Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Head Shaving => Topic started by: johnknoesel on July 27, 2007, 12:53:06 PM

Title: new to the head shaving thing.
Post by: johnknoesel on July 27, 2007, 12:53:06 PM
Ok, I am digging the bald thing and so does the wife, however this shaving part really bites.
Theres gotta be a better way. I use a Quattro Titanium and shave oil. Prior to shaving I take a hot shower wash scalp with moiturizing soap with no fragrance etc.. sensitive skin ya know.  I then get out, dry off everywhere from shoulders down. Shave oil about 4 drops then proceed. After which I shave the face except for the van dyke and rinse well with cold water. Here is the prob, ever blasted thing I try on my scalp afterwards to cool it burns like OMG I do not know what. There has to something out there that does not have alcohol or that will not cause bumps etc..
Also is there anything that can be used between shaves that will help retard the growth. Sandpaper head at night really is not fun. :D
Title: Re: new to the head shaving thing.
Post by: Robmeister on July 27, 2007, 01:21:57 PM
John....first of all WELCOME to SLY BALD GUYS!!

I really doubt there's anything out there to retard hair growth.

However, for your other issue, I would try 100% Aloe Vera alcohol or fragrance.  It's naturally cooling without menthol or anything else.

I use the one on the lower left of this page:
Title: Re: new to the head shaving thing.
Post by: BALDANDRE on July 27, 2007, 01:58:37 PM
Welcome dude...glad you're liking the skinned dome!

The only suggestion I would give, is not applying ANYTHING right after you shave, wait a bit and do it at the very end of getting ready for the day...maybe some "ccoling off" time is needed for you freshly scraped skin....

just a suggestion..

keep it slick and smooth brutha! O0
Title: Re: new to the head shaving thing.
Post by: baldchief99 on July 27, 2007, 03:01:47 PM
Welcome John.  Two things for you to try.  You can try Nive for men.  They have a face wash which is what I use after I shave and they also have an aftershave lotion that is very nice.  You could also try an alcohol free lotion like Original Curel or Lubriderm.  Unfortunately each head is totally different and generally trial and error is the only way to find what is right for you.  Good luck Dude and again, Welcome! O:O
Title: Re: new to the head shaving thing.
Post by: Paul on July 27, 2007, 03:04:25 PM
Welcome aboard John, glad to have you with us.  To sooth that just fresh scalp, I have had great success with the Bald Guyz Moisturing Gel, cools and eliminates bumps and rashes for me.   
Title: Re: new to the head shaving thing.
Post by: Timmay on July 27, 2007, 03:19:42 PM
NO NO NO You are all wrong.  Lets get him started on the right foot.  Go to walmart or where ever, buy yourself the Headblade Sport razor.  Then for the shaving cream..its got to be teh Headslick.  After you finish shaving...ICE CUBES!  rinse your head with cold water..then rub a few icecubes over your freshly shaved head.  Towel dry your head...then apply Aloe Vera that i keep in my fridge to keep it nice and cold.  Then you will be good bro...try will like it.  Trust me ..everyone else thought the icecube thing was a corny idea..but ask those who tried will get good response.
Welcome to Slyguys Bro.
Title: Re: new to the head shaving thing.
Post by: Bald_freak on July 27, 2007, 03:29:52 PM
I do remember hearing about a product a few years ago that wasn't nair like and it's purpose was to lengthen the time it takes for hair to grow back. kinda like an anti-rogain. Can't remember it's name though.
Title: Re: new to the head shaving thing.
Post by: warhawk on July 27, 2007, 06:59:31 PM
johnknoesel..... welcome 2 the sly fraternity.  great advice from r sly brahs....i use the cold water rinse, followed with the ice cubes in my routine.  feels gr8.  the aloe vera in the fridge thingy works gr8 also.  post up in the introductions section so that we can give u a proper welcome.

Title: Re: new to the head shaving thing.
Post by: Tom McGarry. on July 27, 2007, 07:08:56 PM
Hey John, welcome to the SBG family. So you want to retard the re growth of your hair huh,,,,,,easy HAVE LOTS OF KIDS :*))
Seriously if you ever figure it out please share it with me, and I'll do the same for you.
I do agree with useing the HeadBlade razor, but I highly recomend useing Bald Guyz sun block, and Bald Guyz Head wipes, they are both awsome products to keep your freshly scalped dome at it's best.
Title: Re: new to the head shaving thing.
Post by: Tyler on July 27, 2007, 09:48:24 PM
John, welcome to Sly Bald Guys!! I would also recommend Bald Guyz Moisture Gel or Aloe Vera to help with the burning.
Title: Re: new to the head shaving thing.
Post by: Bald_freak on July 27, 2007, 11:03:07 PM
Hey John, welcome to the SBG family. So you want to retard the re growth of your hair huh,,,,,,easy HAVE LOTS OF KIDS :*))
Seriously if you ever figure it out please share it with me, and I'll do the same for you.
I do agree with useing the HeadBlade razor, but I highly recomend useing Bald Guyz sun block, and Bald Guyz Head wipes, they are both awsome products to keep your freshly scalped dome at it's best.

LMAO!!!, yeah I over looked the obvious on that one! Actually I believe It starts with marriage and accelerates with every sequential offspring( look at Homer Simpson)