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To be or not be...Bald / Re: Shaved head envy
« Last post by Semi-Sly on December 13, 2024, 11:29:05 AM »
Maybe keep the flattop, but keep the back and sides shaved smooth.  Best of both worlds.
That is what I do I re-shaved the back sides every other day
To be or not be...Bald / Re: Shaved head envy
« Last post by slybeard on December 12, 2024, 07:03:17 AM »
Maybe keep the flattop, but keep the back and sides shaved smooth.  Best of both worlds.
To be or not be...Bald / Re: Shaved head envy
« Last post by reddog on December 12, 2024, 05:00:34 AM »
Thanks for the positive comments guys. I might go to a professional barber for the first time in 10 years. There is a barber gal close to me that is a flattop expert. I'm hanging in there, but I really miss wearing a baldie haircut. I fight the urge every day to go smooth again. There's two guys at my gym with great looking bald heads that tempt me to get the razor out!
To be or not be...Bald / Re: Shaved head envy
« Last post by Semi-Sly on December 11, 2024, 04:53:20 PM »
To have enough hair to pull off a pure white flattop is very rare.  I say that you should rock the flattop for a while!
To be or not be...Bald / Re: Shaved head envy
« Last post by slybeard on December 11, 2024, 07:39:02 AM »
Looks great @reddog !
To be or not be...Bald / Re: Shaved head envy
« Last post by reddog on December 11, 2024, 05:12:11 AM »
To be or not be...Bald / Re: Shaved head envy
« Last post by DoberDaddy on December 10, 2024, 11:32:35 PM »
Enjoy it, some of us don't have that option anymore.  :*))
To be or not be...Bald / Re: Shaved head envy
« Last post by Semi-Sly on December 10, 2024, 09:32:04 PM »
@Semi-Sly you still have enough hair to pull off the flattop well, and you seem to smile more with the flattop.  So rock the flattop for a while - I am sure you will return to sly one day.  And BTW, I like the larger mustache in your second photo best.
I?ve gone back to the smaller mustache. It?s just a lot easier to take care of and it?s a lot more comfortable. The long mustache was itchy and scratchy.
To be or not be...Bald / Re: Shaved head envy
« Last post by slybeard on December 10, 2024, 06:56:49 PM »
@Semi-Sly you still have enough hair to pull off the flattop well, and you seem to smile more with the flattop.  So rock the flattop for a while - I am sure you will return to sly one day.  And BTW, I like the larger mustache in your second photo best.
To be or not be...Bald / Re: Shaved head envy
« Last post by Semi-Sly on December 10, 2024, 12:36:56 PM »
I haven't shaved my head in nearly 6 weeks and it's driving me nuts! I made it longer than I usually do, and I have a pretty nice looking flattop. Every time I see a guy with a shaved head, I envy how great they look. Not sure how much longer I can stand this hair, the only advantage is that it's warmer in this winter weather.

That sounds pretty cool red dog. I really like to see you post some photos of your Flattop on the board here.

Well, I grew my Flattop back in the spring and I?ve kept it. I don?t know, but I?m thinking about not going back to the shaved head. I usually do that every year at New Year?s Day but this year I may give up the tradition after 25 years of shaving my head For at least half the year.

When I was younger, it was kind of an edgy cool thing to do but now that I?m an old man, I think the bald head just makes me look like every other old bald guy in Florida!  That coupled with the fact that there doesn?t seem to be a lot of support here on the board anymore and I?m thinking of giving up on this sly look forever

Here?s an idea.  Why don?t we both post photos of ourselves with our flat tops and the shaved head and let the guys on this board vote?

So what do you guys think? Do I look better with the Flattop or a shaved head?  Be honest.

Frankly, I?m leaning toward, never shaving my head again
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