2012, 07:31:21 PM
I've said this many times, the job interviewer isn't looking for what's not on or on your head.  They have selected your resume for further action because of what it says about what's in your head.  Of course you have to be neat--most corporate dress codes permit "neatly trimmed beards" unless there are safety considerations such as the ability to have a protective mask fit snugly to the face.  A shaved head is not anything more than a hair cut style for those with mpb, scientifically termed androgenic alopecia.  And, as I recently pointed out you have to promptly send in a thank you note to the interviewer--it also brings your file to mind in a positive way having demonstrated your social and business skills. 
If you're well prepared to support the information on your resume and are able to fill out any information that fits with the objectives of the potential employer that you recognize at the interview--that will stand out far more than your hirsute status.
Now the only reason I could conceive that you wouldn't keep your beard--there's nothing to be done on short notice about a shaved head and even long term you'd just have a horseshoe and with some "bad grass" on if that's what you have--and you really feel uncomfortable to the extent it would not let you be at the top of your game, then shave it--it will grow back and as I pointed out it's a rare company that doesn't permit neatly trimmed, not necessarily short trimmed, beards.  I work in a building with the regional headquarters of a major national bank.  There are numerous shaved heads with beards, including full beards.  There's one remarkable longer beard---beautifully cared for with a really outstanding handle bar stache--and he gets off at the "executive" suite floor with a sly and bearded guy and several sly guys. 
So making this overly long writing short--no there's nothing adverse to having a sly head and beard at an interview, nothing at all. 
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: Slynito on January 24, 2012, 09:22:37 AM
If you have a good appearance along with the resume and qualifications I feel you'll get an equal chance...unless it's at that university out west that won't admit bbc.

Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: mrzed on January 24, 2012, 03:03:26 PM
It really depends on the industry and company.

I'm in software development -- showing up in clothes is usually all that is required. Interviewing with a law firm, would be very different.

My rule of thumb: dress one notch higher than what people at a company wear every day.

I'd agree with slybear.

Are you looking for a job? or just asking the question?
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: seahawk guy on January 25, 2012, 11:44:58 AM
Doug, your new beard is looking great. If you have an interview coming up then your new look is great - you should have no worries. Bald/beard look is nowadays very acceptable for nearly all jobs/professions, certainly here in UK.
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: warhawk on January 25, 2012, 06:21:15 PM
What everyone's take on being bald and bearded (or goateed) for an interview?
hey doug:  i think a super, smooth dome & neatly trimmed goatee or beard is a perfect combo. O0

Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: Itall on January 25, 2012, 08:00:48 PM
What everyone's take on being bald and bearded (or goateed) for an interview?
hey doug:  i think a super, smooth dome & neatly trimmed goatee or beard is a perfect combo. O0

.  Cc

I agree.
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: baldjoeg on January 26, 2012, 01:09:23 PM

I see nothing wrong with having a beard for an interview as long as it is groomed well. Your beard looks great and well groomed.  Good luck to you.
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: ycartt on January 26, 2012, 01:11:24 PM
I concur with baldjoeg.
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: sfty.dude on July 08, 2012, 11:24:00 AM
Nothing wrong with a bald head and nice beard when entering an interview.  I think just a nice shave to clean everything up is all ya'need.  Like one of the other members have mentioned, you were selected by the qualifications detailed on your resume.  So unless you just show up in pajama bottoms, everything should be good.  As long as you don't blow the interview, I for one HATE interviews and always get nervous.
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: Mr Jules on July 08, 2012, 01:08:44 PM
there's nothing adverse to having a sly head and beard at an interview, nothing at all. 


Got my last job with a sly head.
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: Andrei on July 08, 2012, 01:55:19 PM
Mr Jules, congratulation on your job!
I personally find a bald look to be professional but I'm biased.
Maybe the CV, look and diplomas speak for the first 5 minutes, but the rest is done by the person being interviewed.
So a shaved head or a beard should not be a handicap to an interview.
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: Mr Jules on July 08, 2012, 02:06:39 PM
Mr Jules, congratulation on your job!
I personally find a bald look to be professional but I'm biased.

Thanks there Andrei. And good to hear you use 'CV' instead of 'resume' !

At my work place, had a few people describe the bald look as 'professional'.
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: waine on July 09, 2012, 05:12:11 AM
What counts at an interview, generally speaking, is not "that you are bald and or bearded" but rather how you maintain your current appearance and your knowledge of the job.  If your beard is neatly trimmed, and overall your appearance is clean and neat, that is all you need in terms of appearance.  Let your personality do the rest.

If you currently live in South Africa, you will encounter a rigorous affirmative action policy which is entrenched into LAW.  Here it’s not your "beard" or "bald" or job experience that counts at an interview, but whether you are sufficiently “brown" or "black" or not.  Unfortunately this is a reality we all have to live with here.

Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on July 12, 2012, 10:30:25 AM
What everyone's take on being bald and bearded (or goateed) for an interview?

My attitude is that since an employer is not entitled to own me then they are not entitled to make permanent modifications to my body.  Men grow beards.   Men shave their heads.  As far as I'm concerned, an employer consumed with dictating the grooming habits of their male employees is focusing on their own personal, and arbitrary, power trip instead of the business, and that doesn't sound like a great (or stable) place to work.  Remember: your employer will be a major part of your life and it's a bad idea to work with an unprofessional dolt who doesn't know their limits.

BTW: If you want to circle into complete madness then I suggest you read up on what the expert recommends for the process of getting a job.  The recommendations are hilarious because when they aren't impossible to implement or contradictory they encourage you to speak like an insincere generic phony.   You'll come to learn that no matter what you do the experts will say it is wrong.  I honesty believe it is this chaotic in order to headhunters and employment services to justify their existence!

My favorite circle of madness is how a resume is supposed to be accompanied with a cover letter personalized for that company and individual receiving the resume.  The in-the-know sites always assume that's available, and demand that you get it, but often times that information is literally impossible to get.  Sometimes you don't even know the name of the company you are applying with until an interview is setup, but yet you are somehow expected to divine this information from the clouds! 
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: balddaniel on August 13, 2012, 04:57:22 PM
Saintc what a great post.  I will have to concur.  I just had an interview for a new job here in Florida.  They asked me back for a second and now my name has been forwarded to HR.  I hope I start soon.  went to both interviews super sly.  i wouldn't have any other way. 
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: baldbearded on August 14, 2012, 04:42:54 PM
Doug, your avatar shows no beard. Did you grow it back???
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: balddaniel on August 14, 2012, 05:24:47 PM
Doug I like the new pic very handsome  :)
Title: Re: Interview appearance question...
Post by: Perfected Man on August 14, 2012, 05:27:36 PM
You look tremendous and you should go as you are to the interview.

Better yet, dump the job hunt and start a business of your own. I decided to fire my boss back in the 90's and have not looked back. The problem is that the old thought of working for someone for 35 years and retiring with a nice pension is not viable in this day and age. You can only depend on yourself these days.

Plus, you can sport your shaved dome without worries!!!