Author Topic: Your Shave Routine  (Read 396190 times)

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2007, 06:27:09 PM »
Lots of good info gentleman, keep it coming!

For me, the cold water rinse is essential.  I rinse with cold water after I get out of the shower at the sink.  Robmeister is right, it adds to the natural shine and, to me anyway, it feels good!

Haven't tried the HeadShed yet, it's on my list though.  Have only heard good things about it. 


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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2007, 08:23:26 PM »
My routine is pretty much the same as everyone else...

Crank up the heat in the shower...
Stand under the water for a couple minutes while it builds up some serious steam...
Lather up with HeadSlick, KOS Alpha Shaving Oil, or KOS Alpha Shaving Gel (KOS review coming soon)...
Fire up the Ol' HeadBlade Sport with Atra Plus Blades... letting the blades under the shower for about 30 seconds to warm them up...
Run the HB front to back, stopping just past the crown...
Do the whole front side...
Flip the HB the other direction and go against the grain, back to front...
After giving the self head rub to check for stubble, I fire up the Fusion Power...
Touch up around the ears and the waaaay back of the neck with the Fusion and then shave the face...
Flip the razor around for the single blade and keep the soul patch looking sharp!

Finish the shower and dry off... never towel rubbing the head though, just blot it dry!

Moisturize, when I remember, using HeadLube Matte or BaldGuyz Moisture gel...

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2007, 08:50:20 PM »
I don't shave in the shower ither.  1) Wash my head and face, with hot soapy water.
                                                       2) Scrub head and face with Head Shed.
                                                       3) Heat up a damp towel in the microwave, and wrap it around face and          
                                                            head for about 5 minutes.
                                                       4) Then lube up with Head Slick.
                                                       5) Shave my head with the HeadBlade S4 ( Yeh Baby )
                                                       6) Shave my face with my gillette fusion.
                                                       7) Feel around for any rough spots, and go over them ( if any )
                                                       8) Then I scrub my head and face again with Head Shed.
                                                       9) Then I jump into the shower.
                                                      10) After my shower I rub in the Clear Head on my head and face.
                                                      11) And finally finnish it off with Head Lube "Glossy"
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2007, 08:51:56 PM »
Here's a sink shave routine:

1. Fill sink with straight hot water, drop in Headblade & leave until ready to shave, dip washcloth & let sit on head until it cools.  Repeat 2 or 3 times.

2. Do the Headshed.  Rinse using the handheld shower thing.

3.  Apply Headslick and shave against the grain.

4.  Wet head with hand, feeling for stubble, then shave every which way with the Fusion.

5.  Using the handheld shower thing, rinse with warm water to get the Headslick off, then rinse with cold water :D

6.  Air dry and apply Headlube Gossy.

I'm going to try Cam's advice with the hydrocortisone cream though, my head seems to itch quite a bit throughout the day too.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2007, 10:40:28 PM »

I'm going to try Cam's advice with the hydrocortisone cream though, my head seems to itch quite a bit throughout the day too.

Yeah, I've found that works better than anything else that I've tried. Sometimes I shave too fast and get a little bit of razor burn and the hyrdrocortisone takes care of that before it even starts to bother me.


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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2007, 12:11:47 AM »
1) Hop in shower, take hot shower(just water, no exfoliating lotion) for 5 minutes.   

2)  Apply Edge shave gel and let sit for 5 minutes.

3) Shave against the grain(takes about 10 minutes to get most areas, double it to get some of the tougher ones).   I take long passes first, on front, then sides then back.    I also go horizontally both left and right on the front and back.   A couple spots on the top of the back of the head are really rough and have to be worked constantly on.   I also recommend placing a towel right outside the shower because sometimes stuff gets in your eye/s and it will burn if you don't rub it out.

4.   Cold shower rinse(anywhere from a minute to 5 min depending on how cold the water is and my tolerance).   You move away from the shower and just let the water run over the head.   You really don't even feel the cold.

Then depending on my mood I may do a second shave in the evening.    Depending on how late it is, I will either repeat process above, or just use the electric against the grain, no gel no water.   
« Last Edit: February 14, 2007, 02:36:21 AM by David »
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2007, 07:12:25 AM »
Another sink shaver here.  After hopping in hot shower I keep the head wet and apply gel (think I need to try Headshed and HeadSlick after all the endorsements).  I shave face first to leave gel on my head for as long as possible.  Shave top and sides first against the grain.  Then top with the grain.  I find I need to shave bottom to top on the sides next to get them smooth.  Then the same routine on the back, where I also include a pass from side to side.  Then I rinse down with the coldest water I can get.  Agree it seems to help the reduce bumps and help the shine. 
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Offline Shiny

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2007, 07:09:01 PM »
I tried shaving in the shower once in the beginning but found it awkward without a mirror.  If I ever remember to pick up a fogless mirror, I will try it again but for now, I am a sinker.  I primarily use the HB sport and am still searching for a good blade for it.

1rst wash head and face and then lather up with headslick (although the for the last couple of days I've been experimenting with tea tree oil)
I shave against the grain and do it in one pass except for the temples where it bothers me to do it against the grain on the 1rst pass.  There I'll come up from behind the ear and when I get to the temple I go straight forward across the grain, then go against the grain while stretching my scalp upward in order to get real close.
Then I concentrate on the weird patches with different grains and try to get them smooth.

After I'm satisfied with the smoothness, I rinse in cold water (as cold as it gets for as long as I can stand it).
Apply Clearhead, pat dry, let air dry while deciding between HeadLube Glossy, Matte or a Touch of Sun
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2007, 05:18:09 PM »
I tried shaving in the shower once in the beginning but found it awkward without a mirror.  If I ever remember to pick up a fogless mirror, I will try it again but for now, I am a sinker.  I primarily use the HB sport and am still searching for a good blade for it.

1rst wash head and face and then lather up with headslick (although the for the last couple of days I've been experimenting with tea tree oil)
I shave against the grain and do it in one pass except for the temples where it bothers me to do it against the grain on the 1rst pass.  There I'll come up from behind the ear and when I get to the temple I go straight forward across the grain, then go against the grain while stretching my scalp upward in order to get real close.
Then I concentrate on the weird patches with different grains and try to get them smooth.

After I'm satisfied with the smoothness, I rinse in cold water (as cold as it gets for as long as I can stand it).
Apply Clearhead, pat dry, let air dry while deciding between HeadLube Glossy, Matte or a Touch of Sun

Shinymeister....very similiar to my routine...but I haven't had to buy any HeadBlade stuff (as my wife has all the stuff in other capacities)

But...being a brethren in percussion....yer alright in MY book O0

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #24 on: February 15, 2007, 05:36:19 PM »
A few splashes at the sink for me, shaving gel then do the top, sides then the back. I usually use a second mirror for the back. 
I use Nivea after-shave balm to calm down any irritation, works great.  I recently started using a Nivea mattifying moisturiser, jury's still out on that one though.

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2007, 06:32:33 PM »

...mattifying moisturiser

that's almost like rattifying robmeister  O0

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2007, 06:36:35 PM »
I switched up my routine today.  I decided to start going front to back and then back to front.  This actually made a huge difference!  Much more smooth throughout the day.  I'm not sure why it made a difference, but it did.
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2007, 07:45:23 PM »
1. Wake up
2. Crack open a beer
3. Kick the cat
4. Scratch various body parts that itch
5. Use the company-issued PC to cruise british tabloid websites in search of pics of the MBabe.
6. If I can't find her anywhere, I'll check her out on Sly Bald Guys (boy, she's purdy).
7. Shower, which includes shaving the dome. I use the HB Classic razor & Head Slick. Start at the center, front to back then work down to ear level on each side, reverse the direction and finish the back of the head, and top it off with Head Lube (matte Finish).

If I fail to do #1, the rest of it is a moot point.


I changed up my routine also, Tyler. According to my lovely wife, I was apparently sleep drinking so I switched steps #1 and #2. It was all good...still kick the living crap out of our cats. Oh, and I'm still sly beyond compare. O:O

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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2007, 08:23:58 PM »
I tried shaving in the shower once in the beginning but found it awkward without a mirror.  If I ever remember to pick up a fogless mirror, I will try it again but for now, I am a sinker.  I primarily use the HB sport and am still searching for a good blade for it.

1rst wash head and face and then lather up with headslick (although the for the last couple of days I've been experimenting with tea tree oil)
I shave against the grain and do it in one pass except for the temples where it bothers me to do it against the grain on the 1rst pass.  There I'll come up from behind the ear and when I get to the temple I go straight forward across the grain, then go against the grain while stretching my scalp upward in order to get real close.
Then I concentrate on the weird patches with different grains and try to get them smooth.

After I'm satisfied with the smoothness, I rinse in cold water (as cold as it gets for as long as I can stand it).
Apply Clearhead, pat dry, let air dry while deciding between HeadLube Glossy, Matte or a Touch of Sun

Shinymeister....very similiar to my routine...but I haven't had to buy any HeadBlade stuff (as my wife has all the stuff in other capacities)

But...being a brethren in percussion....yer alright in MY book O0

Doomp daka tsss da doomp doomp ta tsss tsss  . 2 3 badaladoomp!    8)
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Re: Your Shave Routine
« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2007, 07:48:56 AM »
Doomp daka tsss da doomp doomp ta tsss tsss  . 2 3 badaladoomp!    8)

I hear ya!'bout this

doom   PA        doom PA     |doom   PA        doom PA

    1  &  2  &   3    &    4   &  |   1  &  2  &   3    &    4   &