Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => Advantages and Disadvantages to being Bald => Topic started by: baldtribesman on February 16, 2010, 06:29:48 AM

Title: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: baldtribesman on February 16, 2010, 06:29:48 AM
Sly Brothers I know this issue has been raised before but being Sly for me is having a constant shadow - its evident of my MPB, anyone can see it.  I actually hope my hair turns grey and my MPB actually increases to the point that I can be Sly without a shadow where you can see my hair line and see my bald spot, which is the case right now despite the fact that I shave my dome every day.  Guys I would appreciate your points of view about having a shadow it really bothers me and to tell you the truth obviously when my hair is grown out I do not have to battle the shadow.  I wish I can truly be sly with no shadow. Guys tell me what you think.

Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: Ming the Merciless on February 16, 2010, 06:53:48 AM
I see some Sly here go so far as to have hair lasered off the head.  That seems extreme.

The general consensus is that if you've got dark hair, shadow is part of the package, and it appears no one has an effective (makeup?  I think not!) solution, save age and the possibility that the hair will go gray to white.  That's my case, and since my hair was always on the fine side, I am effectively "shadowless."  Yes, "shadow" is not as aesthetic as a uniformly even dome, but that's life (or, it's MPB at least).

I see from time to time shaven-headed guys who seem to wear a hat all the time, and thus one can't tell if they have horseshoe shadow or are just more generously-haired BBC, but most of them are MPB "shadowmen" if you catch them with the hat off or slightly askew.  My own view, is, if you are Sly, the "hat trick" is something to avoid.  A hat as needed for weather or sun, but not as a disguise.  "If you don't got it, flaunt it," I say.
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: BaldBear on February 16, 2010, 07:03:11 AM
Are you Italian? Based on your avatar picture (beard shadow and the fur coming up out of your shirt [woof]), it looks like your Sly shadow is there to stay for a while. I had the same situation early in my Sly years, but as I age...most of my pepper is turning to salt. My sly shadow is diminishing as well. Just be patient and your shadow should start to go away.
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on February 16, 2010, 07:06:31 AM
Shadow, it's one of the main issues for mpb guys.  I was hypersensitive about it for the first couple of months.  But, over time, I realized that it really didn't matter.  How did I get there, well, I saw a lot of mpb guys with their Bozo Rings grown out.  They looked older, tired and somehow not as clean and neat as a guy should.  The shadow on the other hand, obviously shaved daily is reflective of a lot of self respect, refusal to wear the grey or brown curtain.  Face it Bozo Rings and combovers just don't work and talk about reminding everyone that you're in the middle of mpb!!!.  So here I am over two years down the Sly Road and I don't mind mine at all.  You will get used to it.  
Other things to focus on, getting into and staying in good physical shape.  You can also try a little facial hair as a balance for your face--plus it's a fun thing to do.
The shadow, well it's there but minimized by a daily shave--and that's where I'm headed now.  
BTW, you do have a nicely shaped, good looking dome.  
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: TGB1 on February 16, 2010, 08:52:20 AM
My hair is not dark, sort of a lighter brown after being very re in my younger years. Sometime I go a day or three without shaving and when I do  I enjoy the comments I get on the light horse shoe. It is a prt of who I am.
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: The Noggin on February 16, 2010, 10:16:25 AM
My shadow is not so intense because I have medium brown hair but the hair line & bald spot can be seen quite well, though less than when I started to shave.
To me the shadow is just there as is my nose or whatever part of my body.

I think being sly is not about hiding MPB (like for you it is often even more revealing) but about discovering your personal style and enjoying it no matter what others think. A shaved head is sending out a strong signal of self confidence. I am generally not so confident about myself but after the first shave I knew that I found my style without any doubt and that hasn't changed.

And remember, when we check our appearance in bright light using double mirror technology we tend to search for the imperfect details (and find something of course) but when we see someone else it is more the overall impression we notice rather than the details. It's a matter of perspective.
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: Morthen on February 17, 2010, 02:39:04 AM
i think it depends and how you shave your head too. I have dark brown hair but when I'm shaven i have no shadow. just massage the cream or gel into your scalp and take your time, should help minimize shadow
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: Magoo on February 17, 2010, 06:57:24 PM
I kinda like the shadow on the sides. Not on top though. When I look in the mirror thats what I see so I'M satisfied.
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: Tagus on February 18, 2010, 06:03:36 PM
Have you tried to wax it? The instructor at my gym had a smooth dome and i knew he was bald because of the bit of shadow he had when he grew his hair a bit but next day he was completly bald again,no shadow.

He eitheir has a magic razor or he waxes it off...or is there any other reason for that? (considered the difficulties i´ve read in here about wipping the shadow)
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: baldtribesman on February 19, 2010, 04:51:24 PM
thanks Baldbear its nice that you are able to relate to me.
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: CraftyGuy on February 22, 2010, 09:36:56 AM
Are you Italian? Based on your avatar picture (beard shadow and the fur coming up out of your shirt [woof]), it looks like your Sly shadow is there to stay for a while. I had the same situation early in my Sly years, but as I age...most of my pepper is turning to salt. My sly shadow is diminishing as well. Just be patient and your shadow should start to go away.

Something I'm looking forward to as well...
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: namratasnv on February 24, 2010, 03:15:49 AM
i think it depends and how you shave your head too. I have dark brown hair but when I'm shaven i have no shadow. just massage the cream or gel into your scalp and take your time, should help minimize shadow


I think you suggested right and it can be done like this so that there will not be any problem you have to face, it is better if you apply some gel onto your scalp that will be beneficial for you.


Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: mangosink12572 on February 25, 2010, 11:07:08 AM
My hair is grey - -so when it goes a couple days (not very often) I get the "horse-shoe " in the back  - - -Everyday shave -  I am clear  - -

-NO  horse-shoe for me - - -I hate the horse-shoe   - -I don't feel clean  unless  I shave completely  - -

-I think  - if you do a close shave  - and take your time -  the shadow will be real light  - -or non existent
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: baldtribesman on February 25, 2010, 12:30:13 PM
I am happy to report that the shadow is not as noticable now.  The reason is that when I first shaved my hair which is black I had very very pale skin underneath and now that that area is tanned it lessons the contrast between my skin and my hair color.  I am going a little gray so I think the shadow will also be less noticable when I am very gray.
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: bartman on February 25, 2010, 01:38:08 PM
The tan helps a lot. Hair grows during the day and not at night. (at least this is my experience and we have all heard the term 4 o'clock afternoon shadow). I work from home so I don't have to shave first thing in the morning. So I wait until the afternoon, that way when I am off of work and go out, no shadow, no shadow in the morning. So my advise (all the others require you wait until you grey or lose more hair) is wait as long as you can before you shave, or until you have to go out into public. If you have to head into a work building at 6am, then this obviously will not work unless you shave your head at work (which is what I would do if I had to go into the office).

If you have a shadow right after you shave then getting a better tan is the only way to lower the contrast between your skin and dark hair.
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: baldntat05 on April 10, 2010, 09:33:43 AM
Being bald outweighs the shadow for me.  A good tan and a nice shine helps diminish the shadow as well. 
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: xnewyawka on April 10, 2010, 10:17:15 AM
Very true, and I agree baldntat. I said it before and I'll say it again; I don't mind the shadow at all, it tells me I will be shaving again soon.
Once you get out there and get some sun and color, the shadow is much less noticeable. 
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: DuffRyder17 on April 10, 2010, 02:38:23 PM
There have been quite a few response already and I don't want to waste time repeating stuff. here are your options as I see them
1.) Accept it
-this involves being a man and not hiding or being ashamed of your shadow
2.) have laser hair removal
- this is permanent and cannot be undone, and it really hurts
3.) Try out one of those epilators(electrical tweezers)
-Supposedly will cause follicle damage, and hair loss, and it really hurts
4.) Make-up
-unless you have a professional do it, you will still appear to have some shadow in well lit areas. and it's messy
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: Rob on April 10, 2010, 05:32:26 PM
I have quite a shadow too, but it's just something you get used to, and helps me to know if I'm shaving close enough when it gets lighter.  As others have said, a tan and a shine help to push the shadow into the background. 8)
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: kenny57028 on June 01, 2010, 08:44:58 PM

while its not the best thing to have, its better than a horshoe of hair.
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: Morthen on June 01, 2010, 09:08:10 PM
My last post was a lie, I have a pretty evident shadow, but I don't think its a big deal. I kinda like it almost, adds a little more style to the sly look I think
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: Gambrinus on June 01, 2010, 09:50:20 PM
It's kind of like that red thing in a turkey that pops up when it's done.  You see the shadow and it's time to shave :)
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: baldguynextdoor on June 02, 2010, 01:05:45 AM
I think SlyOne and DuffRyder nailed it:  don’t try to hide your MPB.  You're a part of the hairfree fraternity, man -- embrace it!

I have very dark hair and light skin, and my shadow shows almost all the time.  I used to be pretty self-conscious about it, but that faded as I got more comfortable with my Sly noggin.  For me, the best part about going Sly (even better than the excellent haircut) was accepting that going bald is just part of being a guy.   It took a while to get there, but it was a game changer for me.  Everybody can see that I’m losing my hair now, and I couldn’t care less. 
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: xnewyawka on June 03, 2010, 06:04:36 PM
It's like I always said before, and I'll say it again: the shadow lets me know I will be shaving again tomorrow, or whenever I choose.    O0
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: zetaeffe on June 12, 2010, 05:59:55 PM
here's my shadowfree scalp: is this what you're aiming to?
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: BALDANDRE on June 12, 2010, 11:26:45 PM
here's my shadowfree scalp: is this what you're aiming to?

WOW...that's nice Z!
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: Morthen on June 13, 2010, 12:41:28 AM
shadowfree scalp.

Tweezers, and EPIC patience :P
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: Nonick on June 13, 2010, 08:48:14 AM
It looks like most all of the options have been presented.  I agree with Rob as the most common and practical (easy) approach- shave close and tan. :)
Since the gray is beginning to come in, lasering is out.  :XX
Z's epil approach is a work of art- if you have the time and patience!  ^-^
If you don't have the patience and can stand the pain (and the growing time in-between, then waxing could be your thing  ???
Finally, accept and enjoy what you have when you're done doing your sly work in the morning and walk out proudly as the Ultimate Sly Guy that you are and greet the world knowing you look your best!  8)
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: zetaeffe on June 13, 2010, 08:55:36 AM
here's my shadowfree scalp: is this what you're aiming to?

WOW...that's nice Z!

Thank you Andre!  :)
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: xnewyawka on June 13, 2010, 09:47:53 AM
shadowfree scalp.

Tweezers, and EPIC patience :P

It's easier to just shave!   :D
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: marty22 on June 13, 2010, 10:21:29 AM
phenomenal look, Z!
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: balddaniel on June 13, 2010, 01:06:12 PM
Hey Z,

What a beautiful bald head you have.  Nice shine.  How did you post more than one pic.  I can't figure it out.  Welcome to Sly. 
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: zetaeffe on June 13, 2010, 04:27:25 PM
Hey Z,

What a beautiful bald head you have.  Nice shine.  How did you post more than one pic.  I can't figure it out.  Welcome to Sly. 

Thank you for the compliments Daniel  :)
To add more than one pic: to the right of the "Attach" field there's a link "(more attachements)"  ;)
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: Mauricio on July 21, 2010, 09:07:23 PM

How did you avoid the shadow?
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: phigg on August 22, 2010, 10:17:23 AM
The tan helps a lot. Hair grows during the day and not at night. (at least this is my experience and we have all heard the term 4 o'clock afternoon shadow).

Actually, hair follicles don't know any difference between day and night, they grow at a slow, constant rate, 24/7.
In fact, for me, most of my head stubble seems to occur at night, but it's just that it takes most of the day to get long enough to feel again.  Since I'm out cold for 8 hours at night, I'm not aware of the change until I wake up and it's "suddenly" there.  I think maybe facial hair just grows a little faster, so you can tell by 4 or 5pm.
Title: Re: Having dark hair, jet black hair - help! lol - I have a perpetual shadow!
Post by: BaldBradley on October 06, 2010, 10:54:25 PM
I have the same problem with my hair, I've been reading everyone's tips and I'm considering tanning. How much does a tanning kit cost? I've never used one before and seeing as how I live in Washington the chance of me getting a real tan is nearly impossible.