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How To Protect Your Bald Head / Re: HELP! - Acne on Head
« Last post by reddog on July 17, 2024, 05:26:32 AM »
I agree, the less products you put on your head the better. I apply witch hazel after shaving. I suffered for many years with scalp acne, and discovered it went away when I started shaving my head daily! Don't forget to change your pillow cases often, too.
How To Protect Your Bald Head / Re: HELP! - Acne on Head
« Last post by Semi-Sly on July 16, 2024, 09:40:58 AM »
It looks like you have clogged pores that are trapping oil and then becoming infected.  I suggest keeping your scalp clean using a scrub and following up with the product that contains either peroxide or salicylic acid something like seabreeze that we barbers use per disinfecting and cleaning skin you can buy it right over the counter at any Walgreens or drugstore it comes in three different strengths of salicylic acid and the brand name is Seabreeze
You should also resist the temptation to put any kind of lotion or moisturizer on your scalp because although it might feel good when it goes on, it contains oil and it will clog your pores.  Just  clean, clean clean and put nothing on the skin after it is clean
How To Protect Your Bald Head / Re: HELP! - Acne on Head
« Last post by Neilwade on July 15, 2024, 06:03:04 AM »

Please, any ideas welcome.

I just got like 12 what appear to be and I assume are pimples on my dome.

1. Any idea how to get rid of fast ?
2. More importantly, any idea how to not have happen again.

Note: I have not shaved for 8 days or so so I do not think it is shaving related. TIA.

To get rid of pimples on your scalp quickly, try applying a topical acne treatment containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. For prevention, maintain good scalp hygiene by regularly washing with a gentle shampoo and avoiding heavy hair products that can clog pores. Additionally, ensure you rinse thoroughly after sweating and avoid touching your scalp frequently.
Introductions / Re: New skincare line
« Last post by jason_greets on July 04, 2024, 05:48:21 AM »
I gave it my response. I hope to see your products in the future!
Head Shaving / Re: Inconsistent smoothness
« Last post by Semi-Sly on July 03, 2024, 08:41:06 AM »
It is a common issue.  I get the best shave with 3 days growth.  But I don't want three days growth.

At least it has the look of smooth with a daily shave, but I still don't like to feel it.

I have exactly the same experience that you have if I try to shave every single day I get inconsistent smoothness but if I wait a day or two between shaves, I get a smoother shave!  Go figure?
Head Shaving / Re: Inconsistent smoothness
« Last post by reddog on July 02, 2024, 03:08:56 PM »
I love those days that I get it 100% smooth! I enjoy running my hands over my head and feeling totally smooth skin. A little dash of witch hazel and I have an amazing shiny head!
Head Shaving / Re: Inconsistent smoothness
« Last post by slybeard on July 02, 2024, 11:56:18 AM »
It is a common issue.  I get the best shave with 3 days growth.  But I don't want three days growth.

At least it has the look of smooth with a daily shave, but I still don't like to feel it.
Head Shaving / Re: Inconsistent smoothness
« Last post by chuck63 on July 02, 2024, 10:17:55 AM »
I thought I was the only one with this problem.  I shave every day using the same routine.  I have an area on the left side in the transition area from the crown to the side of my head that?s tough to get smooth.  I go over it several times but I have to be careful not to get razor burn.
Head Shaving / Inconsistent smoothness
« Last post by reddog on July 02, 2024, 09:31:01 AM »
I've been shaving my head daily for over 11 years, and it still puzzles me that sometimes I get a baby butt smooth shave but some days I can't get it smooth. This is usually on top of my head, even though I shave against the grain. My shaving routine is very consistent, with the same products everytime. Like many of us, I'm always in search of a totally smooth shave. If I skip a few days, I can usually get it smooth, but I like to shave daily.
Introductions / New skincare line
« Last post by domlo55 on July 01, 2024, 05:29:32 PM »
I'm creating my skincare line for Bald Men/Women. I have 3 names I need to choose from. I need your help if you can do a short survey it would be helpful to me. Thanks.
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