Sly Bald Guys Forum

Confidence and Success => Fitness/Diet => Topic started by: edwardsewell on October 30, 2010, 05:43:24 AM

Title: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: edwardsewell on October 30, 2010, 05:43:24 AM

I have a very sedentary life-style as I work in an IT firm. I have very little time for exercise and I eat what the caterer at work provides. I'd like to have a fit body and wondered if there is any diet or a fitness regime I could follow to be fit.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: ozzie on October 30, 2010, 10:39:32 AM
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Magoo on October 30, 2010, 06:19:25 PM
 ;D       :*))
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Magoo on October 30, 2010, 06:33:21 PM

I have a very sedentary life-style as I work in an IT firm. I have very little time for exercise and I eat what the caterer at work provides. I'd like to have a fit body and wondered if there is any diet or a fitness regime I could follow to be fit.

There is all kinds of books, gyms , fitness programs, lack of time is not an excuse. Start with 15 min. a day make it a habit. When you see some progress you will make time for longer workouts. W3!ght
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: kelly123 on January 23, 2011, 04:34:14 AM
I think the best diet to remain fit is a balanced diet. You must follow a nutritious rich in all content of food diets so that proper input could be given to the body, so that it shows some good results as a fit body.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: BaldRob on January 27, 2011, 07:41:04 PM

I have a very sedentary life-style as I work in an IT firm. I have very little time for exercise and I eat what the caterer at work provides. I'd like to have a fit body and wondered if there is any diet or a fitness regime I could follow to be fit.

There is all kinds of books, gyms , fitness programs, lack of time is not an excuse. Start with 15 min. a day make it a habit. When you see some progress you will make time for longer workouts. W3!ght

I'm going to agree with Magoo here... time really isn't an excuse!  I work a ton of hours each day, plus travel, but I make time for working out every day.

As far as your diet is concerned, go to the store and buy stuff to take to work... sandwiches, soups, etc, or make enough dinner to have leftovers the next day and take that with you.

You are not going to get fit by wishing for it... it takes dedication and a lot of work.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: johnssimpsons on December 03, 2011, 05:57:27 AM
My diet and fitness programs are:
1. I used to get up early in the morning and go for walk.
2. Eat bananas and milk in breakfast.
3. Take green tea.
4. Avoid junk food.
5. Eat fruits and green vegetables.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: marty22 on December 03, 2011, 06:12:20 AM
is this spam?
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: BalDon on December 03, 2011, 07:55:04 AM
Lat April,  I had ballooned up to 220lbs and very out of shape.   My wife convinced me to stop eating all breads, potatoes and sugar.

Happy to say I'm weighing in at 163lbs today!

Didnt go nuts on exercise either,  lots of walking (20k steps daily according to a pedometer)

Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Snakehandler on December 03, 2011, 08:54:37 AM
Resistance exercise & a clean diet. More info than that requires more info about you such as height., weight, age, waist measurement ,current diet etc.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Laser Man on December 03, 2011, 10:05:20 AM
I have to agree with Magoo and BaldRob - you can't use lack of time as an excuse.  I know because I used it myself for many years (I regularly work 60 hours a week), but a couple of years ago, my wife gave me a membership to the Y as a Christmas gift.  I was annoyed at first, but started going after work a couple times a week.  I did a simple cardio routine (treadmill and bike) and honestly didn't see much progress for a while.  I stuck with it, though, and began making the routine more rigorous and added some of the machines.  I now go to the Y about 4 times a week (Saturday morning is a great time - gets me out of bed, the place isn't crowded and I feel great all day).  I also cut certain things out of my diet (potato chips, Snapple iced tea, french fries) and added others (more fruits, vegetables, and fish).  Lastly, when I snack, I eat the portion size that's listed on the package instead of eating as much as I want.   

The results have been good - dropped 30 pounds (and a couple waist sizes), sleep better, feel more alert, better concentration, more energy, etc.

The main thing is just getting over the inertia.  Once you start, you'll have to push yourself at first to get into a routine, but once you do, it becomes self-sustaining, i.e., you'll just want to keep exercising because you'll begin to see the results.

Good luck and don't wait too long to start!
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Arnie on December 03, 2011, 10:09:05 AM
I'm trying to break out of this "see-food" and "non-existent exercise" routine.

Although my diet has progress the last month and I take many organic vitamins and supplements.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Laser Man on December 03, 2011, 10:14:38 AM
Arnie -

I love food and I love to eat.  One benefit of exercising is you start to really enjoy food without feeling guilty.  I'll look a something and think "well that's a half an hour on the treadmill."  It kind of a way of keeping things in check without going to a bread and water diet!

For exercise, just start with a long walk a few times a week.  It'll help!
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on December 03, 2011, 11:00:42 AM
Remember one of the best exercises doesn't require a lot of time, change of clothes, or trip to the gym--

Push away from the table!  And never, ever eat standing up!
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Ravenangel on December 03, 2011, 02:04:16 PM
Well... in my opinion, there should not be too strict rules.
It is indeed good to be in good form, but it is not the best choice to be a fittness freak.

My rules - I try not to stick too strictly to them, but these has proven to be the best:

- Eating as little "artificial" food as possible.
- Real food. Fresh veggies. Grains. Beans, lentils, chickpeas. Interesting and stimulating - but not over-stimulating - spices and herbs.
- Spending as much time in the free nature as possible.
- Doing some exercises every day. Even if I do 10...15 minutes every day, that's okay.
- Not allowing everyday frustrations to take over me.
- More green tea. Less black tea, less black coffee, and especially: no energy drinks. They have a very bad effect on the heart and blood pressure.
- If I go out and socialize, it is preferable to not drink anything that is stronger than beer. Preferably not drink more than 4...5 beers.

So far, these rules seem to be good, easy to keep and somehow I feel normal.
I know from experience that it can make your life a living hell to try to become a Prophet of Healthy Way Of Life...

Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Laser Man on December 03, 2011, 06:50:07 PM
One good rule to live by is "nothing in excess". It's one of the mottos of the Greek god Apollo.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: DCdome on December 03, 2011, 07:43:24 PM
Very true that much depends on the individual, but a few things apply to everyone.

1.  A combo of diet and exercise is best.  Sitting around and paying no attention to what you eat isn't going to get you anywhere.  You must make time for exercise and observe some nutrition guidelines.

2.  Some healthy heart exercise for half-hour 4 or 5 times a week is great.  If you have not been exercising at all, just walking will really help.  Later, though, you will want to do something that really works up a sweat.

3.  Doing some weight training 2 or 3 times a week will build muscle and help with weight loss (Odd how it works, but both can and will happen if you are way overweight now.)  Working with free weights is best, but try to get a few pointers from someone who knows what they are doing.  A few sessions with a personal trainer is a wise investment if you can afford it.  After that, if you are motivated you can do it on your own.

4.  Drink lots of water.

Again, beyond that much depends on personal fitness goals, body type, health history, etc.

Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on December 03, 2011, 08:04:15 PM
Classic remark ;)
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: tomgallagher on December 04, 2011, 07:24:13 AM
" moderation...Ben Franklin.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Slynito on December 04, 2011, 12:36:09 PM
" moderation...Ben Franklin.

True...especially moderation!  :*))
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Magoo on December 04, 2011, 03:17:38 PM
  " Everything in moderation including moderation."   O0
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: georgedepp on December 30, 2011, 07:09:05 AM
Some healthy heart exercise for half an hour 4 or 5 times a week is great. If you are not yet exercising, just walking will really help. Later, however, you will want something that really works up a sweat doing.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: SalWalker on May 08, 2012, 01:33:38 AM

No time for "no time."

I'm in a situation that doesn't allow me much time for exercise or access to equipment.  So I tried to figure out what I could do here in my apartment with minimal gear.

I was already in decent shape, but I didn't want to lose what I had.  I finally decided to do two exercises, every day, for thirty days: 100 burpees and 50 pull-ups.  I could divide them into as many sets or reps as I wanted, but I had to do 100 and 50 every day for thirty days.  Time and lack of equipment were no excuses.

Doing this for 30 days made a big difference in my strength and stamina gains.  I was never overweight, but I did lose a little extra bodyfat and look more "cut."

I eat in moderation: oatmeal for breakfast, a couple of boiled eggs and some fruit for lunch, a healthy dinner: red meat in moderation, sometimes vegetarian, whole grains instead of refined ones.  No soda, ever...but I'm a sucker for the occasional candy bar.  Drink tea, coffee, water and milk.  Sometimes a small glass of orange or grapefruit juice with breakfast.  No sugar in the tea or coffee.  Honey sometimes.

I also walk a good bit every day.  With this, I stay in pretty good shape.  I liked my burpee/pull-out workout so much that I started going to a crossfit-style gym once or twice a week for short, intense, 30-minute workouts. 

Start small with something you can sustain.  Then sustain.  Life, hopefully, is a marathon, not a 40 yard dash.  Make an intention, a commitment, a goal, a plan, a schedule, and an effort.  That's all it takes.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Mikekoz13 on May 08, 2012, 05:51:56 AM
On May 21st I, along with at least 2 other Moderators on the Forum, am starting the"P90X SBG 90 Day Moderator Challenge". Our own BaldRob is now a BeachBody Coach and is going to oversee/coach us through the 90 days.

Look for Rob's recent posts for more info on how it will work.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Snakehandler on May 10, 2012, 05:18:40 PM
Total your current daily calorie intake and reduce it by 500 calories. Eat lean proteins,leafy greens and veggies. Clean carbs like oatmeal. Fruit. Make protein the highest percentage of your meal plan.
A cheap investment of exercise equipment that fits in even a small apartment is a tower so you can do pull ups & dips & leg raises.  Pushups, squats, lunges, crunches etc. require no equipment & not a lot of time. Walk whenever you can & take the stairs instead of an elevator.  There surely are healthy options from the caterer.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: TunaSkin on June 20, 2012, 10:28:36 PM
Yeah, I have to agree with everyone above who has said time is no excuse. You have to make time. More importantly you have to make exercising a priority. Decide it's something you want to do and that it's important to you and then start living accordingly.

    I think the low carb, high protein approach to weight loss, or in my case, staying lean, is a good way to work your diet. Read Tim Ferris's book the 4 Hour Body, especially the part about the "slow carb diet". Little changes go along way over time.

    As far as working out goes, in addition to regular Jiu-jitsu practices, I do a "prisoner style" workout in my apartment. The only equipment I use, but dont necessarily need, is a dumbell I can add and remove weight from. Everything else is bodyweight exercises. I set a timer for 30 minutes and pick 3 or 4 exercises, then I pick a number of reps for each exercise and do them in a circuit, followed by no more than a minute of rest after each circuit. Do as many circuits as you can in the 30 minutes, then you're finished. Simple and effective.

    I think the main thing is making exercise a priority though.

    Good luck with everything.

Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: wonderer on July 25, 2012, 02:32:01 AM
I am kinda like a bear i get fatter when winter is coming and then somehow i lose weight before summer don't know how I just do, I don't really exercise and yet  i vary from winter to the summer in average 10 kilos now I am satisfied with 84 kg.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: waine on July 25, 2012, 03:10:17 AM
I am on a "Sea Food" diet.

If I "see" food, I want to eat it.

As far as exercise goes, my bi weekly lawn mowing, cleaning up my big garden and running around at work for my boss is the sum total of my exercise.  Oh yes, and of course sex -- that’s great exercise, but that is never enough exercise, is it guys?
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: wonderer on July 25, 2012, 03:27:12 AM
Waine i a getting lot of garden cleaning, mowing and running  but not enough of that fourth stuff  to be honest ;)
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: wonderer on July 25, 2012, 03:32:42 AM
Too much is never enough Waine  :D this is from some song that is now playing in my head    :*))
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Bucksfan on July 25, 2012, 09:07:34 AM
My workout regimen from age 18 to 34 was mostly weightlifting.  I got into P90x in January of 2012.  After the first round of that, I got Insanity and did 2 months of that.  Both P90x and Insanity really opened my eyes to a new style of working out, one that does not require much equipment, yet still yields good results. 

During the summers, I do sprint distance triathlons, so beginning in April, I train 4-5 days a week swimming, biking and running (just one event each day, then a "brick" of biking then running once per week).

After triathlon season is over (mid-August) I'll go back to primarily weightlifting to build back some of the upper body muscle I've lost since January. 

I'm not as good on the diet side as I should be -  but I can afford to do that during the summer, since I do so much cardio while training for my triathlons. 
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: savellij1 on August 31, 2012, 10:42:19 AM
There are a ton of websites and workouts that claim that you can lose fat and build muscle at the same time.  I have found that with the exception of when you first start working out, you either lose fat, or gain muscle, and that those are two independent goals that require two separate types of training and nutritional goals.

I eat about 250 to 500 more calories than I burn in a day.
I do a four day split for weight lifting: On Monday I do Chest and Biceps.  Tuesday I do legs, and by legs I do not mean running, but Squats, Deadlifts, and other exercises people tend to not do.  On Wednesday I do Back and Triceps, and finally on Thursday I do Shoulders.

I spilt the muscles that way because shoulders and chest go together (think about the bench press) and need to be separated to heal.  Also, your triceps are being worked when your shoulders are, so doing them on a day when they are not being worked allows for double the workout.  The same applies to back and biceps.  By doing chest and biceps, you target muscles that are not used in the same exercises, allowing your chest to be worked out harder because your triceps are not fatigued.

I do not use back braces or wrist straps, only chalk when I get up to deadlifting in the 400's.  Your grip strength will greatly improve if you do not use straps. 

I've went from weighing 149 lbs to weighing 209 lbs in the course of close to 2 years.  The only supplements that I use is protein and creatine mixed with fruit juice.  Has worked for me.  Just don't give up.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Accepted on September 09, 2012, 05:12:29 PM
check out sixpackshortcuts on youtube. 10-15 minutes a day and you're good.

i do it myself and i'm at 3% body fat. i don't diet etc but just make sure I don't over indulge in fatty foods/ sodas/ desserts etc..

it's really effective so i'd suggest you give it a shot. also, you don't need any equipment to do it so it's perfect!
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: ZachM on October 15, 2012, 05:52:05 PM
Good old Army PT keeps me in pretty decent shape.  The nice thing about it is that is does not require a gym and it's totally free.  Lots of exercises: pushups, situps, pullups, rowers, V-ups, burpees, mountain climbers, and too many more to mention here.  You can look it up Army PRT on the Internet and get an idea.  I also like to run a good bit, but I tend to gravitate more towards sprinting than distance running. 

Bear in mind that none of these exercises will help you get ripped muscles, but they will keep you conditioned pretty well.  I also don't drink soda, avoid fast food whenever possible.  Oh and drink a lot of water, its so good for you.
Title: Re: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: mahaw90 on October 15, 2012, 06:25:23 PM
Mines beer beer and beer. And the odd run on the treadmill and plenty of sex.
Title: Re: Re: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: mahaw90 on October 15, 2012, 06:29:12 PM
Good old Army PT keeps me in pretty decent shape.  The nice thing about it is that is does not require a gym and it's totally free.  Lots of exercises: pushups, situps, pullups, rowers, V-ups, burpees, mountain climbers, and too many more to mention here.  You can look it up Army PRT on the Internet and get an idea.  I also like to run a good bit, but I tend to gravitate more towards sprinting than distance running. 

Bear in mind that none of these exercises will help you get ripped muscles, but they will keep you conditioned pretty well.  I also don't drink soda, avoid fast food whenever possible.  Oh and drink a lot of water, its so good for you.
do u drink beer
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: ZachM on October 15, 2012, 07:44:34 PM
No, sir.  Not much of a drinker.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: CowtownBaldie on October 17, 2012, 08:02:15 PM
Hi, I'm new here. I like to exercise for 20-30 minutes 3-5 days a week. It can varry with work and family comittments but mostly I enjoy bodyweight exercise like pushups, pullups, squats etc. because I can do them at home anytime I like and no gym needed. I like to do a little "bullworker" isometric type exercise too. For cardio I go for brisk walks. I used to be a runner for years but injuries ended that. I enjoy riding my bicycle when its not snowing or pouring rain out. I try to get out doing weekend sports like skiing and hiking too. I find as I get older I just have to modify my workout to not be so strenuous. I used to workout like a mad man for years cranking heavy iron and running many miles...but that mostly just hurt me. I turned to simpler more enjoyable forms of exercise, that way no injuries and I will stick to it.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: Stan K on November 08, 2012, 03:40:43 PM
Hey there,

I lifted weights for about 16 years, bulking/cutting with limited success, but I finally get the hang of what works for me - I'm 31 years old, and I'm fitter and healthier than I ever was.

I got into the low single digits body fat percentage with the Anabolic Diet (5 days keto/2 days refeed), but I couldn't build mass with it, so I switched to Leangains ( - good stuff. It's a form of intermittent fasting, you have an eating window of 8 hours per day, and you cycle your macros and calories for workout/non-workout days.

I just skip breakfast, eat more on workout days (120% calories, mostly carbs and protein) and less on non-workout days (80% calories, mostly fat and protein). Body recomposition is possible with this diet, you lose fat on the non-workout days and build muscle on the workout days. It's not the usual bodybuilding bro-science, you can find a lot of information on intermittent fasting on the leangains site itself and on one of my favorite sites, suppversitiy (

My weight lifting regime is three times a week (weighted lunges, Romanian Deadlift, barbell rows, weighted pull-ups, weighted dips, dumbbell press, incline dumbbell press, power shrugs, Nilssen curls []). My non-workout days aren't exactly non-workout, I train my abs two times a week with leg raises, cable crunches and cable wood choppers. Weight training takes about 40 minutes, abs 20 minutes.

Lifting is fun again, and I'm always well rested and motivated on my training days! Intermittent fasting is great too, you can eat for looks and health and still have a nice big lunch with the family on a training day.
Title: Re: What is your diet and fitness regime?
Post by: MMArob on November 14, 2012, 02:04:04 PM
Right now I train 2 times each day except Sunday.
Early afternoon either 4 conditioning and 2 strength workouts per week, or 4 strength and 2 conditioning depending on what needs to be improved.
Late afternoon either MMA, Boxing, Muay Thai, BJJ, Wrestling or a combination of 2.

My diet is almost no food right now ;D since I still have to drop about 5lbs (dropped 15lbs the last 5 weeks), which means 6 meals with 20-40 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbs and 7g of fat, 70% natural self cooked food the rest protein shakes with added oats/rice/potatoes and nuts.

Only 4 more weeks to go though, then comes a (maybe bald) 4 weeks christmas holiday filled with girlfriend, cookies, watching tv and outdoor fun including shooting range and mx bike riding in the snow (first time this year)!
Can't wait, but my focus is on what I got to do first. ;)


I post a lot today, not trying to spam but I got some free time right now which doesn't happen often.  :(