Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Beards => Topic started by: Shadowman on March 14, 2011, 12:40:45 AM

Title: Coarse, Sharp Goatee Hair Softening Need Help
Post by: Shadowman on March 14, 2011, 12:40:45 AM
I've had a goatee since I was 17 and I'm now 27, but for the past 3 years my goatee hair has been sharp & coarse and when it grows for a couple of days it's looks sorta shaggy and scrubby looking. When I was younger it was soft and when it grew out it looked nice for awhile or until till I needed to trim it again.

I know I went threw many $30.00 goatee trimmers back in the day because they broke. I now use my Wahl Senior with no comb guides to the longest length possible, because with combs it doesn't cut properly. I think it's been 3 years I've been using my Wahl on my face so I'm wondering if that could be my problem?

Whats is the best Goatee trimmer if that's the case & if it's not the clippers then is their a fragrance & oil free beard lotion? I also have dry & oily skin with acne (I know best of all the worlds) & I use Nivea For Men Sensitive Lotion which doesn't help the goatee hair at all and makes my face shinny which I hate.
Title: Re: Coarse, Sharp Goatee Hair Softening Need Help
Post by: jbald on March 14, 2011, 06:17:23 AM
Have you tried shampooing it and then using a good conditioner?  I know my goat will really soften up doing that.  The Wahl is the only trimmer I've used and gotten by quite well so I dont' know what the others have to offer.
Title: Re: Coarse, Sharp Goatee Hair Softening Need Help
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on March 14, 2011, 07:14:11 AM
Jojoba oil is pretty good, however it is a little messy.  Also, there is Professional Silk Works, about $10 for 6oz. that has a mild perfume that disapates quickly and leaves the beard easily managable without any oily mess.  You apply it after shampooing and conditioning in the shower, while the mitten is still wet.   I'd think the PSW would be best if you have acne issues.   
Title: Re: Coarse, Sharp Goatee Hair Softening Need Help
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on March 19, 2011, 12:57:22 PM
I've had a goatee since I was 17 and I'm now 27, but for the past 3 years my goatee hair has been sharp & coarse and when it grows for a couple of days it's looks sorta shaggy and scrubby looking. When I was younger it was soft and when it grew out it looked nice for awhile or until till I needed to trim it again.

Chances are when you were 17 your hair wasn't as mature, the hairs thinner, and was therefore softer.  That said, I get the impression that you must be keeping it waaaaay too short because the difference in a couple days of growth only matters when you have little or no length to the hairs.

I don't understand why so many guys insist of buzzing their goatees down so short; often to the point of pointlessness.  The closer you get to stubble length the rougher it is going to feel for a couple different reasons.  Also, it doesn't look at good.  Most guys have different levels of hair density on their face and stubble-short beards only make this more obvious with patches of lighter and darker areas.  By growing it out a little bit those differences are minimized and the goatee looks much more consistent.  I think most guys would look better and find their hair softer if they kept it closer to an inch in length.
Title: Re: Coarse, Sharp Goatee Hair Softening Need Help
Post by: Razor X on March 19, 2011, 02:03:55 PM

I think most guys would look better and find their hair softer if they kept it closer to an inch in length.

An inch is pretty long; definitely not for everybody.
Title: Re: Coarse, Sharp Goatee Hair Softening Need Help
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on March 21, 2011, 09:38:57 PM
But then most guys aren't lucky enough to have facial hair as thick and consistent as what yours looks to be.  Even with your thickness giving you great coverage I bet it would look awesome longer.  How could it not (assuming you don't have some weird curl to your hair somewhere)?  Even if it doesn't I can nearly guarantee it wouldn't feel as rough which is the problem the OP was complaining about.
Title: Re: Coarse, Sharp Goatee Hair Softening Need Help
Post by: Razor X on March 21, 2011, 09:51:54 PM
I agree; a lot of guys wear them way too short.  An inch just sounds long to me, but I've never had mine that long so I suppose it's all relative.  I think the most I've grown mine out is about 1/2", maybe a little longer.  That was the last time I grew it back after foolishly shaving it off.  I have been thinking about going a little longer but nothing too dramatic.   :)
Title: Re: Coarse, Sharp Goatee Hair Softening Need Help
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on March 23, 2011, 06:34:10 PM
I agree; a lot of guys wear them way too short.  An inch just sounds long to me, but I've never had mine that long so I suppose it's all relative.  I think the most I've grown mine out is about 1/2", maybe a little longer.  That was the last time I grew it back after foolishly shaving it off.  I have been thinking about going a little longer but nothing too dramatic.   :)

Braid that beotch!   :*))

Haha, but seriously I bet yours would look awesome longer.  I used to keep mine 1/8th to 1/4" of an inch and occassional got bold and grew it to 1/2".  Mine's nowhere near as thick as your must be and I was surprised at how much better it looked at 3/4" to 1" in length  ONCE it gets used to being that length.  You know about the slow growing hairs needing to catch up blah-blah.  At 1/2" I used to freak out at any hair that poked out in the wrong direction but it was really just overkill on me from staring at it a foot from a mirror.
Title: Re: Coarse, Sharp Goatee Hair Softening Need Help
Post by: Razor X on March 23, 2011, 06:46:48 PM

Braid that beotch!   :*))

Can you imagine working with a group of accountants with a braided goat?  I think some of my co-workers are a little afraid of me as it is.   ^-^

You know about the slow growing hairs needing to catch up blah-blah.  At 1/2" I used to freak out at any hair that poked out in the wrong direction but it was really just overkill on me from staring at it a foot from a mirror.

Yeah, that's pretty much why mine's not a little longer.   It's hard to be patient through the awkward growing-out stages.  I'm planning on skipping my weekly trim this week.  I said the same thing last week and then caved in.