Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => Tattoos and Piercings => Topic started by: Daven on August 02, 2011, 05:23:39 PM

Title: Gauging officially started
Post by: Daven on August 02, 2011, 05:23:39 PM
Ok, much to the pleasing of my ULTRA-CONSERVATIVE father, (this might kill him) I decided to join the other two pastors of my church and gauge my ears. Nothing intense like a 1/4 inch or anything. I am going to a max of a 6. I wouldn't want to go any larger than can heal if I'm 70 and decide I don't want to wear anything anymore. :)  They look good on others, but I don't think me.  I have had my ears pierced for 20 years. Today I put in a size larger than normal earrings. I have size 18 bent barbells (sort of) in now. I really like them (I wish they had my favorite color -orange- but place will work... Not sure how long I will have to wait to go to a 16 but I love it. 

My wife is also NOT happy with it but that's ok. I do what I do for ME, she can do whatever she wants to her body. I can say that safely because she is also very conservative. :)

What do you think??

Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: marty22 on August 02, 2011, 05:42:09 PM
good for u Daven!
Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: Oracle on August 02, 2011, 06:09:12 PM
What the hell are you thinking! There, that's been said!  Actually I think it's pretty cool as long as they don't get stretched so big you can pass a beer can thru them - and that's coming from someone who is just acout as conservative as you can get!  I work in a very conservative office and my shaved head raised a few eyebrows.  Really, shouldn't a mortgage lender at least wear a fringe if not a bad comb-over? 

Daven, I admire your enthusiasm and zest for life!  When life dealt you lemons, you made lemonade!

Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: TheSlyBear on August 02, 2011, 09:36:05 PM
If it makes you happy, go for it.  O0
Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: TheSlyBear on August 02, 2011, 09:41:59 PM
P.S. I had a bent bar-bell in my left ear for a time. I had trouble with it properly healing so I finally let it close up, but I really like the look!
Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: Sly Red on August 03, 2011, 03:43:30 AM
I started out with typical 18-20 gauge wires and progressed slowly to the 0GA tunnels I have now.  I say that I'm stopping at 0GA, but every now and then I get the urge to stretch them just a little more.  When I was wearing captive ball steel hoops I really liked 6 GA.  Just the right weight.  The tunnels are silicone so they're easy to live with.  Every now and then I put in black solid plugs.


Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: Daven on August 09, 2011, 10:18:05 PM
Thanks Red for the close up pic. I put in a 16 tonight, The guy at the jewelry store said that most normal piercings are a 16, so I put in 14's and they stretched a bit.

RED-QUESTION - Since it stretched a bit, and I can feel particularly in my right ear it stretched, and it's been 24+ years since I pierced my ears, what do I do for caring for them? I think it's hydrogen peroxide? Help me out please. THANKS.

LOVE the new barbells. (
Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: BillOnBass on August 09, 2011, 11:54:00 PM
Hey Daven,

The most widely agreed upon method for stretching aftercare is submersion in a sea salt solution.  You can find sea salt very cheaply online (I recommend and probably lots of different stores.  Take about a teaspoon of sea salt and put it in 8 oz. of warm/hot water.  Submerge your lobes (with new jewelry still in place) for about 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times a day.  You can also use a mild antibacterial soap.

You should leave in the jewelry you used immediately after stretching (preferably solid stainless steel or pyrex glass) for up to 2 weeks before taking it out to ensure the holes don't shrink up.

I'm currently at 6g in both ears.  Very happy with this size and don't plan on going further (maaayyybe 4g down the line, but it will be a long time).  Here's a pic of what to expect a 6g tunnel to look like.  From Red's pic it looks like he also has the same Kaos silicon tunnels, but in 0g.  They're really comfortable and sometimes I forget they're there!

Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: Sly Red on August 10, 2011, 03:26:35 AM
My piercing establishment in Chicago recommends Provon medicated soap and sea salt solution.  Provon is probably not easy to get at your local store, but here's a link:

I used Provon throughout my stretching process and then followed up with a sea salt water rinse.

Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: Sly Red on August 10, 2011, 05:58:07 AM
@ Daven & BillonBass

I blame you two for awakening the Inner Gauger again.  I've just ordered a 00 GA stretching taper and Kaos Software silicone tunnels.

I knew I'd stretch again, but just didn't know when.  Bill go ahead and get that 4 gauge taper.  You know you'll do it.  >:D

Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: BillOnBass on August 11, 2011, 08:48:57 PM

I don't know whether to say sorry or grats, haha.  Yeah yeah, I'll probably go to 4g, who am I kidding?  8) 

Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: Daven on August 26, 2011, 05:13:32 PM
Hey Everyone.

RED, I am NOT to blame for your stretching..... okay, maybe I am. so what, LOL.

Today (Aug 26th) I stretched up and put in 12's. They really stretched so I think it will be a long time before I can go to a 10 but I have them.... I talked to my Sr. Pastor and he gave me 12, 10 and 8's so I don't have to buy them, he swore they ere cleaned and sterilized and I believe him.  They are like my bent barbells but instead of balls at the end they are tapered to a point, I really like them.

No on to the salt water soak.  I can't actually submerge my lobes but soak a paper towel in them and then hold it against the ear lobes. do you think that is effective enough? when I went to a 14, the right one was really sore, the days after ti turned red (never swelled up) and I put a salt H2O towel on it for a 1/2 hour and the next day it was fine. 

Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: Timmer on August 27, 2011, 12:25:18 PM
Since I'm retired Air Force I've had an up and down relationship with my left ear piercings over the past couple of decades as the regulations have gone from conservative to liberal to back again.  Lots of taking earrings in and out. 

What I've always found feels good and keeps the infections away is Neosporin with pain relief.  Whenever my site itches even a lil, I lube up my CBR and spin it back and forth a couple of times.  Clears whatever is going on right up.
Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: Peacemaker on September 06, 2011, 12:45:34 PM
Welcome to the club, my ears have been like this for a little over 8 years now. Sometimes I forget I even have them, it's a good look for me though and I enjoy it a lot.

I was up to a 5/8 and it took me years to get that high. I started with a standard stud, and went up from there as months progressed. I'm back down to a 00 and I don't want to go any bigger, 5/8 was to big and the bigger they get the more "ear cheese" you produce and the more they stink if you don't clean them everyday. Sounds sick, but it's what happens.

Make sure if you do stretch, never go more then two sized in like a six month time. You can blow your ear lobe out and it looks nasty. Normally you just wait and they'll stretch on their own. Also wood and bone stretch your ears out more. I don't know why, but it's common knowledge in the ear gauging community.

If you are keeping them small just make sure to NEVER take the ear ring out if it get's infected. Your ear will heal over the infection and trap it inside and that is a bad thing. You can dunk your lobe in peroxide. 

Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: Daven on September 20, 2011, 08:21:02 PM
Welcome 10!!!!  It is awesome. I have been in a 10 for 4 days now. No stretch felt at all. I decided to just go from here to a 6 which is my desired destination al at once. I will do that in a few weeks. ( here is the 10 hole with no stud in it.

( here is my 10 gauge stud
Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: Daven on September 30, 2011, 10:21:37 PM
Went to an 8 today. Just like my 10's but black. Love it!!
Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: tomgallagher on October 01, 2011, 06:06:36 AM
Pictures maybe.
Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: Daven on November 09, 2011, 06:31:26 AM
Sorry I didn't get my 8's photo's up. I just got my 6's in last night, this was the WORST burn yet. My left year would not taper up but they are in and that's as far as I will go. NO desire to go bigger. (mark my words Red). 

I will post pictures later today. they look exactly like my 10's.
Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: Sly Red on November 09, 2011, 06:46:17 AM
But it's such a good burn!  ;)

Mark my words . . . yeah, yeah, yeah . . . that's what I said about 0 GA and now I'm at 00 GA and starting to get the itch again.

Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: BillOnBass on November 09, 2011, 10:26:11 AM
I stretched up to 4g a couple weeks ago.  Finally got some steel tunnels; before I just used silicone ones and I think the metal ones look a lot better.  I've finally learned that I shouldn't have a goal size for my ears, though 4g looks great to me.  We'll see what happens as far as future stretching, but I'll be at 4g at the very least for four months.
Title: Re: Gauging officially started
Post by: Sly Red on November 09, 2011, 11:38:30 AM
We need to start a gauging taper / lobe jewelry hand-me-down list.  I could get rid of all the stuff I'll never wear / use again.  Sterilize and recycle!  ^-^

I just gave my 00 taper to a kid at my local Einstein's Bagel.
