Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Head Shaving Product Reviews => Topic started by: lonestaral on February 23, 2011, 10:50:21 PM

Title: Bic Easy
Post by: lonestaral on February 23, 2011, 10:50:21 PM
Went shopping with the wife yesterday, Tescos.

You know how it goes.
Trawling up and down the aisles.
Boredom sets in.
Looking at the lady's, well it is free.
Random thoughts.
Who buys all this rubbish.

She is looking at face wash.
I get fed up waiting and go for a wander.
Shaving products display hoves into view.

Hello! What's this.

Bic Easy.
Not seen that one before.
Bright orange handle.
3 blade cartridge with lube strips.

1 handle/1 blade.
Price about $2.30 US/ 1.40UK.

Pack of cartridges, 4 in pack $1.65 US/ 1.02UK.

Sounded too cheap to be any good but bought the Holder and a pack of blades.

I am very pleased with the results.
The handle is light and easy to hold.
The blade pivots smoothly and easily.
All in all a quality product for not a lot of money.

Just have to see how long a blade lasts.