Author Topic: Laser hair removal on your scalp  (Read 619971 times)

Offline Dweezil

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #480 on: November 23, 2010, 06:13:18 PM »
Well Kokyman thanks for your help and now that you see the pics if you had to put a percentage on the improvement of the scar without the shadow what do you think it would be? Not to mention my loss is really low and shadow is very dark so even without the scar its not the coolest look one could hope for.

Offline kokyman

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #481 on: November 23, 2010, 06:30:58 PM »
Personally, if I was you, the first thing  I'd look up is how to reduce scar.

I definately believe, that there MUST be some kind of procedure which would take out excessive scar tissue, and connect lines together with much subtler stitches. Especially if you live in US, probably they have some advanced clinic for scar reparation of any kind.

After I've done max on that field, only then would I go for further improvements in reducing dark shadow. It will definately help to balance the contrast between 100%-haired area and pale skin, which is scarred. If sucessful, it would be in my estimation a tremendous improvement. But here, obviously no-one can guarantee successes with LHR on head.

Not enough pics, research... not only here, but on the whole Internet!

Offline Dweezil

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #482 on: November 23, 2010, 07:22:03 PM »
Yeah my scar HAS been revised. I have had three big pieces of scalp removed so the butchers could chop em up and redistribute them. Essentially there is no laxity in my scalp due to the amount removed so if the scar was excised and closed again ithere would be a very good chance of it stretching back eventually. And then theres the healing process wheres its all red and knarly and like i said will probably stretch again. So Im not really interested in being cut again I dont expect to ever look like a  fresh head before the well marketed butchers got me. Im Just lookin for an improvement and perhaps somethin that doesnt jump out at ya. One of my biggest issues is I dont have any trust in medical professionals. Thats why Im trying to get some independent verification on some of these ideas. Its been my experience that a good portion of "doctors" who do cosmetic procedures are souless money hungry freaks who will sell their fellow man out for a few pieces of silver. There are some god docs out there but Im leary of any procedure that  is heavily marketed.

Offline kokyman

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #483 on: November 23, 2010, 08:26:37 PM »
I completely understand you, that you don't have any trust in "doctors" anymore. Me neither, I've had my own share of misery, but on another field. I was completely impotent for years, as a result of 1-month intake of mr.satan's pill, finasteride. So I get you, man.

However, I believe that this laser hair removal doesn't have any real dangers in terms of what can go wrong. The worst thing is that after a couple of treatments your shadow looks like a fucking leopard pattern, but then after more, and more, and more treatments it will all be gone.

And if IPL doesn't work, YAG laser must. If YAG doesn't work, there are others.

Offline Dweezil

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #484 on: November 24, 2010, 10:26:13 AM »
Well Kokyman seems like as you have pointed out this particular thread is kinda dead and perhaps I wont get much more insight into this idea. I do however very much appreciate your opinions. Sorry to hear about your issues. Despite being follicullarly challenged your a good looking kid with a good look so not having lead in your pencil because of a drug is a definite mind @#$% as you  should have no issues gettin some.

I will remind you, although I understand its essentially useless. Your still better looking and in most ways probably better of then at least 98% of Humanity. Its all relative but just think how fast I would trade scalps with you. I know this type of talk does little for our own personal battles but its all i got to offer.

Good luck and thanks again.

Offline Razor X

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #485 on: November 28, 2010, 07:07:13 PM »
That scar is actually not that bad.  It looks like you have about a days' worth of stubble; if you get a closer shave it will probably blend in a little better.  A dermatologist can advise you on the dermabrasion procedures that are available to further minimize the appearance of the scar.

Offline chgobuzzbald

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #486 on: November 29, 2010, 01:09:27 AM »
Have you lookd into micro tatooing ? Google Artistry Hair Concepts Hair Replication in FLorida for guys who hav had HT scars done there. I am planning to go there for  mine in fact. have done Pixel Laser to smooth it out first.

Offline Jason66

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #487 on: November 29, 2010, 02:20:47 PM »

I thought I'd give an update regarding my laser Hair Removal so far. I've only had one treatment and a touch up for missed spots. But I can tell you what I've learned. I did a lot of research prior to starting this. as all you know, not to many people have posted long term results. Unfortunately, the technology hasn't been out that long to warrant it. I'v spoken to a few guys that had it done 4-5 yrs ago and they're happy with results they have even sent me pictures and updates.. Every person is different and there's a lot of variables that can alter outcome, so do your own research. As you know the laser ONLY works on dark hair. It does NOT work on light, gray, red, blond, very thin or fine hair. SO, the hair that it'll effect is the dark brown-black that are also med-thick hairs. You also have to take into account the tech's skill, the laser being used, your skin tone, hormone levels. 

From what I've read, hair grows in three different stages and can only be KILLED in the 1st stage (growth stage) when the follicle is attached to the blood supply. In the 2nd stage it's separating from the supply, and 3rd its just dormant. After the 3rd it starts over. The whole cycle takes 4-6 weeks depending on location. Different hairs will be at different stages at any given point, So only those in stage 1 will be effected. On top of that, there are also follicles that can be newly activated. This is why it takes many session to get it done.

The verdict is still out on if it actually kills the hair or damages it more and more just delaying growth. I can tell you that i had a SMALL spot done on neck 15yrs ago that never grew back. But for a full beard or head, results could be different. The guys I spoke to had similar results after a cpl yrs. Most if not all the dark thick hair has NOT grown back, BUT they did get a small amount of thin light peach fuzz growth that still had to be shaven every 3-6 days.  No shadow, just was able to see the hairs when light hits it.

What to expect. It HURTS, feels like a propane torch to your head. I got 25% coverage, or more of tats all over, and this hurt with the best of them. Areas with less hair hurt less. After treatment it feels like a bad sunburn for a few days (red) with some minor swelling. A bit painful to the touch. Hair looks to be growing, but it ain't. It's shedding at a slower rate then reg growth. The hairs are also fried, so shaving is a bit tougher for a few days. If you thought you had a few grays... SURPRISE... when the dark ones shed, there was a 1000 grays hiding in there. You'll also see the grays right after the session since they continue to grow normally as the others don't. After about 1-2 wks, all the dark hairs shed. Here you will see what areas where missed (if any). With me a few were, So had to go back for a touch up. INSIST on "overlapping" or you will get the "island" "leopard" look. Even with overlapping, she missed a few spots. So make sure they do the touch ups at no charge.

It's been 5 wks, and I'm now starting to see the dark hairs to come in. Remember, even though they all shed, only the ones in stage 1 die. And even out of all of those, some might just be temporally damaged. SO expect 10-12 sessions if not more. Spread them out 4-6wk apart (see what your own grow pattern is) You are throwing money away if going in for a session before the new cycle of hair came in. This can be very expensive. I paid $1,800 up front for 4 sessions of everything above the shoulders besides goatee. So in short, I'm about 80% convinced that it is permanent. Only time will tell. I know I'll need electrolysis to get those grays and very thin hairs. If you think you're going to do it, the sooner the better, less grays to have to pay for with electrolysis. It is difficult to give updates since true results will only be seen in years to come. I can tell you something is happening. It take me 3-4 min to shave full head and beard when it use to take me 30min or so. Even though my grays are showing more, my face has a more youthful appearance without the dark shadow. It is a gamble I'm taking, but with all the technology growing and changing, I hope if this don't work, they'll come out with something that will in the next few yrs. In the mean time I'll have less shadow, and shave a lot less.

As far as the HT scares one of you has, they seem bad in contrast to the dark hair. But with the shadow gone and maybe a slight tan, I don't think it would be that noticeable.

Offline Dweezil

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #488 on: December 07, 2010, 03:45:35 AM »
Razor X,Those pictures are essentially right after I shave. Cant really get any closer without irratating the scar( have nicked scar ridges a few times trying to get closer) and surrounding skin.

chgobuzzbald,As far as micro pigmentation I was turned down by Artistry Concepts. To their credit they didnt think i was a good candidate and said it wasnt for me. I am interested how your scar did with the laser and what kind of improveent you saw though.

Jason66, thanks for the update.

Offline HeadbladerBob

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #489 on: December 17, 2010, 07:09:32 PM »
I would if it existed and the expense was not high

God created only so many beautiful heads, the rest are covered by hair

Offline markc

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #490 on: February 12, 2011, 03:28:10 PM »
4 laser hair removal treatments now done, results are great. Shave every 2 days (could go longer but i like the smooth feel) and what grows back really is nothing. Results are great and it takes me less than a minute in the shower now to shave off the very sparse re-growth. Any hair that is growing back looks like it used to be the occasional grey hair which the clinic told me the laser would not treat. The time saved in shaving is great. Takes about 15 minutes each treatment and there are no horrible side effects after, just a pink head for  less than a day. 2 more treatments to go

Offline fsubar

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #491 on: February 14, 2011, 03:54:48 AM »
I completely understand you, that you don't have any trust in "doctors" anymore. Me neither, I've had my own share of misery, but on another field. I was completely impotent for years, as a result of 1-month intake of mr.satan's pill, finasteride. So I get you, man.

However, I believe that this laser hair removal doesn't have any real dangers in terms of what can go wrong. The worst thing is that after a couple of treatments your shadow looks like a f**king leopard pattern, but then after more, and more, and more treatments it will all be gone.

And if IPL doesn't work, YAG laser must. If YAG doesn't work, there are others.

I took Propecia for about a year, some years ago, and yeah it halted my hairloss, but it left me with lasting impotence problems as well. Did your negative effects ever go away? Or did you find a solution?

I have shaved my head for a couple years now, and I am much happier with it than with dealing with minoxidil all the time. I just wish I would have known how bad Propecia would mess me up.

Now with my head shaved, my confidence is up, and I have no problem meeting women. If I had just shaved my head in the first place, I would still have my libido, and be more consistently able to enjoy the great women that life has brought my way.

Offline kokyman

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #492 on: February 14, 2011, 12:13:18 PM »
I completely understand you, that you don't have any trust in "doctors" anymore. Me neither, I've had my own share of misery, but on another field. I was completely impotent for years, as a result of 1-month intake of mr.satan's pill, finasteride. So I get you, man.

However, I believe that this laser hair removal doesn't have any real dangers in terms of what can go wrong. The worst thing is that after a couple of treatments your shadow looks like a f**king leopard pattern, but then after more, and more, and more treatments it will all be gone.

And if IPL doesn't work, YAG laser must. If YAG doesn't work, there are others.

I took Propecia for about a year, some years ago, and yeah it halted my hairloss, but it left me with lasting impotence problems as well. Did your negative effects ever go away? Or did you find a solution?

I have shaved my head for a couple years now, and I am much happier with it than with dealing with minoxidil all the time. I just wish I would have known how bad Propecia would mess me up.

Now with my head shaved, my confidence is up, and I have no problem meeting women. If I had just shaved my head in the first place, I would still have my libido, and be more consistently able to enjoy the great women that life has brought my way.


Offline Larryj357

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #493 on: March 03, 2011, 07:42:23 AM »
All right guys I've read this thread and now I'm taking the plunge this morning. I've been considering this for a couple of years. I have my first session in about an hour. I have to say that Common's experience is what I'm hoping to achieve. We are about the same complexion. I have a 6 session package with 2 years free after that for any new growth in the area. I'm getting my head, front neck, and cheeks done. So I will keep a goat tee. I'm going to take a couple of motrin's to help with the pain. They are using a YAG laser. I'm kind of nervous and excited at the same time. I'm mostly nervous of the pain. Everything else has been discussed at length in this thread. I appreciate everyones advice and questions thus far. I hope to report back in with a decent experience. I was an early adaptor to LASIK and it has been the best investment ever. So I'm hoping for the same outcome now.

Offline kokyman

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Re: Laser hair removal on your scalp
« Reply #494 on: March 03, 2011, 07:50:03 AM »

Good luck, Larry!

By the way, $$?