Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Head Shaving Product Reviews => Topic started by: happyharry on September 27, 2006, 01:48:23 AM

Title: Wilkinson Extra II razors
Post by: happyharry on September 27, 2006, 01:48:23 AM
Hey folks,

I'm trying to keep my sanity here in the midst of the "Blade wars". There's razors with four blades (Wilkinson Quattro),
with five (Gilette Fusion)...and Wilkinson announced an 8 blade behemoth the other day, called for your life.

So, in these exciting times it's easy to overlook the little guys, the razors with "only" two blades. They too have the right to exist on the shelves, and justifiably so, as my review of the "Wilkinson Extra II" will show.

A couple of weeks ago I went shopping for razors once more. I was about to reach for my Extreme 3 (Wilkinson) disposable razors, when I encountered the "Wilkinson Extra II for men" on the shelves (in black plastic bag, see picture). Hm...10 razors for 3,30 EUR.
It was risky ("would they be good or would they turn my head  into a bloody mess?"), but I took them home with me.

And good they were.

These razors have two blades and a strip with Aloe Vera and vitamin E. When I took them out of the packaging I noticed this little white nob/button on top (see pictures) - Wilkinson calls it the "unique push-clean bar".
When pushed it removes hair and foam between the two blades - a nice feature for a razor this cheap - and it works well in cleaning the razor when it gunks up.

The shave I got from this razor was just as close as the shave I get with my Extreme III razors, but it takes a little more effort to get the same result - which I don't mind. I cut myself once during shaving (but I always cut myself at least once with "any" razor), but the overall result was surprisingly good. You have to clean it more often during shaving (you can't shave the same area with one stroke as with the Extreme III or other more expensive multi-blade razors) as this razor is tiny compared to the 3 and 4 blade competition.

The grip is nice and it rests comfortably in your hand during shaving.

For 3,30 EUR you get 10 disposable razors that do a good job. What more could I ask for?

I recommend this razor to anyone who's gotten tired of buying expensive razors and having to use the same razor more than once as a result. Check it out and you might be pleasantly surprised.

For the performance freaks among you ("give me 4 blade razors or don't give me any at all..."), you may want to stick to your Mach 3, Quattro or Fusion. I don't think you will be satisfied with the Wilkinson Extra II. Because let's be honest: 4 blades shave better than 2 - I don't argue with that.

But for the rest of you, the Extra II is worth checking out. It's a cheap, disposable 2 blade razor that will give you a very close shave for very little money.

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