Sly Bald Guys Forum

Head Shaving, Grooming & Care => Head Shaving => Topic started by: Itsonlyinmyhead on June 21, 2007, 06:13:16 PM

Title: Moles and cherry angiomas
Post by: Itsonlyinmyhead on June 21, 2007, 06:13:16 PM
I was just wondering out of curiousity how common moles and cherry angiomas are when shaving your head for the first time. Im also a little bit confused on how you didnt spot them before, I thought when you felt through your head you would of found them when you had hair.

Title: Re: Moles and cherry angiomas
Post by: jusbnme on June 21, 2007, 10:02:10 PM
I have two moles I never knew about until I started shaving.  They're both flat though so they don't get in the way when I'm shaving.  They are about the size of a pea and are dark so they are noticeable but I don't care.  It's funny where they are though.  One of each is on each side of my head a few inches right above my ears.  So they sort of look like holes where horns use to be.  My wife messes with me all the time and says that's where my devil horns come out of when I'm in a bad mood. 
Title: Re: Moles and cherry angiomas
Post by: wpruitt on June 22, 2007, 05:38:28 AM
This may be a topic for Slickdome.  He's the doc.
Title: Re: Moles and cherry angiomas
Post by: danyroo on June 22, 2007, 06:06:47 AM
Well for me If I let my hair grow for a month or 2.. when I shave I will have red spots and bumps.
their visible before shaving as I buzz off with no guard.. I usually wash my head with Nizoral shampoo, and apply some cream a few days prior to going sly.. in 10 years it's always been the case..

after I shaved and take care of my dome.. no more spots or bumps..
Title: Re: Moles and cherry angiomas
Post by: triumphcorvair on June 22, 2007, 07:10:28 AM
I found out I had a birthmark on the back of my headwhen I shaved it last week for the first time.  My five year old son also has one identical to mine on the back of his head.  I used to kid my wife that the UPS guy was my son's father.  Now I have proof he's mine :*))
Title: Re: Moles and cherry angiomas
Post by: Ian on June 22, 2007, 11:20:36 AM
I have two (did have 3 but had it removed) one at the base of my neck slightly to the left & one above & slightly to the front of my right ear
Title: Re: Moles and cherry angiomas
Post by: Cy on July 16, 2007, 06:45:53 AM
My woman pointed out I have a couple freckles on my ear. Does this count?

I think it counts, if and only if, you shave your ears.

I have a couple flat moles, maybe more that I've accidentally shaved off.