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Miscellaneous / Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Last post by zetaeffe on September 29, 2024, 10:32:27 PM »
After 5 sessions

Beautiful!! You got great results! Congratulations
Tattoos and Piercings / Re: Bald and inked
« Last post by Semi-Sly on September 29, 2024, 11:40:31 AM »
My tattoo journey began 10 years ago and has helped me psychologically to deal with my disability.

I am now completley tattooed from the top of my head (SMP) all the way down to my knees (and yes, everything is tattooed - even the wedding tackle!).

My current tattoo artist has already drawn up stencils to fully s;eve my kegs, ankles and feet.
I have no plans to ever tattoo my face or hands.
Tattoos and Piercings / Re: Bald and inked
« Last post by Semi-Sly on September 29, 2024, 11:35:18 AM »
My tattoo journey began 10 years ago and has helped me psychologically to deal with my disability.

I am now tattooed from the top of my head
Tattoos and Piercings / Re: Bald and inked
« Last post by Semi-Sly on September 29, 2024, 11:33:23 AM »

WOW!!!!!!!! Just beautiful!!!!  Are you going to do the neck/throat next?

Do you contemplate getting some/all of your head tattooed?

Tattoos and Piercings / Re: Bald and inked
« Last post by Adamski1972 on September 29, 2024, 09:31:18 AM »

Miscellaneous / Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Last post by bam bam on September 28, 2024, 11:38:23 PM »
After 5 sessions

May I know what laser did you use?
Miscellaneous / Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Last post by Semi-Sly on September 28, 2024, 11:02:08 AM »
Man! As tempting as it sounds having a smooth bald head and not having to worry about shaving, I'm still reluctant to do it in case I do want to regrow my hair. If I was balding, I would do it and not "fight" it.

There are a couple of guys on this board did have a full head of hair and decided to laser it all anyway I think they?re happy with their choice

I think I ran into a guy looking at YouTube who was 16 years old and did it and he?s still happy with the results 10 years later
Miscellaneous / Re: Anyone get folliculitis on your head?
« Last post by jason_greets on September 27, 2024, 09:33:52 AM »
Yes, about 2 weeks into growing back my hair, I would get breakouts no matter how much I kept it scrubbed. I tried cider vinegar and other things with no success. I think my sweat glands easily get infected with oil the hair follicles produce. Luckily, I enjoy shaving my head, and how it looks and feels.

Yeah, I think it was also due to sweat.  I noticed that I used to get more zits and breakouts after sweating and using oily hair products.
Bald Stories / Re: New driver's license
« Last post by reddog on September 27, 2024, 09:20:23 AM »
Minnesota eliminated hair color listing on drivers licenses many years ago!
Miscellaneous / Re: Anyone get folliculitis on your head?
« Last post by reddog on September 27, 2024, 09:19:01 AM »
Yes, about 2 weeks into growing back my hair, I would get breakouts no matter how much I kept it scrubbed. I tried cider vinegar and other things with no success. I think my sweat glands easily get infected with oil the hair follicles produce. Luckily, I enjoy shaving my head, and how it looks and feels.
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