Author Topic: Shaved head after a hair transplant  (Read 67215 times)

Offline Frankblack

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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2009, 02:58:11 PM »
I also had a HT(at 19! What an absolute scumbag dr. To do that to a kid) I HATE being a HT guy, I would love to be bald without scars but this will probably never be possible so I will shave anyway.  There is a website called Hair loss help that I think could really help you.  Go to the hair transplant repair section, there is a topic about a guy who has had great sucess using vbeam lasers on his scar(he shaves to the bone) Good luck, and to the rest of you guys You rock F$&k hair transplants, they suck you look so much better shaved!

Offline wanttobebald

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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2009, 03:21:53 PM »
Thanks Saintc, I appreciate your sentiment.  Unfortunately you are mistaken.  I actually did not contradict myself.  Had I not had the hair transplant, I would be off the meds today.  I have no problem being bald whatsoever.  I really don't.  I WANT to be bald LOL.  Actually I would rather have the buzzed look (like Jason Statham for example.)  The problem lies in this: Once you have a hair transplant, your appearance looks freakish if you lose your existing hair.  It does not like like a normal balding pattern the way God intended.  Unfortunately in my case, when I asked the "doctor" if my appearance would look natural after the hair transplant even if I did lose more hair, he replied "yes."  Of course now I know that was a lie.  So the other option is to shave to the bone every day and then at least you won't have plugs showing.  The problem is this: If you shave off your hair, you have a large smiley shaped scar on the back of your head.

Offline D.A.L.U.I.

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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2009, 03:29:23 PM »
I have no problem being bald whatsoever.  I really don't.  I WANT to be bald LOL.  Actually I would rather have the buzzed look (like Jason Statham for example.)  The problem lies in this: Once you have a hair transplant, your appearance looks freakish if you lose your existing hair.  It does not like like a normal balding pattern the way God intended.  .  The problem is this: If you shave off your hair, you have a large smiley shaped scar on the back of your head.

Lighten up on yourself, everyone has a nick or two--I've got to skin cancer scars--they don't make a smiley.  No one, I mean no one comments.  I do love the ". . .normal balding pattern the way God intended!"  That's what a lot of us feel--he took most so we could see the light and get rid of the rest.  Try it, It may free you from this circle of futility you've locked yourself into.  But first, knock off the drugs, then shave it--it really is the only sane and safe answer.

Offline stasiu

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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2009, 04:59:03 PM »
Hey Bee Dude, welcome to SBG !  All of us here embrace you in our own way and offer you suggestions that hopefully lead your heart to  happiness.  I am sure there is cosmetics that you could "blend" over the scars and slightly disguise them if you take the plunge and shave your head or if you just go with a tight buzz.  If you want to shave your head and bare the scars to the world, then you will be an excellent spokesperson explaining the bad results of hair transplants.  You are at a turning point.  I believe your scars deep within will heal once you reveal yourself and bald enjoyment !  Become A Bald Bee on your own terms !  ;) ---Stasiu

Offline syd

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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2009, 06:12:16 PM »
So wait, this is something I haven't read anywhere before - hair transplants leave scars?  I was of the idea that they somehow planted hair in the scalp which then fall off with time...

Offline chgobuzzbald

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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2009, 09:47:45 PM »
Just this past Wed. I had a dermatologist use a Pixel or Fractionated Laser on my HT scars. He feels it will give at least a 50% improvement after 3 or 4 sessions. The Pixel laser is quite effective on all manner of scars and facial issues. He admitted to me he got a HT in 1969 and I did notice the front of his hair line is a bit thin and artificial. He keeps his hair very long by today's standards, like in 1969 perhaps. LOL  So his donor area on the back is totally covered in very long hair over his collar. His hair is gray and white and very long and he comes from a generation when the idea of being bald is totally negative. He keeps telling me to let my hair grow out LOL. He must 70 at least. This was my first session so it is red and a bit painful so I cannot tell if it has improved yet or not.

There is also the process of tatooing little stubble marks into the HT donor scars as has been covered in the tatooing forum. I might do that as well after this process if I dont like the results or they are lacking. I also want to be bald but I cannot really be confident with such scarring. You guys who never did HTs cannot really totally relate. The reason why is that with any other head scarring you came by it honestly and not from fear and foolish pride. But we chose this path and now see the error of our ways of insecurity and fear.  So the confidence boost you all get from shaving is missing for us HT scarred guys. But this forum will help other guys see that HTs are not a confidence boost at all but a cheat we all came to regret deeply.

Offline wanttobebald

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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2009, 12:30:37 AM »
chgobuzzbald you are so right in that nobody truly relates unless they went thru the hair transplant madness themselves.  The stigma of getting one of these sucks.  Hair transplants are the perfect crime for hair tranplant doctors.  Even if you it is not noticeable today...  Years down the road it will be.   And then there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.  If you shave then you have a visible hair transplant scar, a linear ear to ear scar that is fairly unique to getting a hair transplant.  It is a dead give away. Everyone will know you got it done... and it really does have a very negative stigma to it.  And transplants really look awful compared to what nature intended.

What I think almost everyone here can agree on is that when you first notice hair loss, there is a window of time (a few months to a few years) when you initially are shocked about a dramatic change in your appearance because of noticeable hair loss.  Then after time most people get over it, or like you all, they actually embrace it.  Once you embrace it then your mind is free and you can accept yourself for who you are and be happy again.  I think this site is great, because it gives support to those who are upset about their hair loss and encourages them to do the right thing... embrace it.

What is sad for young hair transplant victims is that during the window of initial shock and non-acceptance of our hair loss, we get conned into a hair transplant by slick advertising and untruthful "doctors."  So although like many of you all, a few months or years later we would have gotten over the idea of baldness, now we are "locked in" to a permanent appearance change.  We are mutilated.  There's no getting out of this.  Any young man who wants to get a hair transplant, please read on sites and forums about "repair patients" and their attempt to reclaim a normal appearance again.  Horror story after horror story.  More lives have been ruined because of hair transplants than you can imagine.  And the percentage of people that get this procedure that regret it, if not now, eventually, is overwhelming.

If my experience can save even one young man from making the same mistake I did, then maybe my experience has some sort of value.

Offline warren

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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2009, 09:10:47 PM »
if you want to get rid of the plugs from hair transplant
find someone who does electrolisis, for getting rid of unwanted hair
i had it done myself and it works really well,.
the hair comes out clean with no evidence of the hair ever being transplanted
make sure its done with electrolisis needles and not with laser as needles are slower but do a much better job

Offline baldguynextdoor

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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2009, 10:47:25 AM »
Hey guys,

A couple of years ago, I worked with a guy in his early 30s who had one of the best looking shaved heads I've ever seen.  It literally would have been a crime to cover that dome up.  One day, he got on the elevator in front of me, and I realized he had transplant scars on the back of his head.  I was surprised to see them, and my immediate thoughts were twofold:

1)  First, even THIS guy, who looked like a freaking movie star with the bald head, had really worried about losing his hair once upon a time, and:

2) He'd clearly gotten past it completely. 

The guy totally owned his hair loss and his scars.  He was "sly", long before I ever came across that term on this site.  I was still pretty unhappy about losing my own hair at the time, and yet tired of taking Propecia every day - the whole thing helped me out with my attitude a little, although I still had a long way to go. 

So back to you – if you’re not happy with the transplant results (or worse, they make you feel like a fake), shave them off.  If your scars are fully healed, you can see a dermatologist about making them less noticeable. 

But the truth is, people will see the scars to some extent, and when they do they’ll know that you struggled a little to become the man you are today, the guy who is comfortable being a man (and with all that entails, like male pattern baldness), and happy with himself as is. 

And when they do see them – so what?   You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.  In fact, you should be proud of yourself for struggling, growing, and moving on.  Some guys NEVER get that far.  Stop beating yourself up and embrace that evolution. 

Then someday, some guy will stand behind you in an elevator, see your sly head, your scars, & your confidence, and feel a little bit better about going bald himself.

Set yourself free, man.  You’re the only one who can.

Sorry for the long post.

Offline Ming the Merciless

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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2009, 12:28:36 PM »
Well, I dunno...

I was shaving the dome at the gym the other day next to a guy who was spraying and blowing his head of hair that to me looked OK-ish, if nondescript and nothing special, (my age or older) and he said, when I remarked on our different approaches to hair styling, that, "It's all transplants."  Well, fine, but what he had was as dull as canned fruit cocktail.  Sly is a statement; transplants are an evasion.  Shave it down and rise above the scar.

Offline D.A.L.U.I.

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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2009, 12:39:22 PM »
Sly is a statement; transplants are an evasion. 

Nice, very nice. O0


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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2010, 08:44:56 PM »

I had 2 procedures with H/t's when I was in my 20's by a butcher ( I guess some people call them doctors ) The solution  I found is simple , & your ego must deal with it. Shave your plugs, and let the sides and back grow in a bit. Now it's not as cool or sexy as what you could have done, before your vanity let yourself be mutilated , but it is the ultimate solution and is overall natural .   Keep it long  enough to hide the scars but  short enough to give that buzzed look. No more doctors , no more wasted money, just embrace the way you were intended to look naturally.  Listen to your heart and just realize if the scars bother you grow your hair long enough to cover them up, and if your plugs bother you- shave them off. You won't be disappointed in the end.
And if someone asks you about your plugs or scars, tell them the truth- tell them what a lie and b/s transplants are and how if you only  knew then what you know now, &  how your much wiser you are now.  many men keep that buzzed look without completely shaving there heads, hey it's a lot of work everyday, even guys with plugs , go days with shaving their heads , so let the sides and back grow in, shave the plugs, you will be happier from doing it.


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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2010, 06:13:10 AM »

Offline xnewyawka

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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2010, 10:08:36 AM »
Welcome oldfoolwisebaldy, good to see you have enlightened yourself.
It's good to hear someone speak the truth about these hoaxes. You'll find many of the guys here have gone through the same thing. Check out the posts from pdxtodd to see that you have much in common.

Congrats on setting yourself free!     O0


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Re: Shaved head after a hair transplant
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2010, 09:23:06 PM »

I will check that out & I'm glad I found this site.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 05:09:27 PM by oldfoolwisebaldy »