Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: happyharry on September 28, 2006, 01:27:36 PM

Title: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: happyharry on September 28, 2006, 01:27:36 PM
Hi guys,

I have a problem with my plate and need your advice.

There's redness and small red pimples all over it and they just won't go away (even if I ask them nicely). In other words, my skull is not a clean, white plate, as it should be.

When I first started shaving I thought "well, it's irritation...after all, you just started shaving." But more than 8 months later it's still there - not in the same intensity, but still quite noticeable.

Is there something I can do? Have any of you had similar problems or experiences? Would certain balms or potions remedy the situation?

I thought if I shaved more carefully and made sure I didn't cut myself at all, these things would eventually go away. I also thought for a while that if I gave my skull a break from shaving things would normalise.

But they didn't, they're still here. I just hope they aren't here to stay... :-[
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: Yeti on September 28, 2006, 07:16:44 PM
I am unsure harry, it sounds to me like a razor that is sort of dull, but I assume you are using fresh razors. Other possibility is that you are having a reaction to a solution you may be using, whether it be a lotion or cream or whatever, before/during/or after shaving. For example, I can ONLY use one specific brand of deodorant on my underarms or I get a nasty rash, hence I have no choice what I use. hehe Comparedly, with my head shaving, lotions don't agree with my skin too much. I just use a small amount of things I know to work in the past. I shave a complete circle below the base of my neck, for my neck gets a full coat of hair, unlike my crown lol. My neck is very sensitive, and I frequently get the red dots on my neck, another reason I am a 3 or so day shaver, so I don;t irritate the area daily. I first became aware of this red dot problem, way back in Marine Corp Bootcamp, having to shave each and every day. I also noticced that a "huge" % of recruits had the same issue, I can only think it was due to the daily shaving, not the best quality of products, and the harsh "yelling" we endured hehehe  My first suggestion would be to alter something in your process, methods of shaving, time between,  or equipment/lotions, etc. to see if something works better for ya. 8 months straight something needs to be changed in your system bro. Best of luck and keep us informed..
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: happyharry on September 29, 2006, 05:18:24 AM
Yeti, so far I've been able to rule out the razors (I always use fresh razors with excellent blades, never use them twice) and the solutions - I only use shaving cream / gel to shave my head and that's about it. Plus, I've already changed between three different shaving creams and there's still no noticeable change. I also wash my head with a special Betadine antiseptic shampoo prior to shaving (and sometimes even afterwards) to make sure there are no critters lurking around waiting for me to (inevitably) cut myself.

It's probably a combination of the things you mentioned (frequency of shaving, shaving products etc.)
It did improve over the past 8 months, though. It's nothing like it was when I just started shaving. And it'll probably go away in a year or so if I continue with my current shaving pattern. It's just that I wanted my head to be really clean and perfectly white rather than tainted with various red spots and areas....

Thanks for your reply. :)
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: Yeti on September 29, 2006, 02:00:57 PM

  Your welcome bro, I do know that if I used all that stuff my head would break out too, the betadine itself might be the issue, the head and/or neck are areas that take some time to get used to being shaved all the time. As I stated my neck still gets annoyed, but I think thats because it covers with hair. My head goes much better these days, due to the shaving area being so small... lol
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: PigPen on October 02, 2006, 10:16:30 AM
What razors are you using? Is there a possibility it could be the brand of razor?
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: happyharry on October 02, 2006, 11:56:53 AM

I use three different razors: Wilkinson/Schick Quattro, Wilkinson Extreme 3 (disposable 3 blade razor) and lately
the Wilkinson Extra II (2 blades).

The Quattro is the one with the least irritation.

Whether the redness could be related to the razors or the brand of razors I use: Hm, I don't know. It's hard to
imagine it could be from the brand.

But thinking about it (my problem), I think it could be related to my shaving technique. I modified it recently and
the last three shaves I had were very smooth and there was very little irritation. Additionally, I didn't cut any pimples (which I used to do with my previous technique), and I guess things will get better from now on...
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: PigPen on October 02, 2006, 01:12:41 PM
Are you using a different angle with the new technique?
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: happyharry on October 02, 2006, 04:41:36 PM
Are you using a different angle with the new technique?

Not that I'm aware of. I apply much less pressure and the strokes are smaller (only a few centimeters). It's difficult to explain it, but I basically work with the resistance of the stubble. Once I notice the resistance of the stubble against the blade I simply draw the razor along without applying pressure (or with very very little pressure). And it works like a charm.

Basically, I'm still in the process of "learning" how to shave. No one taught me how to shave my head, no one taught me the most effective technique, so, through experimentation and with experience, I'll have to figure it out on my own...

By the way, I figured out that a good razor alone won't guarantee that you won't get any irritation or cuts. I cut myself plenty with the Quattro and the Extreme 3. I now use the cheap Extra II razors (2 blades) and I rarely get any cuts or irritation, simply by adjusting my technique. So I learned that a good technique is important.
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: Yeti on October 02, 2006, 09:48:02 PM
 Hey bro, If you are shaving "slowly" with the resistance of the follicle to the speed of the blade that could be an issue as well. A steady speed, that fits the area of skin, with a lil excelleration at the start seems to help me with the dots. I get them heavily on my neck area, due to the hair returning at an angle, almost 90 degrees, and they have a much higher chance of growing under the skin.... most annoying.
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: PigPen on October 03, 2006, 07:48:52 AM
Something I learned when I first started using the HeadBlade is you don't need that much pressure. I think Harry posted it somewhere else, the details of his new technique included less pressure. I can honestly say that the combination of the HeadBlade and HeadSlick is the best.
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: happyharry on October 03, 2006, 11:38:59 AM
PigPen, I never used the headblade, but I did mention my new technique with less pressure in another thread.
I've also checked out the headblade on their website, and they keep stressing that you shouldn't apply any pressure at
all...must be quite a potent razor, this headbleed...sorry, headblade. ;)

Seriously now, I'm curious about it. I've considered buying it but I was hesitant as I would have to order the blades online everytime since they're not available in Greece. I've also heard that the headblade was great for large areas but a little tricky with the, well, tricky ones (eg around the ears). So if I had to waste a fresh extra razor just for the ears everytime I shaved with the headblade, hm...that leaves me thinking.

What are your experiences with the headblade? I've also heard about their various lotions (Headlube etc) and I'd definitely try one of these.
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: PigPen on October 03, 2006, 02:50:22 PM
It does get a little tricky around the ears. More than once I have knicked my noggin around that area. Funny thing is, that sometimes I will miss the little bit of hair right behind the ears, and other times I get it no problem. However, I do need to touch up where my ears and noggin come together about every 2-3 days. I try to remember to check these places everyday. I usually change the razor about once a week.

I also religiously use the HeadSlick and HeadLube.
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: happyharry on October 03, 2006, 03:00:20 PM
...amen to that. ;)
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: Yeti on October 03, 2006, 05:58:14 PM
haven't tried one myself either, but with all the good info I have read in our new "awesome" forum home, I think I will stick with my Mach 3, no need for the Headblade or the Fusion...  btw thx to all who helped me form this opinion, especially my wallet thanks you! lol   :D
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: Yeti on October 04, 2006, 01:39:19 AM
I hope the info about a smooth, yet using slight excelleration on start helps bro. I seem to have more issues with the dots when I try to go slow for each follicle small area etc. 1 long steady stroke, at your desired pressure, depending on your product. Good luck and lemme know.   ;)
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: BaldRob on October 09, 2006, 06:06:32 PM
Seriously now, I'm curious about it. I've considered buying it but I was hesitant as I would have to order the blades online everytime since they're not available in Greece. I've also heard that the headblade was great for large areas but a little tricky with the, well, tricky ones (eg around the ears). So if I had to waste a fresh extra razor just for the ears everytime I shaved with the headblade, hm...that leaves me thinking.

What are your experiences with the headblade? I've also heard about their various lotions (Headlube etc) and I'd definitely try one of these.

HH- I also use the headblade, but I buy Gillette Atra Plus blades for it... they work great!  Their HeadSlick shaving cream is also great, as well as the HeadShed (exfoliator).  Around the ears and the rest of my face I use the Gillette Fusion...

As far as your red bumps, you might try shaving in the shower... I used to hate shaving (was in the Navy and had to shave every day) because my skin got irritated.  I read an article on a website about 5 years ago about how shaving in the shower is much better because the hot water and steam help the hair swell, which gives a better shave.  Grab a fog-free mirror and expect to stay in the shower a few extra minutes (about 5 extra minutes for me.

Hope this helps!   :)
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: happyharry on October 10, 2006, 06:13:03 AM
BaldRob, thanks for the advice. I agree, rinsing your head with warm water for a minute or two helps soften the skin and makes shaving much smoother. However, I'm hesitant to shave my head while showering. First, I have no means to fix the shower head above my head (I'm 6 feet 5), and secondly, it's too much fuss (at least for me) to do the shaving in the shower. I'll stick to the sink for now, but I shall rinse my head a little longer (with warm water) from now on to further reduce irritation. I shall also try baby oil (an alternative to shaving cream). I've heard it works much better than most conventional shaving creams. I shall let you know how it went...
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: BaldRob on October 10, 2006, 01:17:10 PM
BaldRob, thanks for the advice. I agree, rinsing your head with warm water for a minute or two helps soften the skin and makes shaving much smoother. However, I'm hesitant to shave my head while showering. First, I have no means to fix the shower head above my head (I'm 6 feet 5), and secondly, it's too much fuss (at least for me) to do the shaving in the shower. I'll stick to the sink for now, but I shall rinse my head a little longer (with warm water) from now on to further reduce irritation. I shall also try baby oil (an alternative to shaving cream). I've heard it works much better than most conventional shaving creams. I shall let you know how it went...

Wow.... 6'5"... I understand your dilemma!!

Here's an alternative... take a towel and soak it with hot water and then put it over your head and face for a couple minutes.  Should have the same effect...   :)
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: Yeti on October 10, 2006, 03:26:36 PM
I've always rubbed hot water on my melon for a couple minutes before applying shaving cream/gels myself. A trick my father taught me when I was new to shaving as a teen. Works great on the top too! I get the feel it assists with the slicing of the hairs and smoothness of the move of the blade.
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: baldvinny on October 10, 2006, 03:49:14 PM
i dont know about the baby oil thing...oil clogs pores, and can make your problem worse

i really think you should check out headblade. i know they have european operations working.

my advice is a few bits that seem to work for me. heat (steam) opens pores. the more they are open, the better the shave. i cant even imagine shaving anywhere but the shower. shaving cream is for lubrication only, so get something that is natural, water based (wong clog the razor) and has no additives. friction SUCKS and is usually the root of all evil. less pressure, long strokes, and your situation may improve

i use the hb on my head, and a sensor to get behnd my ears. if you have the wilkensons anyway, try out the hb and use the others for your face

good luck
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: seanc7nyc on October 10, 2006, 07:21:23 PM
Back to the redness/pimples, here's another theory...

Since I shaved my head, I've been touching my head a lot.  I don't notice until my wife slaps me and tells me I "look like a monkey, stop doing that all day."  It got me thinking, if you touched your face all day, you'd probably break out, so the head can't be all that different.  Not sure if you've been touching your head, but that might be it.  I know Bald guyz sells those head wipes, but I haven't tried them yet.
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: michael21228 on October 10, 2006, 07:33:30 PM
I had a similar problem, I asked my dr about it and he prescribed a wash to use, it's called Clenia foaming wash, it's Sodium Sulfacetamid and sulfer 10% of each and my skin cleared up with in a few days, now I just use it every few days and haven't had a problems since. 
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: baldvinny on October 11, 2006, 07:16:29 AM
is that clenia over the counter? i have had some acne popping up near my temples recently, and im looking for a new face wash....
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: happyharry on October 18, 2006, 10:20:21 AM
I've just been at the chemist's and I was given Dalacin C and Germisdin for
the pimples and the redness.

Dalacin C is a cream in a tube, and the chemist told me to apply it locally twice
a day.

Germisdin is an antiseptic washing solution to wash my head with (and it's bloody expensive).
I used to use Betadine, but according to the chemist that's quite heavy stuff
to be using on a regular basis. To give you an idea - it's mostly used in hospitals, and is probably not meant for regular use.
So I hope the Germisdin will do an overall better job in that respect.

I'm confident the acne and the redness will disappear, or at least be reduced by this new regimen.

I shall let you know about the results in a future post. Thanks, guys, for all your advice and tips so far. I really appreciate all your help.
Title: Re: Redness, pimples and other stuff on your head...
Post by: happyharry on November 06, 2006, 04:37:16 AM
Hey guys,

since you've all been so helpful with posting your tips, I thought
I'd let you know how it turned out with that pimple thing:

Now, as I mentioned earlier, I got myself that cream and that antiseptic liquid soap from a pharmacy. I've been using these for the past couple of weeks (washing my head with the antiseptic "Germisdin" every second day and applying the "Dalacin" cream twice a day), and the results so far have been great!

There's been a noticeabe reduction of pimples and redness all over my skull.
Most pimples are gone, and the redness isn't quite as red now. It's gotten much paler and is much much less noticeable now. I'm quite happy with the results.
The use of the cream, the antiseptic soap and the more careful shaving (especially around the affected areas) have definitely paid off.

Again, thanks for all your posts and tips. They've been very helpful.