Sly Bald Guys Forum

Sly Bald Guys Info => Site Suggestions => Topic started by: Tyler on October 02, 2006, 12:32:58 PM

Title: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: Tyler on October 02, 2006, 12:32:58 PM
There haven't been any posts on the board, so I'm thinking of deleting it.  What do you think?
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: happyharry on October 02, 2006, 04:04:29 PM
I think politics, along with religion, is quite a charged subject. Misunderstandings, quarrels and upsets can be the result when discussing it. It's like discussing the perfect pizza - nobody's going to agree on the toppings, and there's going to be fights and bloodshed.

However, I'm open to any such discussions. But on the other hand, this IS a forum about baldness. We should focus on that, and keep a few other topics (sports, movies etc.) for "pleasure", where we can relax and discuss pleasant subjects (and "politics" will not deliver that).

Anyway, that's my 2 cents...
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: Tyler on October 02, 2006, 04:07:36 PM
Great points Harry!
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: Yeti on October 02, 2006, 09:40:39 PM

 I second that harry, Politics and Religion are 2 topics I stay away from in cyberspace, they cause enough issues IRL.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: seanc7nyc on October 06, 2006, 11:45:40 PM
I third it.  There's a reason political discussions are now banned from my family Thanksgiving celebrations. 
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: KollegeKreed on April 10, 2008, 10:05:15 PM
Any chance we can get this board back? There's been a lot of deleted politically charged threads lately...maybe those of us who want to (calmly) partake in these discussions could limit them to the politics board and everyone else could stear clear?
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: JDog on April 10, 2008, 10:49:21 PM
I say leave it Tyler. Political discussions,even heated discussions are great for the board. Debate is a vital part of understanding.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: schro on April 11, 2008, 12:20:03 AM
Personally, I disagree JDog. Topics such as religion and politics are divisive and that's not what we're about here on SBG. There's other websites & message board for that.
Believe me, I'm finding that out the hard way.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: JDog on April 11, 2008, 12:24:00 AM
Schro with all due respect, You cannot expect every single person in this forum to all agree on everything. Just  having a debate on issues like politics or religon is not going to turn us all against each other. Most people in here are level headed mature people. If you dont want to partcipate, You dont have to.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: schro on April 11, 2008, 12:28:07 AM
I agree 100% with what you said JDog, but my opinion is that it should be left out of SBG.

Again, just my opinion. I don't have the final say in such matters.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: Mikekoz13 on April 11, 2008, 04:07:37 AM
I have to agree with JDOG on this one. I say leave it...... you don't have to join in on any discussion on that board. Even if you do join in, you can end your participation at any time.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: andrew on April 11, 2008, 04:59:30 AM
I would love to have that board back, as I love to talk politics.  I talk politics all the time and haven't gotten into any fights over it, because I respect everyone's opinion and love to hear the counter-points from the other side.   That's because I've not sold myself to any particular party (although I lean in 1 direction) and can be persuaded to jump to a different candidate.

Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on April 11, 2008, 10:00:40 AM
It should stay because it's a place to demonstrate something to ourselves, that whatever our political "leanings" we share one thing, shaved heads and an interest in all things related to them.  Taking that you have a shared interest in an important part of your life w/ another should provide everyone taking part in the political board w/ an "automatic" respect for the person that is going to read your "rant" and "reply."  That respect should result in an understanding that although our individual views on a particular political issue are at odds, it's the concepts that are at odds and not the guys expressing them because of their other shared interests.  Thus it should be that in preparing a "rant" the tone will be thoughtful based on fact and logically stated, and the same for the responding "reply."  If the people using the board adher to the fact of their shared interest as a constant shining reminder that the guys on the other side have shared views on other subjects the result should be that each can learn about the other's position--it's very doubtful anyone will change.  It has the potential to raise the character of the debate and provide a place to learn about others.  I personally would look forward to our non- U.S.A.citizen's comments for even more added information.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: TheSlyBear on April 11, 2008, 10:27:52 AM
My vote goes against. I've seen political discussions take a good board down too many times.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: schro on April 11, 2008, 10:34:09 AM
I haven't been on many political discussion boards, but I can see how bootedbear's observations would happen here.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: warhawk on April 11, 2008, 11:33:12 AM
no  but  H3LL NO!!!!!!!!!!  2 ANYTYPE OF POLITICAL BOARD/THREAD. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo!
I HATE TALKING POLITICS BECAUSE IT EVENTUALLY LEADS 2 VERBAL AGGRESSION.  SO H3LL NO :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo! :Xo!

Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: mojim on April 11, 2008, 11:37:37 AM
But as stated before, you can choose to go into that board or choose to stay out of it...I personally am not interested in talking politics or religion but as odd as it may seem,  I believe I am for the board..
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: PianoMan on April 11, 2008, 11:56:09 AM
Personally, I disagree JDog. Topics such as religion and politics are divisive and that's not what we're about here on SBG. There's other websites & message board for that.
Believe me, I'm finding that out the hard way.

I have to agree with Scrho on this.  There are other political websites/forums to join, and it's not why we are here.  I also believe it would be very hard to moderate. 
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: KollegeKreed on April 11, 2008, 12:08:39 PM
"thats not why we are here"....We have threads right now about our loved ones Gravesites, the Final four, Childhood Toys, Howard Stern, and "the intelligence of one's right foot".

It seems we discuss everything else here...I guess im at a loss as to why it would matter if those of us who wish to debate with other sly guys on a board had the its been repeated again and again, people who hate the idea or hate politics dont need to read it..
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: schro on April 11, 2008, 12:16:26 PM
This thread went 18 months without being brought back to life by you. During the 32 posts you've made, you've seen some of the ugliness that can result from the difference in political views. Based on your picture and name, I'm assuming you're in college. I'm sure you can find an outlet to scratch that political itch.

Again, it's not my final call on this, but my vote is to NOT revive it.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: TheSlyBear on April 11, 2008, 12:36:16 PM
But as state before, you can choose to go into that board or choose to stay out of it..
That's great in theory mojim, but I've found that it doesn't always work in practice. Grievances and bad blood created when discussing politics almost always bleeds over into other areas of a board.

Why risk what we've got going here so that a few people can vent? schro is right on -- there are plenty of other places to talk politics.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: mojim on April 11, 2008, 12:44:03 PM
I'm good on whatever you all decide, I mean I did not even know there was one...I guess I just do not like the ideal of being told I can't talk about something in a group of grown men.Just rubs me the wrong way, but all is cool O0
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: Paul on April 11, 2008, 12:52:34 PM
If we want to discuss politics we can do it in person at the convention each year....that way if there is any bad blood you have a year to cool off.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: Timmay on April 11, 2008, 12:56:03 PM
Well I would say just do away with it.  I dont get into political discussions in forums..let alone get into them in public.  They always just turn into shouting matches and which party is better than the other.  Yes you have a point wiht it being in a forum..cause you can walk away at anytime.  Its just going to cause a riff between otherwise to people who seem to have gotten along before.  We seen a prime example of that last night.  I say if you want to talk politics...go find a forum dedicated to such.  Sorry just my opinion, but just like anything else...there are going to be those who agree and disagree.  For the sake of keeping things to the Good in here....I just choose not to participate.  So you can leave it or take it..doesnt matter to me.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: mojim on April 11, 2008, 01:06:30 PM
Well I would say just do away with it.  I dont get into political discussions in forums..let alone get into them in public.  They always just turn into shouting matches and which party is better than the other.  Yes you have a point wiht it being in a forum..cause you can walk away at anytime.  Its just going to cause a riff between otherwise to people who seem to have gotten along before.  We seen a prime example of that last night.  I say if you want to talk politics...go find a forum dedicated to such.  Sorry just my opinion, but just like anything else...there are going to be those who agree and disagree.  For the sake of keeping things to the Good in here....I just choose not to participate.  So you can leave it or take it..doesnt matter to me.

Your sheeting me, right?  Opps, wrong board... :*))
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: tomgallagher on April 11, 2008, 01:20:07 PM
I vote to keep it. It's simple, IMO, come in and debate or stay out. No problemo.
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: Nick912 on April 11, 2008, 01:46:45 PM
I vote to keep it. It's simple, IMO, come in and debate or stay out. No problemo.

Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: JDog on April 11, 2008, 04:35:22 PM
I vote to keep it. It's simple, IMO, come in and debate or stay out. No problemo.

Dittoed tambien
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: SlickEric on April 11, 2008, 04:48:15 PM
Well I would say just do away with it.  I dont get into political discussions in forums..let alone get into them in public.  Its just going to cause a riff between people who seem to have gotten along before.  We seen a prime example of that last night.  I say if you want to talk politics...go find a forum dedicated to such. 
I agree with Timmmay.  O0
Why add something to this forum that could cause fights and disagreements. We're basically an agreeable bunch of guys, but why add fuel to the fire. Leave well enough alone and keep politics out of this place

"Este no es el lugar para la polĂ­tica!"
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: Robmeister on April 11, 2008, 05:08:41 PM
If we want to discuss politics we can do it in person at the convention each year....that way if there is any bad blood you have a year to cool off.

.....after you've gone to blows in the parking lot... :*))

 First: fR!d@y

Then: b0x3r

Then:  fR!d@y
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: JohnMont on April 11, 2008, 05:28:41 PM

I'm not sure about this one.  First of all; I didn't know there even was a politics board.  I guess if you had a particular issue you wanted to disucss; it 'd   be a good place to go.  And yeah; we have all kinds of non-bald topics; so why not politics.   And a politics board would keep most of it "in there."   

On the other hand; most political statements in other threads have come up 'on the side' ; developed naturally in the conversation.   I don't like to see free expression stiffled; and wherever there is free expression there is going to be disagreement.   It shouldn't get out out hand (though it does sometimes).  .... 

so; like I said;   i'm not sure. ...
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: Tyler on April 11, 2008, 07:53:19 PM
I'm going to make the final decision right now and say that the Political board will NOT be returning.  It was taken down only a couple months after the site started and the site has done well without it.  While it was here it didn't get used much at all (I think there was one topic).  Also, every advice I've ever read on having a successful forum is to keep political and religious boards off of your forum unless the forum is about religion or politics. 

If you do with to talk politics, there is a great forum that my friend runs called Trees and Things at
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: PBurke on April 11, 2008, 11:34:05 PM
good call tyler
Title: Re: Politics Board - Keep It or Delete It?
Post by: BaldRob on April 14, 2008, 05:50:01 PM
I second Paulie's response... good call Tyler!

Sly Bald Guy Law - No politics or religion on the boards!