Head Shaving, Grooming & Care > Head Shaving
Your Shave Routine
So what is your shaving routine? Here's mine.
My weapon of choice is the Fusion Power using the manual cartridge.
I shave in the shower, less clean up and I find it quicker. I keep the water as hot as I can stand it.
I first wash my head with Equate Daily Face Wash from Wal-Mart (WM's version of Clearasil Daily Face Scrub). This helps soften the hair and removes all the dirt and oil from the skin. I believe that prepping your skin/hair for the shave is more important than what you actually choose to shave with. If the hair isn't prepped properly, any razor will give a horrible shave.
Next I get the lather ready. I am currently using Burt's Bees Bay Rum and a natural bristle brush. Apply lather and start to shave.
I normally do two passes. The first is with the grain. I use short choppy strokes with very light pressure. I then reapply lather and shave against the grain again using very light pressure and short strokes. I use my free hand to feel my way while doing the back of my head. Rinse again.
After I get out of the shower I do a cold water rinse. This helps close the pores that have been opened by shaving. Next I rinse with Witch Hazel or Old Spice Aftershave or maybe even Bay Rum, whatever I am in the mood for. This further closes the pores. If I feel any missed spots, this is when I clean them up, I don't re-lather or anything, just lightly run the razor over those areas.
That's it. I find the least amount of product that I use on the noggin', the happier I am. If I want extra shine I will apply HeadBlade's HeadLube Glossy but I usually don't need to.
Total time spent...10-15 minutes.
So, what is your routine like. I look forward to reading about yours. Maybe you do something I will add to my routine as I search for the slickest shave possible.
My razor of choice is the HeadBlade.
My routine is a follows:
While in the shower I scrub my head with HeadShed by HeadBlade. Then I lather on some HeadSlick or Matte For Men depending on what I feel like that day. I shave back to front on the first pass and then front to back on the second pass. I then pull out the Fusion to use the 6th blade around the ears and to shave around my face. Next I wash my head and face with Tolsom Facial Cleansing Foam. This helps reduce any oiliness.
I then get out of the shower and apply either Tolsom Skin Protection Lotion with SPF 15 or HeadLube Glossy depending on if I will be in the sun much that day. If I'm going to be in the sun a lot, I'll use the Matte for Men Head Care Lotion with SPF 25 for a little extra protection.
My routine:
While I'm in the shower I wash my face and head with Clarasil Deep Action Cream Cleanser. I don't shave in the shower, and when I get out I don't dry my head. I use Headslick and get out the HeadBlade with Sensor 3 blade. Since I shave everyday, I shave against the grain, there is no need for a pass with the grain. Then I rinse my head and feel to make sure I didn't miss anything, if so I go back over those spots. Then I get out my Fusion and use the 6th blade to do around my ears and the top of my sideburns. I finish it all up with some Gilette Aftershave Lotion and then some hydrocortisone cream to prevent irritation because sometimes my head itches when I am done shaving.
That's pretty much it, but since I work outside I am going to start putting sunblock on my head too. You seem to be pretty adamant about using sunblock, Tyler, what would you recommend? I am usually in the sun anywhere from 1-5 hours a day.
This is my morning ritual:
Get in the shower, and scrub my noggin with Head Shed. Then I apply Head Slick and currently I'm using a HeadBlade Sport with a Sensor Double Blade. I usually do one pass against the grain, then use my hands to find the spots I missed. When I'm at my smoothest, I will give the melon a quick rinse using some semi-cold water. When I get ready to shave the face, I use my Mach 3 (regular), clean up around the ears and all. Then depending on the possible razor bumps, I will use Clear Head then Head Lube. I used the Matte for a long time, but recently went to the Glossy last week. I still use Matte for weekends and stuff.
--- Quote from: The Funnel Weaver on February 12, 2007, 02:45:04 PM ---You seem to be pretty adamant about using sunblock, Tyler, what would you recommend? I am usually in the sun anywhere from 1-5 hours a day.
--- End quote ---
It looks like you have pretty fair skin and with the number of hours you are in the sun, I would recommend Coppertone Sport SPF 45 or 50. I think it's 45 now in the stores. You can see a review of it here: http://www.slybaldguys.com/smf/index.php?topic=23.msg26#msg26
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