Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Face Shaving
Thin beard??
Ok, I hate it but I have to admit that I can grow an acceptable goat but just don't have the hair thick enough to accomplish a full beard!! Am I just an immature little boy that never really grew up or are there others out there that no matter their age still couldn't grow a FULL beard??
Gary, Mine won't even grow a good looking goat. I feel your pain, buddy. :(
What you've got going in your avatar looks great on you.
--- Quote from: bootedbear on May 16, 2009, 09:14:58 PM ---What you've got going in your avatar looks great on you.
--- End quote ---
I agree
I can't get any hair to fill in the middle of my chin, and on me, that makes a full beard look stupid, like something is missing, so I understand your pain.
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