Sly Bald Guys Forum

Confidence and Success => Fitness/Diet => Topic started by: gmac221 on January 01, 2011, 08:58:26 PM

Title: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: gmac221 on January 01, 2011, 08:58:26 PM
I am a freshman and college and of course I want to avoid the freshmen 15 lol.  I was wondering how I could lose some weight while being in college?  Any tips?
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: SBG Math Guy on January 01, 2011, 09:59:44 PM
Have you heard of Dr.Fuhrman?  If not, go to
Order his book Eat For Health and follow his advice on what to eat.
You will lose weight and feel great.  O0

And no I do not work for Dr.Fuhrman. 
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: Alexander215 on March 23, 2011, 06:32:01 PM
Burn more calories than you consume, and stay away from the ramen noodles.
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: lordmage on March 23, 2011, 11:36:44 PM
I am a freshman and college and of course I want to avoid the freshmen 15 lol.  I was wondering how I could lose some weight while being in college?  Any tips?
consider joining and using your college gym.
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on March 24, 2011, 06:59:00 AM
Burn more calories than you consume, and stay away from the ramen noodles.
Second this one--temptations in college, ordering a pizza at 10p for the study break, eating pastries or sweets in the Student Union with your coffee, grabbing a bag of chips on the way to class, and the worst of all, skipping breakfast.  Eating a good breakfast, not coffee and donuts, but skim milk and unsweetened cereal, etc. will help control binge eating during the day between classes. 
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: Tyler on June 06, 2011, 12:10:42 AM
Checkout the 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferriss - I've lost 16 pounds since February by following his slow carb diet -
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: johnssimpsons on December 03, 2011, 05:53:36 AM
To lose weight in college. Here are some tips:
1. Avoid junk and fried food.
2. Drink plenty of water.
3. Go for early morning walk.
4. Do exercise and Yoga daily.
5 Take green tea.
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: Ravenangel on December 03, 2011, 02:17:36 PM
I hope I do not sound arrogant, but I have another question.

Why is it so important for you to lose weight?

I ask this because I used to suffer from chronic eating disorder, I even was in the "clinically anorexic" stage a few years ago, and I know how it feels when your whole life is about "calories, working out, losing weight, rules, safe foods, guilty foods" and so on. You see, I am not Catholic, but back then I did believe that Hell existed - since this wass what I had to live in.

This is my main reason to recommend that you should consider: why losing weight is so important?
There are many individuals whose long struggle with eating disorders begun with an "innocent" weight-loss diet.

I honestly do not wish to tell you what your opinion should be. I just wish to share my views.

As long as your weight does not cause any serious health problems - like too high blood pressure, diabetes, difficulties in everyday life -, it is much better to try to accept yourself as you are.

And, you are a college student. You likeably need an enormous amount of energy to go to lectures, seminars and practices, prepare for the exams and so on. If you use your strength on dieting and weight loss, you will probably have less energy to do the school things right.

I do not want to tell you what to do, or what not to do - but I do recommend that you should consider what the important - and the less important - things are in your life.

I honestly hope that you did not take this for an offense.
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: Slynito on December 04, 2011, 01:29:43 PM
When I was in college I studied a lot, but I kept the pounds off chasing girls. I was so horny the the crack of dawn wasn't safe.

Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: georgedepp on December 30, 2011, 07:00:41 AM
I used to suffer from chronic eating disorder, I was even in the "clinically anorexic" phase a few years ago, and I know what it feels like your whole life is about "calories, working out, losing weight , Rules, safe food, nutrition guilty "and so on, you see, I'm not Catholic, but when I believed that hell was. Since this was what I had to live in
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: mrzed on December 30, 2011, 10:23:18 AM
Have you heard of Dr.Fuhrman?  If not, go to
Order his book Eat For Health and follow his advice on what to eat.
You will lose weight and feel great.  O0

And no I do not work for Dr.Fuhrman. 

I agree with the Dr. Fuhrman recommendation. There are other's with similar eating plans.  Kill all sugars and artificial sweeteners. Might take a few weeks to get used to this, but it is worth it.  Watch your wheat and corn and white potatoes. They turn to sugar quickly and have the same effect.

Read about 'leptin'.

Visit (great free site for health, fitness and diet). 
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: b.driscoll on December 30, 2011, 12:24:16 PM
   Watch what you eat and exercise.....................pretty basic I know but if you eat crap all the time and sit on your ass then most likely you'll gain weight. No big secret,Good luck!
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: mrzed on December 30, 2011, 02:10:16 PM
If you've got your own place, cook your own food. Easier to control what you eat.  College cafeterias are not generally known for having super healthy, fresh, raw foods. They tend to cater to fast foods and American processed foods, fried and sugar loaded.

But some schools do have good choice, if you pick carefully.
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: bough on July 25, 2012, 12:02:28 AM
It is quite simple my friend,just avoid unhealthy food which we usually eats in our college life and try to eats healthy food like vegetables,fruits etc.Second the main thing is do some physical game or exercise like running,swimming,jogging,gym any game you like,because these will help you to burn your calories very quickly.
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: Bucksfan on July 25, 2012, 09:10:55 AM
Have fun - get involved in the intramural sports program, get together with some buddies to shoot some hoops or lift some weights... etc. 

As many have said, watch out for the lousy food that permeates college campuses, and of course watch beer intake. 
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: wonderer on July 25, 2012, 09:27:05 AM
First of all ladies -Ravenangel you don't have to worry about your "weight" just take a a right approach to the fellow (fellow like me   :@` be a lady, be a woman )we man are not that complicated  beings (we want to dominate and protect ) we are kinda stupid when we fell in love  ;D and as loosing weight don't worry- just walk as much as you can and do stuff you like it will come naturally --walking in nature is the best and don't worry  O0
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: Lee on July 25, 2012, 09:30:51 AM
Burn more calories than you consume, and stay away from the ramen noodles.

I agree with Alex, it's always been calories in calories out.  Simple really.  One of the reasons I like working out so much besides looking and feeling better is:  I can eat more foooood.
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: wonderer on July 27, 2012, 01:45:15 AM
Call me mad  :px but i cant explain this really; I used to live in Dalmatia -Zadar in Croatia) well known for good wines and olive oil (no i don't say that you have to drink wine  ;D but this other stuff olive oil -and remember extra virgin  ^-^ olive oil not the regular ) somehow two spoons (in my case in one small glass :)  ) has helped me to lose weight and omega 3 fats are good for you  ...(assuming that your are not disgusted by olive oil )...walking,practice and that's my 2 cents  ;)
Title: Re: In college, how to lose weight.
Post by: thebbqguy on November 17, 2012, 07:56:38 PM
I lost 30 lbs last year by adjusting my diet. I basically followed a low carb and increased protein diet. I also drank lots of water. My wife also lost 17 lbs following this basic diet plan.

I followed the Dukan Diet. But the biggest thing I learned is just eating less. Instead of getting a 2nd helping, skip it. Don't late at night. Eat healthy snacks like low fat yogurt instead of chips and candy bars.

There is no magic bullet...just careful planning and commitment to do it. If you fall off the wagon, don't sweat it. Just get back on the plan.