Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > How To Protect Your Bald Head
I wanted to get a consensus on what everybody is using and see what works and doesn't work for you guys. Since summer is not that far away.
Dome of Steele:
Any kind of sunscreen works for me. But recently I got some "Every Man Jack" face lotion spf 15. It works pretty good on my head, and was around 4 or 5 bucks for 10 or 12 ounces.
The Scottish Ambassador:
Boots Soltan SPF 15. Dont think you guys have Boots in the US :D
Banana Boat with DriBlok
The Scottish Ambassador:
--- Quote from: SLYinKC on April 09, 2009, 04:01:47 AM ---Banana Boat with DriBlok
--- End quote ---
Banana boat? Sounds like a caribbean cocktail ;D
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