Sly Bald Guys Forum

Various Non-Bald Discussions => Military/Serviceman => Topic started by: Arnie on September 11, 2009, 12:20:47 PM

Title: retirement requested
Post by: Arnie on September 11, 2009, 12:20:47 PM
After some debating...key word some...I finally submitted my request to transfer to the Fleet Reserves next June.

Any advice for someone who is looking to become civilianized after 20 years in the Navy?
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: Paul on September 11, 2009, 03:54:45 PM
Yeah, be ready to put up with a lot of liberal bull#&!t, political correct crap,  and female bosses that get all pissy when they can't lead.
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: Arnie on September 13, 2009, 08:19:33 PM
Thanks guys...will look for all the advice I can get...because it is SO APPRECIATED!  I will say, my Veterans Representative has been great and a total saving grace!
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: RyanJP on September 27, 2009, 07:13:10 PM
Yeah, be ready to put up with a lot of liberal bull#&!t, political correct crap,  and female bosses that get all pissy when they can't lead.
Thanks guys...will look for all the advice I can get...because it is SO APPRECIATED!  I will say, my Veterans Representative has been great and a total saving grace!

Yeah, funny how liberal BS and being politically correct go together "dont want to hurt anyone's feeling's" ( I'll stop there with the rant ), and congrats on retirement and thanks for serving. Get connected with the VA and any other veterans groups in your area. You are now on you're own, stay active, PT/work out don't get all fat and enjoy being a nasty civilian again because you've earned it. O0
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: Arnie on October 02, 2009, 12:34:37 PM
I sooooo appreciated everyone's continued advice...

...little update...

Looks like it will be approved, here is the latest...

Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: jrppsuobx on October 02, 2009, 12:53:08 PM
Yeah, be ready to put up with a lot of liberal bull#&!t, political correct crap,  and female bosses that get all pissy when they can't lead.
Absolutely my sentiments!!!!!!!!! LOL
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: Arnie on February 19, 2010, 03:37:31 PM
Things are starting to happen fast...I go on terminal leave next month...can't wait!!!
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: cvasara on February 19, 2010, 07:10:50 PM
Well, congratulations, and Thank You for your service.
I do have a few questions and maybe a comment that you might not care for too much.
1- How much time served, do you have over 20 years?
2- How many more years do you have before you can pull full retirement pay?
3- Rank and rate?     Believe me, what you did in is a good start on what you will do, out.
4- How much 'hands on' work did you do in the last few years?
          4A - (Most companies want workers, not persons that want to be in 'management'.
                  if you were enlisted, most all companies, especially small business, wants to
                  have a guy that hasn't forgotten how to work.  ie - get his hands dirty. 
Please don't take that the wrong way,  I certainly don't mean it to be derogatory.

I was just a four year guy, but what I did in the USN is what I do today. 

Good Luck in your new life.
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: Arnie on February 19, 2010, 07:30:22 PM
Thanks, I will have 20 years...I am not going to do a full 24-30...I am a FC Chief(both conventional and AEGIS...I instructed the last 3 years but had a lot of "hands on" precommisioning my last ship before this last tour working hand-in-hand with the engineers and technicians building her.  I do have a job lined up doing similar work(FC/ET), but the date has been pushed to the right so I am looking again as I wanted to be pulling both my Navy paycheck and another one while on terminal leave.
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: cvasara on February 19, 2010, 07:50:19 PM
Gotta love a chief that can get his hands dirty. 
We , 'way back in the day' had one that did, (E8) his nickname was 'pigpen'
I really don't know exactly what an FC is,  I would assume Fire Control Technician.
In this day and age, I would think that would be something worth pursuing out here, with
the way things are in the world today.  IMO,  ET work is pretty good too,  but I might be
just a bit biased. 
I would think, that for just a few more years in there, you would really be set for life.
 Further, I would think that you are holding some good cards in negotiations, for four
more years.  But I do understand the desire to get out while the gettin' is good.   
I felt that same way, and I was only 22.  My signature tells all there is to know about me,  I wear it every day, Proudly.

Again, Good Luck

Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: Arnie on March 25, 2010, 06:50:21 PM
And tomorrow is the big day...I go on terminal leave!!!  It will be a little touch and go with growing the goatee...I still have to follow up on some things during my one else has a problem with the goatee, except...medical...
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: Arnie on July 05, 2010, 11:08:15 PM
June 30th was my last day in the Navy...

The transition has gone better than I thought it would...
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: Sgt. Pate on July 05, 2010, 11:20:57 PM
Get ALL your medical records and ALL your service records no matter how big of a pain it is!  Trust me, if you ever need them for a claim, and if you file a claim you WILL need them, you can not count on the Navy to NOT lose them!

I work for the VA, trust me on this one!  O:O
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: Paul on July 06, 2010, 05:54:58 AM
Yeah what Sarge says, Arnie.  And make sure to get copies from Training of all schools and courses.   These can be really useful for the tight civilian job market.
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: tomgallagher on July 06, 2010, 06:35:47 AM
Yep, supposedly all mine burned up in a fire at a facility in St. Louis. Of course you know the Army, Pat Tillman was killed by enemy fire.
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: johnnyo on July 06, 2010, 07:08:35 PM
Congratulations Arnie, from one Vet to another. You put in many years so you deserve a good rest.  My 2 brothers were in the Navy too, and they retired also. I think I'm a bit too far (WY) to attend, but, thanks for the invite. I'll be thinking of you having a good time and I'll tip one for you. Like the other guys said, enjoy your civi life just don't go too wild. Yes, be sure to check out the VA and any of the Vets organizations you have in your area.  O0
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: Nonick on July 06, 2010, 10:28:20 PM
Arnie, congratulations!  You made it! O0 
Now...time to start something totally new!  A new start! A new career!  It can be exciting or daunting; whatever you want to make it.  The future is yours to make!   Just remember, we're here to hear if you need us. 8)
Title: Re: retirement requested
Post by: Arnie on July 11, 2010, 07:31:26 PM
Thanks so much EVERYONE!!!

I've been fortunate with my transition...things fell in to place in so many ways...and I am truly Blessed!!!