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Laser hair removal on your scalp

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Professor Melon:
 :) Happy Harry has this exactly right. Shaving makes it an affirmation and the ritual taps into something--I still don't understand--that makes baldness meaningful, not just an accident of genetics. Even though I have come to hate the little bits of stubble in the shaving cream, the act of shaving is, to me, some expression of cleansing. The time I most feel clean and rejuvenated is right after the last go-over for missed spots and washing off of  the remaining shaving cream. For about six hours after that, I feel emancipated; after that, the fuzz begins to grow again. Profesor Melon

Penguins Fan:
Electrolysis would be an option only if you have rather severe MPB and there isn't a lot of hair left to remove.  Each follicle needs to be treated, sometimes multiple times.

Laser can work, but it has side effects.  You cannot allow sunlight to make contact with your scalp for several weeks after each laser treatment.

The best thing to do right now is just shave it and live with the shadow.  I like the totally bald look and would like to ditch the shadow, but there is nothing practical right now.

There is a Yahoo permanent scalp hair removal group. Some of those guys use wax or tweezers to get rid of their hair.  No, thanks.

There is a promising future possibility.  Check out this link.

If this stuff works, I will be making an appointment with my dermatologist to get rid of my scalp and facial hair.  My neck irritates easily after shaving, for one thing.  I like the totally hairless look and maybe it will soon be available.

Thanks for the great info Penguins Fan!!! Welcome to our forum as well

I'm a Bald By Choice guy. I didn't have any hair loss but wanted to be without hair. I shaved for a year to be sure it was what I wanted and then found the permanent scalp hair site on Yahoo. After tweezing for eight years, I was ready to take the final step. On a visit to my dermatologist, he suggested he could help take care of irritation on my stomach by lasering the hair out. I thought about it and finally got up the nerve to ask if he could laser my head bald. It took him back a little as he'd never had the request before, but stated it was hair and any hair, pretty much anywhere could be lasered. I had my first appointment on January 10. It took about twenty minutes to do the initial laser treatment. There wasn't any "pain", just a little tingle, more sharp than tingle, but not "pain", each time the laser shot. I have medium blond hair which bleaches out to nearly white in the sun with quite white skin. I had a patch on the back of my head which refused to be eliminated, and on my neck. There were stragglers on the sides and a few on top. It's been two and a half weeks now and the areas which I'd not been able to get completely smooth ARE now totally smooth when I shave. What had been rough from hair growth is no where near as rough and a shave lasts several days.

The full treatment, full scalp and back of my neck, ran $185 total. I'm in Los Angeles, if that helps with determining the appropriate cost. I have my next treatment on February 7 and am told it will likely take four to six treatments to obtain "full results". I was a little pink the first day, as if I'd been out in the sun for a few hours without protection. I've used SPF 50 sunblock each time I've been outside since to keep from having any side effects, which I haven't had. By the next day, I was "normal color" and haven't had any unusual sensations other than an incredibly smooth head! Using the sunblock isn't an issue as I'd usually worn a hat or the sunblock anyway to prevent sun spots and potential cancer on my dome. I've worked this hard to get my head bald, I want to make sure it looks its best as long as possible.

The dermatologist admitted he was more than a little curious and shocked by my request as he'd never had it proposed to him before, but the more he thought about it, the more he was intrigued to do it. It's as much a learning experience for him as it is for me, and I'm completely satisfied with his work so far. He's been a great dermatologist for years so I trust and respect him and his abilities completely. If you're considering lasering your head, and the cost isn't an issue for the results, make sure you know as much as possible about the person lasering you. I wouldn't let anyone less than an MD anywhere near my head with anything as potentially dangerous as a laser.

I had the laser treatments many years ago.  5 treatments total for $1000. Whole Head!  I have pictures and the  story posted on another website.  Bottom line, Hurt like hell, bruised afterward, with FAIR results. I still have to shave but it is much quicker and easier (so I still affirm daily)  IF I ever wanted to let the hair grow back, forget about it. It grows in patches and my head would look like a a globe (map) with little islands everywhere. If you want all of the details I will post the web site with the whole ordeal.


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