Author Topic: Your Shave Routine  (Read 396162 times)

Offline MR. CLEAN

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #45 on: March 10, 2007, 11:07:45 AM »
Gillette Foamy, Gillette Fusion, Gillette Aftra, all at the sink. Ya think I'm in a rut or what. I figure if it ain't broke don't fix it.

But if it ain't broke and you don't fix it, how do find out if something works better?   ???
Easy answer to that question: You take a look on <> and see what has worked for everyone else... No better place to get product reviews, statements, and just get a feel for what may work if you try it. O0


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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #46 on: March 11, 2007, 10:46:06 AM »
What's up my Sly Bros.?  I've recently started using the HB.  It does a decent job but not too well with me against the grain.  But the problem I'm having is my face.  I sport a goatee so I have to shave my whole face.  I've tried to go against the grain on my face as I do my dome but my face gets very irritated.  Especially under my neck.  My head is completely fine as long as I take my time, and of course use the best products ever...Hint, hint--HeadShed, HeadSlick, then some HeadLube to follow.  I've had some success on one or two shaves going against the grain on my face.  But for the most part I either get really irritated or the next day I get a few razor bumps. >:(  Since I've been using the HeadBlade I switch the blade around and use it on my face.  I thought maybe using that as a face blade was the problem.  But I tried my old Mach 3 against the grain on my face and it did a little bit of a better job.  I've just been going with the grain for the past few days to give my skin a rest.  Does anyone have any good suggestions on a method I can use to keep the irritation down on my face if I want to go against the grain?  Also, are there other people out there that go against the grain on both the dome and the face? 
« Last Edit: March 25, 2007, 06:21:43 AM by Lance »

Offline tomgallagher

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #47 on: March 11, 2007, 02:45:17 PM »
I go against the grain on my head and on my face and don't have a problem dude. Looks like you may have to just stay with shaving with the grain. I can't think of anything else.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #48 on: March 11, 2007, 03:10:13 PM »
     Does anyone have any good suggestions on a method I can use to keep the irritation down on my face if I want to go against the grain?  Also, are there other people out there that go against the grain on both the dome and the face? 

I always shave against and with the grain because I want nothing but slick.  The Clear Head seems to have really cut down on the bumps for me.  I do rinse with really cold water after my shave and before I apply the clear head.  Just a thought, any change in diet recently?  Every so often witht he wrong foods, my face with decide to go through puberty again.  Also, maybe you're applying more pressure on your face than on your head, just a few thoughts.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 03:13:28 PM by Paul »
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #49 on: March 11, 2007, 03:49:39 PM »
Thanks for the infor guys.  O0

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #50 on: March 12, 2007, 02:00:58 PM »
First, I must NOT be LAZY.
Seccond, I wash my face and head with water
Then I put some shaving cream (not gel) to my face and head
Then I start to go with my razor (Gillette M3 Power) ofer all my places
Then I go, and go and go in my back, coz it's hard to get the hair from the back of the head

Usualy I must shave before 6 days. After that the hair is long and harder to cut, and also it get's in the razors.
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Offline tgparker

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #51 on: March 13, 2007, 09:54:12 AM »
Here's my 2 cents worth....

Every other day I prep the ole dome with HB HeadShed, then I follow up with my NOW everyday combo of Walmart's (with Aloe) baby oil, KOS Alpha Oil & WATER, Then HB Headslick shaving cream.

In the Shower, I shave against the grain, and then very, very, very  lightly with the grain and very, very,  very, very lightly accross the grain to pick up any stragglers I might have missed. I also go over everything very quickly with a Norelco WetShaver.

I then apply lots of after shave, and then finish up with HB HeadLube Glossy or Matte depending on my mood... I might invest in some Witch Hazel, but the AS is working fine....ZERO bumps!

With the Baby Oil, KOS, and HeadSlick shaving Cream combo I get ZERO razor burn and everything up top thing is cloooooose, smoooooooooth, and sooooooft, as a baby's bum...

HB rules!

BTW gang I finally bit the bullet, and I bought a beginner's STR8 Razor Kit for the face, I'm sick and tired and TOTALLY fed up getting "Velcro Face" before Noon!

All the best,

Gotta HB S4 for sale?  I'm looking to buy one.  If you got a nice one 4-Sale, please PM me. TIA.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #52 on: March 13, 2007, 11:59:38 AM »
BTW gang I finally bit the bullet, and I bought a beginner's STR8 Razor Kit for the face, I'm sick and tired and TOTALLY fed up getting "Velcro Face" before Noon!

Cool!  Let us know how that goes!
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Offline MR. CLEAN

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #53 on: March 14, 2007, 09:16:38 PM »
Here's my 2 cents worth....

BTW gang I finally bit the bullet, and I bought a beginner's STR8 Razor Kit for the face, I'm sick and tired and TOTALLY fed up getting "Velcro Face" before Noon!

That is one of the things that I am Definately going to have done my last day in town... I am going to get a straight Razor Shave on my Entire Head a my former local Barber... Man I look forward to that! The Hot Towel, the Heated ShaveCream... Heaven never sounded SO good...

 #i&@ Yo, Who agree's with me that that is one of the Simple Pleasures in Life, a Barber Shop Shave of your Whole Head?

Offline Kajun

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #54 on: March 14, 2007, 09:43:32 PM »
i had a straight razor face shave in Turkey a few weeks before desert storm started....i was scared chitless with this arab looking guy with a straight razor to my neck was definetly the best shaving experience i ever had....i can only imagine how the noggin would feel.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #55 on: March 14, 2007, 10:07:20 PM »

My Shaving Routine has evolved so much over the past few years... and since joining this forum, I've incorporated a few of the tips here.  I'd say that since joining, I get one of the best shaves I've ever had, regularly now.

1.  I start with Neutrogena Face Scrub.  I rub it in real good and let it sit for a little.

2.  I jump in the shower (new to my routine).  Rinse my head with hot water, and apply the HeadSlick (new to my routine). 
Depending on how often I shave, I either go with the grain or against it.  1 - 2 days, with the grain.  3 - 5 days, against the grain.

3.  I call my wife in for 'The Slick Test'.  :D

My after shave routine goes like this: 

1.  I rub some Witch Hazel on my scalp (new to my routine).  I used to use Rubbing Alcohol.  :px
Before I move to #2, I use my electric razor to get behind the ears, and apply some more Witch Hazel.
2.  I follow that up with some Clubman aftershave.
3.  I then use my shaving brush to apply some Clubman talc.
4.  I then spray on some oil sheen and rub it in.
5.  I recon over to my wife's stuff, and get her hair gel, which gives me the shine I like.  O:O

As I said, my routine is a work in progress, because I always feel there's something new and better to try.  Eventually, I'll get around to trying out the HeadBlade.  The best part of my routine is the after shave, cause my kids like to help me out by handing things to me.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #56 on: March 15, 2007, 08:11:46 AM »

My Shaving Routine has evolved so much over the past few years... and since joining this forum, I've incorporated a few of the tips here.  I'd say that since joining, I get one of the best shaves I've ever had, regularly now.

1.  I start with Neutrogena Face Scrub.  I rub it in real good and let it sit for a little.

2.  I jump in the shower (new to my routine).  Rinse my head with hot water, and apply the HeadSlick (new to my routine). 
Depending on how often I shave, I either go with the grain or against it.  1 - 2 days, with the grain.  3 - 5 days, against the grain.

3.  I call my wife in for 'The Slick Test'.  :D

My after shave routine goes like this: 

1.  I rub some Witch Hazel on my scalp (new to my routine).  I used to use Rubbing Alcohol.  :px
Before I move to #2, I use my electric razor to get behind the ears, and apply some more Witch Hazel.
2.  I follow that up with some Clubman aftershave.
3.  I then use my shaving brush to apply some Clubman talc.
4.  I then spray on some oil sheen and rub it in.
5.  I recon over to my wife's stuff, and get her hair gel, which gives me the shine I like.  O:O

As I said, my routine is a work in progress, because I always feel there's something new and better to try.  Eventually, I'll get around to trying out the HeadBlade.  The best part of my routine is the after shave, cause my kids like to help me out by handing things to me.

Sounds as thought your routine is always evolving and you're not afraid to try new things as you learn them. Excellent I think!
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #57 on: March 15, 2007, 11:34:27 AM »

Sounds as thought your routine is always evolving and you're not afraid to try new things as you learn them. Excellent I think!

I concur.
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Offline tomgallagher

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #58 on: March 15, 2007, 02:00:31 PM »
Socrates. what is oil sheen.?

Offline Socrates

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #59 on: March 15, 2007, 03:11:46 PM »
Oil Sheen by Black Magic.  I used to use it in the 70's when I had an afro... just can't shake that habit I guess, plus it has a nice overall fragrance.


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