Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => Bald Stories => Topic started by: Slyfive on December 18, 2011, 06:11:21 AM

Title: I'm me! Plus a funny story
Post by: Slyfive on December 18, 2011, 06:11:21 AM
So I knew right from my first day as sly that it was for me, and would be my escape from the pain of hairloss, but I have had apprehensions, and difficulty identifying that bald guy in the mirror as me. But today my band had a photoshoot, and although I was nervous that I wouldn't look like 'me'.  Well, after the shoot I looked at the photos and you know what, I finally feel like me, and comfortable in my own skin... Thanks guys, going sly freed me and you helped me on my way.

Also, on a side note, my girlfriend and I were up late and an infomercial for 'advanced hair clinic' came on. It went on for hours... Hours Of hilarious comedy, who do they think they're fooling?! One guy even said (whilst frowning at a photo of his formerly balding self) "look mate, nobody looks better bald" what a hoot! Their rugs looked atrocious! And they constantly claimed that women didn't like balding men... They don't, but they don't like rug wearing bozos either, shave that rubbish of an be free and sexy... My lady certainly agrees!
Title: Re: I'm me! Plus a funny story
Post by: Paul the Headblader on December 18, 2011, 08:13:15 AM
I'm glad you love being bald!
And yes, those guys will say anything to sell their stuff.
Title: Re: I'm me! Plus a funny story
Post by: Slynito on December 18, 2011, 08:31:54 AM
We were watching a reunion of 1960s rock groups one night on TV....Paul Revere and the Raiders, Birds, Kingston Trio and Davy Jones. Most were gray hairs and some styled nicely, but there were a few with handsome dark nicely combed hair like they had 40 years ago...very obvious carpets atop their gourds. And there were some of them old rockers ugly enough to make a freight train take a dirt road.
Title: Re: I'm me! Plus a funny story
Post by: kalbo on December 18, 2011, 10:33:01 PM
Bald has indeed become turning back...bald rules!
Title: Re: I'm me! Plus a funny story
Post by: DCdome on December 19, 2011, 08:16:27 AM

It's good to know that you're feelin good and at home in your own skin. O0

It's a great look for you and a rockin look for a rocker.
Title: Re: I'm me! Plus a funny story
Post by: Slyfive on December 19, 2011, 12:24:54 PM
It's a great look for you and a rockin look for a rocker.

Thanks mr Dome
Title: Re: I'm me! Plus a funny story
Post by: TheSlyBear on December 19, 2011, 03:03:55 PM
It's hard to believe the "woman hate bald men" claptrap when you've got your lady by your side, isn't it?

And, yeah I'll bet that you (quite literally) rock the look when you're onstage!
Title: Re: I'm me! Plus a funny story
Post by: Laser Man on December 19, 2011, 03:47:30 PM
I'd love to see the marketing research that proves "women hate bald men / the bald look."  From personal experience, I've had a number of women say how much they like the bald look.  More importantly, my wife really likes it!
Title: Re: I'm me! Plus a funny story
Post by: TheSlyBear on December 19, 2011, 04:46:36 PM
The marketing research that says "We'll make a boatload of money if we convince guys that losing their hair is emasculating".
Title: Re: I'm me! Plus a funny story
Post by: Slyfive on December 19, 2011, 05:22:16 PM
It's hard to believe the "woman hate bald men" claptrap when you've got your lady by your side, isn't it?

And, yeah I'll bet that you (quite literally) rock the look when you're onstage!

Only problem is there's no hair to soak up the sweat now! But then without the hair I sweat less... Go figure.

I think the market research was fabricated by their overheated, wig addled brains. Meanwhile we're out there looking dapper, and as manly as can be