Discussions About Being Bald > Bald Stories
Shocking Discovery
Years ago I worked with a guy who wore his dark hair parted in the middle.After a few months I noticed his hair looked a little different but I couldn't place what it was.After awhile I realized he had more hair on his forehead. So later that day I saw him from behind talking to somebody and I noticed he looked like he had a bald spot that I never noticed before. However when i got closer to him,to my shock I saw that the bald spot was actually something that looked like mesh with a small strap of some kind.
I then realized that he wore a toupee and the reason the netting showed was because he must have worn it too far down on his forehead exposing the wig material. It was almost creepy as i never suspected he wore one until that day.Back then i used to wear one also but mine was much nicer.
Now I'm in a transition period and wear one once in a blue moon and eventually i won't wear it at all. When i wear my own hair cut short with a goatee i feel much more liberated and i realize i'm far ahead of that guy from work.I started losing hair in my early 20s and back then shaving was not an option,i'm talking late 70s,early 80s.It's not like today where young guys shave it.Back then the style for guys was full heads of thick hair.{Just look at John Stamos from Full House} Now i'm a little braver with my short cut and everyone loves it.
Congrats on your discover Don!! It really is liberating to not worry about hair and shaving it off or buzzing it down can do that for you.
Thanks Tyler.
Interesting story don, thanks for sharing it. I swore I would never wear a toupee or do the combover thing if I started losing my hair. Since shaving my head, I have never been happier with my look.
At first I probablly would have worn a toupee or have gotten implants. All the information I got was from those infomercials on late night tv telling me that chicks wouldn't dig me if I was bald. I believed it but I didn't have any money so I took the cheaper way out by shaving. Now that I get my information from web sites like this, I know I made the right choice. I have to admit that I would rather have hair but I don't and that's the way it's going to stay.
Cheers Everyone!
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