Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Face Shaving
No hair on neck, will it look bad?
SBG Math Guy:
Hi guys. I am getting tired of shaving the hairs on my neck. They are difficult to shave off and
so I have to go over several times, resulting in irritation, redness, etc.
I am thinking maybe I will go for electrolysis to permanently remove the hairs on my neck.
The question is, will it look bad? I can't remember seeing a man without any hair on his neck.
Any thoughts or tips??
I have issues with getting ingrown hairs on my neck also, but what I have found that helps keep them at bay is to use a razor with no more than 2 blades. I am going back and fourth between a couple razors and h ave had great results with the following razors. The gillette sensor excel, the gillette attra, and the schick tracer fx. See if you can get one of those razors, and try it out for a week. O0
I feel if you are shaving your noggin, the neck hairs have to go. Sorry, it may just be a personal preference but I do not understand the guys that go and get a short hair cut or shave the noggin and still have this forest of hair on the back of their neck. I understand there are guys who have alot of body hair and stuff, but dudes, the NECK HAIR HAS TO GO.
SBG Math Guy:
I will give that a try parksie. Most razors that I see have 3 blades but it would be interesting to see if 2 blades can help out.
Timmj, english is not my first language. I am talking about the area under your chin, that's why I put this post in the face shaving section. :)
I am wondering how it would look if I removed the hairs below my chin (front of the neck) permanently. If I remove the hairs on my face also permanently then problem solved, but I like to keep those.
sorry, I didnt pay attention to what catergory it was in. My bad.
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