Sly Bald Guys Forum

Discussions About Being Bald => To be or not be...Bald => Topic started by: Chuck on February 27, 2007, 10:19:43 AM

Title: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Chuck on February 27, 2007, 10:19:43 AM
I found this site and I can't tell everyone how much better I feel just after reading many of the posts.  Yall seem to have a true brotherhood that I hope I can be apart of one day.  Being that this is my first post, here is my BRIEF story and my question.

I am 25 years old and have always had a thick head of hair, until recently.  Because the girls loved my curly hair so much, I kept is fairly long.  About a year ago I noticed that I was drastically thinning.  Because my hair has always been such an asset, I PANICKED and immediately got on Propecia, Rogaine, and even started looking into hair transplants.  All the while, I have always considered just shaving it all and just not worrying about it anymore.  Well, I recently have started having some side effects from the propecia and am going to get off of it immediately.  Doctors definitely need to do a better job of warning you about that crap before they prescribe it.  I know that the second I get off of the propecia, my hair is going to start shedding in droves. 

So, the time has come for me to take the plunge and shave it all off.  Finally, here is my question.  I don't want to come off as being a pompous ass, but I am really worried about the reaction from the ladies.  I have read many of the posts talking about how the women love to rub your head and how people ask lots of questions about it, but does that translate into sexual attraction?  I know that I need to keep my confidence level high and just be myself, but I can't help but wonder if I will get the same reaction from the ladies.  Is there anything that I should be prepared for?

I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and/or advice. 
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: ar3inc on February 27, 2007, 10:35:46 AM
Welcome to the group, Chuck!  The lay-days like a smooth dome as much as they like longer hair, if not more.  Some might at first find it weird and different, but with time they will start to like to new look.  You might even find a few girls who don't like it and ask you to grow it back.  Trust me for every one of those, there is three, at least, lay-days who really dig bald.  depending on how long your hair is you may want to do a transition to shaving it.  Big thing just look in the mirror and admire how sly you're when you shave it all off. :) O0
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Tyler on February 27, 2007, 10:59:09 AM
Chuck, first let me welcome you to Sly Bald Guys!  I'm glad you found us.

Have you ever been somewhere and noticed a smoking hot chick and come to find out that she's with one ugly dude?  This happens all the time and the reason for it is how much confidence the man has.  Sure there's going to be ladies that like men with hair and ladies that like men bald, but most importantly, the ladies love the guy with confidence.  From what you've said, it sounds like you have plenty of confidence with your current hairstyle, just transfer that over when you shave your head and you won't skip a beat.  Heck, you will probably find, like the rest of us, that it gives you more confidence.  Just think, you will never have to worry about your hair being messed up or that your thinning might show.  You'll KNOW that you head is rockin!

Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Noner on February 27, 2007, 12:38:04 PM
Chuck, welcome!

From time to time I like to welcome new members with words of wisdom. Words of a wise bald man.......named Noner

Today I have had another spark of inspiration and would like to relate to your posting with the following analogy I have contemplated today while eating a Big Mac:

Hair is like a wetsuit: Sure you are warmer with it on, but you look so much cooler when you take it off.

Thank you, thank you.
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Tom McGarry. on February 27, 2007, 12:46:37 PM
Welcome to the brotherhood Chuck; glad you joined us.

I agree with Tyler about the confidence thing, I think that if you chose to shave it that your confidence level will grow, you may even feel relieved that now you're not worrying about it any more. I also agree with ar3inc, there are alot of laydies that love the smooth bald head, and there are some that dont, but they all love a confident man. And as others have said before that if you decide that you don't like being SLY you can always grow it back, and check out your other options, but shaveing it all off, is probably the cheapest way to go, and as far as I'm concerned it's the best way to go. Also I could be wrong, but realy do your homework on transplants, I don't think that even they are a permenant solution. And lastly I'm not sure of the site but I think that there is one that lets you upload your picture and see what you would look like with no hair. I'm sure someone else here can hook you up with a link to that site.
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Brad on February 27, 2007, 01:02:04 PM
Welcome Chuck,

I am a pretty new Member here.   I have been Sly for a few years now.  I was never a lady killer.  But after shaving my head I have had women come up and rub the Chrome.  I have had a few that Say I should grow it back.  For me it has been a totally exhilarting experince.

With Being Sly there is no worry about medical side effects.

Just remember Ladies love things that sparkle.  Nothing Sparkles like the chrome. 8)
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: chadoweasel on February 27, 2007, 01:35:56 PM
Welcome Chuck. You sound just like me. My hair not only grows curly, it grows in ringlets..haha. Like you said though, the women loved it and I always kept it long. I will tell you that I have had just as many women compliment me on the shaved head as I ever got with the curly long hair.

Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: schro on February 27, 2007, 01:57:46 PM
Welcome Chuck. I would have to agree with others that have mentioned your own level of confidence. If you feel good about yourself and your appearance, it doesn't matter if you have a full head of hair  :/O or are SLY  O0 . Personally, my wife doesn't like it, but has been less & less vocal about her disapproval since I shaved it off two months ago. However, all her (hot) friends have given the Schro-dome the courtesy rub. Needless to say, it makes it worth it. Eventually, my lovely wife will come around. If she doesn't, oh well, her loss. I'm sure you'll find ladies that like hair and those that prefer the sly look.

I also felt some anxiety about shaving my head, but knew the look would be better than the "horseshoe of hair" that was just around the corner for me. Keep that in mind next time you look in the mirror.

Enjoy it! Embrace it! Be proud of it!
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: PBurke on February 27, 2007, 02:15:03 PM
Welcome Chuck. Hair Sucks. O0
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: ar3inc on February 27, 2007, 02:33:28 PM
Welcome Chuck. Hair Sucks. O0

Paul is a man of so many words.  But those are the truest I seen come from him. ;)
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: happyharry on February 27, 2007, 02:57:05 PM
So, you're a serial dater, eh? :)

I've got to agree with Tyler on the confidence part. It's all about confidence, no matter what you look like.
That being said, being bald oftentimes adds to one's sex appeal - many women like bald men.
On the other hand, and to be perfectly frank, some women might prefer guys with lots of hair (to grab and
hold on to during certain [censored] activities). But as I said, many women like bald men, so don't let that
discourage you.

If you've shaven your head and you're self-conscious about your new looks, then you'll sacrifice most of
the sex appeal you've gained by being bald. But if you're both bald and confident about it, then you've got a definite advantage!

So, my advice would be: shave it, get to love it, and get out there and exemplify that attitude. And I'll guarantee
you, you'll get many pleasant responses (translates into more dates in your case). But please, spare us the gory details of your dating adventures... ;)

Good luck, and welcome to the club. No need to hope you'll be a part of this "brotherhood" one day - you already are.

Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Professor Melon on February 27, 2007, 06:12:41 PM
 ;) Welcome, Chuck.  Well, all the guys said what needs to be said. Let me add, I know the agony you're going through. The sooner you connect with your future bald-handsome image, own it, perpetuate it, the sooner you'll get the confidence that functions as a chick magnet. The "cures" are all bogus and some have unwanted side effects. Bald is honest, in-your-face, and masculine. Women, read adult women, are mostly attracted to that. My wife is. See the thread by Cam, The Funnel Weaver, and Hardkore, if you need corroboration. It's just a new phase, dictated by Mother Nature. If you're made of vital stuff, you'll embrace it. Professor Melon
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: PigPen on February 27, 2007, 08:39:20 PM
Welcome Chuck....(tired of that yet?) I agree with and echo what everyone else has said. Especially Dr Noner and Paul. It's extremely liberating when you go SLY, you feel like there is nothing you can't do. I'm kinda in the same boat as Schro-jak, wife doesn't like it very much and has asked me to grow it back. (I have a full head o hair naturally) But even if my wife doesn't like it, I do. That's really all I care about. I have had countless customers, (male and female) tell me it looks great. Once you go SLY, you won't want to go back.
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Chuck on February 28, 2007, 07:01:41 AM
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all of the feedback.  It definitely helps me understand what to expect from those around me once I take this step.  I'm gathering up my courage to take the "sly" leap.  I know that once I finally do it, I will feel like a million pounds has been taken off of me.  I will most definitely post the final results.

I cant say enough about the kindness from everyone on this site.  I love this place!  Again, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions and anxieties.
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: PigPen on February 28, 2007, 07:09:18 AM
No problem Chuck! Post up some before and after pics. You know we'll give you our honest opinion.
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Robmeister on February 28, 2007, 09:29:37 AM
Chuck, Welcome...

I'm Johnny come lately on this one, but I will add one thing to Albert's post.

 The lay-days like a smooth dome as much as they like longer hair, if not more.

Most likely it's not the same group of hotties that like BOTH long hair and the slick bean....but there's a growing number of them that dig on the shiny noggin, man. O0
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Paul on February 28, 2007, 10:35:00 AM
Welcome Chuck, not much to add to what everyone else has already said, except to say that what ever attracted the ladies to you in the first place was the real you.  That person is still there whether with hair or slick.  Willing to bet you will be a success.  Need a confidence boost, this is the place to be.
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: MagmaBabe on February 28, 2007, 11:02:38 AM
Chuck, Welcome...

I'm Johnny come lately on this one, but I will add one thing to Albert's post.

The lay-days like a smooth dome as much as they like longer hair, if not more.

Most likely it's not the same group of hotties that like BOTH long hair and the slick bean....but there's a growing number of them that dig on the shiny noggin, man. O0

Yeah, I'm down with that bruvva Rob!! lol   ;) :-*
the only good thing about a man having hair is that you can grab it...  ;)
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: ar3inc on February 28, 2007, 11:51:49 AM
Oh babe... :o
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: MagmaBabe on February 28, 2007, 11:57:31 AM
Oh babe... :o

...and for the third time today....What?!!!  >:D
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: ar3inc on February 28, 2007, 12:05:28 PM
I never placed you as  hair puller that's all.
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: schro on February 28, 2007, 12:08:47 PM
I never placed you as  hair puller that's all.

I envision Mbabe as the hair pullee  :*))
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: MagmaBabe on February 28, 2007, 12:14:05 PM
LMAO aint nuthin' like a bit of Wednesday wickedness!!  ;D
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Argyle on February 28, 2007, 12:19:25 PM

I am or have been in exactly the same boat as you.  I am 28 and started losing hair in my early 20's there is now no hair to speak of on the top of my head.  I have been through all the emotional crap, although have never taken anything for it, I am not criticising people who do, but i figured a lifelong dependency on drugs wasnt a good thing.  

Anyway I found this site and have found it a real help.  I dont think i have come on here and said, I feel awful about my hair loss, but generally i have talked about crap and just learned to acceot my baldness by talking to this bunch of guys (and girls - sorry magma and kory).  There is no way six months ago i would have posted a photo on an internet forum.  In fact i would have avoided most mirrors etc.  

Now, whilst i wouldnt say that i like being bald more than being hairy, i am more at ease with it.  I have come to realise that lack of hair rarely makes too much of a difference u still have the same hangups and often the hair is an excuse.  Now i can honestly say that i look in the mirror and think, that is ok, sometimes i even like what i see lol, yes there are things i dont like, i wish my head was less shiny, but then hey some people have a big nose, nobbly knees, or funny toes.  

I like many of the guys on here have an amazing (6 month pregnant) girlfriend and she has never ever said that my lack of hair is a problem to her.  In fact she says she prefers it and loves the freshly shaved feel.  I dont think i am any less or any more good looking than i was before, but now i just have less hair, the bonus is now that i am sly, and starting to enjoy that fact.  This site has helped in that acceptance.

Hang around speak to the guys, take their advice on board.  Ultimately whether you like your bald head or not (when it happens) I can assure you that it will look better shaved.  I havent seen one person on this site who looks worse shaved than thinning.

Take a couple of days of work and shave on a friday, in four days you will just have a tight buz cut anyway and half way to growing back.  

Let us know how you get on.
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: MagmaBabe on February 28, 2007, 12:24:31 PM
great post Argyle   :)
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Argyle on February 28, 2007, 02:05:19 PM
Thanks MB :)
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Cam on February 28, 2007, 11:21:50 PM
Yeah, everyone has already said everything I would've said. I can tell you though, one thing women love more than hair.. is a man being confident when they don't have it! Now, go shave it all off and join the botherhood!
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Tyler on February 28, 2007, 11:24:01 PM
Yeah, everyone has already said everything I would've said. I can tell you though, one thing women love more than hair.. is a man being confident when they don't have it! Now, go shave it all off and join the botherhood!

 Ding, that is correct! $#!zzle
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: half-shaved on March 05, 2007, 01:27:44 AM
I was only slightly worried about what women would think about my shaved head, until a female friend of mine told me that she could just imagine what it would feel like on the inside of her thighs.
Probably TMI and, if so, I apologize for it.
and you haven't lived till you've sat in a bar and had strange women come up behind you and lick the back of your head...a very interesting experience
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Robmeister on March 05, 2007, 08:35:19 AM
I was only slightly worried about what women would think about my shaved head, until a female friend of mine told me that she could just imagine what it would feel like on the inside of her thighs.
Probably TMI and, if so, I apologize for it.
and you haven't lived till you've sat in a bar and had strange women come up behind you and lick the back of your head...a very interesting experience

Ok....enough of the CONS.....what about the PROS? ;)
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: half-shaved on March 05, 2007, 08:13:50 PM
 ??? wow robmeister, it may have been a while, bit I'm ain't never gonna visit a pro... :popo too much risk involved and the ones around here are just kinda scary looking, never seen one that looked like Julia Roberts that wasn't a cop
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: Robmeister on March 06, 2007, 08:52:42 AM
??? wow robmeister, it may have been a while, bit I'm ain't never gonna visit a pro... :popo too much risk involved and the ones around here are just kinda scary looking, never seen one that looked like Julia Roberts that wasn't a cop

HUH?  :-\

I meant enough of the bad aspects of being bald.....what about the positive aspects
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: half-shaved on March 06, 2007, 09:24:21 AM
 :-[ it sounded kinda funny last night...
Title: Re: Having anxieties and wondering what to expect
Post by: gearhedguy on March 26, 2007, 04:15:46 PM
The older you get, the less you give a damn about what anyone thinks! If it makes YOU feel good, that's all that matters. And if someone isn't going to love you because you're going bald and you have a shaved head (or gray hair, or hairy back, or big nose, or 20-year old car, or small bank account, or little pen!$, etc.) than you really DON'T need them. **Disclaimer: not all of the aformentioned attributes are of personal proclaim.  ;D