Sly Bald Guys Forum

Confidence and Success => Business/Work => Topic started by: Mike on August 28, 2009, 06:53:53 PM

Title: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: Mike on August 28, 2009, 06:53:53 PM
I am so excited, I have an interview tomorrow! I kinda decided to take the summer off and just relax and have fun because the last 2 summers I have worked my butt off and thought I needed a break. So now that fall is coming I need a job and turned in applications for peto, petsmart, home depot, lowes, and even Walmart as far as the big places go. Then I decided to try local stores so I got applications for 2 feed stores and a pet store. I had never done a resume before so I had a friend do one for me, she pointed out all my strong points as far as all that goes, I am like an animal genius. So I turned them in and called every day for the last week or so and they all said they werent hiring. But my thought was that as long as I tell them my name (normally went "Hi my name is Michael Baker and I turned in an application last week and was wondering if you were hiring") that they will be like "that Michael Baker calls all the time, he must really want a job". It must have worked because the guy from the local pet store called and said that he has an opening in the pet department and was looking over my application/resume and that it looked pretty good so he wants me to come in tomorrow at 2:30!
 I am so happy that I even have an interview and hope that I get hired. If I did I would love it.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: Tom McGarry. on August 28, 2009, 06:57:54 PM
Good Luck bro I'll be rootin for ya!!
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on August 28, 2009, 07:41:16 PM
Aces, your Brothers have your back. 8)
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: Antimidas on August 28, 2009, 08:05:55 PM
Good luck!  As a person who has hired and fired dozens of people, there are only a few criteria I look for beyond a simple resume.  The ability to write a cover letter that is grammatically correct, and the persistence to call back repeatedly if necessary to make me remember them. 

You can't imagine the number of resumes I see without cover letters.  And if I see a candidate without a cover letter, they remain at the bottom of the pile until I become desperate.  Then they have to go through twice as many interviews before they are hired.  If you don't care enough to sell yourself, why should an employer care enough to hire you.  Just my opinion, but it has led to some great employees who are passionate about their careers.

Sounds like you did the right thing.  I hope you get everything you are looking for in your chosen career path.  Persistence does indeed pay off.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: Mikekoz13 on August 28, 2009, 08:28:54 PM
Good luck tomorrow Michael!
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: herronm on August 28, 2009, 08:47:57 PM
Michael, I hope it goes well for you.  The personal touch is always the best route when you can take it.

Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: marty22 on August 28, 2009, 09:10:00 PM
go for it!
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: OzPete on August 28, 2009, 09:28:46 PM
Good luck!  O0
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: TheSlyBear on August 28, 2009, 09:34:17 PM
You're already sure that you've got the chops for the job, just go in and exude that confidence.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: (|8-) on August 29, 2009, 01:22:35 AM
Good luck!

For a retail job, it is not out of line to apply in person and check up on things in person.  It is, after all, an in-person business and the manager can't be too upset if you seem to like spending your time in the store.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: Mike on August 29, 2009, 09:18:54 AM
Well I didnt do a cover letter but I did have a pretty fancy resume. I made sure to point out my strong points which were mostly animal related, I left out my weak points such as my education in everything other than horticulture, Russian, and livestock. I am pretty sure I have the job, the guy is Doug (sp?) and he has worked there for ages so he knows who I am because I have been going in there since I was a little kid. I go in there a couple few times a week for critter supplies and I have to correct them on chicken breeds all the time it seems (last week they had a cornish cross (meat bird) listed as an araucana (blue egg layer) which the breeds are not even close so I corrected them.
 I am pretty confident about it, I might even be over qualified haha. My only weak point when it comes to animals is that I have a slight phobia of snakes. I am not really affraid of them but when handling them I dont like the feeling, its just weird but I think I can work around that. I know tons about animals, sicknesses they can get, I can give vaccines, proper feeding and everything like that.

 So I am hopeful! I am going to shave before I leave and get the dome as shiny as I can get it, lol.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on August 29, 2009, 09:53:08 AM
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: nomad on August 29, 2009, 06:31:55 PM
I hope all went well brother O0
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: Mike on August 29, 2009, 10:37:52 PM
I got the job! I was haf hour early (early is on time, on time is late) but still had to wait until 2:30. While I was waiting I was in the pet room and a customer had a question about junglefowl and the employee didnt know anything about them so I butted in and told them that they are the bird from which all domestic chickens come from. Then the boss walked in and said "helping the customers and you dont even work here, nice" and I told him I felt like it was my duty as a poultry addict. Then I went in for the interview and was myself, I felt very comfortable. The guy said he was impressed with my resume and the fact that I could do it on such short notice. He also liked the fact that I have such a large knowledge of animals and that I help people when I can. I told him that I can vaccinate and also cull an animal if needed. My only weak point is snakes, I like them but when I am holding them and they move it creeps me out, he said we can work around that. Then he told me about the job and everything. By the end I thought he was just going to tell me I got the job but didnt. Then I went to shake his hand and he had a weak handshake which to me is a big thing. He told me he would call if I got the job but still had others to interview later, none could do it today. So I was thinking it would be a waiting game.
 I went to a BBQ with a friend and she checked her phone and noticed that my home tried to call so I called home and found out that they called back. I called and they said "Well (in a sad tone) you start Thursday morning (sounding excited). So I need to figure out the bus system to get there until I get my first check, then I will get a rig to drive to work. Its a full time job, it pays $8.55 an hour. He said to expect overtime.
  I am so excited!!! It will be hard, I will get a discount and can just charge it to my account. Right now they have chicks, it will be hard to resist but they will just have to be my pets away from home, lol. Now I will be saving for a car first, then a new laptop, then maybe laser hair removal then after that a house.

 I am kinda on an adrenaline rush from it, and jacked up on mountain dew which makes it worse, lol. Now its time to go to bed or try to anyway.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: D.A.L.U.I. on August 30, 2009, 06:13:40 AM
I got the job!

Congrats, big time.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: Razor X on August 30, 2009, 07:34:52 AM
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: Paul on August 30, 2009, 07:45:55 AM
Congratulations Lophura, getting a job you enjoy in today's market is no small feat.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: Antimidas on August 30, 2009, 08:23:08 AM
Congratulations.  You are lucky to find a job that suits you so well.  But luck had little to do with it.  You are obviously the best candidate for the job they could ever hope for.  They are lucky to have you.  I know you will make the most of it.  Enjoy your time in the sunshine.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: wpruitt on August 30, 2009, 09:48:26 PM
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: adam_r_todd on August 31, 2009, 02:01:59 PM
Way to go!   O0
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: andrew on August 31, 2009, 02:28:09 PM
Congratulations.  I'm sure the hiring manager felt  your enthusiasm and was impressed.  I've done a lot of hiring (over the years) and from my perspective, eagerness counts for a lot.  I've hired people that were less qualified than other candidates, but had that fire in their gut.  When you find someone that is not only very qualfied but also has the eagerness going on, we've hit the jackpot.  Sounds like this guy hit the jackpot hiring you ...

Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: Mike on August 31, 2009, 07:53:02 PM
Thanks all. It made me chuckle today. My older brother was bragging saying he gets paid more than I do. He gets paid $8.75 an hour but works like 8 hours a week so sure he makes more per hour but I make more in the long run because I will be doing 40 hour weeks. And he works at Jack in the box flipping burgers and frying stuff and he hates his job. I have a good feeling I will love my job and thats all that matters.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: OzPete on August 31, 2009, 08:29:03 PM
Congratulations!  O0
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: Mike on September 02, 2009, 08:14:44 PM
Well tomorrow is my first day! I am going to bed here pretty soon (8 pm pacific time) because I have to get up at around 4:30 in order to shower, shave, eat, and take care of the ducks. Then I have to be at the bus stop by 5:59 in order to get to work by 7:15 (sposed to be there at 7:30). So I am getting excited! Wish me luck, I'll report back here when I get home.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: andrew on September 02, 2009, 08:19:06 PM
You don't need luck ....  with your enthusiasm and attitude, success is guaranteed.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: jamesh75 on September 03, 2009, 07:00:57 AM
Congratulations on the job.  Sounds like you will love the job, and you are a great fit for it.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: Mike on September 03, 2009, 07:34:53 PM
I had an amazing first day. It went great, they say there is tons to remember and all that but it all seemed very basic. I must have sold 30 dozen crickets and 20 pinkie mice. I was surprised at the 15 minute breaks and hour lunches, I am used to 10 minute breaks and 1/2 hour lunches. I fit it great and love the job so far. There is another Sly guy, he is the tech guy and we have the same lunch. He started the conversation about shaving and all, it was pretty cool. Then one of the other petroom guys buzzes his hair down, he said he is too lazy to razor it every day or whatever.
 The end of the day came way too soon it seems. When I clocked out the boss said I did great and was a natural and that most other new people dont get the hang of things as fast as I did.
 After 30 days I get a discount and after 180 days I get benefits and all that. I have Monday Tuesday off but since this week is a holiday week the shedule is all messed up so I have Monday and Wednesday off.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: warhawk on September 03, 2009, 07:41:56 PM
hey lophura:  that is gr8 news.  glad that your 1st day went smoooooth. O0

Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: wpruitt on September 03, 2009, 08:35:16 PM
After 30 days I get a discount and after 180 days I get benefits...
Don't want to be spoiler, but be careful with that discount.  You want to bring home a check and not a stub. Also, look very carefully at your benefits package.  It may seem like money wasted, but with the spiraling cost of healthcare, you will need them.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: slyatlast on September 03, 2009, 08:57:32 PM
Congratulations Lophura.  Glad your first day went so well - usually the first day is the roughest but it sounds like your positive attitude and energy will get you through anything.

I start a new job on Tuesday...hope mine goes as well.  After 30+ years in the workforce I'll be a government employee for the first time.  Today I received my agenda for the first day and it's making me a little nervous...lots of meetings with people in high places.
Title: Re: I have an interview tomorrow!
Post by: Mike on September 03, 2009, 09:38:41 PM
After 30 days I get a discount and after 180 days I get benefits...
Don't want to be spoiler, but be careful with that discount.  You want to bring home a check and not a stub. Also, look very carefully at your benefits package.  It may seem like money wasted, but with the spiraling cost of healthcare, you will need them.

Well the discount is off merchandise, I already know to be careful with charging because I did too much at the hardware store one time which sucked.

 I am already planning on the package, I think they take like $26 out of each check then if I had a dr. appt. they would pay 75% of it and I would pay the other 25%. At my last job I had money taken out of each check for healthcare which I should have gotten starting at 90 days but was laid off at 91 days so in that case it was a waste.