Sly Bald Guys Forum

Sly Bald Guys Info => Site Suggestions => Topic started by: Tyler on January 02, 2007, 02:35:21 AM

Title: Gotta love the folks!
Post by: Tyler on January 02, 2007, 02:35:21 AM
My mom called today to wish me and my wife a Happy New Year.  We then proceeded with the usual questioning about what each of us did since we last talked and what we plan on doing in the upcoming week.  In the conversation my mom mentions that my dad and she told some guy about my website (Sly Bald Guys, duh).  I then asked who this guy was (so I could look for him if he joins) and she tells me it was some random guy they saw in the Pottery Barn!  I thought that was awesome!  I couldn't believe they did it, heck, even I don't have the guts to do that most of the time.

So, bald guys beware!  My mom and dad will hunt you down and tell you about Sly Bald Guys! LOL  8)
Title: Re: Gotta love the folks!
Post by: PBurke on January 02, 2007, 05:45:58 AM
three cheers for mom and dad.   ;D 8)
Title: Re: Gotta love the folks!
Post by: BaldRob on January 02, 2007, 06:22:06 AM
Way to go Tyler's Mom and Dad!!
Title: Re: Gotta love the folks!
Post by: wpruitt on January 02, 2007, 07:02:51 AM
Mom and Dad sound cool
Title: Re: Gotta love the folks!
Post by: Professor Melon on January 02, 2007, 07:04:28 AM
 ;D   ;D Hi, Tyler. I tell every balding/receding guy with whom I have some acquaintance about SBGs, in the hope of sparing them desperation and the errors of comb-over, rugs, and transplants. Right now I am 'working' on my cousin and godson, both of whose hair is fast disappearing. My cousin, 43, is philosophical and rather sad about the inevitable. My "witness" (if you will) to him is that shaved totally bald can be liberating and up-beat, as I have found it. The godson is more problematic, as he is only 32 and feels cheated of self-confidence and a social life because of slow balding. He lives in a small town in NH, where there is little opportunity to meet women and where the cold militates against headshaving. If he only logged on!--he'd discover we have several guys in the frozen northlands who have learned how to cope. The pics really help, but the godson is still in denial. He gets all up-tight when a camera appears. Any advice? I'll certainly keep spreading the word. Professor Melon
Title: Re: Gotta love the folks!
Post by: ShineyLid on January 02, 2007, 07:13:35 AM
My advice or words of "pep" to him would be: "Shave your head, you might like it.. and if anything it will create stronger hair when it grows back and the lack of existing hair after shaving will allow his scalp to breath better which may allow areas once bald to grow back."

Now that I have spewed salesman like drival, from one 31 y/o to a 32 y/o (had to think about my age, I keep wanting to add a year) - I do not regret shaving what-so-ever.  Wool caps are great for covering the crown when faced with cold weather.  I've been thin in the back for the longest time (which by the way - was the most difficult to shave! go figure, I suppose it wanted to go slowly and on it's own terms) and after shaving, I realized just how receded my hairline had gotten.  I was fooling myself for who knows how long.
Title: Re: Gotta love the folks!
Post by: Tyler on January 02, 2007, 10:36:08 AM
Melon, thanks for spreading the word!

My advice would be to talk the women in the family into talking him into shaving his head.  Men are much more receptive to that kind of advice from women, since that's who they are men trying to please.  If that isn't possible, just keep mentioning the positive things you've found from shaving your head.