Sly Bald Guys Forum

Confidence and Success => Fitness/Diet => SBG Fitness Challenge => Topic started by: Tyler on December 03, 2006, 06:18:46 PM

Title: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on December 03, 2006, 06:18:46 PM
My main goal is to get to a healthy weight and physique.  My doctor (cardiologist)  would like me to get down to 185 pounds to relieve stress on my heart.  I'm currently at a weight of 222 pounds at 5'11".  My sub goal is to lose this weight but not to have a flabby physique when I'm done.  My goal is to have a lean, muscular build.  My goal is to be down to 200 by March 1st, 2007 and to be down to 185 by June 1, 2007 (just before my 30th birthday).

I can't stand having a 40 inch waistline, which is currently what I wear.  Mostly because it's really hard to buy clothes that I would like to wear, but they just don't make it that large.  I'm looking forward to the benefit of being able to have a 36 inch waist or less.

So, how am I going to do this?  Well, in the past I've had success following the book the Abs Diet (, so I'm going to follow it againg.

Why the Abs Diet (  As I said above, I have had success with it, but most importantly, it is not really a diet.  It more teaches you how to change how you eat for the rest of your life.  I just got fat and happy this year after getting married, so it's time to get back to eating right.  Another important thing it focuses on is foods that are low on the glycemic index, which is important for me to keep my blood pressure down.  The plan focuses on 6 meals a day and foods that you'll enjoy eating.  It's amazing, but you really never are hungry on this plan.

I also like the workout plan that the book recommends.  It focuses on lifting weights in a circuit training fashion, so it keeps your cardio up while building muscle; thus creating a lean look.

I'm going to measure myself tonight and do an official weigh in tomorrow morning.  In my next post I'll post the results of that.  Every Monday I will post my previous week's accomplishments and the results of my work.

I look forward to changing my life with all of you.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on December 07, 2006, 10:33:09 AM
So, I started my plan (notice I didn't call it a diet  ;) ) on Monday.  I weighed in at 222.2 pounds.  I've done really well sticking to the plan these last couple of days.  Though, I had a couple beers with a buddy last night since I hadn't seen him in awhile.

I've been keeping to my 6 meals a day, making sure the meals fit within guidelines of the book.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: PBurke on December 07, 2006, 10:36:39 AM
i have the "GET FIT< STAY FIT PLAN" book but haven't had the motivation to use it yet. maybe when i can breath again.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Robmeister on December 07, 2006, 10:48:03 AM
Paul....that picture of you is almost like using a web cam,'s like yer talkin' right at us, bro!  Pretty cool.

Tyler, OK, man....the first 2 weeks are the toughest....way to go, bud.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Professor Melon on December 07, 2006, 12:53:13 PM
 :D Ahoy, Tyler. Great goal; hope you make it. Having been there, I can offer three suggestions: 1) avoid the fat-producing combo of carbs-oil-sugar; 2) monitor portions; and 3) [this really hurts] no beer OR, if you must, only lite. For abs, get one of those little rubber-treaded wheels with a spoke through it. Kneel down at a threshhold or lower-level bit of flooring [to keep from dragging your kneecaps across the floor] and roll out until you are virtually horizontal. It will hurt at first, but will do wonders for the gut and lower back. I do three sets of 100 every day.Try not to think of the change as a diet; that is only temporary. Think of it as a permanent change in your eating habits. You've got my moral support. Prof. Melon
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on December 07, 2006, 03:40:23 PM
Thanks for the support guys!  I'll post some more progress in a couple of days.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on December 09, 2006, 09:15:19 PM
I had some motivation today.  I went to buy a belt and realized how big of a size I needed to buy.  This was huge motivation!  I do not ever want to buy a belt that big again.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Robmeister on December 10, 2006, 09:06:07 AM
I'm with ya, brutha....I haven't measured my waist in a while.  Ya know, sometimes waist measurement can be a better indicator of fitness than simply losing weight.

Back in 2001 I did the full-blown Bill Phillips, "Body 4 Life" program.  It was the best results I've gotten from any program.  The emphasis is on hardcore workouts, 6 days a week.  So it's not a program where you lightly tweak your weekly takes major focus and lifestyle change.

Anyway, since I was packing on new muscle, there was a point where I wasn't really dropping weight, but was shrinking in the waist quite readily.

Not sure about your heart limitations, but If/when you're ready for a major body transformation-type program I would definitely get that book.  A lot of it is motivational, success, "take what is yours or die trying" reading.  I read the book and spent about 2 weeks getting mentally psyched up.

I've posted this pic elsewhere, but these are the results that are possible when you REALLY stick to the challenge.  This pic is from the can see other before/after's, and learn more at 
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on December 10, 2006, 09:52:11 PM
Thanks Robmeister!  I'll have to take a look at it sometime.  The abs diet has a website and forum that guys post their before and after pics and there have been very similar results to the one in the picture.  What I like also is that a lot of guys are still on the forum after a couple of years and have been able to make it a life change.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: ar3inc on December 10, 2006, 09:58:38 PM
Check out. and
Both have very similar style, but are very effective.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: BaldRob on December 11, 2006, 02:37:45 PM
1) avoid the fat-producing combo of carbs-oil-sugar

I'm going to comment on this because of the no/low carb idiotic craze that this country is on...   >:( >:( >:(

Carbs, oils, and sugars are NOT bad... your body needs all three to function properly.  What you need to do is moderate your intake of these and use less as the day progresses.  When you first wake up in the morning, your body is starving for carbs and you need to feed that hunger.  That doesn't mean going and eating 6 pieces of white toast... it means get some healthy carbs from oatmeal, wheat toast, fruit, etc.  That is your initial jump start for the day.  There is also no proven medical fact eating carbs before bed will cause weight gain.  Also, by depriving your body of carbs, you might lose weight, but you will gain fat.  Fat is the body's long term storage...  The carb is your body's energy source... if there are no carbs being consumed, the next thing your body is going to look for is protein, which is essential for muscles.  Then after both of those sources are depleted, will the body start burning fat.  However, that supercomputer we all have under our shiny bald heads is going to realize that the long term energy storage has been depleted, and create MORE fat.

On the oil front, olive oil has been proven time after time to be extremely beneficial.  I'm going to find them again, but I have read numerous articles from actual medical people to consume at least 2 tablespoons per day of olive oil.  That can come from a variety of ways... I use a little cooking eggs or sauteeing meat.

Another common misconception is that real butter is bad for you.  Real butter is just that... all natural.  Read the label of the various "healthy" spreads (butter substitutes)... you'd be amazed at the chemicals your consuming!

While "normal" sugar has virtually no benefits, other than the obivious sweetening capabilities, unrefined or turbadino (spelling bad) will help sweeten coffee/tea, etc while retaining minimal health benefits of sugar that is lost during the refining process.  Plus, sugars are an excellent source of carbs for a quick burst of energy.

As with everything else, moderation is absolutely essential with all foods... not just carbs/oils/sugars.

Tyler, keep up with the six small meals a day, plus a good workout regimen and you should see your goals come true.  One piece of advice though... don't expect to see any drastic results for about 12 weeks.  Once you hit that three month point of eating right and working out, it will be like the weight is dropping off like a lead... well, lead weight!

Sorry about the little rant on the carbs/oil/sugars thing, but I truly hate the misinformation that has been shoved down our throats by people that want to make money by selling us their take on what's best!
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on December 11, 2006, 02:52:03 PM
Thanks Rob!  No worries about the rant.  I think you are both correct.  The problem is that most Americans are misinformed on what are good and bad carbs now that we've had this no-carb craze.  Empty carbs, such as white breads, white rice, bleached flours along with "sugars" like High Fructose Corn Syrup and trans fatty oils that are used in fast food places are very deadly combinations that should be avoided.

What I like about the Abs Diet plan is it focuses on the good carbs; whole grains, fruit, and veggies.  These will actually help speed up your metabolism, rather than kill it.

I will be starting my workout tonight.  I didn't workout last week, other than a few sessions of walking, because I wanted to let my body adjust to the new way of eating.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: BaldRob on December 11, 2006, 03:00:11 PM
One other thing Tyler, is drink LOTS of water... the recommendations have changed throughout the years, but if you drink approximately 2 liters per day it will help keep you flushed out and keep you at the proper hydration level.

On days that you hit the gym, you may need to drink more...
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on December 11, 2006, 03:06:01 PM
Week 1 status update

It has been one full week now that I've been using this new way of eating.  So far I can tell that there has been a significant increase in my energy levels.  I don't get lethargic after a meal, but instead I have energy!  This is because of the 3 smaller meals and 3 snacks that I consume, rather than 3 huge meals.

My diet has been right on track except for one night that I had a couple of beers with a buddy I hadn't seen in a couple of months.

So far, I have had a slight decrease in my belly size.  I can tell because my pants fit a little better.  And, I have dropped down to 218.8 pounds from 222.2.  That's 3.4 pounds in the first week.

As I mentioned above, I will start my exercise routine tonight.  This will consist of a 30 minute circuit that consists of lifting weights at several stations with little resting time in between each station.  This gets your hear rate up and builds muscle at the same time.  I will do the circuit 3 times a week.  I will then walk for 45 minutes on an inclined treadmill on the days I'm not doing the circuit, except for Sunday.

With adding in the exercise I should be able to keep my pace of losing 3 to 4 pounds next week.  Though, I won't care if it doesn't happen if I notice my waist getting smaller.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on December 11, 2006, 03:08:35 PM
One other thing Tyler, is drink LOTS of water... the recommendations have changed throughout the years, but if you drink approximately 2 liters per day it will help keep you flushed out and keep you at the proper hydration level.

On days that you hit the gym, you may need to drink more...

Yes, this also one thing I've changed.  I'm drinking much more water, milk, and tea now versus diet soft drinks.  I've cut out almost all of the diet sodas out of my diet, with exception of my energy drinks that contain only 8 calories, no sugar (splenda), and a day's supply of vitamin B and then some.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Robmeister on December 11, 2006, 05:28:17 PM
Amen on the rant!...felt like we should pass the plate.  I agree with you.  I did the Atkins thing in 97 - 99 and managed to pack my colon with all the protein and goo.

In the professor's defense, what I took from his statement at face value when I read it was foods that have all those in one, like yer typical donuts, pastries, cookies (bad carbs [what Tyler mentioned], bad oil [hydrogenated/partially-hydrogenated], and sugar ALL COMBINED.

Yer right about healthy oils.  In addition to olive oil, one of the best is coconut oil.  My wife and I stir a teaspoon into our coffee or's delicious and good for you.

Another pet peave of mine are "diets" where you can lose weight WITHOUT EXERCISING.  They are so restrictive, you're bound to failure on the SNAP BACK.  Now folks in the straights of desperate morbid obesity....that's a doctor thing.  But Rob is right--get a nice vigorous and consistent exercise program that involves cardio and weight training...and the food thing is less precise....moderation does the trick. 

For years now when I'm locked into a really good fitness groove, I keep it "real" on the food front 6 days a week and have a single "cheat" day.  My kids call it daddy's "junky" day.  Then I'm back on the program immediately the next six days with no hiccup in my progress.  I learned this with Body 4 Life.

This day is used to take the kids for burgers and be able to join them.  Join the buddies for a good hearty and fully-enjoyed Monday night football complete with lots of brewski and stuffed potato shells.....but bright and early back to the oatmeal and weight rack for the next six days FAITHFULLY.

I know my picture here doesn't bear out this advice, but I got outa the groove when we bought our house and moved and all that.  I absolutely DESPISE moving.  So when it comes to all the annoying logistics....I keep a bunch cold beer on hand to ease the process 

I'm starting to get fired up again for another stretch of fitness and training.  One thing many of you might know is muscle has great memory.  Once you've packed it on or toned it up in a serious shapes up real quick when you hit it again.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Robmeister on December 11, 2006, 05:38:15 PM
Tyler....good job on the first week!!!
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Razor X on December 11, 2006, 08:05:16 PM
Sounds like you're following a good sensible plan.  Someone mentioned the Body 4 Life program.  I've been following that one for a while now (though I've been cheating a little lately and need to get back on track) and I like it a lot.  The basic premise is to always consume  a portion of protein AND a portion of carbs with every meal.  It really does help to keep the hunger at bay.  The protein helps to build muscle and eating protein with carbs slows down the digestion of the carbs and helps keep you full longer.

Egg whites are a great source of protein.  I eat 6 egg whites most mornings with either oatmeal, whole wheat toast or a whole wheat bagel.

Tonalin CLA (congugated lineoleic acid) is a natural supplement you can take that is supposed to help metabolize fat when incorporated into a diet and exercise regimen.  Chitosan is another good supplement - basically dietary fiber that is supposed to help you feel full and prevent the absorption of fat.  Neither is a miracle drug, but every little bit helps.

Be sure to incorporate some variety into your workouts so you don't become too bored with them and so your body doesn't "adjust" to them too quickly. 

Good luck and keep up the good work.  I know it isn't easy, but it's definitely a worthwhile goal.

Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on December 11, 2006, 10:10:02 PM
Tonalin CLA (congugated lineoleic acid) is a natural supplement you can take that is supposed to help metabolize fat when incorporated into a diet and exercise regimen. 

Thanks RazorX!  I actually take CLA already.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on December 11, 2006, 11:58:04 PM
I just got back from the gym right now.  It was tough to get my but there after taking a week off, but it's feels so good once you do. ;D
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on December 19, 2006, 12:00:06 AM
Ok, here's my week 2 status report.  I gained a bit and moved back up to 120 pounds.  Though, I don't see this as too much of a negative.  I made it to the gym 3 times last week and I think a bit of the weight gain was muscle related.  I think this because my waist is about 1/2 an inch smaller than it was the previous week.

I just got back from the gym, so I'm starting off week 3 right.  I also got back to my eating plan that got side tracked a couple days last week due to holiday parties.  Another status in a week!
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: ar3inc on December 19, 2006, 12:19:22 AM
Ok, here's my week 2 status report.  I gained a bit and moved back up to 120 pounds.  Though, I don't see this as too much of a negative.  I made it to the gym 3 times last week and I think a bit of the weight gain was muscle related.  I think this because my waist is about 1/2 an inch smaller than it was the previous week.

I just got back from the gym, so I'm starting off week 3 right.  I also got back to my eating plan that got side tracked a couple days last week due to holiday parties.  Another status in a week!
You're right on, Tyler!  Too many people actually do more damage then good focusing on onlly weight.  Muscle is denser then fat.  So often you will gain weight when working out especailly if you not getting your heart rate in the "fat burn zone."  Keep with the measuring tape and check every so often with the scale.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Johnny on January 03, 2007, 12:36:28 PM
So how goes the battle?
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on January 03, 2007, 12:54:22 PM
So how goes the battle?

Thanks for checking Johnny. 

The battle is going good.  I didn't stick to my diet the best this last weekend, but the weekdays have been right on track.  I'm still at the 220 to 222 range depending on the day, but I can tell that the inches are starting to come off around the waist.  I've been hitting the gym consistantly 5 to 6 days a week for the last 3 weeks.  I feel great and have a ton more energy, so it's really positive.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Johnny on January 03, 2007, 01:00:33 PM
So how goes the battle?

Thanks for checking Johnny. 

The battle is going good.  I didn't stick to my diet the best this last weekend, but the weekdays have been right on track.  I'm still at the 220 to 222 range depending on the day, but I can tell that the inches are starting to come off around the waist.  I've been hitting the gym consistantly 5 to 6 days a week for the last 3 weeks.  I feel great and have a ton more energy, so it's really positive.

That's great to hear.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: PigPen on January 03, 2007, 01:22:02 PM
I need to start doing something too. Problem is our home weight bench is at my father-in-law's house. We no longer have room for it in our house. Can't afford to go to the gym either really. Suppose I could start a home-based kinda thing and at least get some cardio in if nothing else.

Sounds like you're doing great Tyler. Stick with it.

I'me actually been avoiding this group of topics because it made me feel
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: schro on January 03, 2007, 01:37:25 PM
Keep it up Tyler. Weight loss should be measured in baby steps (a pound here, a pound there).

I'm trying to get back down to 195 by my b-day (May), which is only about 8 lbs. The thing is, I love to eat and drink my wine/beer/martinis. Ultimately, I want to be able to maintain a constant 190lbs.

Well, I'm literally off for a 4 mile run with the dog and Metallica cranking thru the i-Pod.

Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: PigPen on January 03, 2007, 01:39:30 PM

Well, I'm literally off for a 4 mile run with the dog and Metallica cranking thru the i-Pod.


That'll get ya pumped!
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: PBurke on January 03, 2007, 01:41:11 PM
gotta love metallica. i know i do.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: PigPen on January 03, 2007, 01:42:51 PM
Good stuff
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: schro on January 03, 2007, 02:25:11 PM
I know I've mentioned this before but "The Four Horsemen" (2nd song off of "Kill Em All") is my favorite Metallica song.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Hawk on January 03, 2007, 02:49:45 PM
My iPod for the gym always includes "FUEL" by Metallica.  I love that song for working out.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: PBurke on January 03, 2007, 02:51:30 PM
you have fine taste young men. ha ha
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Hawk on January 03, 2007, 03:03:20 PM
Speaking of music (not meaning to JACK THIS THREAD), but the wife and I went with a big group of friends to go see Aerosmith/Motley Crue in concert not long ago here in Dallas.  You talk about a GREAT SHOW with GREAT TUNES!   :o
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: spaceape48 on January 03, 2007, 06:21:44 PM
Congrats on sticking with the plan Tyler. I can't say enough good things about weight training. My original weight was 255lbs at 5'10. Before I made my changes I didn't work out at all so that weight was mostly fat. My lowest weight I've been to since has been 208lbs, but since then I'm back up to 220lbs. I contribute this to a few slumps and slacking on my food intake. I've also been hitting the weights a bit harder here lately so I'm noticing that my muscle tone is improving so that likely also has something to do with it as well.

I try to keep away from processed foods and anything that comes in a bag or box. The more natural and fresh the better. Carrots, potatoes, and corn are the only veggies I try to stay away from. I'm not into fad diets like atkins and what not, but I do try to stay away from the breads and pastas. When I do eat bread it's whole grain wheat. Watch out for some wheat breads, because while they claim to be all natural, they are really just bleached and died and in fact are not whole grain.

Keep us up to date on your progress. Keep up with your plan and you should be seeing results quick-likely on a week to week basis. If not don't be dissapointed though, some weeks are rough but others you'll make up for it.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on January 03, 2007, 06:31:27 PM
Thanks Spaceape!

I'm very aware of the wheat bread that they put out on the market.  You even have to watch out for High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) that they use in a lot of commercially baked breads, including "organic" whole wheat bread.  I buy a brand of bread called Milton's and usually buy their Whole Grain bread ( (  You'll notice in the ingredients that there isn't any HFCS.

Also, watch out for trans fats, specifically Partially Hydrated anything.  If you see Partially Hydrated mentioned in the ingredients, it has trans fats, even if the label says it doesn't.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: schro on January 03, 2007, 06:48:54 PM
This is going to sound somewhat stupid, but if I could avoid becoming overweight without exercise, I'd totally do it. I really just exercise so I can enjoy life (wine & dine), and try to stay on this planet a little while longer.

I've been a runner all my life for both competition and pure enjoyment. The solitude of me, the road, and my tunes is something that is truly magical to me (Guess that's why Iron Maiden's "Lonliness of the Long Distance Runner" is such an awesome song to me). But, after two ACL reconstructions (indoor soccer), and feeling like my heart was going to explode after my last half marathon, I've gotten to the point that I am trying to drop 12 lbs (202 to 190) by the July and maintain it, nothing major. I figure 2 lbs a month for the first 6 months s/b a no-brainer. No more insane training sessions, crash diets, just trying to be smarter. Bottom line, if you can burn a little more k/cal than you take in, it should be a snap.

If you go nuts with beer. onion rings, or In & Out (Tyler), just run an extra two miles the next day and it all works itself out.

Peace Out,
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: spaceape48 on January 03, 2007, 07:02:58 PM

If you go nuts with beer. onion rings, or In & Out (Tyler), just run an extra two miles the next day and it all works itself out.

Good advice. Before you eat that burger think about how it is going to cancel out that last workout you did- bet you'll think twice,lol. Keep your muscle up and you'll burn more calories too just sitting around. That's why I like weights so much, it's like you getting more for the effort and time. You burn calories while your lifting, but your still burning calories afterwards.

If I can sit on my bum and burn calories I'm a happy dude.  ;D
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on January 03, 2007, 08:10:11 PM
I hear ya Schro!  If I didn't have to exercise, I wouldn't, but I also want to try to stay on this planet a little longer.

Spaceape, you are very correct with the weight lifting and burning calories afterward.  That's why I also focus more on weight lifting than other exercises; that and I hate runnin  ;)

I enjoy food and will always enjoy it.  So, I try to make enjoyable meals that are also healthy.  If I make spaghetti, I use whole wheat noodles and dark turkey meat , elk, or venison.  The taste is altered so little that you can barely tell, but the nutrition is much better.  I try to make 85 to 90% of my meals healthy, that way when I have an In-n-out burger, beer or some pizza, I don't have to fret over it.

Off to my spinach salad... ;D
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: spaceape48 on January 03, 2007, 09:00:46 PM
How is elk? Can't say I've had it. Venison is good stuff.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on January 03, 2007, 10:52:21 PM
How is elk? Can't say I've had it. Venison is good stuff.

Elk is great!  It's about half as gamey as deer, so if you cook it right, there's not much gamey taste to it.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on January 09, 2007, 10:14:51 AM
Status Update:

I weighed in this morning at 220 even.  That's a drop of 2.2 pounds from last week and back to where I was before the holidays hit...LOL.

What I found to be even better is that I lost 1/2 inch off my belly/waist and 1/2 around my hips.  This is what I'm really focusing on, not so much the weight.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: schro on January 09, 2007, 10:27:33 AM
Congrats! Keep it up.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Robmeister on January 09, 2007, 11:23:55 AM
Status Update:

I weighed in this morning at 220 even.  That's a drop of 2.2 pounds from last week and back to where I was before the holidays hit...LOL.

What I found to be even better is that I lost 1/2 inch off my belly/waist and 1/2 around my hips.  This is what I'm really focusing on, not so much the weight.

Way to go!.....1/2 inch is better than 2.2 lbs.

I've found that in my case I average a 1/2 inch for every 5 lbs when I'm doing it right.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on January 09, 2007, 11:34:07 AM
I've never done this type of measuring before, so I don't know what the weight to inches ratio will be.  I do know that my legs are getting bigger because I can feel it in my pants.  I've been focusing a lot of my workout on my legs because it's such a large muscle group and will burn more calories.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: PigPen on January 09, 2007, 11:35:07 AM
Parts of that vsound
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on January 09, 2007, 02:14:14 PM
Parts of that vsound

After reading it again...I see what you mean..LOL!!
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: PBurke on January 09, 2007, 03:24:12 PM
man i have never been able to get my legs big. they are still toned, from the snowboarding and mtn biking/hiking days. but not big. pretty strong but no size.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on January 09, 2007, 03:48:04 PM
man i have never been able to get my legs big. they are still toned, from the snowboarding and mtn biking/hiking days. but not big. pretty strong but no size.

Me neither, until now.  I've been doing a lot of squats, leg presses, leg extensions, and leg curls.  Then when I walk or run on the treadmill or eliptical, I do so on an incline.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: PBurke on January 09, 2007, 03:54:41 PM
i was legpressing way over 750 in highschool and never could get any size. squats are not even an option because of my back. owell i just have chicken legs.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on January 16, 2007, 06:39:08 PM
Status Update:

I weighed in this morning at 220 even.  That's a drop of 2.2 pounds from last week and back to where I was before the holidays hit...LOL.

What I found to be even better is that I lost 1/2 inch off my belly/waist and 1/2 around my hips.  This is what I'm really focusing on, not so much the weight.

Another status update:

Last week was a pretty good week.  I continued eating correctly and was at the gym 4 times; 3 lifting days and one cardio.

I'm still at 220 even, but I dropped another 1/2 inch off of my belly/waist and another 1/2 inch around my hips.  I'm starting to see noticable definition around my jawline, pecks, legs, and arms.  I'm not ripped by any means, but the muscles are starting to show more as well as my veins in my arms.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Razor X on January 16, 2007, 08:59:43 PM
You're really doing well.  Keep it up and you'll be in great shape by summertime.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on January 16, 2007, 09:26:05 PM
You're really doing well.  Keep it up and you'll be in great shape by summertime.

Thanks RazorX
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Razor X on January 23, 2007, 08:35:05 PM

I'm very aware of the wheat bread that they put out on the market.  You even have to watch out for High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) that they use in a lot of commercially baked breads, including "organic" whole wheat bread.  I buy a brand of bread called Milton's and usually buy their Whole Grain bread ( (  You'll notice in the ingredients that there isn't any HFCS.

Also, watch out for trans fats, specifically Partially Hydrated anything.  If you see Partially Hydrated mentioned in the ingredients, it has trans fats, even if the label says it doesn't.

I've been trying to find some sort of whole wheat bread here on the east coast that is made without HFCS but so far haven't been able to come up with anything.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Robmeister on January 23, 2007, 09:04:33 PM

You want some killer healthy bread....find some Ezekial Bread

'ats about the healthiest bread you can find.  Contains live sprouting seed.  Good stuff....

a little extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil and yer in biz, man
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: PigPen on January 24, 2007, 08:46:54 AM
Live sprouting seed...does that mean you'll start growin bread out yer ears?
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: MagmaBabe on January 24, 2007, 09:46:04 AM
I've never done this type of measuring before, so I don't know what the weight to inches ratio will be.  I do know that my legs are getting bigger because I can feel it in my pants.  I've been focusing a lot of my workout on my legs because it's such a large muscle group and will burn more calories.

PMSL! I am in tears!!   ;D
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Robmeister on January 24, 2007, 10:02:11 AM
Live sprouting seed...does that mean you'll start growin bread out yer ears?

Absolutely.....looks great with a bald head, man
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: PigPen on January 24, 2007, 12:49:37 PM
Live sprouting seed...does that mean you'll start growin bread out yer ears?

Absolutely.....looks great with a bald head, man

Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Robmeister on January 24, 2007, 01:11:16 PM

Jolly good, Master Pen!!
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on February 25, 2007, 04:43:10 PM
It's been awhile since an update, but the quest to lean and mean is still on.  I've been very consistant the last 6 weeks and it's really starting to pay off.  I found that I was taking in too many calories, so I started cutting them back last week.  I've already dropped 5 pounds and 1 inch off my belly since doing that.  Best of all, my muscle tone is really starting to show in my arms, legs, and jaw line.

My wife's friend married Curtis McGovert, Mr. California 2003, and after talking to him yesterday I found out that he has his own gym and does personal training.  I'm thinking of working with him for a couple of months to change things up and put the fat loss into overdrive.

He happens to be Sly.

Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Razor X on February 25, 2007, 06:49:02 PM
Keep up the good work, Tyler.  If you can afford to use the personal trainer, then that is definitely the way to go.  It's helped me out a lot.  It's a great help to have someone show you what you need to do to meet your goals, and how to do it properly.  A lot of people can work out really hard, but because they may be inadvertently doing the exercises/lifting incorrectly, they aren't getting the maximum benefit and aren't seeing the results.

I am almost where I'd like to be, but I can't seem to trim down at the waistline.  If I could just lose the love handles, I'd be fine.  I'm getting there, but it's painfully slow.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on February 26, 2007, 03:05:59 AM
Thanks Razor!  I'm weighing the costs right now, but he has really reasonable rates for someone of his stature in the industry.  Actually, it's the same that 24Hr charges here.  I've been doing a variation of my routine for several months now and need to find a new routine, so I think he can help me mix it up a bit. 

I've lost my love handles on the side, but I can't get rid of the gut up front.  I know it will take some time. 
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: spaceape48 on February 26, 2007, 04:42:01 PM
I've been doing a variation of my routine for several months now and need to find a new routine, so I think he can help me mix it up a bit. 

What kind of a routine are you using for weights right now just out of curiousity? Hows about cardio? I usually focus on either the entire upper body w/ one workout per area, or the same thing for the legs. Read some good stuff about it a while back. I've been having some good results with it too. It does get a bit repetative though so I'm looking for something to mix it up.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on February 26, 2007, 04:57:15 PM
I've been doing a variation of my routine for several months now and need to find a new routine, so I think he can help me mix it up a bit. 

What kind of a routine are you using for weights right now just out of curiousity? Hows about cardio? I usually focus on either the entire upper body w/ one workout per area, or the same thing for the legs. Read some good stuff about it a while back. I've been having some good results with it too. It does get a bit repetative though so I'm looking for something to mix it up.

I do a full body circuit routine that focuses on the major muscle groups, especially the legs.  I like it because it's like doing cardio and weight lifting at the same time.  I can get my heart rate up to 150 bpm while doing the workout.   I do this three days a week.  Then on the off days, I do cardio, but I mix it up as I'm doing it.  So, if I'm on the tread mill, I set up the interval training to constantly change the speed and incline.  This way you body is constantly adjusting.
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Razor X on February 26, 2007, 05:43:52 PM

I've lost my love handles on the side, but I can't get rid of the gut up front.  I know it will take some time. 

Just the opposite for me.  Maybe between the two of us we can piece together one reasonably decent body.    O0
Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Jeremy on March 09, 2007, 10:25:37 PM
hey Tyler,

I read your opening post and saw that you said you are following the Abs Diet.  I just wanted to say that several of the runners on my cross country team (I run D1 cross country) follow that diet.  They are pretty cut and say the diet is great and fairly easy to follow.  So it seems like your diet choice is fairly legit. 

Keep up the good work!

Title: Re: Tyler's Fitness Goal
Post by: Tyler on March 09, 2007, 11:16:48 PM
hey Tyler,

I read your opening post and saw that you said you are following the Abs Diet.  I just wanted to say that several of the runners on my cross country team (I run D1 cross country) follow that diet.  They are pretty cut and say the diet is great and fairly easy to follow.  So it seems like your diet choice is fairly legit. 

Keep up the good work!

Thanks buddy!  It appears to be working out for me as well.  I recently made a change to follow the diet more closely and it's paying off.  I decided to remove cheese from my diet.  This was actually what I gave up for Lent, but it's been working great.