Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Beards => Topic started by: BillOnBass on January 20, 2012, 02:34:16 PM

Title: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: BillOnBass on January 20, 2012, 02:34:16 PM
I've been wanting to try a full beard for a while, but never made it past a few weeks before the irritation and doubt set in.  I've decided to stick with it this time, though, and keep whatever grows for a minimum of 2 months.

I've worn a goatee off and (mostly) on for the past couple years and it grows in great.  Right now I'm at the end of week 3 of trying to grow out a beard (goatee has been growing for at least 3 months).  Satisfied with everything but the cheeks.  I know hair on different parts of the face grows at different rates, but judging from this picture would you say at this point I'm doomed to not being able to don a full beard?  Do the thin blond hairs on the cheeks have any hope of filling in?

Week 3:

Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: kalbo on January 20, 2012, 03:40:51 PM
One of my frustrations in life is not being able to grow a beard, blame it on genetics. I think your beard will turn out just fine in 2months time if what you posted is only 3 weeks worth. Good luck.
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: mrzed on January 20, 2012, 03:47:39 PM
My first beard was at 24. I was in Alaska and most men had beards. It did not matter whether they looked good or not. Figured this was a great time to try one out.  It took about 7 weeks to look like something, with lighter hair and not being a super hairy guy ... At 58 it grows in faster now, but the early try took a while. Just hang in there and give it enough time.

Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on January 20, 2012, 04:02:37 PM
BillOnBass, remember that it only takes 20-30 to go sly, but a fully mature beard is 2-3 months at least, it requires patience, enduring the itching, and resisting the urge to trim far too early.  For 3 weeks you're going gangbusters.  Leave it grow and let it come into its own and at 8 weeks you look like you're going to have a very respectible face bush.  Patience, and when the urge comes to just get rid of it, wait 48 hours. 
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: Slynito on January 20, 2012, 06:40:26 PM
It just takes time, Bill. Have patience and don't give in to the itch.
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: -Doug- on January 20, 2012, 07:46:45 PM
Give it time. The itch gets less noticeable the longer you let it grow. I'm beginning my third week of beard growing myself.
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: cvasara on January 20, 2012, 08:52:03 PM
My beard was a bar bet back in late 75 (1975)  between several of us guys, sitting in our favorite bar, and betting $50 each, in a pot, as to who would keep his the longest.  Well, I can tell ya, it itched, I scratched, I rubbed, I hated it.   But I was told, by my then wife, to try her ' Long and Silky' hair rinse on it.  I did, it helped, and I won that bet, finally, in the late 90s.  I have had a beard of some sort for over 37 years, a Goatee now, and I think I owe it to a hair conditioner.  Don't know if Long and Silky is still on the market, but I would bet that there is something better now.  Shower, rinse off, apply the L&S, let it on for a minute or two, rinse it off, and it has to be better.  As always, YMMV, but it worked for me.
Side note - I have a son that is now pushing 44, and he says he doesn't remember me ever not having a beard.    Now my shaved smooth head is an entirely different matter.
Go For It!
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: Paul the Headblader on January 20, 2012, 10:10:29 PM
I don't have that much experience in beards, but I think it will be just fine if you give it some time.
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: jaypksfo on January 20, 2012, 10:49:06 PM
How old are you - If your in you 20's that may be the problem - Facial hair get denser the older you get/   My facial hair looked AWFUL in my 20's and looks better in my 30's (almost 40 - F*ck!!)
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: sailor61 on January 21, 2012, 09:17:33 AM
I've had a seasonal beard since fall of  1981 makes this my 30th.  As I got older it got thicker, also the first place the greey started showing at some point in my later 30s. Over the years I've gotten used to the couple of days of scratchiness but will agree that conditioner eases this.  The stuff you rinse out helps but in my experience the fancier leave in types are more effective at softening the coarser facial hair.  An advantage of the leave in stuff is you can do a 2nd app if it stiffens up during the day.  There are special beard conditioners out there - I've never tried them but have heard they work very well - check Amazon.

 Funny to realize that even after all these years I'm still learnning new tricks in beard care but I am.  This year,for the 1st time, I'm letting my 'stache fill in and go long while keeping the beard itself more trim. The goal is a handlebar - which is now happening. It's something silly for the winter..  But the point of this is that when ordering moustache wax on Amazon I also sprang for a good grade moustache/beard comb.  Bought it more for the novelty, it's shaped like a woman's leg but have to say it is worth every penny I paid.  Feels great when combing out the beard and it does a significantly better job than any other comb I have ever used on my face.  Guess it comes down to the saem logic as any other grooming (or general) urchase we get what oyu pay for.
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: BuzzKC on January 21, 2012, 10:46:55 AM
Just give it time and you will be rewarded.
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: Pixelboy on January 22, 2012, 05:45:50 PM
Hey, I'm 11 days into my beard growing. Itching at it's worst so I am kind of looking for something soothing.
Anyone tried hand moisturizing lotion? I looked around in the cabinet and that was what seemed most appropriate.
Title: Re: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on January 22, 2012, 06:14:20 PM
Leave in hair conditioner helps
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: Pixelboy on January 23, 2012, 03:37:02 AM
I'll buy a bottle next time I'm out shopping. The irony of buying hair-care products isn't lost on me though :)
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: mrzed on January 23, 2012, 04:37:37 AM
I've only grown a beard twice. 1977 and 1980.  It was itchy both times at about the 10-14 days point.  Did not last too long. Just bear with it.  Then don't shave your beard off again. You won't need to go through the itchy part again!  But some off the suggestions above sound possible.
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: Harleyman on January 23, 2012, 03:32:45 PM
The itching will stop let it grow looking good.
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: BillOnBass on January 26, 2012, 02:18:32 PM

Became discouraged with the level of growth today.  Virtually nothing has changed since last time y'all have seen it (end of week 3) and today (end of week 4), so I considered shaving it back to the tried-and-true goatee.  When I got home today I decided to just edge the neckline up slightly and re-evaluate.  Happy to report it improved the look of my pseudo-beard nicely so I'm soldiering on for a few more weeks!  If only the cheeks would fill in I would have no qualms about keeping it up for the next few months...
Title: Re: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on January 26, 2012, 04:25:33 PM
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: sailor61 on January 26, 2012, 04:44:20 PM
Progress report..............?
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: Sir Harry on January 26, 2012, 07:20:42 PM
Ir's going to take some time to grow a full beard...but I can grow a nice chinstrap in two weeks. Maybe when (if) my military career is over, I may invest in going through the itching for three months to grow a thick beard!
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on January 26, 2012, 07:24:05 PM

 Virtually nothing has changed since last time y'all have seen it (end of week 3) and today (end of week 4),

Try to remember your perception of growth is in relation to what it was, the beard grows at a constant rate, so the beard does double in length between week 1 & week 2, but only 50% in week 3 and so forth and so on.  Patience--it's 20-30 minutes to sly, a fully mature beard is going to be a 2-3 month situation--let it do it's thing. 
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: BillOnBass on January 26, 2012, 07:32:41 PM
Yeah, I'm definitely going to let the beard do its thing.  After I edged the neckline it has some semblance of a true beard and doesn't look quite as unruly.  I'm looking forward to where it goes in the next month or two!
Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on January 26, 2012, 07:50:04 PM
I'm looking forward to where it goes in the next month or two!

Title: Re: Starting my first beard (hopefully)
Post by: Slynito on January 26, 2012, 08:38:57 PM
I can see improvement...  O0