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Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Hook'Em on December 06, 2010, 04:06:03 PM

Title: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Hook'Em on December 06, 2010, 04:06:03 PM
Just had it done on Friday. Was wondering if anyone has had it and the time table to seeing somewhat normal. I guess im progressing. Couldn't see crap yesterday. It's the constant changing thats off-putting. Guess I'm just venting. I wanna see straight already.
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Jason66 on December 06, 2010, 05:57:32 PM
Hey there, I had RX done maybe !8 years ago back when they did it with a scalpel blade and one sneeze could make ya a cyclopes..... Back then. it took a day or so to clear up. But my wife had the laser thing done 10yrs ago and was seeing clear a few hours after, I would call the place that did it and ask them whats normal. They don't like taking chances with the eyes, so they'll prob tell you to come right in if you tell them you're having issues....    And you should..
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Jack21 on December 06, 2010, 07:03:07 PM
I was my brother's ride back from lasik a couple of years ago. He did one eye at a time, and I seem to remember that he could see fine the day after the first eye when I took him back to do the second. I saw him 3 or 4 days later and his eyes were very bloodshot but he could see perfectly - even though he was putting drops in every 2 minutes. People probably all heal differently, but maybe it would be a good idea to contact the doctor sooner rather than later. I'm sure its fine, but an explanation from him will make you feel better.
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: BaldBradley on December 06, 2010, 09:03:26 PM
My grandma had some eye surgery (I want to say it had something to do with caterax) earlier this year, they did each eye on their own and waited a week in between. She had a patch on the first day and had to wear special sunglasses if she goes outside. She was allowed to drive the third I think and it was scary as heck. They actually gave her a dvd of the surgery. I saw the surgery on television and its one of those things you wish you could unsee. Now a few month later she still wears the glasses around which is embarrassing.

I don't know if you had the same surgeries or not, but you'll be fine in a couple days.
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: jamesh75 on December 07, 2010, 10:56:26 AM
Hey Hook'em, let me know how it goes.  I'm thinking about having it done next year, but I'm really nervous about it.  It's just something about the fact that they would be cutting into my eye with a lazer that I don't like.
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Jason66 on December 07, 2010, 11:54:11 AM
When I had it done (RK) 18yrs ago, it WAS actually cutting into the eye. They did one eye first (non dominant eye) then a month or two later did the other. I saw how they now do it when my wife had it done maybe 10yrs ago, and they did both eyes within 10 min. Both of us still have 20/20 though I have very tiny scars on mine due to the scalpel cuts. (no longer used). They cant be seen, only when getting eye exam, DR.  sees them.  I think its a great thing well worth the cost. It's an other form of freeing one self... throwing those glasses away (contact in my case)....

Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Mike_412 on December 07, 2010, 02:43:25 PM
My neighbor had it done around 10 months ago.  Him and his partner had it done at the same time (they're cops) and both dealt with a couple of issues.  Mainly burning and being sensitive to light.  My neighbor also had a few issues at 1st with seing things at a distance.  His vision would be very in and out he told me.  He was much better after a month and his partner was pretty good in 2 weeks.  Neither have had any issues since and both are very happy they had it done.

I've wanted to get it done for the longest time, but keep putting it off.  It'll be so nice to be rid of glasses and contacts.  Congrats on getting the procedure.  Good luck in your recovery.
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Hook'Em on December 22, 2010, 02:30:49 PM
So I'm 19 days in and am seeing like a hawk. I haven't had it tested in a week but i have to be seeing at least 20-15 if not better.  I think i need to explain some things. First of all i had PRK with is different than RK and Lasik.  About 10 years ago i had Lasik then RK (on one eye). The result was 20-15 in left and 20-20 in right. That lasted around 7 years until i turned close to 40. Thats when I started to notice that my up close vision was strained. It got worse and worse until i needed reading glasses to read anything. At that same time my astigmatism reappeared so i got progressive glasses. I wore glasses from the age of 10 until i had the original Lasik and loved being free of glasses. That's why i decided to have the PRK, which is surface ablation (actually scraping away the outer layer of the cornea) followed by the laser. Lasik is cutting a flap then laser. The healing from PRK is much longer since your cornea has to grow back.  The first couple of weeks sucked this time. I'd see progression then have a setback. Very frustrating. But the last few days my eyes have settled down and the results are awesome. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone thinking about it. But be aware there is typically at least a 10-20 day major fluctuation in your vision. Supposedly i can expect it to keep changing up to 6 months. If it gets any better im going to have x-ray vision.
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Elan4Swan on December 23, 2010, 03:07:25 AM
I have done it few month ago. It's such a easy way which take just few minutes. If you follow your surgeon instructions completely then it give you good result.
 Antibiotic drops for a few days and  anti-inflammatory drops for several weeks and some medication to reduce eye discomfort if you do this all you will definitely get good result of PRK.
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Razor X on December 23, 2010, 03:59:12 PM

That lasted around 7 years until i turned close to 40. Thats when I started to notice that my up close vision was strained.

The last time I asked a doctor about this, he recommended waiting until after 40 for this very reason.  I'm thinking about getting it done at some point if I turn out to be a good candidate and my budget permits.  Glad to hear that you're seeing better.
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on December 23, 2010, 04:14:16 PM
Having gotten "old" eyes early on in my thirties, my experience is that they continue to age and become even more difficult to fit for reading--I use multi-focal lenses and have for 15+ years since they came out.  I'm pretty much at the limit of correction under current technology for contacts.  I'm a little leary of anyone messing with my eyes.  My wife had cataracts at an early age--a family genetic thing I think--and she was fitted with the new multi-focal implanted lenses.  She sees fine without any other aids.  When it comes to working on my eyes I remember the sonorious tones of Everett Dirkson, Senator, who said, "The eyes are the windows of the soul!"  I'm pretty conservative about this--doctors make so much money doing this I think it may cloud their objectivity and judgement but that's just me. 
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Razor X on December 23, 2010, 04:20:42 PM
Having gotten "old" eyes early on in my thirties, my experience is that they continue to age and become even more difficult to fit for reading--I use multi-focal lenses and have for 15+ years since they came out.  I'm pretty much at the limit of correction under current technology for contacts.  I'm a little leary of anyone messing with my eyes.  My wife had cataracts at an early age--a family genetic thing I think--and she was fitted with the new multi-focal implanted lenses.  She sees fine without any other aids.  When it comes to working on my eyes I remember the sonorious tones of Everett Dirkson, Senator, who said, "The eyes are the windows of the soul!"  I'm pretty conservative about this--doctors make so much money doing this I think it may cloud their objectivity and judgement but that's just me. 

I've had to wear glasses since I was four years old.  I mostly wear contacts now; I share your concerns but I would just love to be free of any kind of corrective lenses.  I'm a little less apprehensive about it now, because they've been doing these surgeries for a long time now and it seems to work for most people.  Not completely sold yet, but definitely thinking about it.
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Hook'Em on December 23, 2010, 09:21:09 PM
I'm totally stoked with my results and highly recommend it. I was equally stoked when I had LASIK a long time ago. There is no better feeling than not having to have something corrective to see. My reading vision has improved as well. I can see better with a small reading correction but can manage without.
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Magoo on December 26, 2010, 01:49:10 PM
Glad it all worked out OK , Hook'Em . But I'm with Saint I'll stick with glasses I know of at least one person who was worse after . Better safe the sorry .
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Nonick on December 27, 2010, 07:41:31 AM
Hook'Em, I'm curious about all this.  I have some astigmatism which affects my distance vision.  I was told that after the age of about 40, my near vision would start to go, and it has...some. The weird thing is I can see a computer screen fine without glasses.  I have this "sweet spot" from about 1-2 feet where I can see fine.   ;)
I inquired about PRK and I was told that it could help my distance vision, but wouldn't do anything for my near vision; in fact I'd lose my near vision "sweet spot" and would always need reading glasses.  Now I know everybody is a bit different from the next person, but has the PRK helped your near vision at all?  ???
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Hook'Em on December 29, 2010, 04:04:06 PM
Nonick, its been a couple of years since i was able to read a computer screen without some sort of reading/prescription glasses. Right now i'm looking at my screen clear as day with no corrective lens whatsoever. I can even read my iphone without help, though lowest level readers do make it clearer. I would recommend this to anyone thinking about it. The recovery wasn't fun but it's worth it.
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Nonick on December 29, 2010, 10:07:15 PM
Cool!  ;) Thanks!  I'll have to add that to my "to do" list for this next year.  O0
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on January 15, 2011, 10:56:56 AM
PRK?  I thought LASIK made that procedure obsolete.  Isn't PRK the method where a laser reshapes the surface of the eye by reshaping the topmost layer?  I thought that was found to cause dry eye problem and that's why LASIK took over because LASIK leaves the top layer of cells untouched and removed tissue from the interior of the cornea.
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on January 15, 2011, 10:58:49 AM
FYI: The eye sight problems that happen in middle age are caused by the lense of the eye losing its ability to change focus.  It has nothing to do with the cornea, but by doing things with the cornea (or glasses or contacts) you can work around this problem of the lense.
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Troy on January 15, 2011, 11:10:15 AM
My eye doc steered me away from any type of eye surgery and instead got me set up with what they call mono-vision contacts.  One eye focuses close up and the other on distance, but together they work fine.  The doc said if I'd had the surgery I'd either have to have a mono-vision process or go the regular route but then need to wear reading glasses to read anything.  The mono-vision contacts have been great for me.  A good option but you do have the ongoing cost of new boxes of contacts every so often. 
Title: Re: PRK Laser eye surgery
Post by: Hook'Em on January 15, 2011, 08:26:08 PM
Rusty: true that LASIK has replaced PRK for the most part but PRK is still used in certain situations. If the cornea is too thin or has any scars or previous work on it. I couldn't have LASIK AGAIN so I went with PRK. I absolutely hate wearing glasses. PRK proceedure they actually do surface ablation meaning the scrape away the outermost layer of the cornea then do the laser treatment. They then put a bandage contact on the eye and in a few days the cornea replaces itself. While more invasive and painful they can actually get a much more precise result. Speaking from experience of having both PRK has been much more successful in giving me the  best eyesight in my life. it's also true that this will not cure my need for reading glasses with age but by making my eyesight so good I don't need them like I did before. I can do the monovision contact as well if I get to that point.