Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => Tattoos and Piercings => Topic started by: BillOnBass on August 10, 2010, 06:57:19 PM

Title: Possible first timer
Post by: BillOnBass on August 10, 2010, 06:57:19 PM
So I've been thinking recently about getting an ear piercing or two.  I think tunnels/spacers look really cool, but I don't want a large hole, just something reasonably modest.

I've never had any piercings or tattoos.  Any thoughts on how much something like this costs including the piercing and tunnels?

I've also been thinking about a shoulder tattoo.  I've thought about it for a few years, but I can never come up with a design that's truly meaningful to me.  Piercings are one thing, but I refuse to get inked with something I'm not 100% positive about.
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: BillOnBass on August 13, 2010, 05:40:46 PM
84 views and no replies?  :'(

Well I've researched a little and the tunnels look like they may be too much trouble.  I was thinking something like 8 or 6ga, possibly 4.  I just don't like the idea that if I want to take them out later in life the holes may not fill back in...

Any encouraging or discouraging words?
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: xKevoBx on August 13, 2010, 06:04:44 PM
I think they would look great Bill. I'd think I'd do the smallest gauge first to see if you like it because it fills in. Like I offered before, you are always welcome to borrow my emo wig. I really should post one of my youtube videos up with me in the wig.
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: oldbaldguy on August 13, 2010, 07:11:56 PM
I have a small gold hoop in my ear and alternate between it and a gold stud. Also have 1 tattoo of the "mudflap girl".

Not too radical but I like the look.

If you like it go for it.
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: Rob-Raz on August 13, 2010, 10:55:59 PM
Didn't reply earlier...didn't know anything about tunnels and spacers.   As far as tats careful....cause once you itch to get more is almost as bad as the itch to buy shaving products!!
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: PBurke on August 13, 2010, 11:13:13 PM
i had a 4ga in my ear. when i took it out it closed up.
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: Mikekoz13 on August 15, 2010, 07:53:23 AM
I can't speak to th ear things...... it's just not my thing but tattoos...........

Here's the text of an entry I made in another thread about tattoos:

I have three tats... one small flash piece dedicated to my wife and two half sleeves. All three are very personal to ME... nobody else...just me.
I always suugest tats that mean something and that will be timeless to the person being tattooed.

Here's what I suggest..... sit back and think about your grandfather. Think about the things he liked and did in his life that meant something to YOU.  For example, if you and he enjoyed a mint ice cream cone together on Saturday afternoons, get that cone as a part of the tattoo. Random things that were the special things about him and his relationship with you... that mean something to YOU. Random items and things mixed together in  sort of a collage can make an amazing tattoo.

Be sure to pick a top notch artist for this type of tattoo. Go speak to the artist to meet them and see if you and he/she have a good vibe between the two of you..... it can make the whole experience that much better.

Also... as a first timer, PLEASE remember to tip your artist when the tattoo is completed. So many first timers do not know that this is the proper thing to do. And no... I'm not a tattoo artist... just an enthusiast.

Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: Mikekoz13 on August 15, 2010, 07:55:35 AM
And some more info from yet another thread. This is about finding an artist/shop:

The internet is a great source..... you can research locally, go onto tattoo Forums and ask about artists, and just pop into shops and talk to artists and look at their work.

I liked the pop-in method....... this gave me a chance to talk to the artists to see if there was a comfort level, how they fely about me asking for tweaks of their drawings of the design, and gave me a chance to look around the shop to see if it was clean.

I  actually politely walked out of a few places because of either what I felt were cleanliness issues or I just didn't get a good feel from the artist.
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: Mikekoz13 on August 15, 2010, 08:02:23 AM
One more... alot of good info here:


           First let's answer those question:

1) Tattoos will fade over time. But if you take care of your tattos you can minimize the fading. the number one thing you can do is wear sunscreen when your tattoo will be exposed to the sun.

2) Whether you gain mass or fat your tattoo shouldn't change drastically, if at all.

3) Any area that is not fleshy will hurt more. The least painful area to get a tattoo is the sides of the shoulders. If the artist gets under the arm that's pretty sensitive. Painful areas, from what I've read and people I've spoken to are tops of feet or hands, neck,back of shoulders and ribcage/chest.

My advice for your first tattoo......

Take your time and find a GOOD artist. Make an appointment to go talk to the artist. See if you have a good feeling about both the artist and the studio. If you don't, go somewhere else. When you are in the studio, look around carefully. Look for dirt in the corners or any other signs of the place not being clean. Ask to see both the autoclave and the certificate that shows that it's certification is up to date.

Price should never be your FIRST concern. Never have truer words than "You get what you pay for" been uttered. Cost is a concern for most people but it should never be your first concern.

Think long and hard and BE SURE of your design. If you are going to have strictly "text" done you will most likely not get the best artist in the studio but more than likely an under study. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, just something to be aware of. Good artists that I've met don't care to do strictly text but don't mind it as part of a more involved tattoo.

When you go to get your tattoo....... bathe just before you go. You're going to be in very close proximity to the artist and they will appreciate it. My artist even commented on the fact that I smelled clean the first time she tattooed me.
Wear a sleevless shirt (if getting your shoulder tattooed) or a shirt that is easily removable. Don't wear your best shirt because there's a good chance you may bleed onto it.

And after you get your tattoo....... TIP THE ARTIST. Most people don't realize that this is good protocol but believe me the artists really apreciate it. They will remember and do touch ups ,etc. for little or no charge if you treat them well. 15% or so will make your artist very happy.
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: BillOnBass on August 15, 2010, 11:21:20 AM
Thanks for all the advice guys, especially Koz!
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: Nonick on August 15, 2010, 05:14:02 PM
Bill, I was probably one of your 84 views and I was wondering why would anyone want to get poked or prodded?  ???  Yeah, I've heard some of the opinions about making your body a work of art, and personalizing and all that.   ^-^

I've also heard about doctors and other medical professionals advising me against such poking as it would cause possible infections or worse  :XX in my case; so I'm adequately leery of the whole subject.   :o  

Besides all that, I have enough battle scars and assorted (expensive $$$$) reminders of visits to ER's and hospitals, and having medical professionals put their marks on my outer layer  :/O
So you might say I was just one of those many curious people.

Bottom line, if you want to do it; do it.  I could suggest making sure you're in a sterile environment, yada, yada; but that's up to you.  There is some risk in everything, and you can't protect people from doing what they want to do (still somewhat free country, etc.).

My only advice to you is to be careful and make sure it's what you want.  Most piercings can close up over time, once you're tired of them, and may not leave much of a scar, and if it does, so what.
The tats on the other hand can be more permanent and they don't come off too easily.
Whatever you do, make sure you get a good picture of it and show us afterwards! 8)
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: New_Shine on August 25, 2010, 09:04:42 PM
believe it or not, Carmex works friggin great for preserving color, A friend of mine had a tat that i saw one day and asked him when he got it, he said 24 years ago... asked him how and he told me
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: rcg5227 on September 07, 2010, 09:44:36 PM
I have one tattoo of a tiger and it will probably be my last because I broke out from the ink. I bled more than the average person too. The artist couldn't believe how much I bled and said it was one of the worst bleeding while doing a tattoo he has ever seen in the 12 years he has done tattoos. My tattoo swollen up about an inch from the surface of my skin. My wife got a matching tattoo and she didn't have any reaction. I got my tattoo on my right lower back near my butt, same place as my wife I didn't get it on my arm because I have nerve damage in my arms. When I get a shot at the doctor I make them give me it on my leg. I had a tetanus shot last year and glad I didn't get it on my arm, because it got swollen. There was about a 8 inch round red puffy and a rose about 2 inches from the surface of my skin, near the injection site.  I have extremely sensitive skin and have to watch what razors and shaving creams I use.
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: jsowens on September 09, 2010, 08:32:50 PM
As far as the lobe piercings are concerned...It's actually not as much trouble as you would imagine.  I initially got mine pierced at 10 gauge and have since stretched them to 1/2''.  I have no plans to get rid of them or go any bigger with them at this point, but I'm fairly confident they would shrink down considerably, but I know they'll never close completely.  I've frequently read various piercing forums and the general consensus is to treat earlobe stretching as a permanent mod from the beginning, which is what I did.  I have a friend who stretched to 00 gauge and his closed down to a normal sized hole, but I've also seen folks who went to a similar size and still have very noticeable holes.  Everyone's body is different.  Good luck, though with the piercing and/or tattoo and do lots of research beforehand.
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: BillOnBass on September 09, 2010, 08:43:08 PM
Thanks for the advice jsowens!  I'm actually thinking about getting an ear pierced tomorrow.  That's cool how you started at 10ga.  I'd rather not start at 18 or 16ga... it seems like the only hoops or studs that would fit would look too girly.  But I'm also concerned that if I start out at too large a gauge the piercing will have a more difficult time closing up if I decide to take it out...  What do you think?
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: Scott on September 10, 2010, 12:36:35 AM
Hey Bill, like jsowens, I got mine done at a 10g to start also.  I'm at a 0g with plans to possibly go up to 00g.  Even if you started at a 10g and stretched bigger as long as you take good care of your ears during the stretching process your ears would likely shrink back down to a barely noticeable hole.  I agree with you about starting at a size 10 vs a size 18/16 - the options you have for jewerly are kinda girly.  If it's something you wanna try, go for it - the best thing about piercings are that even if you decide it's not for you, at least it's not there forever - unlike a tattoo.  Also, if you decide to go for it, I would get both ears done as that's more common than just one.  Good luck!
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: BillOnBass on October 04, 2010, 05:25:29 PM
Well I took the 10g steel plug I ordered online and took it to a local tattoo/piercing shop to get 'claved today!  

I've got my antibac soap ready in the shower, non-iodized sea salt for routine soakings, and some jojoba oil for some TLC/healing aid.  Tomorrow I'll go get my first piercing!  Pretty excited.

I'll have a new pic up within a day or two.
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: BillOnBass on October 05, 2010, 12:34:28 PM
Here it is!  The whole piercing process was virtually pain-free.  The clamps were more irritating than the needle itself.  My lobe is still slightly red in the pic.  I'm very satisfied with my decision!

(Excuse the stubble, haven't shaved in about 4 days, haha)

Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: Noodles on October 05, 2010, 01:05:56 PM
As Rob-Raz pointed out, tats can get to be an addiction. I would imagine it could get to a point where you didn't know if you were coming or going!!  :D


Personally, I don't have any, but I guess the addiction can sneak up on you before you know it.

 - Cap'n Noodles -

But I do think that some people do go to the extreme with facial and/or body piercings....but then again...they say behind every tattoo/body piercing lies a great story waiting to be told!

Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: Scott on October 05, 2010, 07:16:32 PM
Congrats bro!  Glad you enjoyed the process but yeah the clamps can be a real pain.
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: BaldBradley on November 21, 2010, 02:27:30 AM
To get up to a 6g will take atleast 5 months. A standard ear piercing is with a 20g, and it takes anywhere from 2-4 weeks for the ear to heal enough for the next size. The faster you start gauging up the more scar tissue you will have. I was thinking about guaging up my ears up to s 4, but so really don't want to be 65 with giant holes in my ears.

With tattoos or piercing, give yourself at least a month to think about iymt and do research about the risks and stuff. I've heard of peoples ear lobes being torn... just think about how much that would hurt/suck.

If you do decide to gauge union your ears, search online for a gauging kit. I saw one that starts out at a 14 and goes to a 0 for only like $20. The thing that sucks about that though is that you'll have to go from a 20 to a 16 on your own and individual pairs can be pricy.

[EDIT:] Oh Dang you took a shortcut lol Are you going to go any bigger?

Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: BillOnBass on December 01, 2010, 01:47:41 PM
Hey Brad,

Yeah, I went ahead and got the 10g piercing.  I've had it nearly 2 months now and still like it a lot, but I've given some more consideration to the entire process and potential aftermath of stretching any further.  I still have a few months for my ear to be ready for any type of stretching and I don't think I'll go any bigger than 8g, if any bigger at all.
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: BillOnBass on January 03, 2011, 02:59:35 PM
Well, after some more consideration I've decided to go ahead and get my right lobe pierced, too!  8)

Will be going back to the same parlor in the next couple days to get it done, and I've decided to stretch them up to an 8g around May or June.  I'm giving myself an ample amount of time so as not to experience any unnecessary pain or scar tissue.  Pretty psyched!  Will have pics up by next week.
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: daviekumd on January 07, 2011, 10:25:01 PM
awesome! i just went up to 0g in both my ears.  i keep telling myself this is as far as i go, but, i'm gonna keep going, who am i kidding.

as for tattoos, they're awesome, i'm in love with mine, but you WILL get addicted.  promise you that.
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: zed on January 09, 2011, 07:58:55 PM
Hi, I've been bitten by the tattooing bug many times. Everything I have got has been meaningful to me and I would agree with advice on finding a good artist and tipping. What I have put image I want to get on my.fridge or as my screensaver and looked at it for three months to make sure I am happy with it and don't want to change it any. Hopefully you will have a long life and this exercise is useful. Ultimately I would say follow your heart, just make sure its your heart and not your ego you are listening to. What are you thinking of getting? The act of being tattooed is quite easy, the hard work comes after making sure you look after it, moisturise, protect from sun etc. Shoulder is a good place to start. I am quite heavily tattooed and despite a surge in popularity, once you are a marked man people will judge you at times. If you can live with that cool but be sure! I love my ink and can deal with the odd stare or bad attitude but you must do what you can live with and be comfortable with. Hope this helps sorry for rambling on!
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: BillOnBass on April 03, 2011, 01:31:08 PM
Just an update:  Stretched both lobes up to 8g last week, though there didn't seem to be any "stretching" involved.  I oiled up the taper and slid it all the way through my left lobe, which was pierced in October.  It just went straight through, so I just put the 8g plug in. 

I figured I should wait a couple more months to try my right lobe since it was only pierced in January, but I put the taper in just to see how far it would go, and it was the same deal as the left lobe!  No pain at all, in fact, no sensation of any kind.  I guess I just have stretchy earlobes...
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: BillOnBass on June 06, 2011, 05:52:08 PM
Dead stretched up to 6g with some black colorfront Pyrex plugs a few days ago.  Again, no pain or any sensation!  O0

Very happy with this size.  Most likely going to keep them at 6g... but who knows?!  :D
Title: Re: Possible first timer
Post by: BillOnBass on September 26, 2012, 10:50:41 AM
Well guys, my ear stretching journey is over for now!  I got up to 4g in both ears and stayed there for (I don't remember how long) probably close to a year.  It's been fun and I still like the look, but I took them out two weeks ago and they're almost completely closed up.  I just decided on a whim to take them out and will keep them out indefinitely.  I still have all my old tapers and jewelry so I may get re-pierced in the future and stretch back to a 4g, but for now I'm happy with being free of ear maintenance!

I am, however, getting the tattoo itch again...  Thinking the left side ribcage will be my next body art project...