Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => To be or not be...Bald => Topic started by: Vincent on May 23, 2010, 12:27:06 PM

Title: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Vincent on May 23, 2010, 12:27:06 PM
I was thinking that surgery and transplants were a very bad idea, a kind of mutilation. I just discovered another hair loss "solution" exists: scalp pigmentation. Maybe i am an idiot but i didn't know this "treatment".

It seems quite ridiculous. There's not a big difference between being sly ans having fake short hair tatooed all over your head.

See the disaster:
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on May 23, 2010, 01:05:38 PM
Bizarre!  :D To what end, for what purpose? :/O  And I always thought the Chia pet look was just a joke. :o
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Gambrinus on May 23, 2010, 04:50:31 PM
I think I would rather have flames or tiger stripes  p0@^
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Rob on May 23, 2010, 05:57:16 PM
I agree: if I was going to have something tattooed on my dome it certainly wouldnt be hair!!  :/O
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: stasiu on May 23, 2010, 07:27:05 PM
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Gambrinus on May 23, 2010, 08:00:03 PM

I think I'm going to get three finger holes and the word Brunswick  :D
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Razor X on May 23, 2010, 08:28:25 PM

Um ......  no.     :-\
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Morthen on May 24, 2010, 01:49:23 AM
that looks ridiculous.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Nonick on May 24, 2010, 06:42:36 AM
Geez, a couple of those after shots looked like me after I didn't shave for a day or two; I'm talkng nubs!   ;D
The one guy that had the long MPB and then they shaved him and dyed him- he would have been a perfect sly candidate!   :o
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: MikeInPdx on May 24, 2010, 11:36:11 AM
WTF???  :/O
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: RyanJP on May 24, 2010, 11:49:08 AM
Really :/O
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: TGB1 on May 24, 2010, 12:13:06 PM
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: MikeInPdx on May 24, 2010, 01:43:06 PM
I was just thinking about something: Do you realize how RIDICULOUS that is going to look when they start to go gray like most men do? As I get grayer, my shadow gets lighter.....eventually, they will have to tattoo stubble over their entire head.....which is going to look ridiculous in black or brown when they're older.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Papa Don on May 24, 2010, 02:03:03 PM
I agree.  It does look terrible.  I think the process looks OK except for the front hair line.  The only process that might be feasible is the ones to cover up the scars and faded tats.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: kenny57028 on May 24, 2010, 04:33:54 PM
It looks like somone just a drew on his head with a pencil. The bad thing is gona be that if he gets a girlfriend and she doesn't think he's bald and asks him to grow his hair out... ya talk about an awkard conversation.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: InProgress on May 24, 2010, 07:33:03 PM
I don't think it's so bad... but you'd better be sure that you never want to shave it. It would be kind of funny to rub it and find no hair there! And, i don't think they make the hairlines look very natural, although it works if you're going for the line-up look.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: InProgress on May 24, 2010, 07:34:36 PM
I was just thinking about something: Do you realize how RIDICULOUS that is going to look when they start to go gray like most men do? As I get grayer, my shadow gets lighter.....eventually, they will have to tattoo stubble over their entire head.....which is going to look ridiculous in black or brown when they're older.

haha didn't realize that. Good thinking. Maybe not such a good idea...
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: CliffCoultas on August 18, 2010, 03:04:34 AM
Interesting but sly is still better.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: mht4me on March 07, 2012, 03:24:27 PM
actually ive met a few of their clients in person and it looks absolutely AMAZING in person.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Harleyman on March 07, 2012, 04:25:35 PM
Just when you thought you saw everything!
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Slyfive on March 07, 2012, 10:07:00 PM
I think I'm going to get three finger holes and the word Brunswick  :D

I laughed so hard!
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Deezilla on March 12, 2012, 03:44:40 PM
I have been researching this pigmentation for a while now and it's actually pretty impressive. The pictures really don't do it justice as looks better in real life. The hairlines I saw are not as sharp as on those pictures and look far more natural.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Slyfive on March 12, 2012, 03:56:25 PM
But what does it achieve? By going through this process, you are effectively making yourself look like someone that might have had hair but chose to shave it off. Why not just shave it off?
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Baldnbald on September 02, 2012, 04:25:50 PM
i don't get all the responses to this.  I mean the longest, or one of the longest threads on this site is the one about laser hair removal.  The point of that is the shadow, it sucks, the shadow is what makes you look older and changes the way your face is framed.  So its the same thing with the scalp pigmentation, it gets rid of the shadow by giving you the appearance of a normal hair line.  I'm in no way affiliated with any of the sites that perform this procedure, but I did look at some and they appear to look good if you get the right person and you don't go for the 16 yr old perfectly straight hairline.  But age appropriate hair lines I saw pictures of looked pretty awesome.  I'm skeptical because the hair mills like Bosley also put up some awesome pics, but anyone who's done their homework knows to stay away from them.  So while I would like to see one of these people in person, it does look pretty good to me on the pictures I'm seeing.  No one, absolutely no one else thinks this is worth a closer look?

Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: silverking on September 02, 2012, 10:34:44 PM
I think a lot of you are too into your "sly" and wanting other to be only "sly"

but most of these dont even look bad at all. It's weird to me but ive seen people with it in real life and nobody noticed he was bald or thought he looked stupid.

you dont get it from a real tattoo artist you got to a type of doctor (at least in canada)
you have to get it touched up once a year, first time is free, second time is about 200-300
and you need that at least every year.

as for change of colour on the touch up a main purpose is to slightly change the colour in case your hair goes gray or white.

the thing is the price it probably cost about 5000
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Slyfive on September 02, 2012, 11:41:42 PM
It is not that I am too set in my sly ways, or for that matter, against tattooing (I'm heavily tattooed), but that it is a very permanent 'solution' offering something that pretends to be what it isn't. Once you have this, you don't have the option to appear completely bald... ever, now if you've got artistic tattoos on your head (see txta2guy's avatar) then that's different because it isn't trying to be anything but art, but having 'hair' tattooed on will always be simulacra for the real thing
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: silverking on September 03, 2012, 03:29:01 AM
the percentage of girls that get their eyebrows tattoo'd is extremely high, do you feel the same about that?
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Slyfive on September 03, 2012, 05:16:00 AM
Yes I do, in fact I dislike drawn on eyebrows altogether. The makeup style and eyebrow shape may work for their current face shape and complexion, but that changes significantly, who's to say it would still suit. plus they are obviously fake.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Baldnbald on September 03, 2012, 09:39:56 AM
I haven't seen anyone in person, but to me if you shave your head which I do every day all thats left is a shadow.  And just practically all it is is the hairs so why couldn't someone just recreate the density of that with Dots. 

As far as saying its fake, who cares.  Do you realize how many things we do that are fake every day without thinking about it?  Do you shave your head, why not let it grow?  Do you brush your teeth?  Do you put lotion on your skin if its dry?  I mean there are tons of things daily that everyone does for the sake of looking good, I don't give a blank about which ones are arbitrarily acceptable because of peoples perception.  All I care about is does it look natural when its said and done.  From what I'm seein in pics it really does.  I'm very curious and more so cautious but if this dos look ok I wouldn't hesitate to do it. 

Plan on shaving my head forever anyway so wouldn't matter, and if there is a real and viable solution surgery wise this wouldn't mess that up.  I don't know being Sly is something I accept, not something I would ever prefer and I don't think I am alone based on this forum existing.

I don't know I agree with Silverking, people tend to in the process of accepting sucky things like going bald turn it into some badge of honor and something to be proud of.  That might make you feel better and all but if you really accept something and are confident you should also be able to acknowledge that yeah it also happens to suck. 

Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: baldhog on September 22, 2012, 11:15:40 PM
I agree. In the pictures it looks good. I shave my head everyday and I'm cool with it, but I don't  like the rim of 'shadow' that makes me look like Bozo the clown or George Jefferson even when I'm 'sly'.

I'd love to hear from someone who had this done. I'll do it if it looks natural.

Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: baldhog on September 22, 2012, 11:22:26 PM
Here's a youtube clip of guys who've done it.

My concern is it will look stupid and then I'll be stuck as it doesn't appear to be reversible.

Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: leighmundo40 on September 23, 2012, 11:00:08 AM
In the UK they have a company called HIS Hair Studio which does this. Have to admit I was tempted, but then I read the bogs on their site and a lot of guys were having rough times with it fading and having to have multiple sessions, or it looked a bit odd.

Im not convinced!
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Slyfive on September 23, 2012, 08:42:17 PM
The guys in that video look awful, no one's hairline is that straight.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: baldhog on January 08, 2013, 11:57:26 AM
Alright Sly Guys I had the scalp pigmentation done. If any of you want to know the real deal about it, from cost to reactions I've gotten from friends/family/strangers to whatever, I'll tell you anything you want to know.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: leighmundo40 on January 08, 2013, 12:20:53 PM
Im intrigued! tell us your story
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Switchy on January 08, 2013, 01:59:58 PM
Im intrigued! tell us your story
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: baldhog on January 09, 2013, 07:21:36 PM
I like being 'sly'. It suits my style, it's easier to take care of than a hair do, etc. Even if I didn't have male patterned baldness I would shave my head. What I always hated was the shadow- it made me look old. Made my forehead look huge. In dim lighting or at night I didn't care so much because it wasn't noticeable. I looked into lasering my sides off but didn't go through with it.

Anyway I checked out this company HIS, went on their forum, linked up with a few guys who had already had the procedure done and after seeing them in person and getting their enthusiastic endorsements I decided to go for it. On the one hand I know I should just be a man, be happy with how I am, but on the other hand my buddy just got his crooked teeth capped and now they're all straight and white (and he looks great and is happy) and another friend got gastric bypass and now he's not fat anymore (and he's happy) so I said 'what the heck'.

Had it done and my only regret is I didn't get it done sooner. Now it looks like I shave my head by choice, not because I have to. For the first time in years, my face is framed with a hairline so I look better. Nobody from strangers to friends to family has any idea I had anything done. My sister and mother both said "Hey, I thought you didn't have any hair on top?" I replied with "I used to shave with a razor, now I started using clippers" and the conversation moved on to something else. That was it.

As far as the future goes, it can be removed with a laser fairly easily, although I can't imagine a reason to do that. I know some guys on here mentioned what happens when you go grey, but all the ink they use is shades of grey since all hair looks greyish when it's shaved, so that's not going to be an issue.

So that's that. I thought I'd share my experience because so many sly guys on here ridiculed the procedure- I'll admit, when I first heard about it my first reaction was it sounded silly too- and it's actually a viable option. Of course its not for everybody, and so many sly guys are happy with what they have and that's great. I'm happy for you. But if you'd like the appearance of a hairline again, I'd suggest you at least research this procedure with an open mind.

I'll answer any specific questions you guys might have as well.

Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: benlen on January 09, 2013, 08:10:25 PM
i don't get all the responses to this.

I think a lot of you are too into your "sly" and wanting other to be only "sly"

I agree. I think the response to stuff like this has been remarkably negative without a lot of guys on the site actually researching how this works and considering.

I think the hairlines that look unrealistic are more a reflection of what the customer chooses as opposed to what the company creates. If you look into HIS Hair Clinic enough, you'll see some guys making smarter decisions to get more "mature" hairlines that would look more realistic on a twenty-something to forty-something year old guy.

That said, as much as I like this idea as a cool solution to hair loss, there are problems. First, like a hair transplant, it is there for good. Second, its doing some serious work on your head, arguably the most valuable part of the body (okay, maybe the second ;) ).

Also, it appears that it requires many treatments and touchups over the years.

And it also presents bald guys with a strange dilemma. For one, if someone touches your head, they're going to feel the difference between the tattoo where there is little/no hair and the sides/back where there is hair. They'll be no fooling at that point.

And while it might allow you to avoid facing with friends and family the fact that you are balding and losing hair, it prevents you from facing that and moving on. With this tattoo, you'll be perpetually "living a lie" about yourself.

People will also probably say, "Hey, you've got a great hairline/full head of hair, why don't you grow it?" And what will you say? Eventually, the secret will come out.

This is, in the end, basically like fake boobs, except for dudes.

Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Frontier Guy on January 09, 2013, 08:32:53 PM
I'm glad it worked out for you. Everyone should do what feels right for them.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: baldhog on January 10, 2013, 12:49:07 AM

Great response. I laughed out loud at your boob job for dudes comment, imagining I now had a pair of fake tits on my head.

But you're 100% right. Like caps on your teeth or colored contact lenses or breast implants, (or a woman waxing her upper lip, sort of) its a lie. A cosmetic treatment to help you look better. Totally agree too that it won't help me face facts and get over my baldness, but I've been bald for 17 years and as much as I tried to convince others (and myself, frankly), I still hadn't gotten over it.

I can't remember the last time someone rubbed my head. But the next time they do, I'm guessing it will be an intimate situation at which point I can fess up and she can deal with it or not, kind of like a guy getting close with a woman who discovers she's got fake bombs. He might be turned off or he might not care.

As far as answering what I'll say when (and if) someone questions why I don't just grow my hair, I'll simply say I like this shaved head look better. I'm a former athlete and many of my friends shave their heads just because they want to, so that's a believable response.

Anyway I certainly respect your opinion and I'm definitely not trying to convince anyone to do this- just wanted to share my experience in case anyone wanted to know more about it from someone who'd done it.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: baldhog on January 10, 2013, 12:52:01 AM
Thanks Frontier Guy. Now I only wish I had the guts to get that nose ring-- it looks badass :)
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Gary~ on January 10, 2013, 02:14:35 AM
Alright Sly Guys I had the scalp pigmentation done. If any of you want to know the real deal about it, from cost to reactions I've gotten from friends/family/strangers to whatever, I'll tell you anything you want to know.

I can imagine if you work in an office or other close quarter then pretty soon some sharp-eyed person will see that you have pictures tattooed on your head. Then this would be mentioned to other workers there and pretty soon everyone will be checking very closely because of their incredulity about the procedure.

Then -- you will be famous. I reckon that you could get away with it whilst on the street and shopping etc but surely not at work unless you wear a hat. Why hasn't this happened yet?

Anyway, now that you have it let's hope that it remains a secret. Actually, it might make a good talking point at a party and be good for meeting new people if you don't mind showing them and then letting them touch it.

I reckon that my main problem would be the cost. What was the total cost?
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Bensen on January 10, 2013, 03:42:51 AM
That whole thing ad's up to what makes it harder for everyone who's going bald to find freedom and acceptance about it. For me this goes in the same category like rugs drugs and what not. Male Pattern Baldness is an age old thing and yet it still seems to be one of the biggest issues of manhood. It just should be just different nowadays.

If someone wants to be proud of a bald head to deal with it, that should be fine, as it is fine for everyone else to choose another route to deal with it.

For me there is no way that i would follow something what  (metaphoric)  a high gloss magazine draws as a perfect picture of a mans appearance triggered by an industry that wants my hard earned money to spent on stuff that just don't change anything. I loose my hair, i have a fat belly, big feet and an ugly nose. That's what mother nature made out of me and i can't hide that facts to my self.  That leads to : Acceptance is the Key. (I have not said it is easy)

Besides of all that, I have respect all other opinions.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: leighmundo40 on January 10, 2013, 10:41:29 AM
Thanks for the account, interesting (any photos?) At the end of the day (God! I HATE that phrase!) whatever makes people feel better about themselves is fine. Wether that is the lady who gets bigger boobs or a nose job, wears hair extentions, or the guy who (like me for years) goes down the hair system route.

It does appear extreme and unlike a system, once it's done it's done. Some on that site look better than others. I agree with what others have said about the choices the client makes about the hairline.

Different Strokes for Different Folks! Wouldn't do if we were all the same!
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Ozz2012 on January 10, 2013, 02:34:10 PM
There was a woman I worked with, many years ago who would comment on a particular local priest whenever she could, because he wore a toupee...and she would ALWAYS comment on how vain he was and how a priest wearing a toupee was completely wrong, and he should be ashamed of get the idea.

This was a woman who used more hairspray and makeup than anyone else I had ever known (personally).  She wore a lot of rouge (sp?) and actually penciled her eyebrows, wore lots of mascara, etc....  Don't get me wasn't a "clownish" appearance....but I always used to think it was interesting that she called someone else vain for wearing a simple toupee.

Why am I mentioning this at all? the case of the priest, he must have been uncomfortable with his appearance and the toupee made him (I'm assuming) feel better about himself.

The woman wore the makeup, perfume, etc, because obviously she also needed something to make herself feel better looking.

Neither were hurting anyone with their appearance. (I think her constant talk about it was a little hurtful...but I'm not going for that at the moment.. ;)  )

My point....if it makes you feel better, and you're not hurting anyone....then go for it and be happy.

My concerns with the scalp pigmentation are 1) Long term "effects'....what's it going to look like in 20 years? and (2)  The video clips I watched, honestly looked pretty bad to me.  And if they are advertising their BEST work...what do the ones that didn't come out quite as "good" look like?   Mainly the hairline, I mean.....they're too "solid"  I've never seen any real hairline like those.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Gary~ on January 10, 2013, 04:02:37 PM

Why am I mentioning this at all? the case of the priest, he must have been uncomfortable with his appearance and the toupee made him (I'm assuming) feel better about himself.

The woman wore the makeup, perfume, etc, because obviously she also needed something to make herself feel better looking.

My point....if it makes you feel better, and you're not hurting anyone....then go for it and be happy.

Good main point -- the more people that are happy on planet earth the better it is for everyone.

That said, many people on this site have experienced the freedom of embracing their "defects" to find that they aren't "defects" at all but perhaps "assets". So, baldness in peoples' experience goes from being a defect to fix to being a route to a greater feeling of freedom. Others have called this being "free of the tyranny of hair". If only the priest and the made-up lady had been more accepting of themselves they might well have been even happier than they were and saved a packet of money.

I would like to see the maximum happiness for the maximum number of people and this can only happen if people are accepting of what they are. As my father said when I completely stuffed-up his hair cut once [lots of holes through to the scalp] "Don't worry about it -- no one cares what an old man's hair looks like". And I know that when I go into town today no one is going to give a stuff about my head whether shaved or not.

I'm not sure but I think that many people are just thinking about how they look -- poor buggers. What a burden to carry and what freedom and ease when this burden is dropped.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Slyfive on January 11, 2013, 11:39:30 AM
Well said Gary! People's happiness is most important, but that being true happiness, not trying to fool yourself. If you have had this and it works for you then great, but I'd rather hear that you didn't feel the need.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: baldhog on January 13, 2013, 12:40:35 AM
Alright Sly Guys I had the scalp pigmentation done. If any of you want to know the real deal about it, from cost to reactions I've gotten from friends/family/strangers to whatever, I'll tell you anything you want to know.

I can imagine if you work in an office or other close quarter then pretty soon some sharp-eyed person will see that you have pictures tattooed on your head. Then this would be mentioned to other workers there and pretty soon everyone will be checking very closely because of their incredulity about the procedure.

Then -- you will be famous. I reckon that you could get away with it whilst on the street and shopping etc but surely not at work unless you wear a hat. Why hasn't this happened yet?

Anyway, now that you have it let's hope that it remains a secret. Actually, it might make a good talking point at a party and be good for meeting new people if you don't mind showing them and then letting them touch it.

I reckon that my main problem would be the cost. What was the total cost?

Hey Gary,

The thing is, the tattoo mimics the appearance of a shaved head. They blend the 'dots' into your existing hair, so when you shave your head, it now looks like you have the 'shadow' on top and at the hairline, not just on the sides like bozo the clown. The dots are relatively the same size as the real 'dots' of your shaven hair follicles, so it's pretty hard to distinguish. Of course if you let your hair grow, everyone could see the difference and it would look ridiculous. I guess now if you put your eyeball a few inches from my head you could tell, but how many times has that happened at the office? If someone gets that close at the office I'm suing for workplace harassment. Also you have to know what you're looking for- and fter all, how many people have ever heard of such a things as tattooing your head? It sounds ridiculous. 99.999% of the world has never heard of this so would never think for a million years I have a tattoo on my head.

Honestly nobody I haven't told knows, but if everybody found out tomorrow, I don't think I'd give a rat's behind. I mean it would be like finding out someone you know has breast implants. It's not like that makes them a laughing stock or a pariah to be shunned (in most places).

Everyone's treatment costs different because how much hairloss you have coming in determines how long you have to sit in the chair and get tattooed. It cost me $3,500. I know it's a lot, but considering I haven't been to Supercuts in the last 20 years I've saved up. Also now i don't have to blow $$$ on Mach-3 blades because I can now cut my hair with a Remington R9 electric shaver ($15) every morning and go.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Gary~ on January 13, 2013, 12:56:15 AM
Alright Sly Guys I had the scalp pigmentation done. If any of you want to know the real deal about it, from cost to reactions I've gotten from friends/family/strangers to whatever, I'll tell you anything you want to know.

I can imagine if you work in an office or other close quarter then pretty soon some sharp-eyed person will see that you have pictures tattooed on your head. Then this would be mentioned to other workers there and pretty soon everyone will be checking very closely because of their incredulity about the procedure.

Then -- you will be famous. I reckon that you could get away with it whilst on the street and shopping etc but surely not at work unless you wear a hat. Why hasn't this happened yet?

The thing is, the tattoo mimics the appearance of a shaved head. They blend the 'dots' into your existing hair, so when you shave your head, it now looks like you have the 'shadow' on top and at the hairline, not just on the sides like bozo the clown. The dots are relatively the same size as the real 'dots' of your shaven hair follicles, so it's pretty hard to distinguish. I guess if you put your eyeball a few inches from my head you could tell, but how many times has that happened at the office? If someone gets that close at the office I'm suing for workplace harassment. Also you have to know what you're looking for- and fter all, how many people have ever heard of such a things as tattooing your head? It sounds ridiculous. 99.999% of the world has never heard of this so would never think for a million years I have a tattoo on my head.

Anyway, now that you have it let's hope that it remains a secret. Actually, it might make a good talking point at a party and be good for meeting new people if you don't mind showing them and then letting them touch it.

Honestly nobody knows, but if everybody found out tomorrow, I don't think I'd give a rat's ass. I mean it would be like finding out someone you know has breast implants. It's not like that makes them a laughing stock (in most places). Or if its a big deal to many people. And by the same token as not caring what people think, I don't care. I think I look better, so I'm rolling with that.

I reckon that my main problem would be the cost. What was the total cost? Everyone's treatment costs different because how much hairloss you have coming in determines how long you have to sit in the chair and get tattooed. It cost me $3,500. I know it's a lot, but considering I haven't been to Supercuts in the last 20 years I've saved up. Also now i don't have to blow $$$ on Mach-3 blades because I can now cut my hair with a Remington R9 electric shaver ($15) every morning and go.

That is very interesting -- I'm glad that you're happy and it's worked out for you. I like the breast implant analogy because if I found out that someone had those it would just be "so what". And if I found out that some bloke I knew had hair tattoos I reckon that I would probably have the same reaction. I would want to see it once and then quickly lose interest -- in fact if me or anyone else remained interested in it it would be odd.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: baldhog on January 13, 2013, 01:47:52 AM
Well said Gary! People's happiness is most important, but that being true happiness, not trying to fool yourself. If you have had this and it works for you then great, but I'd rather hear that you didn't feel the need.

Slyfive- I respect your opinion, but I'm not fooling myself: I know that I have a tattoo on my head- I was there when it got put on. And I also know I look way better with this tattoo to myself and to many other people. (No offense to anyone, myself included, but there's a reason there are virtually no newscasters or models or Presidents of the United States with male pattern baldness. The fact is people are shallow.) I feel better now when I look in the mirror. This head tattoo has made me truly happy. Real smile and everything.

Now I agree in that I wish nobody felt the need to adjust their appearance, because we are all perfect how we were created.  But everybody in the world takes steps to 'look better' to some degree, whether its ironing your clothes or dying your hair or using acne cream or getting dental braces or whitening your coffee stained ones or liposuction for your love handles or piercing your ears or tattooing the illusion of hair on your head, (or putting a hundred rings on your neck to make it longer) and the lines we draw on which are 'normal' and which are tell-tale signs you aren't truly happy with yourself are all subject to opinion, I think.

I do wish I was like you and didn't care if I had the appearance of a hairline or not though as I'd have saved some money.

Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Slyfive on January 13, 2013, 02:57:26 AM
Sorry Baldhog, my comment was not meant to offend, I'm sure it was very well thought out on your part. I think my comments are mainly to do with the permanence (Which is hilarious considering I'm heavily tattooed). I suppose if you think of it like any other kind of head tattoo then it makes plenty of sense. Different strokes for different folks! I really am glad it works for you.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: benlen on January 13, 2013, 08:46:02 AM
baldhog, I think you're reacting a little defensively when you don't need to––I think SlyFive and myself are really more interested in assessing the pros and cons of a hair tattoo, not attacking you for your decision.

And since you're the resident expert on said tattoo in this thread, we're of course going to present hypothetical questions concerning the tattoo.

You don't have to defend your decision to tattoo you head to a bunch of guys on the internet :-p just sayin.

 You got the tattoo, great! If it makes you feel better about your appearance, that's good too!
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Slyfive on January 13, 2013, 12:49:11 PM
Thanks for being able to put it more eloquently Ben. We're all friends here Baldhog and no one is judging you, especially seeing as you have been friendly and understanding to a bunch of highly opinionated guys!
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Switchy on January 13, 2013, 12:58:00 PM
Thanks for being able to put it more eloquently Ben. We're all friends here Baldhog and no one is judging you, especially seeing as you have been friendly and understanding to a bunch of highly opinionated guys!
;)  That there is why we are Special.   O0 8)
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Gary~ on January 13, 2013, 03:08:20 PM

Now I agree in that I wish nobody felt the need to adjust their appearance, because we are all perfect how we were created.  But everybody in the world takes steps to 'look better' to some degree, whether its ironing your clothes or dying your hair or using acne cream or getting dental braces or whitening your coffee stained ones or liposuction for your love handles or piercing your ears or tattooing the illusion of hair on your head, (or putting a hundred rings on your neck to make it longer) and the lines we draw on which are 'normal' and which are tell-tale signs you aren't truly happy with yourself are all subject to opinion, I think.

The above is actually a good point -- something I was thinking about for a while. I was wondering how to counter it if it came up but -- I got nothing! I guess it's just a matter of degree -- we all do things to make us look better even if it's only to wear clean clothes or shave our heads. Not to mention scalp moisturisers etc..

Where each person draws the line [the degree line] is up to them.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: baldhog on January 13, 2013, 04:56:02 PM
Sorry Baldhog, my comment was not meant to offend, I'm sure it was very well thought out on your part. I think my comments are mainly to do with the permanence (Which is hilarious considering I'm heavily tattooed). I suppose if you think of it like any other kind of head tattoo then it makes plenty of sense. Different strokes for different folks! I really am glad it works for you.

Hey no worries- sorry if I came back a little too aggressively! I appreciate you being a good guy.

Also it isn't really permanent. The ink goes halfway as deep as a traditional tattoo making laser removal relatively easy (as easy as having a laser shot at your head can be, of course :) . Also the sun will fade it over time, so either in about 5 years you get a touch-up, or you let it keep fading in which case it will appear you're losing your 'hair' all  over again and you'll soon be back to square one (albeit minus $3k!).

Hope everyone understands by no means am I trying to convince anyone to get this done. Just wanted to share my experience if anyone was curious because when I first heard about it, I went on the sly forum to see if anyone knew anything about it and there was no real info here other than the original posters saying it was ridiculous and you'd have to be a pitiful idiot to consider it.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: baldhog on January 13, 2013, 05:01:27 PM
baldhog, I think you're reacting a little defensively when you don't need to––I think SlyFive and myself are really more interested in assessing the pros and cons of a hair tattoo, not attacking you for your decision.

And since you're the resident expert on said tattoo in this thread, we're of course going to present hypothetical questions concerning the tattoo.

You don't have to defend your decision to tattoo you head to a bunch of guys on the internet :-p just sayin.

 You got the tattoo, great! If it makes you feel better about your appearance, that's good too!

Agree on all points Benlen- sorry to all if I came off as super aggro Internet guy.  :Xo! (I hate that guy!)
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Slyfive on January 13, 2013, 11:39:29 PM
That's really interesting, I didn't know that the depth was different, that would allow for 'easier' removal (owwww lasers!).
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Slyfive on January 13, 2013, 11:42:22 PM
Would you be game to show a photo?
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Switchy on January 14, 2013, 10:52:14 AM
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: baldjoeg on January 14, 2013, 07:00:55 PM
Ben and Ozz,

Well said. I prefer to shave  the dome myself. It does not take that long and I enjoy it. I really like the results -  a smooth shiny dome that I enjoy.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: benlen on January 15, 2013, 10:17:28 AM
Baldhog, intriguing that you say that the tattoo lasts roughly five years? When you had the treatment done, was there any sort of guarantee on how long it would last?

That time limit is good to know though, particularly in terms of as we age, because I think having a perfect hairline at 60 with a shaved head style would appear really unrealistic. I think if I had this treatment done, at that point I'd let it go, lol, because this is really more of a young man's game in terms of looking good.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on January 15, 2013, 11:09:55 AM
Also it isn't really permanent. The ink goes halfway as deep as a traditional tattoo making laser removal relatively easy (as easy as having a laser shot at your head can be, of course :) . Also the sun will fade it over time, so either in about 5 years you get a touch-up, or you let it keep fading in which case it will appear you're losing your 'hair' all  over again and you'll soon be back to square one (albeit minus $3k!).
Well, not to be the Doubting Thomas, but I doubt you'll be at square one--and if the purveyors of this say so, I believe it would be prudent to ask them for independent and authoritative proof in writing that you can verify.  It's the dome--and if it doesn't work out like they say--and that's a possibility I should think you seriously consider--you'll be left with a smudge, a mess that will have to be covered up.  This hasn't been done long enough for any proof by example, that is a guy from 20 years ago back at square one.  Frankly, I'd wager they won't provide any independent and authoritative proof because it can't be done.  Believe it from this guy, in twenty years, without shaving you'll have enough scars and mementos that you won't want the buyer's remorse smudge in addition.  Just my opinion--it's your dome.  
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: TxTa2Guy on January 15, 2013, 12:50:23 PM
I think a lot of you are too into your "sly" and wanting other to be only "sly"
I don't want to be "only 'sly'!"  I want to by sly with wonderful art on my Bald By Choice head. But since I first shaved my full head of hair off over three years ago so I could get it tattooed, I have wished I had done it years ago. I didn't/couldn't do it before because I had an addiction to being a long-haired guy for over forty years. I understand those who seem to mourn their lost head of hair. But I'm glad I finally moved beyond being hung up on being a long-hair, came to love being bald, and reached nirvana!

but most of these dont even look bad at all. It's weird to me but ive seen people with it in real life and nobody noticed he was bald or thought he looked stupid.
I don't think I have seen a guy with tattooed hair so I could not express an opinion whether it looks stupid. I have heard for years about guys who had very little facial hair getting a permanent five-o'clock shadow tattooed on their face. I haven't seen that either, so far as I know. Even if I thought it did look stupid, it would be none of my business. But I am absolutely certain that 24/7/lifetime dark shadow over my head and face is NOT anything I want!

The hair I have left everywhere on my body is getting to be almost all gray or white, so I don't have any five o'clock shadow, but I am sure that if I was going bald, I would shave it off and if I had a shadow and didn't like it, I would laser the remaining hair off instead of tattooing more, darker shadow. In fact I often wish I had lasered my hair off before I got my head tattoo so I didn't have to shave it off to show my tattoo in all of its glory. But if I had a shadow from my remaining hair, the art I have tattooed on my head would obscure the shadow, so mission accomplished anyway!

you dont get it from a real tattoo artist you got to a type of doctor (at least in canada) you have to get it touched up once a year, first time is free, second time is about 200-300 and you need that at least every year . . . the thing is the price it probably cost about 5000
My tattoo artist gives free touch-ups for life! That is a way better deal, but then he is not a doctor and doesn't charge like one! Mine cost around $1K to complete and has only been touched up once, and that was to fix the little spots that either weren't adequately inked originally or were damaged during healing. I may get it touched up someday, but it will look great for years without repairs. That is way better than an five year guarantee. I have some ink that is over 13 years old, has never been touched up, and still looks great.

the tattoo mimics the appearance of a shaved head. They blend the 'dots' into your existing hair, so when you shave your head, it now looks like you have the 'shadow' on top and at the hairline, not just on the sides like bozo the clown. . . . Of course if you let your hair grow, everyone could see the difference and it would look ridiculous. . . . Also you have to know what you're looking for- and fter all, how many people have ever heard of such a things as tattooing your head? It sounds ridiculous. 99.999% of the world has never heard of this so would never think for a million years I have a tattoo on my head.
:*)) This one is absolutely my personal favorite! :x!
At least Bozo has a sense of humor! And he doesn't have his shadow permanently etched all over his scalp.
"Ridiculous," baldhog says, "99.999% of the world ... would never think for a million years I have a tattoo on my head."  That may be true.
But for me, I realize than I probably am more tattooed than at least 99.9998% of the people in the whole world. And I bet 99.999999999% can figure out about mine being a tattoo.

I think I would rather have flames or tiger stripes  p0@^
I'm not trying to get everyone with hair loss to do what I did. I just assume you came here to SBG for information and opinions. And that, delivered with a wry smile, is all I offer.

Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Slyfive on January 15, 2013, 02:03:35 PM
This is something I didn't even think of, it's the same with mine, and most other artists, touch ups are free for life, so you'd think they would offer the same with such an expensive service.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Gary~ on January 15, 2013, 04:23:37 PM
If anyone wanted this done then perhaps they could get it done by a tattoo artist at a much smaller cost?

I reckon that if you downloaded a bunch of the photos of the finished product and showed the artist some of these and maybe some videos that a good artist would be probably able to do it. You could let the artist practice on some skin on your stomach or something.

And you could even get the artist to wear a white coat so he or she would be a "doctor" too.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: benlen on January 15, 2013, 05:33:53 PM
If anyone wanted this done then perhaps they could get it done by a tattoo artist at a much smaller cost?

I reckon that if you downloaded a bunch of the photos of the finished product and showed the artist some of these and maybe some videos that a good artist would be probably able to do it.

I seriously doubt that. From what research I've done into various scalp pigmentation clinics, it is a process that was honed after some serious trial and error, and the process is different.

Then again, this is from their mouths entirely, so it is difficult to say for sure.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: chgobuzzbald on January 15, 2013, 11:10:46 PM
I did meet the HIS Hair Clinic founder, Ian, a couple months ago. I saw his head and touched it. He was experimenting on himself with various size needles over the years and pigments. Their pigment is pure black with a bit of variation which is why they have not seen ( on 11 years so far) the color changing to green etc. He simply looks like a guy who has a mixture of grey and black stubble. In feeling his head I did feel the true horseshoe ring of stubble and the rest smooth yet colored in the same way. My only criticism was they made his hairline down to low onto his forehead for someone about 40 or 45 years old. Beyond that no average person could detect this "stubble" is made of ink. He just looks like he shaves his head and has grey/black stubble shadow growing back.

For myself I am considering it to help reduce considerable HT scars in the sides/back from ill advised transplant work when I was younger and insecure. If I had a scarless scalp i would just shave most likely. There is an attraction to this in that it does mimic the appearance of a full head of hair which is appealing to very young guys certainly, even today with so many buzzing and shaving by choice. SOme of their clients leave the crown area intentionally sparse so they still look as if they are balding naturally and shave their heads. Others go too far down onto the forehead as if they will always be 15 years old, that is a mistake and what many here have seen which makes this look a bit silly as guys age.

Their success  at HIS CLinic is in the super small size of the needles which a regualr tattoo artist would not have. They are careful to leave some space between the micro dots so they are not shading an entire area which looks strange and quite fake. ALso each dot is not shaped the same so  to avoid an artificial result.

At Good Look Ink they seem to be more into just shading the scalp dark which looks painted and fake. On women who have thinning hair scalp shading  from Good Look Ink  works with their very long hair which a most women will never buzz or shave off.

I do suspect as this becomes more widely known in the years ahead it will be popular with many guys. They still have basically shaved heads or maybe a 1/8 inch buzz. This does not really look good with longer and thinning hair or receded hair which calls attention to the "ink stubble". One still has to have the confidence to buzz/shave their head which is really what this site teaches us all to do and be successful. I value this site very much. My personal message is NEVER consider an HTranspant. If you must do something, then do this micro ink but keep it soft and natural.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: baldhog on January 17, 2013, 02:38:52 AM
Baldhog, intriguing that you say that the tattoo lasts roughly five years? When you had the treatment done, was there any sort of guarantee on how long it would last?

That time limit is good to know though, particularly in terms of as we age, because I think having a perfect hairline at 60 with a shaved head style would appear really unrealistic. I think if I had this treatment done, at that point I'd let it go, lol, because this is really more of a young man's game in terms of looking good.

Yeah you're right about looking good being a young man's game- my dad's in his late 60s and he doesn't care one twit what he looks like. Wears sweat pants outside, flip flops and socks, doesn't comb his hair- it's awesome! (I do know there are plenty of older gents who do look dapper and still care, but my old man's not one of them)

Anyway they've been doing this treatment for 10 years, so they have a certain amount of track record to go off of. They said everyone's scalp and immune system is different, so everyone holds the pigment for a different amount of time. They said most people experience some fading by year 3-5, so a touch up would be needed.

What they've also begun to do is laser off pigments to reflect age or personal choice. For instance ChgoBuzzBald mentioned he met the owner who's hairline was way too low for a guy his age. The owner has since raised his 'hairline' by lasering off the pigments in the front, giving himself a more natural and age appropriate look.

And to answer SlyFive, touch-up treatments are much  cheaper than the initial treatment.  Once you've had your initial treatment, subsequent ones within that first year are free. Any sessions after that- 3 yrs later, 5yrs, whatever, you're charged an hourly rate. Still not cheap, but not thousands of dollars either.

Btw that's a sweet lion tat on dude's head.

Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: baldhog on January 17, 2013, 02:42:37 AM
Would you be game to show a photo?

I'll PM anyone with pics (or a link to pics) if they're interested.
Title: Re: Scalp pigmentation
Post by: Baldnbald on February 26, 2013, 09:38:53 PM
Would you be game to show a photo?

I'll PM anyone with pics (or a link to pics) if they're interested.


I would be interested in seeing your pics.