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Various Non-Bald Discussions => Autos,Toys and Hobbies => Topic started by: wpruitt on June 18, 2009, 07:57:55 PM

Title: A Key Question
Post by: wpruitt on June 18, 2009, 07:57:55 PM
When I bought the 2005 Explorer last month, it came with only one key.  Being the paranoid individual I am, one spare rides in my wallet and one stays in the key box at home.  I went to my local big box home improvement retailer with an orange roof to have a few spare keys cut.  I learned from the locksmith at the my local big box home improvement retailer with an orange roof that I must go thru Ford to get a duplicate key made.  The locksmith had the same problem with his Excursion and paid $100 for A duplicate key at our local Ford Dealership.  Apparently only Ford can do a key.

Basically, I am cheap!  Any ideas on getting affordable extra keys ?  The guy at the local big box home improvement retailer with an orange roof was able to order one on-line, but had to send a spare key to have it made.  I don't have that option ... and I understand that if I lose the key, it has to be towed to a Ford dealer for unlocking.
Title: Re: A Key Question
Post by: ar3inc on June 18, 2009, 10:39:18 PM
Not is that for a key to start the car or just to open the door?  I ask cuz for my G6 i was kinda faced with the same problem but had a very lucky mistake help me.  Since the keys have real fancy like up-town stuff with laser encoding, the key shops said they could make a spare.  Well that is only for a spare that will start the car - I can care less if the spare in my wallet will start it - I just want to get back in the car to where my keys might be locked.  So you might be able to go back to the orange roof or the blue one and just tell them all you want is to open the door.
Title: Re: A Key Question
Post by: Timmay on June 18, 2009, 11:51:50 PM
i would avoid the Big L or the swanky HD and just go find a locksmith.  Independant locksmiths would realy appreciate the business more so than the big stores will.  What I like about small businesses, more than likkely you will be dealing with the owner him/herself.  To see the sincerity on their faces that they are glad you purchased from them is worth the amount of change i spent there...and more so
Title: Re: A Key Question
Post by: ice4life on June 19, 2009, 01:49:12 AM
That's a fairly easy one man. I had the same problem with my lincoln. you CAN get the keys online, and get them cut/coded at your local dealer, Without having to send in your only key. I'll let you know the website when I find it again. it might take a lil while, so be patient my friend
Title: Re: A Key Question
Post by: TANK25 on June 19, 2009, 06:23:31 AM
i would avoid the Big L or the swanky HD and just go find a locksmith.  Independant locksmiths would realy appreciate the business more so than the big stores will.  What I like about small businesses, more than likkely you will be dealing with the owner him/herself.  To see the sincerity on their faces that they are glad you purchased from them is worth the amount of change i spent there...and more so

You are so right O0 Thanks to L and HD,there is only one hardware store left near me.Even if it costs a little more,I try to buy everything I need from them.
Title: Re: A Key Question
Post by: PeripheralxMvmnt on June 19, 2009, 07:04:42 AM
The reason some keys have to be cut by the dealer is because in the key is a computer chip that has to be programmed specifically for the computer in the car to start it. Some models reqire that key to match so you can unlock it too. Once the pins are in place in the door, an electrical current is sent from the computer to the chip in the key and back to verify that its the correct key.

In a nerdy way, that is awesome, but it stinks in a practical sense.
Title: Re: A Key Question
Post by: wpruitt on June 19, 2009, 07:32:41 PM
So you might be able to go back to the orange roof or the blue one and just tell them all you want is to open the door.
I asked about that - as a temporary fix - HD said that Ford has a patent on the keys and will sell to only authorized Ford Dealers.  They don't even make a blank for just unlocking doors.  I went to AutoZone last night to get new blades; they told me the same thing.
Title: Re: A Key Question
Post by: R o b 6 on June 19, 2009, 09:09:47 PM
Did you try E-bay?
You'd still have to have it programmed, but you could save some scratch on the actual key itself. Not sure that solves your problem...I did a quick search and several are available with instructions on how to proceed once you get the blank.
Title: Re: A Key Question
Post by: StogieStang on June 19, 2009, 09:53:35 PM
I'm in the same boat.  I have a Ford Mustang with only 1 key.  I was able to buy a couple blanks off ebay and I could get them cut to unlock the door. However, I'd still need them to be programmed before they would start the car.
Title: Re: A Key Question
Post by: (|8-) on June 19, 2009, 10:45:26 PM
Or ask your dealer or mechanic to disable the stupid computer chip reader and just use a regular key.  That's probably less than $100.

The deterrent effect is that potential thieves think you have a Ford vehicle that needs a special key, but they won't know that your particular one has it disabled, so I don't think this puts you at increased risk for theft at all. 

Well, if it does, you know a bald guy did it...
Title: Re: A Key Question
Post by: ar3inc on June 24, 2009, 01:04:42 PM
I asked about that - as a temporary fix - HD said that Ford has a patent on the keys and will sell to only authorized Ford Dealers.  They don't even make a blank for just unlocking doors.  I went to AutoZone last night to get new blades; they told me the same thing.

Ouch!  I'm out of ideas.  Maybe very doubtful the ford dealer can get you a valet key or sorts for a lesser price.
Title: Re: A Key Question
Post by: PBurke on June 25, 2009, 07:11:45 AM
Title: Re: A Key Question
Post by: yak on June 25, 2009, 08:08:59 AM
Did you try E-bay?
You'd still have to have it programmed, but you could save some scratch on the actual key itself. Not sure that solves your problem...I did a quick search and several are available with instructions on how to proceed once you get the blank.

Rob's right, I had a Ford car that I needed an extra key for.  Purchased off of ebay for a fraction of the price then went to the Stealership to have them cut it.  Saved a bunch of money.