Author Topic: Acne? Razor burn? Help!  (Read 22516 times)

Offline Mike

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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2009, 11:51:07 AM »
I was noticing this morning when I shaved that no new pimples are showing up. The pimples are just on the sides of my head, not the back or the top or my face. I think it might be my pillow, I thought about that last night and changed my pillow case. So far it looks like its clearing up so I might be mostly pimple free by this weekend.
 I have started using peroxide on my acne which always helped when I had pimples on my face.

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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2009, 12:09:09 PM »
I was thinking of another possibility, hats. My old cowboy hat didnt fit right since I went Sly so I went and bought a new one. When I got home I started thinking that you cant really wash cowboy hats and I wore it all the time in the summer when my head sweated. All the sweat that builds up in the sweat bands cant be good for a bald head. After thinking about it I threw all of my caps in the wash just to be safe even though I dont wear them much.

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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2009, 10:46:42 AM »
I followed along the lines of SaintC's routine.

1. I lathered up with the cuticura mild medicated soap and then exfoliated with a loofa glove (it actually is very convenient around the dome).

2. Post shaving I applied the witch hazel astringent followed by a moisturiser (aveeno).

3. I find putting the benzoyl peroxide on last is best as it causes chaffing or dryness when applied prior to the moisturiser.

All in all the shave was very smooth, even though there are still some pimples floating around.  At the moment I give a thumbs up to the cuticura & the loofa for exfoliation. O0

Hopefully, my dome will clear up in 1-2 weeks. All I have to do now is remember to clean it prior to bed when out drinking.  :px

Thanks again SaintC for the routine!

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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2009, 09:06:44 PM »
You should also wash your pillowcase frequently. You're new exposed scalp probably doesn't like all the crap from your hair that is on the pillowcases. I wash mine at least twice a week. Also the skin on your head has to get used to being scraped. Maybe shave every couple of days until your head toughens up.

this seems like some good preventive measures for combating acne.  Sleeping with a towel on the pillow is something I used when I had hair...and I'm using it now.  But I think I do need to try to keep that case more clean.


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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2009, 01:30:38 PM »
I suffer the same bumps around my hairline.  What kind of benzoyl peroxide is recommended?  Something over the counter or something prescribed?

Also I've been using some bump fighters like Head Clear.  Should I quit that and go with the witch hazel or use in addition to?

I'm very intrigued by the Cuticura that I see some of you recommend.  Does it work that well?


Offline D.A.L.U.I.

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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2009, 02:05:15 PM »
I suffer the same bumps around my hairline.  What kind of benzoyl peroxide is recommended?  Something over the counter or something prescribed?

Also I've been using some bump fighters like Head Clear.  Should I quit that and go with the witch hazel or use in addition to?

I'm very intrigued by the Cuticura that I see some of you recommend.  Does it work that well?


Usually you can get a 5 or 10% Benzoyl Peroxide at a pharmacy, I prefer an independent near me that has better prices than Wal-Mart.  I use plain hydrogen peroxide for my astringent, although a lot of the brothers swear by witch hazel.  I've not tried that since my hp works fine for me.  I do strongly advocate Cuticura, it's a mild anti-bacterial soap formulated for acne and has served me well for years.  Don't forget the loofa pad, not the sponge.  The pads are available at Wal-Mart for about $US2.50.  The loofa w/ soap will soften and remove oil plugs from the folicles and give you a smoother skin.  Post up in the Introduction section and let us know a little about yourself.  Welcome.


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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2009, 02:55:42 PM »
Thanks, Saintc.  Are you using the BP as the final layer of product on your head before setting out?

I've been shaving my head for almost a month now.  Trying to find my method of madness whether be in shower or at sink.  I want a convenient method to do both face and head.  I shave my face about every other day and I'm trying to do my head that same route.  I would like to do it daily so it would be slick smooth but if its going to cause irritation then that's a no.  I'm currently using a schick quattro for my head. I tried the headblade and found it a bit cumbersome around the sides, especially near the ears.  I hear a lot of people swearing by the mach III.  I guess I'll try that next.  I did get a sample of the head slick and that seems to be really good.

I'm sure some of my problem too may be over-washing.  I wash in the morning, then again at lunch after I go to the gym on my lunch break and then again at night.  I've always had oily skin.  By evening time I'm quite oily.

Has anyone ever used any of the cuticura body bars?  I tend to have acne prone areas on my chest and back and wonder if that was a good fit to help battle that.

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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2009, 03:11:54 PM »
Thanks, Saintc.  Are you using the BP as the final layer of product on your head before setting out?

I've been shaving my head for almost a month now.  Trying to find my method of madness whether be in shower or at sink.  I want a convenient method to do both face and head.  I shave my face about every other day and I'm trying to do my head that same route.  I would like to do it daily so it would be slick smooth but if its going to cause irritation then that's a no.  I'm currently using a schick quattro for my head. I tried the headblade and found it a bit cumbersome around the sides, especially near the ears.  I hear a lot of people swearing by the mach III.  I guess I'll try that next.  I did get a sample of the head slick and that seems to be really good.

I'm sure some of my problem too may be over-washing.  I wash in the morning, then again at lunch after I go to the gym on my lunch break and then again at night.  I've always had oily skin.  By evening time I'm quite oily.

Has anyone ever used any of the cuticura body bars?  I tend to have acne prone areas on my chest and back and wonder if that was a good fit to help battle that.

No, my final "layer" in winter or if I know I'm not going to be in the sun is Nivea Extreme Balm, light smell, feels great on my face and scalp.  Sun--Banana Boat--dry not greasy.  Only negative on Banana Boat it dulls the shine a little. 
In my opinion for what it's worth it's hard to wash the scalp too much.  First of all, it feels great, second if you have oily skin and mine is, it cleans up the oil and the soot, dust and other stuff in the air that now sticks to the scalp.  If I can't wash I usually keep some BaldGuys Wipes handy, or even wipe down with a wet paper towel in the mens room.  I was originally a little hesitant to do that, but now I figure I can and will and the fringers who can't may get the idea >:D--dump the fringe get on with life.  The loofa pad will also help the general acne issues by deep cleaning dried oil and junk out of the pores around body hair too. 
I also tried the Headblade, it is really an attractive piece of equipment.  But, like you, I found it hard to use so I stuck with Fusion and have only had one or two small nicks in 18 months.  My worst nicks were with the disposables--don't go there anymore.  I like Headslick, and I absolutely wouldn't be without my brush--feels good, works the slick into a great lather--what more can you ask. 
Great dome, now keep it up another 30 days and you'll be SLY for life. 


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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2009, 03:18:39 PM »
Thanks for the info.  Is your preference to shave in the shower or at sink?  Also, are you using same razor for your head as your face?

What Cuticura product would you recommend?  I was thinking of getting the bar for blemish/acne prone skin for the shower and either the same for the sink to wash at night or getting the daily foam wash for the sink.

I am using the Head Shed exfoliant for my scalp and face on the days I shave.  I really like it.  Smells like rubbing chocolate over my head...ha.

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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2009, 03:34:40 PM »
Thanks for the info.  Is your preference to shave in the shower or at sink?  Also, are you using same razor for your head as your face?

What Cuticura product would you recommend?  I was thinking of getting the bar for blemish/acne prone skin for the shower and either the same for the sink to wash at night or getting the daily foam wash for the sink.

I am using the Head Shed exfoliant for my scalp and face on the days I shave.  I really like it.  Smells like rubbing chocolate over my head...ha.
Re the exfoliant, stick w/ what pleases you, that is in essence is Sly.  I usually shave after the shower at the sink, but if I'm in a rush I shower shave, it's never as long lasting but it is fast.  I use the bar, it's blue and sits by the sink at all times.  I use a regular bar in the shower.  I do shampoo and condition my beard in the shower.  I've since found a little of the conditioner over the scalp before getting out seems to set up the scalp for shaving--but it may be my imagination.  I use the loofa pad in the shower. 


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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2009, 03:38:49 PM »
I've tried the sink shave before but not without making such a mess.  I'll have to give it another go. 

Did you say you use the same razor on your face as you do on your head?

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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2009, 01:45:32 PM »
I've tried the sink shave before but not without making such a mess.  I'll have to give it another go. 

Did you say you use the same razor on your face as you do on your head?

Oh, I make a mess at the sink too, but I use a towel to clean it up then throw it in the wash.  I use my trusty Fusion on my face, or what's left of it after the goat has grown in, and on my head. In that regard the Fusion has the triming blade or edger that really helps keeping the goat in bounds.   Only thing I change is I use gel on my face and Headslick + some baby oil on my scalp, w/ a second pass w/ Shave Secret and the rest of the HS in the brush.  The brush is really nice. 


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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2009, 04:23:43 PM »
Sounds like the biggest reason people use the shower from what I've gathered is b/c of the mess factor.  I can't tell any real difference in comfort in shaving in the shower vs at the sink other than on my face.  Does seem more comfy to shave at sink.

I used to use a brush with a double-edge safety razor on my face until I started going sly and got rid of the goatee.  I can't shave my upper lip area very well with the DE without knicks.  The rest of the face is no problem.

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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #28 on: April 16, 2009, 07:10:39 PM »
The upper lip is the most difficult part of my face to shave also, I'm always getting nicked there. As for the original post, Hookem makes a great point, washing and changing pillow cases frequently is important. I suffered from a ringworm looking infection at one point, spread all over my scalp. I now try to keep my head as clean as possible.


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Re: Acne? Razor burn? Help!
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2009, 07:44:24 PM »
Thank you, Peter.  What are you shaving with?


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