Author Topic: Your Shave Routine  (Read 374720 times)

Offline bem75

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #315 on: February 19, 2009, 07:31:02 AM »
I've been at this for one week now.  I've shaved every day and here's the routine:

I shave at the sink.  I rinse my head with water (not cold and not hot.)  I was using a Walgreen generic version of Edge gel, but I just used HeadSlick for the first time today.  I lather up.  I use a Mach 3 with the turbo blades.  I shave against the grain and use my opposite hand to feel for stubble.

I have nicked myself a few times and even got my ear yesterday.  Ouch!  I have a bump on my head (maybe a mosquito bite) that I keep hitting.  So, now I have a scab. Yuck!

Today was the first day that I had irritation on my head.  It was also the first day using HeadSlick.  Coincidence??

After I shave, I use an after shave.  I have been using Gillette aftershave gel for sensitive skin.  I really like it a lot.  However, my wife went out an bought me Bald Guyz moisture gel.  So, I used it today.  Wow!  That stuff really burned at first.  My scalp was on fire.  @nn!3   Maybe it just takes a little getting used to.

I'm sure that I'll modify the routine a bit, after reading through the 20+ pages of this thread.

Offline DCdome

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #316 on: February 19, 2009, 08:59:29 AM »
Hey Bem,

Thanks for posting the routine.  Shaving at the sink is cool, but hope you are taking a shower first.  The prolonged exposure to water and steam are really important in getting set up for the shave.  Give the headslick a chance.  I think it very unlikely that it is the cause of irritation.  More likely is the fact that you are new to shaving the noggin and the skin needs to toughen up a bit.  It will.  A shave oil under the headslick might help.  I starting using Shave Secret and, like many of the other sly guys, find it helpful.

Some trial and error is necessary for all of us.  We are each different.  Experimenting with your routine is part of the fun. 

Regarding the cuts.  An occasional cut is always a possibiity, but the frequency is sure to lessen greatly with experience.  But you'll always have to be aware that you are wielding a sharp blade.

Offline Noodles

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #317 on: February 19, 2009, 11:26:42 AM »
Welcome to the forum, Bem....

Your irritation/bumps could very well be caused by the problem of ingrown hairs. Headblade ( makes a product to help lessen both the problem (and the pain).  It's called "Clear Head". Check it out on their website (listed above). The scrub is excellent also for helping preparing your noggin' for the shave that is forth coming. Trust me when I say that your scalp will be happy you took the time to prepare it in the proper way. (Nothing worse than an angry scalp...  :Xo!)
Probably worth your time to test some of the product lines listed here within this forum to see what appeals to you (and your scalp) the best. Problem you may have noticed in your local area that it's hard to find a company's complete line locally. Some of the products, from various companies you see mentioned within this forum, "specializing" in scalp care, will have to be ordered directly from the various companies websites.

HeadBlade Products: Sport Razor, "Lube" (moisturizer), and Head Slick shave cream can (for the most part) be found@ most Rite-Aids, CVS, K-Marts, etc (although I have heard many K-Marts are closing out the Headblade product line. HeadWash, Clear Head, Scrub, etc obtained through online ordering.

Shaving Oils: Most popular two: "King of Shaves" (CVS) and "Shave Secret" (Wal-Mart) ("Secret" better valvue price-wise)

Most CVS and Walgreen stores carry only the moisture gel, head wipes, and the sunscreen in the Bald Guyz product line. Shave gel and other company products can be ordered from the company website (
(Although I hear, beginning in March, I think both will start to carry the shave gel).

These are only just a few of the many different products and product lines to help you get started. I hope the info helps you in some way. As you read (and learn) more within this forum, you will most certainly be exposed to many more great product and product lines. One thing for sure - if you're looking for a review of some product, or an answer to some question, you will not find a greater bunch of guys than right here to help you get the issue solved.   O0

Take care.

-Cap'n Noodles -
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 11:42:58 AM by Noodles »

Offline Head Bald Guy

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #318 on: February 19, 2009, 03:28:29 PM »
Hey Bem,

From your posts, your head had lots of irritation before using Bald Guyz Moisture Gel. The original sting was the soothers and moisturizers begining to work on the irritation. Keep using it for a few days and all will be PERFECT. You should try using our Shave Gel as well to further reduce the irritation from the shave as well as to provide a closer shave.

Let me know how it works, and DON'T GIVE UP!


Offline Michael

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #319 on: February 19, 2009, 03:40:40 PM »
Hey, great thread.  We all have gone through this phase... this rite of entry into slydom.  With time, practice, and "toughening" your soreness and nicks will abate. I can still nick myself if I am not paying attention.  Try different blades and cream combinations to find the one that works best for you.  I too want to recommend Shave Secret.  I just started using it and I get a much close, less irritating scrappin' .  Take it easy and slow! 
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Offline bem75

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #320 on: February 19, 2009, 06:59:45 PM »
Thanks guys.  I'll keep at it and try the recommendations.  I read very good things about the Bald Guyz Shave Gel, but I cannot find it at my local stores.  I may order some online and try it out.

Thanks for the advice.  I'll let you know how things go.  I'm gonna be on TV tomorrow morning.  So, I gotta get it nice and slick!

Offline FrankyG

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #321 on: February 20, 2009, 06:19:40 AM »
Okay,  Well in the intro I had some people respond to this thread so I thought I would give it a shot.

1) Take a shower with hot water
2) Spread shaving cream all over my head (going to use my Head blade products when they come in:) )
3) Use my Head Blade and shave against the grain
4) Go back and feel around and clean it up
5) Use my Mach 3 to clean up around the ears adn other areas where my hair decides it wants to grow in all directions
6) splash some cold water

Yesterday I started trying in the shower after reading some posts. So here is that routin

1) Get in shower
2) follow steps 2-5 above
6) I turn the head of the shower as far forward as possible, switch water to cold and dunk my head in.

Who ever said that was I guess it is an aquaried(SP) taste  :*))
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #322 on: February 20, 2009, 08:48:02 PM »
I agree Franky, I don't find ice cold water after a nice hot shower refreshing at all.  More like startling!

Offline Ghost1988

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #323 on: February 20, 2009, 08:54:22 PM »
i started running cold water over my head in the shower recently and i hate it lol. that 5 seconds is like torture lol. every part of my body shrivels up, not just my pours lol  :*)).

Offline bem75

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #324 on: February 21, 2009, 03:17:21 PM »
Since I'm relatively new at this (a little over a week shaving every day), I'm trying several different methods.  Here's an interesting one that I tried today.

Before I showered, I shaved my face and head with my Braun Series 7 electric.  It wasn't to get my head smooth, but to take care of the rougher stubble in the back.  Then, I got i the shower and shaved with the Mach 3.  The back of my head was still irritated, but it was not as severe as the day before.  When I rubbed on the moisturizer afterwards, it burned a little less.  The back was still on fire, but the top of my head actually liked the moisturizer this time.  No fire on top.

So, I think that I'm narrowing down my problem.  The back of my head is just plain sensitive.  I like the close shave going against the grain, but the irritation may cause me to go with the grain for the daily shaves for a while.

Also, I have tried shaving at the sink (before and after shower) and shaving in the shower.  I think that I like shaving at the sink pre-shower the best, only from a convenience standpoint.  The shower shave, after electric pre-shave, gave the closest and smoothest shave.  My head is really smooth after that shave and I'll go this route before a big date night with the wife (she likes the smooth head).  I'll probably stick with the pre-shower sink shave for the weekdays, as it is faster and easier for me.

By the way, now that I am Sly, I am noticing a lot more Sly guys around town.  I guess that I just never took notice before.  Also noticed that the Sly guys give each other a little look, like "hey man, nice head!"   O0

Offline Paul

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #325 on: February 21, 2009, 04:22:10 PM »
Really interesting technique bem.  It might be something some of the other bros with sensitive skin should try out.
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Offline Noodles

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #326 on: February 21, 2009, 07:38:39 PM »
I know what you mean , Bem. It wasn't until after I started shaving my noggin' that I began to notice a lot more sly guys too. Heck, it was like an epidemic of some sort.  :*))

I guess , like many others, I just didn't notice it before until I became a Proud Melon Member myself.  O:O
And yep- it sure seems like we give each other that little "Hey, nice head" acknowledgement whether we are consciously aware of it or not. It's just a "bald thing!"   O0

-Cap'n Noodles-

Offline MontagDave

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #327 on: February 22, 2009, 12:42:16 AM »
Here's my routine as it stands... still perfecting and finding the right blend of products....

1)  Shower
2)  Wash my face and head with a Men's Face Wash while in the shower
3)  Get of the shower, begin shaving routing at sink
4)  Exfoliate using leftover product, either a stress relief exfoliant sample from Bath & Body Works or some Mary Kay crap one of my coworkers talked me into once.  I can't find the HeadBlade exfoliant, but may try the Apricot Scrub thing.
5)  Apply HeadSlick.
6)  Shave against the grain with Mach 3 Turbo which I also use for my face.
7)  Blast my head with cold water - refreshing!
8 )  Apply HeadLube Glossy and Aloe Vera Gel for very shiny look.

Any advice?  Please let me know!  Please see my post "Acne? Razor burn? Help!" under Protection for your Bald Head for red bumps I've developed on the sides of my head.

I've only been sly for a week so would appreciate any guidance from the masters!
« Last Edit: February 22, 2009, 08:43:16 AM by MontagDave »

Offline Eweb

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #328 on: March 09, 2009, 10:54:03 PM »
well, I have been shaving for about 3 weeks now and thought I would share my routine...

1. Shave my face with my Remington Electric Shaver
2. Rub Nivea Face Scrub on my head
During Shower
1. Clean up with my Old Spice Body Wash
2. Rinse off Body Wash and Scrub
3. Apply Nivea Sensitive Shaving Gel
4. Fill my fog free mirror full of water
5. Grab the Mach 3 or Fusion or Headblade (whichever I have blades for)
6. Shave against the grain, feeling my way on the back of my head
7. Rinse
8. Feel around for missed spots and touch up
9. Take a cup and pour cool water on my head (feels like jumping in a pool after being in the hot tub for a while)
Post Shower
1. Dry off
2. Apply Nivea Extra Soothing Balm Sensitive Skin
3. Enjoy the Shine!!!

I have been trying Shave Secret (does smell delicious), I am not too sure about it though, don't know if I am using it right...

I have found that I stay smoother longer with the mach 3 and then Fusion (I haven't used the HeadBlade long enough to make a comparison)

Well, that's the routine as of now...

Offline opelenvy

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #329 on: March 18, 2009, 09:00:51 AM »
Well I have mainly shaved my face with electric prior to becoming sly.  I started at the sink with the HB and Head slick.  It took a lot of product to get a good lather and not dry out.  I was also getting a burn.
As I was reading this post I switched to the shower (I already had a mirror in there) and exfoliating.  I wash the rest of my body while my head has time to soften up.  I have some face exfoliant stuff that I just rub on my scalp now too.  Very little headslick is now needed.  HB sport with HB tri blades, all against the grain.  Touch up and do face with Mach 3. I really only need to mirror around my ears and goatee I have tried the cold water and, though I will admit the smooth lasts longer, damn it sucks!  I'll try the ice cube next, that is a little more controlled.
I use shower spray on the glass and on my mirror and it does not have any fogging problems at all and it stays much clearer and cleaner.  After I get out I use some aftershave and then when dry use some Vaseline for men face and body lotion.  My wife LOVES the smell of it.
In the beginning I had two small moles that I sliced the top of ever time I shaved.  They are no longer a problem.  They are now below the radar and I don't even worry about them.
When I went to shaving in the shower my irritation on my neck disappeared.
Thanks for all the great info and tips guys!
I also notice all the sly guys around now.  Dang, we are everywhere! 8)


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