Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => To be or not be...Bald => Topic started by: timetobeme on March 01, 2010, 08:44:55 PM

Title: I've Picked My Date
Post by: timetobeme on March 01, 2010, 08:44:55 PM
Hi there.  I hope I am posting in the right category.  I just discovered this wonderful website a few days ago and I am glad to become a member.  I am presently a rug wearer for the last 13 years.  I began when I was 24.  It has been a long time and I estimate I have spent about $35 000 (I am ill when I type that).  Going through MPB was tough at a young age and making the decision to get a rug was huge.  I am pretty used to it now, but I still worry about if it looks right, and if people are staring or not.  Anyway, for the past three years or so I have thought about getting rid of it, but let me tell you that is a tough decision.  For everyone going through MPB and thinking about shaving, I get that...that too is huge!  But the reality is in a couple of months you can be exactly back to where you were before.  For me, and my fellow rug wearers once we commit to the shave...there is no going back to where we were before!  As well, for the MPB fellas who shave, it is a natural progression, for me, it is admitting to the lie that I have been living.  Anyway, what cinched it for me was that I have two young boys, a four year old and a two year old.  I never want them to wear a rug or feel that they need to change themselves in any way.  I want them to have the self esteem that I never had, and how can they have this when they see their dad living a lie.  So I have picked my date, May 26.  I am excited, nervous, and very much looking forward to it.  Okay, I'm scared as hell, but it is time to stop living a lie.  I am not looking forward to the looks and the questions, but I am ok with that.  What I am concerned with is how my sons will take to the new me.  I wish I would have done this when they were younger, but kids adjust, and will see that I am still the same person.  Anyway, your site is great.  I have read many articles and garnished much courage from your stories.  Thank you, Mike...looking forward to becoming sly!
Title: Re: I've Picked My Date
Post by: Tyler on March 01, 2010, 08:57:20 PM
Mike, welcome to SBG and congrats on your decision.  Why have you chosen May 26th?
Title: Re: I've Picked My Date
Post by: timetobeme on March 01, 2010, 10:07:16 PM
I've picked the day because I will be at a conference for the rest of that week. My plan is to shave it before I leave for that.
Title: Re: I've Picked My Date
Post by: pdxtodd on March 02, 2010, 07:14:05 AM
Hey Mike,  welcome to the group and congrats on the decision!   I'm a former "client" and I can't tell you how great it is to be "de-victimized".     I too was concerned about the reactions - and the reality was that on Dec 4th, when I finally took the step -- it was a non-issue.   I had built up in my mind this "huge" reaction from everyone and it didn't happen.   I took have kids -- 16, 13, and 4 (daughters).   My 4 and 13 year old did react and wanted me to grow my hair back -- but over the past 90 days the 13 year old has gone from "dad why did you do it" - to "dad you look stronger, meaner, and like a tough guy".   My 4 year old still asks me where my hair went and when its coming back :-)

I too made the decision to do the deed at a future date.   20/20 hindsight -- I should have done it right then and there.   I waited about 8 weeks after making the decision - wanting to get the remaining miles out of my last hairpiece.   I regret not doing it right then and there.

Welcome to the group and welcome to the freedom of no more tapes, glues, and appointments!
Title: Re: I've Picked My Date
Post by: -Doug- on March 02, 2010, 07:44:41 AM
Welcome to the SBGs Mike.
Title: Re: I've Picked My Date
Post by: schro on March 02, 2010, 08:07:02 AM
Welcome Mike.
Might I suggest shaving a couple days before 5/26. That way, you'll have a chance to get some sun on your dome.

Good luck and feel free to browse the forum. Lots of great info from the SBGs on shaving & looking your best!

Title: Re: I've Picked My Date
Post by: Mikekoz13 on March 02, 2010, 08:14:07 AM
Welcome to the Forum Mike!. Nice intro!

I have kids and when I shaved almost three years ago my then 9 year old son cried. But the next day he told me how "cool" I looked.
Sometimes I'll torment them by saying that I'm going to grow my horseshoe back..... They both yell in unison "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! ".

My daughter.... who was five when I shaved doesn't even remember me with hair...............
Title: Re: I've Picked My Date
Post by: dawgfan on March 02, 2010, 12:21:22 PM

Congratulations on your decision.  As you have probably  read in many posts, you'll be asking yourself why you didn't take this step long ago.  While I never had a hair piece, I do have two children to consider.  My two year old son obviously had no clue, but my seven year old daughter had issues.  I'm not really sure why it made her so upset, but everytime I mentioned shaving she would become very upset.  I took the plunge one weekend while the kids were away.  My daughter's first reaction was..."oh, cool".  I think she was just concerned that shaving my head would somehow hurt me.  Anyway, you've made the right decision and have come to the right place. 

Title: Re: I've Picked My Date
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on March 02, 2010, 01:45:11 PM
Might I suggest shaving a couple days before 5/26. That way, you'll have a chance to get some sun on your dome.
Ditto, why wait---any weekend would be fine--no pressure or concerns, warm spring sun to let the skin under the "dead animal" >:D blend w/ the rest of your fine head.  Just another thought to add to the mix. O:O
Title: Re: I've Picked My Date
Post by: timetobeme on March 02, 2010, 08:41:45 PM
Thanks guys for the encouragement and advice.  You all realize how important that is and how much I appreciate it!
