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Introductions / Re: Personal Introduction
« Last post by jason_greets on Today at 01:11:17 PM »
The bald head sure enhances your masculinity! Looks great, bro!

Thanks! I was at the gym last night and I felt more encouraged as I was doing barbell curls. A nice little boost to my confidence.
I don't mind shaving it.  I just wish I didn't have to shave AS often, like just once a week.  I have to shave everyday otherwise my head feels like sandpaper after 24 hours.
I was five months away from 40 when I decided to just shave it all off. I have been doing since ever since. I like how I look now.
I'm actually quite fond of wearing hats - beanies in the winter, baseball and flat caps in the summer. Sometimes I stick on a wooly hat in bed! Means I can turn the heating off!

I do like wearing beanies during cold weather. They become my "hair" temporarily.
Miscellaneous / Re: Searching info reagarding tweezing or waxing
« Last post by jason_greets on Today at 12:08:47 PM »
I'm going to buy me a facial hair wax kit this week and try it out Sunday. I'm curious to test it to see if I can get rid off the shadow and not shave as often. I know it's not a permanent solution.
I haven't been to a barber for a long time, and have sort of missed the banter, the camaraderie and the fun atmosphere. But it wouldn't be worth me paying anyone to cut the tiny bit of hair I have remaining!

If I was really balding, I would likely laser off the rest for a smooth even look. "Fighting" it wouldn't be of interest to me.
It's easier for guys with rippling muscles and bags of confidence! I am a quiet, studious and spiritual sort of bald guy -and that's OK.

I'm definitely more like you, though I wish I was more muscular.
It's easier for guys with rippling muscles and bags of confidence! I am a quiet, studious and spiritual sort of bald guy -and that's OK.
I haven't been to a barber for a long time, and have sort of missed the banter, the camaraderie and the fun atmosphere. But it wouldn't be worth me paying anyone to cut the tiny bit of hair I have remaining!
Introductions / Re: Personal Introduction
« Last post by David_N on Today at 08:27:36 AM »
The bald head sure enhances your masculinity! Looks great, bro!
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