Sly Bald Guys Forum

New Member Section => Introductions => Topic started by: Orpheus on January 22, 2010, 02:24:28 PM

Title: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: Orpheus on January 22, 2010, 02:24:28 PM
Hey all, brand new.  A picture tells a thousand words here at Sly, and so by now you know I'm not quite bald yet but am slowly (not slow enough!!) but surely getting there.  I have thought of going "slick" as you guys call it (still learning all the terms heh) but as an Actor I have to be mindful of the different roles I'm expected to play.  Granted in a few years I'll probably be phased out of the "Don Juan with blazing eyes and a thick head of dark hair" parts, but I think there are still a few roles left to conquer!!  Thank God for men like Patrick Stewart, eh? :)

I'm a relatively positive and upbeat person.  Being an actor, a handful of my thoughts on self-worth UNFORTUNATELY have to do with my looks (weight, skin-tone, HAIR) and I soooo wish I hadn't been burdened with this ridiculously obvious genetic malfunction, BUT - what can you do.  I decided long ago that as long as I had my health (and a decent sex-drive) I could handle going bald.  But as soon as my camper stops pitching its tent, it's CURTAINS for me :)

I'll hopefully be popping in from time to time for some uplifting advice from fellow bald eagles.  But until I need any, I have one question - how the hell is everyone today?? :)
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: Mikekoz13 on January 22, 2010, 02:39:17 PM
Welcome to the Forum Orpheus! You're definetily on your way!
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on January 22, 2010, 03:18:48 PM
Welcome, but your "new look" days are probably here to be perfectly frank.
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: wpruitt on January 22, 2010, 04:12:57 PM
Welcome Orpheus; I'm doing fine.  How the hell are you ?
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: ozzie on January 22, 2010, 05:05:56 PM
Welcome to the forum, Orpheus!  O0
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: Rob on January 22, 2010, 05:19:52 PM
welcome.  A picture speaks a thousand words: but good on you for putting one up O0  You would look great SLY 8)
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: Papa Don on January 22, 2010, 05:43:03 PM
Welcome O.  Glad that you came to us for inspiration.  We have plenty to spare.  We all know your plight.  As far as bald actors, just check out how many are bald.  007 Sean Connery for one.  I believe he has been voted numerous times as one of the sexiest men.  His past rolls have not been bad either.  Personally, hair is just a frame of mind.  John Travolta has a new movie coming out where he is bald, and he does look good.  Take the leap and cross over to the bright side!
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: Sgt. Pate on January 22, 2010, 06:01:57 PM
Welcome aboard Orpheus!  O:O
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: Razor X on January 22, 2010, 07:11:16 PM
Welcome, but your "new look" days are probably here to be perfectly frank.

Honestly, your "new look" days should have arrived some time ago. I don't mean that to sound blunt or rude, but there's just no way to sugar-coat it.  A lot of us, myself included, have made the mistake of waiting too long for the Big Shave.  You're a good looking guy, but thinning hair doesn't suit anybody.  You've got good chiseled features and you will look amazing bald.  It's the weekend, no better time to do it.  We're here to offer any support that you need.  Just do it; you'll be thanking us afterwards.
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: warhawk on January 22, 2010, 07:53:03 PM
hey orpheus:  welcome 2 the sly fraternity.  glad that ya joined us.  keep us posted  2 your road 2 slyness. O0

Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: OzPete on January 22, 2010, 08:01:54 PM
Welcome to SBG!
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: Orpheus on January 22, 2010, 08:06:11 PM
Hahaha do you call this support or peer pressure  :D haha I kid!

the reason I can't slick it yet, or for a while probably, is because I'm an actor with quite a few roles that demand at least SOME hair :)

I agree with the lot of you that thinning hair doesn't suit anybody, but as much as you guys are happy to be slick, I'm just as okay being Thin for the time being.

Like I said, when the time, or the role, comes, I won't hesitate.  Contractual obligations withstanding though, you're gonna have to look at the Thin for a while  >:D
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on January 22, 2010, 09:37:38 PM

Like I said, when the time, or the role, comes, I won't hesitate.  Contractual obligations withstanding though, you're gonna have to look at the Thin for a while  >:D

There are roles I guess for balding men--you've got a good look for it. >:D
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: Dome of Steele on January 22, 2010, 11:44:23 PM
Welcome to SBGs!
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: The Noggin on January 23, 2010, 05:43:57 AM
If you are happy we are happy.
Nice avatar though, professional "acting" style I suppose.

P.S. Welcome.  8)
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: xnewyawka on January 23, 2010, 09:30:13 AM
Welcome to SBG's Orpheus. I agree with Razor on this, you should definitely have it shaved if not closely buzzed.
There are many actors out there who have realized it's better to be true to yourself. Look at Billy Zane, it looks like he's finally embraced his baldness on his new TV show. He looks great.
John Travolta, while he looks awesome shaved, is probably not going to keep it. I could go on with the list, but you get the idea.

Shave it close, and let Costume and Makeup worry about it.

Meanwhile, you let everybody know "this is me, and this is how I want to look". 
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: Razor X on January 23, 2010, 11:35:35 AM

There are many actors out there who have realized it's better to be true to yourself. Look at Billy Zane, it looks like he's finally embraced his baldness on his new TV show. He looks great.

I'm glad to see that Zane has gone back to the sly look.  The MPB thing he had been experimenting with for the past couple of years wasn't working for him at all.
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: stasiu on January 23, 2010, 11:52:45 AM
Orpheus !

Your interesting name comes from musician and son of Apollo and a Muse; he was an expert lyre player; the most famous story about Orpheus concerns his wife Eurydice who died shortly after their marriage ?  Is this corect ?

Would you mind offering any YouTube or Website links where your acting performances can be viewed?

We're not here to make you sly but offer advice and support in making a better change for yourself and soul.

You mention that your acting job requires "quite a few roles that demand at least some hair"?  There are awesome hairsystems that most actors have access to for stage/movie productions and have accepted mpb in private life.

Your promo shot shows a very handsome face but those balding sparse sprigs of hair giving you more of a satrical look in your eyes than theatarical male model look.  Just my opinion.  Please accept.

Alas, the stage / acting / theater and communications profession always will be critiqued just like any pro sports, etc.  That is part of the business.

We all appreciate that you took time from your busy acting career to join this sly site and we take great pride to offer you various advice and support !

Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: Stu on January 23, 2010, 12:17:24 PM
Isn't that what costumes & makeup is for, wigs included?  I agree with Razor - you will look great shaved.
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: mangosink12572 on January 23, 2010, 02:31:35 PM
You will look great SLY - - -You are a good looking guy ---  - - - - - Thats the way  mine  looked in the back
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: Arnie on January 24, 2010, 02:50:40 PM
Welcome to SBGs!!! 8)
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: dodger on January 24, 2010, 02:59:11 PM
Welcome Orpheus

I am not an actor but I was concerned about being sly in the business world

My balding pattern was similar (many years ago) to yours

Know what?...since going sly, most of my associates think I look younger

Most important, I feel good about myself

By the way, nice photo..sly will fit you

Stay in touch and let us know how things are going

Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: Orpheus on January 24, 2010, 08:03:27 PM
you guys are all awesome  8)
Title: Re: You are now leaving Balding Planes and will soon be entering Baldville
Post by: Sgt. Pate on January 25, 2010, 01:54:50 AM
you guys are all awesome  8)

Hey!  I resemble that remark!  :*))